What Would You Like To See Happen With The WWE Title Over The Next Twelve Months?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
After last weeks show and Brock Lesnars return I made a prediction about what would happen (Disaster on the horizon = F5), and now it looks like the seeds may have just been planted for an incoming Brock Lesnar Title run (getting cosey with Laurinaitis). Here is what I would like to see happen to next 12 months leading up until Wrestlemania 29.

At the draft, rumoured to be April 23rd have Cena be drafted to Smackdown after Extreme Rules. This keeps him and Brock apart after their short fued, also allows Cena to give Smackdown some star power and he can rebuild himself over there before returning to Raw full time later in the year. He can still make appearences on Raw as it is 'The Supershow'. WWE wins.

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena
I think this is the perfect PPV for Brock to return against Cena. I would make this match brutal and have John Laurinaitis screw Cena by putting a stop to the match. It cements the Brock and Laurinaitis partnership and gains heat for Lesnar. It also plays to Cenas 'never give up' attitude. Brock looks a beast, Laurinaitis gets heat and Cena doesn't look weak off the back of another loss.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho vs Mark Henry
Punk retains, but doesn't beat Chris Jericho, he beats Mark Henry. This will give the Punk vs Jericho fued more legs and adds a point of difference.

Number 1 Contenders Match - Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry
Laurinaitis calls for a Number 1 contenders match to take place between Mark Henry and Brock Lesnar. I would make this a squash match. Have Lesnar destroy Mark Henry to make him look even more dominant. Brock can take a few weeks off as this match needs no story.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho
Make this some kind of gimmick match like submission. Wrestling purists will love this. Have Punk go over again and retain.

John Laurinaitis was right when he said there was a disaster on the horizon. That disaster is Brock Lesnars F-5 and Punk must defend the title at No Way Out against him. Brock can play off the fact this is inside a cage and he is a cage fighter. It is the perfect opportunity for Brock to get his title match is this PPV.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Brock Lesnar
Brock gets his title match in a cage, they can play off this giving him an advantage. Lesnar wins the gold.

WWE Title - Brock Lesnar (c) vs CM Punk
Punk loses his rematch with Laurinaitis declaring this is his 1 and only chance at Lesnars title. Punk is out of the title picture and continues his fued with Laurinaitis.

MITB Ladder Match - John Cena
Cena wins the MITB Ladder Match. This puts him right back into the title picture which he hasnt being around for a while and also allows him to move back into the Raw playground fulltime. Have WWE play off the fact the winner can challenge any title holder.

Brock is in the ring and gloating he has beaten the best WWE has to offer. Cue the return of The Great One. He challenges Brock to a match at Summerslam 2012 - 10 years in the making of their first bout which Brock won.

WWE Title - Brock Lesnar (c) vs The Rock
Rock wins by DQ after Lesnar is disqualified so he keeps the title. Rock gives a 'Rock Bottom' to Lesnar and then John Cenas music hits. Cena comes down and cashes in his MITB briefcase and wins the Title. He then gives an AA to Rock who is nursing injuries on the floor.

Rock was badly beaten by Brock and the AA and is injured indefinately and unable to compete. Meanwhile Brock challenges Cena to a Title match at Night Of Champions.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs Brock Lesnar
Cena wins the match by DQ as Brock is once again disqualified. Brock beats down Cena after the bell. He is out of control.

John Laurinaitis in order to preserve his GM Role is under pressure from the board of directors to suspend Brock Lesnar. Brock is suspended until further notice. This allows him to make lots of appearences in Wrestlemania season and gives him a rest from travelling. Brock delivers an F-5 to Laurinaitis before he leaves. Lord Tensai is the next challenger to John Cenas gold.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs Lord Tensai
Tensai has been built up strong the last few months but it is 'Super Cena' who comes out on top here. Cena retains the gold.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs CM Punk
The Rock returns and costs John Cena the title. A distraction and a Rock Bottom later and CM Punk is your new WWE Champion. Rock doesnt garner heat from this because he is seeking revenge for the injury at Summerslam and Punk is still a face.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett vs Lord Tensai
Punk defends his title successfully. I would make this fatal 4 way because the Fatal 4 Way PPV has gone and it means Cena doesnt have to lose to Punk again. Punk can pin somebody else in the match. I think and hope Barrett moves to Raw. I think he will get a title run in 2013.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Wade Barrett
Barrett is kept in the main event, but Punk retains the title.

Royal Rumble Match - The Rock
The Rock is entered into this match and eliminates John Cena last. This adds to their fued. The Rock is going to Wrestlemania for a title match.

Also: Brock Lesnar returns from the crowd and eliminates a returning Undertaker from the Rumble match setting up their Wrestlemania 29 match. He wants to end the streak and kill the deadman. Lesnar is a man out of control and a real threat. He beats Kane at Elimination Chamber in a tune up match.

The Rock says he is challenging for the WWE Title leading to a potential match with CM Punk at Wrestlemania 29. But Punk has to defend at the Elimination Chamber first.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett vs Lord Tensai vs Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger
John Cena wins the gold setting up a huge rematch against The Rock at WM29 for the WWE Title. This is even bigger than their first bout and adds to a now 2 year old fued!

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs The Rock
John Cena retains the gold by beating The Rock and getting revenge for his Wrestlemania 28 defeat. The fued FINALLY ends!

Hope you enjoyed the read. This is what I would like to see and do if I had the powers! You probably think different. Thats fine!

BTW - Superstars such as Miz and Del Rio would be on Smackdown so not a part of the title WWE picture at any point in 2012/2013.
You may have it nailed it. Would make sense to have Cena with the strap at Mania in a re match with the Rock seeing as a year ago Cena said WM 28 was supposed to be for the WWE Championship. This match could garner just as much attention as the first.
This is a very good storyline, and seems very realistic with brock and laurinitis being together, him being out of control, and rock winning the rumble. I really like the way you ended rock and cenas feud with the title match at wmania 29
Great post. I agree with most of it although I do think The Rock will win the belt at some point (then lose it back probably to John Cena). They would not have had him say he's going for the belt one more time, if he's not going to win it. I dunno, just my opinion.
I can see this going down, well thought out. I think Ziggler should be getting more shots at the belt throughout the year, but Undertaker vs. Brock is genius with Kane as a tuneup match. I'm not so sure I'm on board with a Cena vs. Rock rematch, but it would indeed be electrifying.
Great post. I agree with most of it although I do think The Rock will win the belt at some point (then lose it back probably to John Cena). They would not have had him say he's going for the belt one more time, if he's not going to win it. I dunno, just my opinion.

Simple. It makes it seem like an almost guarantee that Rock will win the rematch as well, because "why would they have him say this and why would they have a match for the title if Rock doesn't win?" It sets up the angle of "well of course he's going to win" for the viewer. Just like I would market the HELL out of "UNDERTAKER'S LAST MATCH" at Wrestlemania. I mean, you lose on your way out, right? Same feelings there, to make it seem like there is no way John cena will win. Then he does, he overcomes.
Simple. It makes it seem like an almost guarantee that Rock will win the rematch as well, because "why would they have him say this and why would they have a match for the title if Rock doesn't win?" It sets up the angle of "well of course he's going to win" for the viewer. Just like I would market the HELL out of "UNDERTAKER'S LAST MATCH" at Wrestlemania. I mean, you lose on your way out, right? Same feelings there, to make it seem like there is no way John cena will win. Then he does, he overcomes.

The thing is, they can still accomplish both (the Rock winning the belt and Cena winning the rematch). If they're having the rematch at WM, then they can have the rock win the title at the Rumble or at Elimination Chamber or something then lose it to Cena at Wrestlemania. He appeared on about 5 RAWs in a row leading up to Wrestlemania so it's possible he could have the belt then (not like it's going to change hands between Elimination Chamber and 'Mania anyway.

Then you have Cena win the rematch and the title. No one and I mean NO ONE thinks Rock will win the rematch so if Cena comes in as champ defending against the rock, no one would believe Rock would win.
I don't know that I can really add anything to this as it is already very well built. I would like to see Ziggler more in the WWE title picture, but I feel like hes going back to Smackdown to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. I personally think a four way storyline with Barret, Ziggler, Bryan, and Sheamus feuding for the WHC would be gold. One last thing, I think Y2J will beat CM Punk at Extreme Rules to set up a short title run before dropping it back to Punk.
The thing is, they can still accomplish both (the Rock winning the belt and Cena winning the rematch). If they're having the rematch at WM, then they can have the rock win the title at the Rumble or at Elimination Chamber or something then lose it to Cena at Wrestlemania. He appeared on about 5 RAWs in a row leading up to Wrestlemania so it's possible he could have the belt then (not like it's going to change hands between Elimination Chamber and 'Mania anyway.

Then you have Cena win the rematch and the title. No one and I mean NO ONE thinks Rock will win the rematch so if Cena comes in as champ defending against the rock, no one would believe Rock would win.

Don't underestimate the love VKM has for The Rock, if for no other reason then what he represents now(Mainstream). I think its unlikely, but it IS possible that the Rock beats Cena two out of three times(With the two both being Manias)
Ok, so I am now voting for rge2010 to be the new head of creative for the WWE. However, I am just a bit disappointed that Barrett has not won the championship during this duration. Wade is only entered into the bigger matches, which I feel is a good build to a title run for him in "13, but I truly feel that he should have a run in 12. I would propose him winning MITB, and cashing in soon after, this would not only confuse the storylines, but it would also add many many more possibilities going into "13.
I would have zero problem with CM Punk holding on to the title for the entire year. How often do we really have a champion that can perform.

I would welcome CM Punk defended the championship and putting on great performances while HEADLINING ppvs. Give Punk the last match and 20-30 minute matches and see what wrestling should be.

Even when Cena is not the Champ he is given the WM main event, and now he will be given the main event with Lesner.

Hopefully Punk will be given a true run as the man the remainder of the year, and not be given the cliche loss at Summerslam.
I would have zero problem with CM Punk holding on to the title for the entire year. How often do we really have a champion that can perform.

I would welcome CM Punk defended the championship and putting on great performances while HEADLINING ppvs. Give Punk the last match and 20-30 minute matches and see what wrestling should be.

Even when Cena is not the Champ he is given the WM main event, and now he will be given the main event with Lesner.

Hopefully Punk will be given a true run as the man the remainder of the year, and not be given the cliche loss at Summerslam.

However, I do have to say that just as with Cody, this plan would really bring prestige back to the title that needs it the most.
well 2012 looks like it will be a good year for talent, i mean i do believe brock will win the gold at least once before mania, but if they will give it to him it wont be transitional. it cant be in my opinion, have him hardly ever lose. this is wwe's chance to make it more believable, hopefully they will. I do think they need to keep CM Punk relevant, if he loses he has to really have a good feud going to keep him that way. There are two things i disagree with strongly, one being having cena winning the MITB. Were will that benefit him? he doesnt need that. ziggler does, barrett does, hell maybe give tensai the briefcase. but dont give it to cena. two the rock winning the rumble, i think its a goodway to get him in the picture but i dont think rocky should win it.
I think your prediction was too clever and entertaining to ever be an actual result of HHH's direction. I hate Cena more than I love to hate him, but your version of a year of Cena angles would work with me. As long as Daniel Bryan is used at all and Cena looks stupid I'm happy. I imagine that they'll be on the same path and Brock will refuse to do a job or they'll include Sheamus in one of those matches for no reason. You should save a copy of this and include it in a resume if you ever want to make the show a little more intelligent.
Wrestling is FAKE

Get it through your head

Wrestling is scripted NOT fake. For something to be fake there has to be zero risk of injury or anything wrong to happen. Lets see you fall off a 20ft ladder and then tell me its fake asshole. Hell for that matter take the same bumps Yoshi took from Tensai and then tell me its fake. There is no place on here for trolls like you. Why do you even have an account?
After last weeks show and Brock Lesnars return I made a prediction about what would happen (Disaster on the horizon = F5), and now it looks like the seeds may have just been planted for an incoming Brock Lesnar Title run (getting cosey with Laurinaitis). Here is what I would like to see happen to next 12 months leading up until Wrestlemania 29.

At the draft, rumoured to be April 23rd have Cena be drafted to Smackdown after Extreme Rules. This keeps him and Brock apart after their short fued, also allows Cena to give Smackdown some star power and he can rebuild himself over there before returning to Raw full time later in the year. He can still make appearences on Raw as it is 'The Supershow'. WWE wins.

Brock Lesnar vs John Cena
I think this is the perfect PPV for Brock to return against Cena. I would make this match brutal and have John Laurinaitis screw Cena by putting a stop to the match. It cements the Brock and Laurinaitis partnership and gains heat for Lesnar. It also plays to Cenas 'never give up' attitude. Brock looks a beast, Laurinaitis gets heat and Cena doesn't look weak off the back of another loss.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho vs Mark Henry
Punk retains, but doesn't beat Chris Jericho, he beats Mark Henry. This will give the Punk vs Jericho fued more legs and adds a point of difference.

Number 1 Contenders Match - Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry
Laurinaitis calls for a Number 1 contenders match to take place between Mark Henry and Brock Lesnar. I would make this a squash match. Have Lesnar destroy Mark Henry to make him look even more dominant. Brock can take a few weeks off as this match needs no story.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho
Make this some kind of gimmick match like submission. Wrestling purists will love this. Have Punk go over again and retain.

John Laurinaitis was right when he said there was a disaster on the horizon. That disaster is Brock Lesnars F-5 and Punk must defend the title at No Way Out against him. Brock can play off the fact this is inside a cage and he is a cage fighter. It is the perfect opportunity for Brock to get his title match is this PPV.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Brock Lesnar
Brock gets his title match in a cage, they can play off this giving him an advantage. Lesnar wins the gold.

WWE Title - Brock Lesnar (c) vs CM Punk
Punk loses his rematch with Laurinaitis declaring this is his 1 and only chance at Lesnars title. Punk is out of the title picture and continues his fued with Laurinaitis.

MITB Ladder Match - John Cena
Cena wins the MITB Ladder Match. This puts him right back into the title picture which he hasnt being around for a while and also allows him to move back into the Raw playground fulltime. Have WWE play off the fact the winner can challenge any title holder.

Brock is in the ring and gloating he has beaten the best WWE has to offer. Cue the return of The Great One. He challenges Brock to a match at Summerslam 2012 - 10 years in the making of their first bout which Brock won.

WWE Title - Brock Lesnar (c) vs The Rock
Rock wins by DQ after Lesnar is disqualified so he keeps the title. Rock gives a 'Rock Bottom' to Lesnar and then John Cenas music hits. Cena comes down and cashes in his MITB briefcase and wins the Title. He then gives an AA to Rock who is nursing injuries on the floor.

Rock was badly beaten by Brock and the AA and is injured indefinately and unable to compete. Meanwhile Brock challenges Cena to a Title match at Night Of Champions.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs Brock Lesnar
Cena wins the match by DQ as Brock is once again disqualified. Brock beats down Cena after the bell. He is out of control.

John Laurinaitis in order to preserve his GM Role is under pressure from the board of directors to suspend Brock Lesnar. Brock is suspended until further notice. This allows him to make lots of appearences in Wrestlemania season and gives him a rest from travelling. Brock delivers an F-5 to Laurinaitis before he leaves. Lord Tensai is the next challenger to John Cenas gold.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs Lord Tensai
Tensai has been built up strong the last few months but it is 'Super Cena' who comes out on top here. Cena retains the gold.

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs CM Punk
The Rock returns and costs John Cena the title. A distraction and a Rock Bottom later and CM Punk is your new WWE Champion. Rock doesnt garner heat from this because he is seeking revenge for the injury at Summerslam and Punk is still a face.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett vs Lord Tensai
Punk defends his title successfully. I would make this fatal 4 way because the Fatal 4 Way PPV has gone and it means Cena doesnt have to lose to Punk again. Punk can pin somebody else in the match. I think and hope Barrett moves to Raw. I think he will get a title run in 2013.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs Wade Barrett
Barrett is kept in the main event, but Punk retains the title.

Royal Rumble Match - The Rock
The Rock is entered into this match and eliminates John Cena last. This adds to their fued. The Rock is going to Wrestlemania for a title match.

Also: Brock Lesnar returns from the crowd and eliminates a returning Undertaker from the Rumble match setting up their Wrestlemania 29 match. He wants to end the streak and kill the deadman. Lesnar is a man out of control and a real threat. He beats Kane at Elimination Chamber in a tune up match.

The Rock says he is challenging for the WWE Title leading to a potential match with CM Punk at Wrestlemania 29. But Punk has to defend at the Elimination Chamber first.

WWE Title - CM Punk (c) vs John Cena vs Wade Barrett vs Lord Tensai vs Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger
John Cena wins the gold setting up a huge rematch against The Rock at WM29 for the WWE Title. This is even bigger than their first bout and adds to a now 2 year old fued!

WWE Title - John Cena (c) vs The Rock
John Cena retains the gold by beating The Rock and getting revenge for his Wrestlemania 28 defeat. The fued FINALLY ends!

Hope you enjoyed the read. This is what I would like to see and do if I had the powers! You probably think different. Thats fine!

BTW - Superstars such as Miz and Del Rio would be on Smackdown so not a part of the title WWE picture at any point in 2012/2013.

I love your idea but come on we are talking about wwe creative they dont have a clue. How the hell are you not head of creative?
I would say that if they arte leading towards Lesnar Vs Rock at Wrestlemania, then you could be looking at Punk holiduing the title or switching back and forth with jericho until Summerslam, at which point they will put the title on Brock and have him destroy all comers whilst declaring that the WWE is dead.

Rock returns at the Royal Rumble and wins it. The following night on Raw, he delivers a Rock Bottom to Lesnar to close the show, setting up yet another amazing Wresltemania main event.
That is good, the way you like the matches to happen, i would only change a few things, and some people are mentioning that Ziggler and Barret should be involved, wich is a good thing, but i think they will be involved in the World Heavyweight title picture, and he's talking about the WWE title picture, and back to the things that i would change, i don't think the Rock should win the royal rumble, leave that to Barret or Ziggler, they need it more than the Rock, and besides, the Rock doesn't need to win the rumble to be in the WWE title picture, in fact, it just hit me, Cena should win the title at the royal rumble, and in the PPV before wrestlemania should be a fatal four way between Cena, the Rock, CM punk and someone else, someone like Cody Rhodes or Alberto del Rio, here's why: Lesnar will be busy going after the Undertaker, and that will make some sence in the Rock pinning that weakest challenger, that way CM punk and Cena will not look weak, CM Punk will still look good and Cena can say that the Rock did not beat him to win the title, and that's when the challenge can be made it can be that the Rock will challenge Cena to say that when he beats him there won't be any excuses, or Cena challenging the Rock, that way he can be legit, just a thought........
Cheers for the feedback gents, also good to see some of your ideas. This isn't really a prediction, more of a case of what I would like to see. Punk/Cena/Brock in the title picture with Rock throwing in some appearences too. Wade Barrett would flirt with the title, but he wont even be back till later this year and a few main events at the lesser PPV's then maybe a run in 2013. I dont think he is ready to hold the gold and established stars like Punk, Brock and Cena should given WWE is getting a stronger talent pool. The World Title on Smackdown can be for the up and coming Champions. They did a good job with Daniel Bryan. Maybe Barrett and Ziggler will get theirs.

WWE are rumoured to be going down the Brock vs Rock match for WM29. I wouldnt mind that, but would prefer Brock vs Taker and Rock vs Cena II. Just my opinion and this is how I would do it.

I also take on board The Rocks speech about going for the title. Well in my story, he does go for the title (twice), that doesnt necessarily mean he will win it. Winning the title would mean a full time commitment, does the Rock want this and can he do this? If Rock is sticking around, there is no reasn why he can't win the title after Wrestlemania 29 for a short run!

I firmly believe Cena and Rock will afce off again, they have too in my opinion.
I also take on board The Rocks speech about going for the title. Well in my story, he does go for the title (twice), that doesnt necessarily mean he will win it. Winning the title would mean a full time commitment, does the Rock want this and can he do this? If Rock is sticking around, there is no reasn why he can't win the title after Wrestlemania 29 for a short run!

I firmly believe Cena and Rock will afce off again, they have too in my opinion.

Rock appeared on about 5 RAWs in a row (a month's worth) before Wrestlemania 28, so it's not that far fetched that he could win the belt at the Elimination Chamber which is about what, 6 weeks before WM? He could then appear for a month or so to promote the feud, then drop the belt at WM.

I don't really know what his schedule will be like this year but the fact that he signed a one year deal leads me to believe, he'll make more than sporadic appearances, so it's feasible he could win the belt and have a very short run.
Very solid thread and idea here. I don't have a problem with any of this and it looks very well planned. Completely okay with the entire set up. A Rock vs Cena rematch for the WWE Title is the only way these two could face off again to make any kind of sense.

Brock's part in this is awesome too and him destroying everyone in sight is very logical.
Interesting idea but, personally, I hope it doesn't go down this way. I don't see Mark Henry being a factor after next week. Last week, Punk was coming off a tough WM match in which he was dealing with an "injury" to his back via Chris Jericho, making the match all the more even looking. This week, Punk looked to be 100% and didn't suffer any "injury". He took a couple of WSSs and a few Codebreakers, but I'm guessing neither will result in an "injury". This Monday on Raw will be the third consecutive week in which Mark Henry has a title shot. I look for Henry to lose clean this Monday, taking him out of the picture and possibly putting him in the position to accept AW's offer to represent him.

As for Jericho himself, I think that it's possible WWE could keep the feud going to Over The Limit, but I only see that happening if Jericho beats Punk for the title at Extreme Rules. Otherwise, I think that Punk will move on. That's especially true, in my opinion, if Punk wins at ER and their match is some sort of gimmick match.

As for Lesnar vs. Cena, I don't see them having a one ppv feud. Lesnar brings in significant mainstream media attention and Cena is still the overall face of WWE. There's probably money to be made here and if WWE can provide a physical, hard hitting & epic feeling match between these two at ER, then I think Vince will want at least one more ppv offering from them before moving on.

As for Cena winning MITB, I really hope that doesn't come to pass. Historically, MITB has really been used to elevate guys to the main event/title picture who've been firmly planted within the mid-card scene. Giving it to Cena would be a waste. After all, he's John Cena. He's already a 12 time World Champion and the overall biggest star that WWE has created in the past decade. It would take absolutely nothing for WWE to come up with some reason to stick Cena in the title picture again that doesn't include making ill use of one of WWE's most popular concepts.

As for CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar, it's certainly a possibility at some point. If such a feud does come to pass, then I do see Lesnar taking the title. Again, personally, I hope that doesn't come to pass. Lesnar is only contractually obligated to appear twice a month, and I'm sure he'll almost never show up at a house show to defend the title. The WWE's schedule is a major reason why Lesnar left 8 years ago. I'm not all that thrilled at the idea of a part time champion quite frankly. If that comes to pass, I can see Lesnar keeping the title for the rest of the year & Rock suddenly popping up at some point, possibly late this year or early next year, and taking it upon himself to "save the WWE" by taking out the beast that nobody else has been able to take out, thus winning the WWE Championship.

If Lesnar vs. Rock happens, then it'll almost certainly be at WM. Allegedly, even though WM 29 is literally almost a year away, Lesnar vs. Rock is one of the top matches being heavily discussed. By this time next year, odds are that The Rock will have a few more blockbuster movies under his belt and will be an even bigger Hollywood star. I think Vince will want this match at WM in the hopes of a big pay off. Arguably the most dominant physical freak in WWE history vs. argually the most charismatic star in WWE history.
from now until SS, and after the upcoming releases, the E has historically been willing to put the strap on someone new, and let them sink or swim...

that being said, i think Punk drops the title relatively soon to Henry, Miz, or Jericho as a long shot...i think Miz gets rewarded by Johnny, gets his shot and will capitalize, obviously not winning clean...

they could give Punk a few months off until SS, because we ALL know he needs the rest, so maybe a worked injury (thats why i think Henry would be a good fit as transitional champ)

with everything that is going on, it would be a perfect time to give Punk a rest...
All I can say is, I bloody love it! I think you've got it spot on there, especially the two Wrestlemania 29 matches!

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