What Would You Do? #3 - The Miz


Pre-Show Stalwart
The third in a series of threads that asks you "What would you do if you were in charge of handling this superstar's future?" All you need to do is answer the following questions:

01. Push or Bury?
02. Revamp or Continue (their current character)?
03. How would you book them?

01. Bury

02. Continue

03. The Miz says he is sick of being held down and is willing to do anything to get the television time he deserves. He says that, as a former WWE Champion and WrestleMania headliner, a match against him would be an honor. Miz says he is being held back because of all of the new talent entering the company, he says they are acting like these new guys are BETTER than The Miz! Miz says he will go on a preemptive attack, he'll face any young guy that thinks he "can be somebody" and Miz says if he loses then the young guy can have his roster spot. Miz goes on to squash a bunch of local jobbers until facing a top NXT star and losing (maybe by count out so Miz can gripe that it didn't count and end up in a feud with the guy, ultimately putting the new guy over and being driven into oblivion).
01. Push

02. Sightly revamp

03. I may be in the extreme minority, but I loved a heel Miz as champion. Unfortunately, he kind of got lost in the shuffle of Rock/Cena and never really recovered. So, the first thing I would do is have him get some of his edge back. Develop a little bit of a mean streak, change up his look a little (his hair is like Einstein when he wrestles these days, it's gotta go.), and instead of all this woe is me stuff, and instead of having him be this sniveling, cowardly type character, I would make him an unapologetic asshole. Have him cut a promo saying he is so good, and achieved so much so quickly that he got complacent, but that he's sees now it's time to get serious again, have him enter Money and in the Bank, and win it again…this time he's gonna right his wrongs. Except this time he doesn't hold on to the case for long, he cashes in a week or two later, and develops a very serious cocky persona. The key though is to let it run for a while, let him actually back up his words. Eventually, let it lead up to either Bray or Roman Reigns challenging (and beating him) for the title. Use him as a way to start a new movement.
He's good but not great, on 2k14 I have him tagging with christian in a tweener kind of team. I would like to see them they have a similar enough look and on screen personalities they compliment one another enough so its not just throwing two guys together.
1) Push
2) Revamp
3) Its likely to be the shield thats gonna break up soon dumping one of their team member(Most Probably Roman Regins) so I would make The Miz to help Regins to stand tall against the other two members and then start his feud with Dean Ambrose. The United States title haven't changed hands for a long time. It would be good if Miz goes for it.
1. Push

2. A Slight Revamp.

3. I don't know, but I see him as a sort of a Poor man's Jericho. Talented, but very much underrated. He can put on a pretty good Heel Persona, can be a decent tweener.

I would book him in 2 Ways.. I feel Miz needs some constant spotlight. So,

A. Use some of his Man-for-all-seasons status in the WWE. The Authority would have put him in the Administrative position. Something a bit more on the lines of Eric Bishoff but much more Powerful. Involve him in multiple storylines and let him be in the spotlight to a greater extent. At some point make it personal between him and some babyface. That would lead to a good Feud.

B. Have him as the color Commentator. The way punk used to do some years ago. He'll be in spotlight. Then he would get involved in some storyline and go to the top.

P.S He would be a good pick for Jeff Jarrett for his new Wrestling Promotion.:taijiri:
01. Push

02. Sightly revamp

03. I may be in the extreme minority, but I loved a heel Miz as champion. Unfortunately, he kind of got lost in the shuffle of Rock/Cena and never really recovered. So, the first thing I would do is have him get some of his edge back. Develop a little bit of a mean streak, change up his look a little (his hair is like Einstein when he wrestles these days, it's gotta go.), and instead of all this woe is me stuff, and instead of having him be this sniveling, cowardly type character, I would make him an unapologetic asshole. Have him cut a promo saying he is so good, and achieved so much so quickly that he got complacent, but that he's sees now it's time to get serious again, have him enter Money and in the Bank, and win it again…this time he's gonna right his wrongs. Except this time he doesn't hold on to the case for long, he cashes in a week or two later, and develops a very serious cocky persona. The key though is to let it run for a while, let him actually back up his words. Eventually, let it lead up to either Bray or Roman Reigns challenging (and beating him) for the title. Use him as a way to start a new movement.

I agree with you.! Make him a serious character. The only thing that will get him up and running again is his in ring work. He will have to work very hard for it. The fans will eventually back him and Main Event push is inevitable.
I will admit that I was not watching WWE during the Miz era, so my knowledge of his in ring ability is next to none. However, the guy seems like a natural heel to me. Certainly he already has the benefit of having the internet crowd hate him, and we can see how much that benefits HHH in his heel work.

He seems like a guy who can do the leg work as heel to get over new baby faces in the midcard. Personally I prefer my feuds in wrestling to feature heels who are great on the mic and faces who are great in the ring (unless both being great in both areas is an option of course). For example Big E could have been feuding with the Miz during his entire IC run instead of, you know, doing nothing.

As for what I would do with him it's just that. Work with midcard guys in either the US, IC, or tag team division. Book him strong enough to be a credible opponent, i.e. he actually has to win the title every now and then as well. The rumors of a Miz, Ziggler tag team sound pretty interesting to me so long as they don't just show up to get together and do nothing. If you are going to put together a high profile tag team together like that then they deserve a strong run with, near, chasing, or getting back the titles.
If anyone knows anything about me, then they'll now that I am in no way a Miz fan, however he has worked to get where he is so I'll give him that. If i ran WWE I would probably end up letting the guy go way before he ever started his I'm Awesome stuff, but he's there now and I think he could serve a good purpose.

1) Push

2) Revamp

3) Go through with the rumored idea of a team of him and Ziggler being pissed off for not being used right. I'd keep their numbers at TWO because WWE already has two factions in the Wyatts and the Shield. I would only make them a faction if they made them a bigger number than three to help seperate them from the others. So unless they wanna go with a group of four or five, I would keep it a team of two.

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