What would you think if Punk...

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Punk lives the straight-edge lifestyle. He doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. Not only is this his gimmick but he lives this lifestle in real life. He really believes it etc.

My question is hypothetical, and Yes, I understand "This will never happen" blah blah blah.

What would you think if Punk was caught intoxicated, drugged up, smoking etc.? In both cases, if the WWE tried to use it solely as a storyline, or if he was really caught doing something not straight-edge in real life? If you're a fan of his, would you stop being a fan? Would his career with the WWE be over? Would you consider him a hypocrit? If it happened in real life would the WWE try to turn it into a storyline?
From all the shoot interviews I've seen and all that I have read, Punk does indeed practice a straight edge life style. Honestly, I think it would be difficult to pull off that kind of gimmick if he didn't since wrestler's personal lifes have become public knowledge over the past decade.

I am a huge fan of CM Punk- but for me, it has nothing to do with being straight edge. If I saw pictures or videos of him drinking, it wouldn't bother me a bit. What he does on his own time is his business. I only concern myself with what his does while he is at work.

As far as what kind of reaction the WWE may have to said situation- well, that depends. The WWE has been known to incorporate real life situations in their storylines, so that is always a possibility. However, if the issue was drug related, I don't see that being used. WIth the wellness policy, the WWE has been cracking down on drug use. If Punk was using drugs he would be suspended like most others have been.
With that being said, If Punk were suspended for violating the wellness policy, a lot of fans would now know about this, and it would spread like wildfire. Someone who's been preaching the fact that he's straight-edge from even before WWE and even has tattoo's for it. I would definitly consider him a hypocrit and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I think if he was caught in real life, either the WWE would turn him heel using it as a storyline for a few months but then eventually release him.
I wouldn't personally give a shit if he was caught drinking, smoking weed, doing coke, or even riding the H Train. As long as he doesn't let it affect his performance within the WWE then I don't see a problem with it from a personal stand point.

On the other hand, if he ever failed a WWE drug test everyone would find out and this would be very bad for him. In that situation, WWE would either have to...
- Change his gimmick (unlikely)
- Change his gimmick and then bury him (More Likely)
- Just fire his ass (Probable)
CM Punk would look like a hypocrite. Not because of his gimmick of being Strait Edge, but because in every single one of his shoot interviews he talks about how "it's not just a gimmick, it's how I really live my day to day life.". That would make unusable if no fans respected him.

PS: Just ranting, don't kill me with insults ;)
I would not care... i dont like Punk now... if he did drugs, i just would dislike him more... i think he is boring to watch... It would be kind of funny to see how WWE would handle it though...

And to the guy (RVDgurl) that said that said that the WWE would not use the drugs in a storyline, how bout Jeff Hardy?? They used his... The WWE does not care if thy are putting down some one... As long as its bringing in the "money, money, yea yea" or as Vince says it, the "monnnnn-naaaaaaaay"
They never really acknowledged drugs in any sense, especially with Jeff Hardy. They obviously knew about it, obviously knew we knew about it, and played it off so that it COULD look like drugs. But Drugs were never mentioned in a storyline.

Hardy got suspended, and at least to my recollection, no reason was given on air as to why Hardy was no longer in the MITB ladder match. I remember reading on WWE.com in the small business news that he was suspended, but that was pretty much it.

When he came back, he really only said that he was sorry, he made some mistakes, and he won't be doing those mistakes again. To us, the smarks, we knew obviously what he was referring to, but not everyone, and he never mentioned specifically what he was sorry for.

And as for the attack in Boston, Being found unconcious in a stairwell? It made the storyline more interesting, I honestly did NOT find it distasteful as they never in any sense hinted about Anything with drugs.

That was way off-topic. Anyways IF punk was caught in real life with say, steroids or drugs and failed a test, they would probably run a storyline where a heel tried to ruin his credibility and needled him up without his knowledge. A feeble attempt to save Punk's image that wouldn't work imo.
What I never understood is how that can even be the basis for a gimmick. Okay, he doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. What-the-fuck-ever is the big deal about it? It's not even special since tons of other people don't; but on that count, they don't go pierce their lips like ******s to clean the slate either. How the bloody hell could you even incorporate a "straight-edge" lifestyle into a storyline?

Ridiculous. And the fans just eat it up, too. Not that I'm surprised...most of them cheer for the likes of Cryme Tyme, too.
I am not a fan of Punk at all, but I don't think I would stoop so low as to use his (hypothetical) hypocrisy to argue why I believe he is not a good wrestler. If he got caught violating the Wellness Policy or if he was arrested for drug or alcohol use, I would probably just laugh a little (due to the irony of it all) and then think nothing more of it. However, I know Punk would never be able to live it down, and he would probably be released by WWE.
I don't see the big draw in CM Punk. I'm not a big fan of his look, I think his finisher is among the worst in wrestling and all and all I don't see the big deal with the guy.

I see why WWE is using his whole IM CLEAN imagine because WWE is tryin got PG. They try to do the ATTITUDE stuff on ocassion to keep the older fans watching, but all and all it's just a kids show. Granted it's the best damn kid's show on TV. . .

IF CM got busted I agree with all of you. They would turn it into a storyline, then you would be seeing him on TNA for sure. In fact I think CM Punk would do very well in TNA - and I wouldn't be watching it.
Ok, first off, I'm not a huge fan of Punk's. I like him but I'm not crazy about him. To me, he's just another wrestler. With that being said, if he was caught on drugs, or drunk, or some sort of scenario, I wouldn't be suprised. I'm sure he has had a few beers before. And if he hasn't, God bless him. But I wouldn't be suprised. Some people on the internet may make Punk being caught a bigger deal than it really is, but I wouldn't. It would be normal. Some fans may be turned off by this and feel lied to. So, the only thing Vince would be able to do is turn this into a storyline. That's the only thing he can do without pissing off the fans with a real life story. Turning this into a storyline would be great. I, personally, would love it.
Good topic. I think if it was drinking or smoking a ciggi and it was leaked to the net or something then WWE would jump on it and try to incorporate it into a storyline and would turn Punk heel.

If it was drugs, he'd be wished well in future endevours.

The thing with Straight Edge guys (i got a few mates that are straight edge) is that they are proud mother fuckers so i think if something like that did get leaked he'd probably be so dissapointed in himself his performance would drop, his fans would deminish and he would be back at home wishing he could have a cone to pass the time.

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