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What would you do if you found a million dollars?


It's Showtime!
*First of all this thread is getting out of topic. It is about WHAT YOU WOULD DO IF YOU FOUND A MILLION DOLLARS. not what would you do if you HAD a million dollars. Just a friendly warning, by all means post what you would spend it on but please oh fucking please post what you would do if you FOUND a million dollars. before you do. Consider this your first and final warning if you post just what you will do if you have a Million dollars i might just infract you. thank you.

Let's say your walking along and you see a open briefcase, in a park or on a street or bench or wherever, nobody's around except you and you notice that inside is money, one million dollars to be exact. What do you do? Do you take it and spend it? Do you turn it over to the authorities? Do you just keep walking by and forget you saw it? My answer depends on what part of the world I am in. If I'm in my homecity where I live, I'd probably turn it in to the police. If I was in another part of Canada or some parts of the US I might just take it and spend it, if they catch me I'll just explain I'm not from here and didn't know where to take it. If I were in a bad part of the US or some other European, second or third world country, I would probably just pass by and leave it, I wouldn't be sure what crazy laws they may have or if I'm being watched or setup, so I wouldn't want to chance it somewhere where I can't get home easily or am unfamiliar with.
Id give it to the Santino Marella Fan-a-club. They are the most deserving. We could use the money to invest in stocks, and get us all nice and rich. We could begin paying the officers even more than what we make. We can also set up more dinners over Pasta Fagioli with Santino in his Casa to discuss all the business deals wen need to do together. I could also see us buying a plane to travel to all the raws to see hime live. Oh what good we can do with that money.
My first thought would be to keep it but I think gradually the guilt of basically stealing a million bucks would weigh heavily on my shoulders leading to me giving it to the police so they can find out who lost it. Anyway I think there's some rule where if nobody claims it for a certain amount of time then you get to keep it. This rule could come in handy because a million dollars in a briefcase would be very suspicious and probably linked to crime and I don't think the owner of this money would come rushing to the police station with a valid excuse for having the money.
After thirty days, you keep it. Someone has to come in and say the exact amount they are missing, right? I'd say that I'd take out like, 47,382 bucks and then turn it in. No one could claim that. I would also switch breifcases. See? It'd be mine after thirty days and no one could ask why I was so rich. I'd say I found money and no one claimed it. I'd be the only person who knew. I'd be able to live with the guilt.

*Shrug* I'd save most of it.. Put it in the bank.
I'd buy myself some uncooked hot dogs and give the rest of the money to Bob Holly.

But seriously though, I'd probably use it for the good of the world. Perhaps getting rid of backstage politics in wrestling. Or feed the hungry. I don't know
Unmarked bills in a briefcase? I would keep it. I would switch cabs several times before getting home. I would open a business and launder the shit out of it.

If there was no identification on the case, then I would have no guilt. What if that money was going to uy guns, or it was going to be involved in the child sex trade? Wouldn't a few Tanqueray and tonics be a better use?
i my self would keep the cash. i would watch the news and see if it was money intended for good causes(a mill in unmarked bills is never for good causes tho) if i seen nothing on the news then i would set up "Kapone's 100 Dollar Giveaway". i would randomly pick WZ users names out of a hat and send them a 100 bucks. the more posts you have the more times your name is in the hat. after about three weeks my computer desk will fall on top of me and i would end it, due to injuries caused by the suspicious accident. Then i would buy a squared circle to put in my backyard and book wrestlers to come wrestle 2 shows a year.
Assuming you can get away with it, I'd take it and not hand it in. People can say that they'd feel guilty, but I wouldn't. Whoever is stupid enough to put a million dollars in a briefcase and leave it somewhere is an idiot that deserves to lose it in the first place lol.

Screw money laundering and such. I'd put it all in those little fireproof safe things that you can keep in your house. If you put it all in the bank, they suddenly wonder where you got this money. If you have it in your house, nobody is the wiser. You have it in that type of a case so you won't lose it.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again...people splurge when they think about what they'd do with money. Normally, the top 3 answers are "buy a house, buy a car, go on vacation". To hell with that. I'd keep it around for random spending. Sure, I'd go out and buy a brand new TV or two...but that's not suspicious. I'd pay to get my car checked out and everything fixed (as I like my current car, despite how its a 1999, its perfect)...but that's not suspicious. You have hundreds of thousands of dollars after that. Stretch it out as long as possible, lol. Naturally, I'd have to make a stop at Best Buy or Circuit City and splurge, but that wouldn't end up being like a hundred thousand dollars or anything. How much can you really buy? Lol.

Damn...now I wish I had a million dollars :(
Oh, I'd take a couple thousand bucks out & turn the rest in. I'd use what I have to buy travel packages to WrestleMania XXV, plane tickets to get to Houston, & if I had enough, I'd get a PS3 or Xbox360.
I'd take that money money and put it a firesafe safe like NoFate said. No way I'd put that kind of money in a bank...don't want the IRS or authorities getting suspicious. I wouldn't have any guilt whatsoever either. Finders keepers, losers weepers.

The first thing I would do is QUIT MY JOB and tell everyone I work with what I really think of them on the way out, lol. I'd use my new free "me" time to concentrate on writing.

Next I'd pay off my student loans and credit card debt. I'd keep my current car as I like it, it's an 04, and I've only had it a couple months, but I would pay it off. I wouldn't pay it off all at once though. I'd spread paying things off over a year or so as not to draw too much suspicion again.

Once the debts are all paid up, I'd buy a small house with a couple acres of land and my daughter a couple horses. I'd also set money aside for her education. I'd use the rest to live on.
1 million dollars... let's see:

first, I would go to the nearest Jeep dealer, get one of these:

then, stop in a 7-11 get a lot of Red Bull and some bottles of Scotch, enough junk food for a week and some porn magz.

next step: cross the border and go all the way through Baja and stop at Cabo. Get drunk while watching the sunset and take pictures of it. I would Take a plane to LA and then, fly to fucking Burma, where i would try to catch a cobra with a damn wood stick and when I finally do it, make a nice freaking belt out of it. Fly to New Zealand, Borneo, Australia, spending at least 2 weeks in each place.
Return to LA and take the jeep back in the road, this time for a cross country trip from LA to Seattle and from Seattle to New York. time spent in this stage: 10 days.
When in NY, take a cab to Yankee stadium, find a good spot inside the park, take a nice and long piss over the damn place and head to JFK to take a plane to Spain, when I probably would buy a nice little villa and spend the rest of my days under a nice hot weather.
if i have some spare change after all that, i would probably buy a Big TV to watch WWE TV, OH MY!
1 million dollars...

First, I'd buy a new iPod, as I really need a new one. And unless I needed or wanted anything else, I would probably give half or 3/4 to my parents, and give the rest to charity. I am a very giving person if I don't need or want something.

On second thought, I would probably turn it into the police because I would get it anyway after 30 days. Nobody would've not noticed that they had dropped a briefcase with 1 million dollars in it. So there would've been a reason for them to drop it.
*First of all this thread is getting out of topic. It is about WHAT YOU WOULD DO IF YOU FOUND A MILLION DOLLARS. not what would you do if you HAD a million dollars. Just a friendly warning, by all means post what you would spend it on but please oh fucking please post what you would do if you FOUND a million dollars. before you do. Consider this your first and final warning if you post just what you will do if you have a Million dollars i might just infract you. thank you.

If i found a million dollars, and knew who it belonged to (like if they just picked it up and lost it) i would return it. but if i just found a brief case fuck it. Luck has came my way. obvioulsy if your stupid enough to leave that much money sitting in plain sight then you either A) dont need it or B) dont deserve it. I wouldnt feel guilty. I think the only way i would ever turn or hand it in is if i read in the paper that it was lost and it was needed for something like surgery or something or well just NEEDED it in general. but if i read that they had won it then lost it well sucked in to them. its now my million dollars bitches.

Now what i would do with that Million dollars? buy a house, car, and a pub or night club, so i was still working.
-- purchase my unit. i love where i live, but i hate the uncertanity of renting.

-- fly to the UK to see one of my beautiful friends again and meet her young children. they sound so cute on the phone, i seriously cannot wait till i have the cash to get over there!

-- fly to the US, and go to a few Raw & Smackdown shows, and go to a decent PPV. and buy lots of merchandise.

-- and the rest, i would put towards improving treatments for young people in melbourne, australia, suffering from eating disorders. the system right now, truly sucks. and thats something im passionate about seeing change in.
I'd keep the money. I owe nothing to nobody so I don't see why I would give it back. Also a million pounds (English represent yo) in the street? It's not off a friendly old lady, it will be that evil crime money. Why give it back to criminals? I'd keep that shit. And because I have a shop I could probably launder it easier than most.
If you are stupid enough to lose a briefcase with a million dollars in it, I don't think you really care. I've seen on the news people in similar situations and end up giving it up but most of the time get nothing in return. So if I found it I would end up spending it on things that I do care about like me and my family.
If I saw a briefcase with 1 million dollars, I would look around to make sure that nobody was watching me or to make sure nobody was around. I would then proceed to take said briefcase home. After all, finders keepers. I wouldn't feel guilty about taking it home and spending it on my own wants and needs because if you are stupid enough to take one million dollars in cash and put it in a briefcase and forget it, then you deserve to lose it.

With said million dollars, I would open a business, in a hope to further increase my million dollars.
If I'd found it - I'd get it changed into pounds and realise it ain't as much as I thought. It would also get the dollars away from me and I would have a about little over half a million pounds.

I'd still live my current life but might move to a flat where I would use the money for rent nothing fancy - I could live of it for a couple of years.

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