What would you do?


Enjoying Wrestling
Nowadays, the WWE is the biggest wrestling promotion worldwide. Best known, best buy-rates, etc... There are the national promotions like CMLL, AAA, NJPW, AJPW, etc... but they're not as big as the WWE. Even locally in the USA, we only have the independent circuit and the few big indy names like ROH, PWG,etc... along with TNA to challenge the WWE's dominance.

So my question is to wrestlezone posters... would you wrestle for the WWE or the other promotions?

At first glance, you'd all be like "no shit, WWE, genius! Making so much money, dur, dur."

But lets look at this a bit deeper, shall we? National Promotions have a lot less visibility, sure, and they don't make as much money, but at the same time, wrestling for them can make you a national star than being a midcarder for the WWE. Alberto Del Rio or Don Caracas Jr. was reportedly going to go back to Mexico weeks ago because of how little he was making in the WWE in comparison to the big money back home. People like Vampiro, Konnan, Mark Jindrak have failed badly for the most part in the US, but are huge in Mexico. Antonio Inoki, a guy so :worship: in Japan that he was even in politics for a short while.

So... would you go to the WWE, languish in the lower card and mid card hoping for a shot at the top ... or would you try to make yourself a star in a national promotion?
I'd get myself to the WWE and hope I got enough TV time before being released. Then I'd give TNA and the indies a go as my asking price would sky-rocket due to having been on WWE TV
I'd like to work the low-tier indy circuit after training at Booker T's school. After getting my name a bit known due to where I got my training from (cuz I'm determined to be the best!) and having multiple outlets to plug my name through (i.e. Internet and music), I wanna make it to New York (not WWE, but New York City) and work the big indies in the general area.

After establishing my name in the indies, I hope to get hired by WWE to compete in a squash match against whoever -- in which I will pull a Regal and get a good match going but still end up on the losing side. Take that WWEmpire!

After that little fiasco and endless IWC ******io due to my actions, more people will attend indy shows I work after my short stint as jobber.

Someday TNA will want to hire me and I'll accept their contract. After working there for a while I start dating a Knockout (hopefully AJ Lee if released from WWE and Jay Lethal puts in a good word for her) and live happily ever after. The end.

P.S. I would also work AAA, maybe CMLL, and a few Japanese promotions.

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