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What would you rather see for TUF 13?

Kid Joker

Dark Match Jobber
So with TUF 12 concluding and the coaches match being tomorrow, a new season of TUF should be right around the corner. However there are yet to be any coaches named for the show. With the Welterweight Division having been showcased just now, many are saying the Middleweight Division should be next. Out of all the names that have been rumored to coach, or fantasized about being a coach, Chael Sonnen's name has come up in about every discussion for the next coach on the Ultimate Fighter.

Now with that, other names have been tossed as his counter coach, names like Silva, Okami, but those are more matches then coaching duels. Some of the more prominent names being tossed around is a war of words with Michael Bisping, which would be absolutely hilarious, good for the show, great sound bites. And more recently Wanderlei Silva, because of there own war of words on the social network Twitter. This would be just as good of a show in my mind and would probably have a better actual fight at the end.

So my questions to you guys is:

Who do you want as the coaches of TUF 13, and Why
If Chael Sonnen is picked to be a Coach, would you rather Wandy or Bisping? And Why.
I would rather see Sonnen and Bisping coach the two teams, then Sonnen and Wandy. Now, I believe Sonnen would beat either guy, that said that trash talk between Sonnen and Bisping would probably be better then the trash talk between Sonnen and Wandy. I also feel like the fans would rather see Sonnen/Bisping because both guys are so easily disliked, whereas Wandy is a guy many people love. I don't think people, at leats myself, want to see Wandy get beat up and trash talked by Sonnen, but I do want to see Sonnen rip Bispings head off like Hendo did.

I also believe that Sonnen vs. Bisping would be a better draw. Both guys know how to get a fight hyped by talking shit. With Bisping you get the UK vs. USA thing going again which would be good for numbers. I don't knwo if Wandy would draw big numbers from Brazil, though I may be wrong on that. Bisping is just a great antagonist for Americans, and Chael will be a great antagonist for the UK fans. People will love watching these guys potentially tear each other a part.
I'd love to see Sonnen vs Bisping. The UFC needs to get its ass into gear and sort out its UK coverage as I can't find any free shows on the mainstream TV channels over here. Hopefully Bisping would do that. Even if its on at a stupid time, I'd record it for sure.
The Middleweight division lacks some of the stars and personalities the other divisions have to make decent coaches, but it's also the division that lacks depth the most. So it needs new marketable stars.

Anderson Silva is a decent choice, though he does come of as slightly aloof, no?

Chael Sonnen is a pot stirrer, like Koscheck, and I wonder if he's be able to take the emphasis off himself long enough to be effective as a coach.

Kendall Grove is damn sure not ready.

Bisping coached already against Dan Henderson. It was ok. I doubt they'd re-do that.

Rich Franklin has coached twice now.

Evan Tanner is up there in years, and though I think he'd make a superb coach, I wonder of anyone would get excited over the payoff fight with him at the end.

Here's the thing - GSP and Kos were the coaches as Welterweights, but the participants were lightweights. And Nam Phan went to Featherweight in his recent fight I think. Why not have a show for Welters and Middles, but have the coaches be Frankie Edgar and BJ Penn or even go with alumni and take Diego Sanchez and Joe Stevenson. They could coach the welters and the middles, and you'd have a solid base for two weight classes in need of some new blood.
I'd love to see Sonnen vs Bisping. The UFC needs to get its ass into gear and sort out its UK coverage as I can't find any free shows on the mainstream TV channels over here. Hopefully Bisping would do that. Even if its on at a stupid time, I'd record it for sure.

Channel 5 show events a few weeks after the event, that isnt gonna change anytime soon, Sky Sports and ESPN have the UFC tied up for a long, long while.
The Middleweight division lacks some of the stars and personalities the other divisions have to make decent coaches, but it's also the division that lacks depth the most. So it needs new marketable stars.

Anderson Silva is a decent choice, though he does come of as slightly aloof, no?

Chael Sonnen is a pot stirrer, like Koscheck, and I wonder if he's be able to take the emphasis off himself long enough to be effective as a coach.

Kendall Grove is damn sure not ready.

Bisping coached already against Dan Henderson. It was ok. I doubt they'd re-do that.

Rich Franklin has coached twice now.

Evan Tanner is up there in years, and though I think he'd make a superb coach, I wonder of anyone would get excited over the payoff fight with him at the end.

Here's the thing - GSP and Kos were the coaches as Welterweights, but the participants were lightweights. And Nam Phan went to Featherweight in his recent fight I think. Why not have a show for Welters and Middles, but have the coaches be Frankie Edgar and BJ Penn or even go with alumni and take Diego Sanchez and Joe Stevenson. They could coach the welters and the middles, and you'd have a solid base for two weight classes in need of some new blood.

Evan Tanner is deceased. May he rest in peace.

The problem I have with Frankie and BJ or Diego and Joe Daddy is that we have already seen those fights. Part of the appeal of TUF is that the coaches will fight at the end of the season and we have already gotten these fights. Now, that does not mean they can't coach, it just wouldn't be all that interesting.

Chael Sonnen is a shit talker, so is Michael Bisping and trash talk sells. What better way to get people excited for a fight then to see two guys talk shit for 2 or 3 months. Now, the problem with this is that it would over shadow the fighters on the show which is not right to do, but of all the options I see right now they make the most sense, or Wandy/Sonnen. Unless they come up with something like a retro grudge fight like they did with Liddell and Ortiz I don't envision anybody more interesting on the show then Chael Sonnen.
Holy crap how did I forget that Tanner died!? Wow, that totally slipped my mind! UFC should really ask Wiki to take his name off of their page under 'middleweights.' Is it too soon for a joke about how nobody would be better at 'lay and pray?'

I don't know much about Chael Sonnen other than that he ran his mouth and didn't really back it up with Anderson Silva. But I guess it makes a lot of sense.

I hate to think they're running low on options.
Well I wouldn't say Chael didn't back up his shit talk. He whooped Anderson Silva's ass for 4 and a half rounds. That is pretty damn impressive, especially since a lot of people weren't really backing him, I await Guy to come in here and express his man crush on Sonnen now :). Sonnen just didn't seal the deal and got sloppy and got caught. Great fight that showed Sonnen to be the real deal and showed that Anderson is still a very dangerous fighter when he chooses to be.

TUF is just a perfect situation to reintroduce Sonnen since he has been gone and Bisping would be a great opponent stemming from the shit they said about each other a few months back. I don't know if TUF is running out of truly viable coaches, but I do think Chael would be a great choice, especially if it is against Bisping. TUF 13 just feels and seems like the right place and thing for Chael to return to the UFC for.
The obvious choice would be Chael Sonnen. People are still wanting to see him in the public eye and with him not being able to fight because of his suspension this would be a good way to rejuvenate Chael Sonnen get him some exposure and really provide an entertaining Ultimate Fighter.

Michael Bisping is a good choice, i will enjoy the constant verbal wars between Chael and Bisping they're both bad guys for the opposing country (british vs american). The fight could potentially sell itself and it is a good test for a returning Bisping. But one thing is we have already seen Bisping as a coach so that might stop the UFC.

Wanderlei Silva is my personal favourite choice. There will be trash talk but to a lesser extent because Wandy's english isn't the greatest but still. It will be entertaining. Wandy will bring greater experience to the fighters than either Bisping or Sonnen. To be honest a fight between Wandy and Chael for me is a way better fight than Chael and Bisping. But I think Wanderlei lack of english will a bit of a barrier.
It seems the most logical move to have Chael Sonnen coach the next season as the ultimate fighter whilst he serves out the duration of his suspension. However I think he should be paired up with Bisping.

I'm a big Bisping fan (being British) yet a bigger Chael fan so if these guys do trash talk each other I think it would make for some great viewership. Bisping has that accent and just acts like a prat and the americans loath him whilst this can be the opportunity for Sonnen to rectify his place as the American hero by stopping Bisping when they do finally meet making up for his whole CSAC saga.

If Wanderlei was chosen to coach I think that would be a disadvantage to the UFC. Sure Wanderlei can talk some english but it is very basic. He would be disadvantaged against a shit talker like Sonnen. Plus Wanderlei is very over with the crowds whilst TUF 13 would give Chael a chance to win back the American audience by shutting up obnoxious brit Michael Bisping. If Chael and Wanderlei did fight I fear the worst for Wanderlei when at least a fight with Bisping would be a littler more even in my book.
Apparently Lesnar and Mir are now in the running to be the next coaches as well. Personally, I'm not too keen on a Mir/Lesnar rubber match, but I think this pairing could make for an interesting season. Lesnar's a pretty private guy, so it would be fascinating to see how he would coach. Given the history these two have, there would likely be plenty of trash talk as well. If Dana White wants ratings, this is probably the best possible choice - I know I'll watch anything involving Brock.

However, I would like to see Sonnen/Silva even more. Sonnen's incessant trash talking is just a pleasure to hear and I think putting him on TUF would easily get him back into the public eye after the CSAC incident. Like many of you, I would prefer him being paired up with Bisping if just for comedic purposes, but I doubt that's going to happen. Still, Wandy would be good enough and it would probably create the effective face/heel dichotomy that made the last season so enjoyable.

If White goes with either pairing, I'll be satisfied, but I'm pushing for Sonnen/Silva.
I seriously have to question Dana's logic in considering Lesnar for coaching next year. What has the man done in mixed-martial arts to deserve a coaching nod? Yes, I realize he's a former world champion, but is he really anything more than a freak of nature and a world class wrestler? Not to diminutize that or anything, but he's an amazing wrestler with some marginal other skills.

This would be a move just to bring TV ratings, and I'd be concerned if I were one of the contestants on the show with Lesnar coaching. He's still learning, and is hardly in a place to teach.

Mir has coached before, and did a decent job, though.
I seriously have to question Dana's logic in considering Lesnar for coaching next year. What has the man done in mixed-martial arts to deserve a coaching nod? Yes, I realize he's a former world champion, but is he really anything more than a freak of nature and a world class wrestler? Not to diminutize that or anything, but he's an amazing wrestler with some marginal other skills.

This would be a move just to bring TV ratings, and I'd be concerned if I were one of the contestants on the show with Lesnar coaching. He's still learning, and is hardly in a place to teach.

Mir has coached before, and did a decent job, though.

Normally I'd agree but there have been some other fairly shitty coaches in past seasons as well. Rampage Jackson is a great fighter but as a coach in not one, but two seasons he was not very impressive. Then just this last season Josh Koshcheck was a horrendous coach. He had the tools to be decent but he didn't use them. He was lazy and his team didn't really learn anything. The key is the other coaches around Lesnar. Brock is trained by Greg Nelson who is a very respected and knowledgeable coach. What Brock lacks in technical knowledge of MMA, Nelson will be able to more then make up for. Lesnar may not be the best choice but there have certainly been worse coaches.
I seriously have to question Dana's logic in considering Lesnar for coaching next year. What has the man done in mixed-martial arts to deserve a coaching nod? Yes, I realize he's a former world champion, but is he really anything more than a freak of nature and a world class wrestler? Not to diminutize that or anything, but he's an amazing wrestler with some marginal other skills.

This would be a move just to bring TV ratings, and I'd be concerned if I were one of the contestants on the show with Lesnar coaching. He's still learning, and is hardly in a place to teach.

Dana would just be channeling is inner Vinny Mac if he went with Lesnar/Mir as coaches, strictly for the ratings that's for sure. We all know there is the heated rivalry between the two. But I wouldn't be to concerned about Lesnar's coaching, don't forget that the coaches bring in a slew of other trainers and coaches to help them with the fighters. If Rampage can coach twice on TUF then Lesnar can definitely get a crack at it. Rampage is way ahead of Lesnar in skills in mixed martial arts, but was horrible as a coach.

I think Brock would make a decent coach just for his work ethic when he trains, if he incorporates that with the fighters, along with the help from his trainers with the technical stuff he will do alright as a coach.
I'd have to think that Sonnen is going to get some sort of coaching position in this new season, if not for the simple fact that he needs to be worked back into UFC, and this is as smooth a transition as you're going to get, really. This of course is on the grounds that they're going in the middleweight division. IrishCanadien makes a wonderful point by saying they need the most promotion. That, and frankly, I hate to say this, but the recent news of... Let's just say Sonnen's "hormonal issues" are going to only stir a contentious pot. And if there's one thing that UFC loves, it's stirring the pot.

One note on Lesnar, if I may. Yes, as an MMA fighter, Lesnar has proven very little. Yes, he's won a world title, but beside the point. He's still green as duck shit out there. That said, the man may just have the best amateur wrestling background of all the perennial UFC names. The man lost five teams in college. Five times, and was national champion in the heavyweight decision. Sure, his martial arts leave plenty to be desired. I get that. But in terms of actual wrestling, the man is pretty much unparalleled in ability. His standup game is what gets him into the most trouble, really, and for Lesnar, if he can work some quickness into his game, and not rely on brute force, I think that his superb wrestling skills can be an invaluable lesson for anyone looking to get into UFC.

That, plus Lesnar is uber competitive. You don't think that's going to help out with his training of others? The man wants nothing more to win, and you better bet your ass people will tune in to see this shit. Is he the absolute best choice? Fuck no, going with two people in the middleweight division seems best. But he's not exactly the worst, either. He could actually teach quite a bit.
I would usually say Wandy and Sonnen (Dont know why a steroid user might get the chance to be a tuf coach) but looking from the business side it should be Bisping. A former tuf winner and MMA is continuing to grow in the UK, and with Bisping being a coach it would help. But yeah Id love to see Wandy smash Chaels face in.
I would usually say Wandy and Sonnen (Dont know why a steroid user might get the chance to be a tuf coach) but looking from the business side it should be Bisping. A former tuf winner and MMA is continuing to grow in the UK, and with Bisping being a coach it would help. But yeah Id love to see Wandy smash Chaels face in.

Try doing a little research on what happened with Sonnen, here is the thread that explains it, http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=143038 read up on that and you'll see he wasn't doing it to gain a competitive edge.

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