What Would Your Idea Be For A WWE Themed PPV?


Brilliant Idiot
If you were in charge of making an inventive WWE theme, what would you make it?

What would the name be?

How would it be unique?

I'll be thinking of one for a bit, so I don't just throw it together.
I'm not sure about a name for mine and this may sound stupid but for me If I could make a PPV it would be themed around Iron man matches, every match would have a time limit and the person with the most pin falls or submissions when the time runs out would be the winner and the main event would gave a lot of build in the weeks before hand and it would be either a 30 minute Iron Man match or maybe an Hour long Iron Man Match.
i actually agree with your idea, kazfan. but in my mind, i would have a falls count anywhere stipulation added on to the iron man ppv matches.
I had an interesting idea of having a King of the Ring type of tournament however with a little twist. Maybe you have qualifying matches on the Raw's and Smackdown's leading up to it but the idea is this. One bracket of the tournament is all wrestlers who have never been a World champion. The other bracket consists of wrestlers who have all been World Champion before, including the champion himself, and the main event of the show would be the winner of the champions bracket vs the winner of the bracket who have never been Champion. I think itd be just something interesting and different and give the fans a different main event they might not normally see every year.
I always thought it would be cool if there was a battle royal ppv. a 10 man battle royal for all the major titles. The royal rumble is my favorite ppv, but it sucks it only comes once a year. 4 battle royals in one ppv would kick ass
It seems that over the last couple years, the Survivor Series PPV has come into question as being antiquated. Others have mentioned that the show has lost its original focus... that being team-based, elimination style competition. "Traditional" Survivor Series matches are not featured prominently on the card anymore and when they are, they take a backseat to other non-team contests.

In an attempt to resurrect the "theme" of the show, I would propose a return to 4 vs. 4 or 5 vs. 5 team-based matches. The difference would be that they are all contested under "War Games" style rules. That is:

1. Two rings surrounded by a double-wide steel cage with a roof on top.
2. Instead of eliminations, teams are introduced one participant at a time with a member selected from each team to start. A coin toss or some other contest is conducted beforehand to determine who will have the advantage as new participants are introduced.
3. The first new particpant enters at the 5 minute mark, providing a 2 vs. 1 advantage. 2 minutes later, the next particpant enters making things even at 2 vs. 2. The match progresses with 3 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3, 4 vs. 3, etc. until all particpants have entered the ring.
4. Once all participants from both teams have entered the ring, submit or surrender rules apply. Pinfalls, DQ's, etc. cannot achieve victory. The match ends when one of the teams members either submits or is rendered helpless (ie; knocked out, requires medical attention, or otherwise can't continue).

Though it would have to be significantly tamed down for the WWE's PG rating (ie; no blood, excessive violence, etc.), the concept itself I think is still sound. It should add a new dynamic to the traditional Survivor Series formula and could go over well with longtime NWA/WCW fans that remember those matches. The fact that WWE owns the trademarks to the name "War Games" adds another layer of authenticity that something like "Lethal Lockdown" can't provide.
I had an interesting idea of having a King of the Ring type of tournament however with a little twist. Maybe you have qualifying matches on the Raw's and Smackdown's leading up to it but the idea is this. One bracket of the tournament is all wrestlers who have never been a World champion. The other bracket consists of wrestlers who have all been World Champion before, including the champion himself, and the main event of the show would be the winner of the champions bracket vs the winner of the bracket who have never been Champion. I think itd be just something interesting and different and give the fans a different main event they might not normally see every year.

Great idea, I thought that WWE would've done this already but they haven't. I like the twist aswell, it'll be then be different from other KOTR tournaments, the qualifying rounds would be on Raw and SD and then the tournament itself would be at the PPV. I even think that the final (winner of both brackets against eachother) could even be on the next PPV so that there is a build up to it. So my idea for a theme PPV is a KOTR PPV.

Oh and the name would be King Of The Ring, plain and simple.
This is my first time posting so im not too good at this but here goes.....Well i know this would never happen,but i think a ppv where they bring back the brawl for all would be pretty cool...the whole ppv would be king of the ring style but each match is a boxing match between both brands. the final match would be a lions den just to have some sort of wrestling.its kinda like a bragging rights for one person..no titles will be defended lol i know its a bit much... but i think this ppv would appeal to the mma fans and might bring some of them to watch..
I know this is completely ridiculous, but I've always wanted to see a combination ladder/cage match. I don't know how exactly it would work. Or even if they suspended a title above the hell in a cell so they had to get out, climb up...ok never mind, the thought of getting a ladder up there is completely implausible. But a cage/ladder match could be interesting, I could see someone attempting to jump off the top of the cage and grab the belt. But this will never happen because of the PG era (which, truth be told, I don't mind.)
I had an interesting idea of having a King of the Ring type of tournament however with a little twist. Maybe you have qualifying matches on the Raw's and Smackdown's leading up to it but the idea is this. One bracket of the tournament is all wrestlers who have never been a World champion. The other bracket consists of wrestlers who have all been World Champion before, including the champion himself, and the main event of the show would be the winner of the champions bracket vs the winner of the bracket who have never been Champion. I think itd be just something interesting and different and give the fans a different main event they might not normally see every year.

I think this is a terrific idea. A King of the Ring PPV needs to be done. I personally think it would bring in more viewers than any of the other themed PPV's because it would attract the older WWE/F fans that watched the KOTR ppv's when they were younger.

I would want to see the matches go as followed:

First Round
Champions Bracket

Chris Jericho vs Big Show
Sheamus vs Undertaker
Randy Orton (WWE Champion) vs Triple H
Kane (World Heavyweight Champion) vs John Cena

Non-Champions Bracket

The Miz vs Mark Henry
Christian vs Drew McIntyre
Daniel Bryan vs John Morrison
Wade Barrett vs Matt Hardy

Second Round

Champions PPV Bracket

Chris Jericho vs Undertaker
Randy Orton vs John Cena

Non-Champions PPV Bracket

The Miz vs Christian
Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett


Champions Bracket: Finals

Undertaker vs John Cena

Non-Champions Bracket: Finals

The Miz vs Wade Barrett


Undertaker vs The Miz

Winner: Undertaker
If the WWE wants to continue scheduling 3 Pay-Per-Views in the span of one months time, I'd bring back the Lethal Lottery for one of the PPVs. Especially if there is another instance where two of the PPVs are separated by only two weeks. Give out a suitable award for the winner. Throw a WWE Championship, or possibly a World Heavyweight Championship match also on the card so its main event isn't the Battle Royal finale. A lot of future television could be written based off of the complete random pairings such a match produces. Feuds could start, Tag Teams could be discovered, not to mention the Strategy element of pro wrestling will be front and center. A Face being forced to team with somebody he doesn't like/has already feuded with (possibly extensively), and having to rely on the guy for 1-2 matches just to secure a spot in the battle royal and a shot at an individual prize (like a WWE Title shot or something). If booked right, this controlled chaos could take the product in many different directions. Plus, although it doesn't do much for people caring about actual tag teams, the novelty of tag team wrestling in general could gain a bit of a boost. Really just a rough idea on how this could work, but even if it was a one time event it would be different, and something I haven't seen in a good 14 years.
my idea would be more like a combination of an inferno match outside of a steel cage... since now its a pg era for them, why not assemble an inferno around the ring. guys dont have to get cut up but instead have big moves. and have big spots. i know it can get really hot since i attended the inferno match between taker/kane, but it would look good on tv. also why not add music to the matches...
also why not bring back 2 out of 3 falls like wcw once used to do on saturday night back in '9sumthing. that was fun and it was clean enough to be considered pg. it made teams like flying brian and stunning steve austin stand out. maybe it can be applied to tag teams.
I came up with this idea in an e-fed once and it was very well-received. It's sort of a cross between the Royal Rumble and a Gauntlet match, but with it's own unique twist.

You have two rings, one of which is considered the "Penalty Box." The match starts with two guys in the main ring. They compete until somebody scores a pinfall, submission, or gets DQ'ed. The next competitor comes out and the loser of the last fall goes to the "Penalty Box." He waits there while the two guys go at it. Once another fall occurs, that loser goes to the Penalty Box and competes with the other guy, while a fresh competitor goes out to the Main Ring.

In the Penalty Box, the two guys compete until someone gets a win. The winner goes back to the Main Ring while the loser is now eliminated completely. Meanwhile, you have two guys going at it in the Main Ring. Now, the Main Ring becomes a triple threat as the winner from the Penalty Box goes back in.

In another scenario, the Penalty Box could start filling up with guys while the Main Ring remains a series of one-on-one matches. If there are suddenly two or three quick falls in the Penalty Box, all three guys would head to the Main Ring. The only way to be completely eliminated is if you lose in the Penalty Box. You could keep bouncing back and forth between the two rings. Ultimately, you won the match with a final victory when just two men were left in the Main Ring and no other competitors left to enter or remaining in the Penalty Box.

We had a lot fun with this match. One of the best moments was when one heel kept DQ'ing himself to go to the Penalty Box and rest when nobody else was in there to fight. There were so many ways the match could go. It was elaborate and was a little confusing at times to write results for, but it would translate great on TV.

We called it a "Penalty Box" match in the e-fed the PPV was being "held" in Edmonton, Canada where hockey is king. If WWE was going to make it a themed PPV, I suppose they could name the event "Double Down" or something playing on the two-ring set up.
My first thought right away was a King of the Ring style tournament, my twist on it would be that all of the competitors in the tournament see the prize at the end of the tunnel, which would be the final match of the tournament is a championship match against either the WWE Champion or the World Heavyweight Champion, depending on which show this was done for. I like the idea of having non champions in it, so as I was reading I thought, take 4 non champions and 4 champions, throw them into this tournament but make the first round non champion vs former champion, this way there is no chance of 2 non champions facing each other til at least the 2nd round.

There would be qualifying matches on Raw or Smackdown, but the actual 8 man tournament would be held on the PPV, with the potential winner having to be in 4 matches that night. I realize it would be a lot for one person to take on but then again it is the wrestling world and "anything can happen."
I'm just going to repeat something I have seen in other threads like this... I would like to see something similar to the Bragging Rights PPV except have the teams actually fighting for something other than "Bragging Rights".

It seems to me that not a lot of people give two craps about whether Smackdown or Raw wins, so throwing a title shot into the picture might help liven things up. Have the two teams face each other at Bragging Rights and the winning team gets a chance to be the Number One Contender. Turn that into an Elimination Chamber or Six Pack Challenge between the winning team members for the #1 Contender the next month (similar to the point of the Rumble) and you could develop some good feuds. I just think you could get more stories out of them actually fighting for something other than Bragging Rights. I think it would be really interesting to see a couple guys set aside their differences and try to work together to get a mutual chance at gold. You could build a lot of tension and make people wonder if they can actually put aside those differences. Like I said, it's nothing groundbreaking, but it could really help develop some new and exisiting feuds.
I had an interesting idea of having a King of the Ring type of tournament however with a little twist. Maybe you have qualifying matches on the Raw's and Smackdown's leading up to it but the idea is this. One bracket of the tournament is all wrestlers who have never been a World champion. The other bracket consists of wrestlers who have all been World Champion before, including the champion himself, and the main event of the show would be the winner of the champions bracket vs the winner of the bracket who have never been Champion. I think itd be just something interesting and different and give the fans a different main event they might not normally see every year.

Honestly, the WWE should bring back the king of the ring. I didn't like when they just did the semifinal to final (Quarterfinals being on raw or smackdown). I like it how they did it originally in 93 (8-man tournament) with Bret Hart winning it with great matches against Razor, Perfect, and Bam Bam Bigelow. It three different matches with different people and styles.
A Legends PPV would be interesting. Blasts from the past come back for one night only to do battle. The only problem is the big names are in TNA (Flair, Hogan, Foley).

King Of The Ring was always fun. They need a PPV centered completely around that. No title matches, just 1 tournament featuring 8 Superstars. Quarters/Semis/Final = 7 matches. Through the Roulette in there to determine matches.
I think they should do some kind of PPV where each respective brand has the entire roster fight it out and each person needs to be eliminated not by over the top ring out but standard pin/submissio/DQ etcetera and the last three remaining menwin in this order

3) One half of the undisputed tag team championships (The two winners of this would then become a reluctant tag team)
2) IC or US championshipp belt
1) World or WWE heavyweight championship

....OK I think I went over the top when I said the entire roster, there should maybe a couple of feud matches in there as well and the divas can do their only thing.

It would be amazing to watch but it counts upon one MAJOR factor which is all belts being free/relinquished before the matches which is a big ask and so due to the strange nature of the match it would more than likely be a one off PPV never seen before or since but stil......it would be worth it to see a match like that, or TWO!
I know this is completely ridiculous, but I've always wanted to see a combination ladder/cage match. I don't know how exactly it would work. Or even if they suspended a title above the hell in a cell so they had to get out, climb up...ok never mind, the thought of getting a ladder up there is completely implausible. But a cage/ladder match could be interesting, I could see someone attempting to jump off the top of the cage and grab the belt. But this will never happen because of the PG era (which, truth be told, I don't mind.)

Mate i Love this Idea, I actually have been thinking about this for ages. Have the PPV Called Rage In The Cage, Sort of Combine Hell in the Cell PPV and Tables, Ladders and Chairs PPV.

WWE Title Match could be a Caged Ladder Match, in which you have to get a ladder into the ring by either trying to throw it over the cage or in the door, first person to get the belt is the winner.

Another Variation could be a Table Cage match, with the same rules applying but with tables instead of ladders.

On a side note another GREAT PPV theme would be like TNA's King of the Mountain Match and/or Ultimate X Match
As another idea i really like what TNA do along the lines of their feast or fired match, cept nobody gets fired in this, there are just two different rewards or one reward and one booby prize. IVE GOT IT. The winners gets a title, whichever title they are fighting for and the loser get drafted!!! Here is the beautiful part.... Each separate match has the two brief cases positioned in different parts of the arena with a clue as to which one is the one they want to win.... cause otherwise they could basically win a match and then not get the prize which would be stupid, they have to fight for it....

Well I'm not massively sure on the details but something along those lines would be good and you could have it instead of that 3-hour raw for the draft. A PPV based upon it about 2 months after mania would be far better. Lets see what about "No deal" as a name, anybody likey
Fuckin WWE should be doing this instead of us, what they really don't seem to realise is that you don't fit performers and base them around a match. You base the match around the performers....e.g. Undertaker was a morbid character hence buried alive match, you see?
I know it's hardly original, but I'd love to see the "raw roulette" concept as a PPV, but without all the stupid dance-offs and other idiotic stuff they put on. I think it'd be a really cool way to develop feuds and create memorable moments and avoid the overkill that comes from having 2 or 3 HIAC/elimination chamber matches in one night.
This is pretty interesting, I would say why not have a themed PPV with Roulette? Like they sometimes do on RAW. It would be pretty entertaining and would fit their current PG rating, each match type would be decided by the Roulette.
I don't know the name but they should have a ppv centered around there cash cow/squasher...it would be 8 matches all Cena vs ?? and see how many matches it'd take for one to win and beat him. The ppv would be 8 matches and Cena would prolly win all of em cause if you face Cena you mine as well expect to lose...so on a personal note Cena being Nexus' bitch is awesome!
But before we can add one that we want, we have to see what they currently have

Bragging Rights
Survivor Series
Tables, Ladders, & Chairs
Royal Rumble
Elimination Chamber
WrestleMania XXVII
Extreme Rules
Over the Limit
Fatal 4-Way
Money in the Bank
Night of Champions
Hell In a Cell

If i missed any I am sorry. But you would need to severly alter the list and narrow down PPVs.

Survivor Series
Royal Rumble
WrestleMania XXVII
Night of Champions

Keep but Change
Bragging Rights (something other than Bragging Rights for the winner)
Extreme Rules (How is a submission match Extreme? the Submisisons count anywhere would fit but its better in the next one.)
Over the Limit (Pushing the limits...Submisisons count anywhere, Iron Man matches)

Get Rid of
Tables, Ladders, & Chairs (could be used in Extreme rules PPV)
Elimination Chamber (Should be a match for Raw or Smackdown on a ppv like Over the Limit or Extreme rules)
Fatal 4-Way (Bad concept)
Money in the Bank (Match can be At Mania and done twice with Raw and Smackdown)
Hell In a Cell (Lost prestige go back to use it to end fueds.)

That gives us 8 PPVs to keep or to keep and change. WWe was looking to decrease the number and here is how to do it.

The ones I decided to keep are because they are already solid theme ones IMO.
Bragging Rights (Like but not before Survivor Series.)
Survivor Series (Historic Team concept)
Royal Rumble (The Rumble match itself sets up road to Mania.
WrestleMania XXVII (Flag ship of cousrse keep)
SummerSlam (Keep, too many memories not to)
Night of Champions (Awesome but make sure only title matches, or BIGGER storyline matches)
Extreme Rules (Hardocre Fans would love it if done right but the PG era nope.)
Over the Limit (Like the concept just need better match ideas.

so either do 8 a year or add a few more. Ones I would add
King of the Ring (look who used it as a way to a belt)
War Games/WW3
One Night Only (ways to bring back guys for one night only for one last match)

Just some of my ideas.

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