What would you do to improve the wwes mid card title divisons?


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so as of late the us and intercontinental title have been lacking in their respective divisions, the us title has no clear contenders with the champion going after the main division, and the intercontinental title has kofi as champion for no reason i think he is ready to step up to the main event or even upper mid card but hes stuck with no real direction, yes sure he has a small feud with dolph ziggler but that doesnt involve kofi as much as it does dolph as its just getting dolph over as a heel.Remember the good mid divisions of a few years back the us title had great feuds with eddie, benoit, kurt, big show and the IC title had booker, rvd,test etc. So what would you do to improve the mid card title division in the wwe.
I would for the us title drop it to evan bourne and give him a lengthy feud with morrison as a heel this would create interest and also i think the championship should be defended on raw alot more like what kofi did last year.
With the IC championship kofi should drop it to dolph and dolph should disrespect eddie guerrero with vickie getting pissed off and getting chavo to take him out.
I would have this happen for the Raw one US

Miz beats Sheamus for a face turn, then he competes in a match where both titles were on the line (it has been done before) And have it be a Triple threat match with Sheamus and JoMo in it too, have JoMo pin Miz first and get the US and then have the Miz pin Sheamus, that would show that JoMo could beat the champ so that could elevate him, Miz would have a succesfull title retain, and Sheamus could complain aboutnot being in a one on one match with Miz, that the Miz and JoMo were working together, etc. and solidify himself as a heel and have a feud.

The Smackdown I don't know, possibly turn Christian heel and have a feud that involves Kofi Christian and the SES (Since Cm and Kofi tagged in early 2009) and possibly have Christian winning by interference from the SES, that would allow Kofi to have two feuds possible, the SES would become more of a group and exposed, and Christian would get a title.

That's just what I would do to give it to "needing" contenders, who could defend against anybody. Just to get it off setting duck champs.
Well I think that both divisions are doing just fine at the moment there are small things that I would change but nothing too major, I disagree with you that there are no contenders for either for the US title we have
The Miz
Evan Bourne
Zack Ryder
John Morrison
Ted Debiase
and possibly Mark Henry

There is also Yoshi and Primo who could be put into contention for the title at any point and it would seem believable. In the title picture there is a good balance of heels and faces also. The only thing I would do to the division would be give the title to Evan Bourne so that The Miz can move onto better things and then have bourne fued with either Dibiase or Ryder. I also disagree with you that there is no prestige to the title I think that the reigns of Miz and Kofi have added prestige to the title.

The same goes for the IC title picture where you have
Matt Hardy
Cody Rhodes
Drew Mcintrye
and probably Alberto Del Rio (when he debuts)

You could also add either Joey Mercury, Luke Gallows, MVP or Chavo onto that list. Again there is a good balance of heels and faces and IMO there is no lack of prestige in the title. At the moment there is also not much I would do to the division, I'd let Kofi hold it until Summerslam where I would have Dolph finally win it and hold it for 3-4 months.
Well I think that both divisions are doing just fine at the moment there are small things that I would change but nothing too major, I disagree with you that there are no contenders for either for the US title we have
The Miz
Evan Bourne
Zack Ryder
John Morrison
Ted Debiase
and possibly Mark Henry

There is also Yoshi and Primo who could be put into contention for the title at any point and it would seem believable. In the title picture there is a good balance of heels and faces also. The only thing I would do to the division would be give the title to Evan Bourne so that The Miz can move onto better things and then have bourne fued with either Dibiase or Ryder. I also disagree with you that there is no prestige to the title I think that the reigns of Miz and Kofi have added prestige to the title.

The same goes for the IC title picture where you have
Matt Hardy
Cody Rhodes
Drew Mcintrye
and probably Alberto Del Rio (when he debuts)

You could also add either Joey Mercury, Luke Gallows, MVP or Chavo onto that list. Again there is a good balance of heels and faces and IMO there is no lack of prestige in the title. At the moment there is also not much I would do to the division, I'd let Kofi hold it until Summerslam where I would have Dolph finally win it and hold it for 3-4 months.

i agree but none on your list are in contention yes they are in the division but none are actually pursuing the championships and are rather involved in other storylines
The solution is quite simple, have the Champion defend the belt more often and let there be more tournaments/#1 Contender matches for the titles, another thing they could do is make the Mid-Card title story-lines less about personal hate or rivalry and add more focus to the title, we get enough drama in the World Title divisions.
i agree but none on your list are in contention yes they are in the division but none are actually pursuing the championships and are rather involved in other storylines

Well that is true but you can hardly have 6 people persuing a championship at once right? At the moment you have Dolph Ziggler going after the championship on Smackdown after getting a win over Kofi this week and on Raw expect Evan Bourne to go after the championship. So its not like there are no title contenders.
there has been no real direction towards the us title since miz first won it during his first reign then bret hart won it for no reason, followed by a failed attempt of pusing r truth with the title back to the miz again for no reason and now no one is currently going after it
I would also drop the US Title to Evan Bourne as well. Bourne is on a roll and as much as the kiddies want to see him with the World Championship, it would just not seem believable. Look at Mysterio's reigns. But I think he could make an awesome US Champion. I could see Bourne having somewhat of a lengthy feud (around Survivor Series' time) with The Miz, with Bourne eventually coming out on top. Maybe end the year with the win at whatever becomes the last PPV of the year.

As for the IC Title, I'd keep it on Kofi. He just needs to defend it more often like he did a couple reigns ago. Plus he just looks good with it. Dolph will get the Title eventually though considering they keep advertising how he's still searching for championship gold.
There is no reason WWE shouldn't have depth in every division. I mean, they have a better roster all-round, over TNA even. I hate to say that but it's too true to ignore. So here's how I could see each division grow.

1st-Rid of continual contenders. Example; Instead of having Edge, Orton, HHH, Jericho, newly added Sheamus, and Cena have the run of the main event on RAW, and Show, Taker, Kane, newly added Swagger, Rey, and CM Punk on SD!

2nd-Use mid-carders as casual contenders, giving them a chance to grow. Give the WWE U what they want, I mean, Matt Hardy or Christian vs Kane or maybe even triple threat would do wonders for business over the reruns WWE puts on.

3rd-Utilize Main Eventers for mid-card(without over-shuffling and making the US/IC seem more important then main title).

4th-Divas Division/Main Event/Mid-Card/Tag division. It should not matter as much as it does to keep people from growing inside the business. Divas like Maryse and Beth Pheonix, Melina and the now-former-WWE-Diva Mickie James could all be compared to Trish/Lita/Jazz/Victoria, but they're as close as we can get to how good the Divas division was just less than 5 years ago.

5th-Last(of this list anyways) but not least, use mid-card/main eventers for better tag team matchups. Jericho and Miz? Orton and Bourne? CM Punk and Dolph? I mean, to each his own, but better for business is a better utilization of the roster in whole.

WWF. You can all picture it, I know it. For me I picture the old school days of Andre, Hogan, Flair, etc all at the beginning of their legacies.. Monday Night War, the Attitude Era, and the short period after the Attitude Era/Invasion...

All times at which the tag teams, divas, mid-card, and the main event featured growth within itself. Even when there was too many titles. It's rediculous now to see WWE only pushing the ME down the WWE U's throats.

WCW did before it died, and even the much bashed, little-improving TNA does it with their filled roster. WWE has all the talent in the world at their disposal, so I can't see any excuse for them to be in this pathetic state.
For any midcarder they changed, they should change them back e.g. MVP he was clearly better a heel and he could challenge Kofi for the title easily, but he is on Raw...even so, him as a heel will boost storylines and better ones will be made I mean did anyone see the feud between MVP and Matt Hardy, that was a great mid card feud...

Another name is John Morrison, now he in on Raw aswell, he could easily get a good feud going whilst he is a heel...but I want to wait after his feud with Ted which looks rather promising...also as a heel if he is to do high spots, will he get cheers??
4 raw i would have either bourne, dibiase, or morrison win the title, and have them feud, at first like bourne vs dibiase, then triple threat. WWE is reported and looks like they have plans with dibiase vs morrsion, so 2 make it even better, add the us title

smackdown- idk. id say kofi retain at summerslam, then lose it sonn after 2 punk, hardy, christian, or mvp even
I disagree with it about the IC title. Kofi is entering a feud with Dolph Ziggler about this so i think the IC title is fine. They can only focus on 1 challenger at a time really so it is a good idea and then when that is done with there are many people Kofi can feud with so the IC title is doing fine i think.

With the US title, The Miz has set his sights higher, which is good, but because it has taken the focus off of the title, maybe have him lose it and have Evan Bourne win it and then you could have a similar situation to the Smackdown 1. He could face members of Nexus defending it, or face v face with Morrison or R-Truth.
For me, the U.S. title needs a lot more help than the IC b/c at least the IC title has been defended on PPV on a monthly basis and has been involved in a credible fued.

First, I would take the U.S. title off of the Miz ASAP. While I'm a fan of the Miz, he has done nothing for the title except hold it around his shoulders. I would have Bourne beat him for it at Summerslam (which I think is the plan anyway). I would then have Bourne put in a credible fued with Jericho who can elevate the IC title to a legitimate level as he did last year with Mysterio.

As far as the IC title is concern, I would have Kofi fued with Ziggler for a while and eventually drop it to him. Then Ziggler would renew his fued with Mysterio only to put more prestige on the title with a role reversal but the IC title doesn't need that much work other than having fueds for it.
Overall, I'm happy with the IC title scene. Kofi Kingston has had some very good matches against Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler while champion. I do with that they'd actually give Kofi interview time as it would help him tremendously overall.

As far as the United States Championship goes, I think the first step is getting the title off The Miz. It's something of a tricky situation as the WWE doesn't want The Miz to lose any steam, so the key is having him drop the title in a way that won't make him look or his opponent look weak. Like a lot of others, I think that Evan Bourne would make a good US champ and having Sheamus interfere to some degree in the match would be a simple way of going about it and could keep things hot between himself and The Miz. The ideal situation for that scenario would involve having The Miz and Bourne having fought a good back and forth match, each giving as good as they get, and then Sheamus does something to maybe take The Miz's attention away from the match. Not necessarily interfere, but cause enough of a distraction for Bourne to get the win. Then, maybe have Sheamus jump in and give The Miz a quality beatdown. Maybe even put him through the announce table.

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