What Would You Do? #4 - R-Truth


Pre-Show Stalwart
The fourth in a series of threads that asks you "What would you do if you were in charge of handling this superstar's future?" All you need to do is answer the following questions:

01. Push or Bury?
02. Revamp or Continue (their current character)?
03. How would you book them?

01. Bury

02. Continue

03. Have him begin talking about Little Jimmy again only for Jimmy to turn out to be a real person! Jimmy "Bo" Dallas! This would be an un-bo-lievable twist that would make everyone a bo-liever in miracles! R-Truth would quickly realize that being friends with a bad catch phrase is a bad influence on his life and feud with Bo, leading to a Bo-dacious beating and the establishment of a new undercard filler comedy jobber.
I liked R-Truth back when he was in TNA. Sure, he was a new character in WWE and became a fan-favorite in the mid-card, and also did some very decent heel work. But we need to also consider his age and although he is in good condition, it probably is a bad idea to give him more of a push than he already has. Continue him down on a face til he retires.
I don't think there is that much more you can do with R-Truth, and that's not a slight on him! He's still in great shape for his age, and it's clear he can still go. He doesn't wrestle as often, which may help his longevity. I still think he's funny, so he definitely has a place on the roster as a comedy face, and I'm sure he can be written into some storylines, just not as a centre piece. Think he's fine where he is to be honest.
2. Continue with his current character.

I could see him having a tag team run with Woods, maybe they could be tag team champions in the future. He could be a valuable mentor for Woods if he isn't already.
Push is current character with Xavier Woods as a tag-team to help the tag division.

We already lost The Prime Time Players and Tons Of Funk this year, plus The Shield and The Real Americans will be breaking up soon after Wrestlemania so we will need more tag-teams around
Me personally, I'd either release him, offer him a spot as a road agent or maybe offer him a position as a trainer in NXT. Truth's time as anything approaching a relevant talent on the roster is all but over at this point. At 42 years of age, it's pretty clear that Ron Killings isn't going to be the future of the WWE nor is it very likely that he'll be involved in anything meaningful going forward.
1) I wouldn't bury him nor push him, have him be an enhancement talent/Mid-Carder.

2) Continue the character because he in my opinion is not spectacular in any specific field but he's decent and can help young and up coming guys like Xavier Woods.

3) Have him be a face tag team with Xavier where they continue the seemingly forgotten storyline of Big E. & Mark Henry where Truth helps Xavier to a mid card level so that he becomes a decent mid carder than Woods turns heel saying Truth has turned him into a laughing stock leading to a match at WM 31 where if Woods wins than Truth has to leave WWE.

Truth isn't bad as much he is good but I think he's not that marketable as he can't move merch, ratings or attendance a bit. He is a fine comedy gimmick which I think WWE has a few too many at the moment ( Santino, Truth, The Bull ) who should stay around and help NXT guys make the jump to the main show by giving them a bit of mid card rub.
I feel he and Bo Dallas can actually have a good IC Title feud if given the chance.
That depends. How long does he want to stay around ? How much do you want to pay this guy and would that pay be better used for other talent ?

Now if he wants to be around for at least 2-3 years, the pay is reasonable and it won't affect or impact the way other talent is used, then I would say let's put him in the tag division (probably with Woods), and some mid card title matches. I think an elimination chamber match isn't completely out of the question as a swan song. His current character is ok so continue with it. There have been a few missed opportunities. True Miz could have been something, but they pulled the plug too quickly and Truth had some issue with weed. That could have been something major.
I'd do it in this order:
1. Bury(6 mo. Off after wm)
2. Re-vamp(reality-based edgy gimmick...definitely a heel)
3. Push - Need more upper-card heels. Maybe have him use his age as a means of picking fights with young wrestlers like he's being aged out or something, so he shoots on young guys to try and prove he's still got it.
Why do people worry about a person's age like this? If they can go they can go.

I worry about Batista's age (3 years older then Ron) because its clear its impacting his in ring performance (that or he flat out doesn't care about his cardio to perform in the ring). I don't worry about it for Truth, and if he got pushed back to prominence only the quality of his matches matter not the year he was born.

That being said, Little Jimmy has to go if he wants to go up. He can ride Little Jimmy to more paychecks and the midcard though, so is a risk to change it up.
I'd make him be a heel again where the crowd actually cared about him. But I've always been under the impression of that his older age worked against him. Vince dislikes pushing guys who are already about 40 years old into a main event spot who have never been a main eventer before. The only exception I could think of is JBL who was 37 or 38 years old when he became JBL. But that was mainly due to Brock Lesnar leaving, so they needed a new top heel on the spot.

Lots of people thought Titus O'Neil was going to get somewhere on his own, but I knew that he wouldn't get far due to his older age. Vince doesn't want to invest in pushing older talents who have never been in a top spot before, that's why were seeing the inevitable main event future for Reigns & Wyatt especially since their only in their 20's. And possibly Ambrose as a top heel & maybe Rollins too.
I would do one of two things:

1. Future Endeavor - He's old now and is barely on TV anymore. Future Endeavoring him doesn't really hurt anyone as he'd probably retire (and not go back to TNA).

2. Go back to the "Lil Jimmy" gimmick for one last push and maybe give him a short IC or US title run. I'd prefer this option as I enjoyed the Little Jimmy gimmick and one short midcard belt run would be good.

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