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What would the WWE be like without..The Undertaker?


Bring the hammer down!!!
Well people of the IWC, the series is back for a second time. This tine we focus on another individual. The one and only deadman. The Undertaker.

At Survivor Series in 1990 The Undertaker made an impactful debut. Within a year at the next Survivor Series he captured the title from Hulk Hogan. If anybody has made an impact on the business, it's him.

What would the WWE be like without him?

Some major things that pop up is that would we have Kane? What about Hell in a Cell? Would it happen at all?

There's your question. Let's hear it world.
I look at what The Undertaker has done for the WWE and see MULTIPLE things that the undertaker has done.

1. Mankind\ Mic Foley in the WWE: The fued between undertaker and foley put mic on the map.
2. Hell in a cell: This match has always be great in the WWE. Without taker you have NO Hell in a Cell.
3. Kane: The entire reason Kane was brought into the WWE was because of the undertaker. No undertaker...No Kane
4. Burried Alive matches: I've always liked these matches with the undertaker because when he loses these matches...it leads to a LONG program with a FANTASTIC Return from the dead man.
5. Jeff Hardy: You may be asking why I added this in. The match in which the undertaker Beat the living hell out of Hardy was Phenominal! And put Hardy in the eyes of WWE as a "Main Eventer"
6. Shawn Micheals retirement: I really can't think of ANYBODY that could have put Micheals out BETTER than the undertaker. The whole storyline with the streak vs career was done well. And the two matches they have had in my opinion...Top 10 of all time!
7. The Wrestlemania Streak: I know that wrestlemania is a HUGE event for WWE and the matches involved are great. But I would say that 35% of the people that tune in are wanting to see the Undertaker match and if the streak will end.

So these are just a few things that I can think of. Any comments?
Undertaker has had time off before due to injuries and stuff, he was out nearly a year before he became the American Badass character, the WWE did ok without him at that point. As for Hell in a Cell, I think they'd still have it. Triple H has done fairly well in HiaC matches himself, so I don't think that tradition would die with Undertaker's character. WWE would just push different stars into his spot and his absence wouldn't be truly felt for long, except for his really hardcore fans but even then I'm sure the WWE have something lined up, it isn't like he's just gonna randomly end his career, they'll have a good idea of when he is going to leave for good, they probably have something planned to fill that void.
The Undertaker is one of the last true character/gimmich wrestler. He is probably the last wrestler still at the top from an era where the gimmick meant a lot. Wrestlers like the Million Dollar Man, Earthquake, Doink, The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, The Macho Man ran wild.

He has so many matches that are HIS matches like the Casket Match and Buried Alive where it is not done with anybody else besides him. Hell in a Cell was popularized with the amazing matches he had with Shawn Micheals and Mick Foley(The Big Boss Man not counting) but has since gone on to be part of many big matches with other wrestlers.

Through 1996-1999 he was the most successful with top feuds with Diesel, Shawn Micheals, Mick Foley, Stone Cold, and Kane. His Boosted them from upper-mid carders or transitional type champions to true Main Eventers.

He has been the Constant in the WWE from the Hulk Hogan era, through the Attitude era, through the Invasion/brand split era to now.
The man had a number of matches specially catered for his character because it was that good, so we would I think more than likely not have HIAC....that would be disasterous. Also, buried alive as well and casket both of which have also stuck and become like yearly matches.

He is not only the most successful gimmick wrestler of all time but has his own WM streak to prove his endurance and respect which as somebody mentionned is in itself a draw for WM.

I mean this potential was immediately recognised by giving him a victory over hulk hogan be that through means of interference but still...

I'm gonna stop going on about things he is and has done because thats besides the point. To answer your question as to where WWE would now be... poorer and not just financially. The credability of some of the legends from back in the day wouldn't be as high without him because he was the other guuy that was right up there with bret and shawn at that time. He has a well balanced career because he knows how to play a bad guy really well just the same as he knows how to play a good guy.

He stands along john cena as the the two behemoths of their respective shows and when he retires it'll be a party not like any other. The real proof of this is when he got his own segment with ric flair during flair's <ahem> 'retirement' which proves to the entire world that over the last five years or so undertaker has been vince's best asset and treasure and smackdown would have half the ratings if he didn't appear on it and act as the pole underneath their tent
It would be a drastically different place. 'Taker has been a key component to the success of the WWE. He carries the belt whenever is needed, and he puts on some great matches. The man's undefeated 'Mania streak is a huge thing too. People tune into 'Mania to be able to see him wrestle, to see the spectacle that Undertaker at Wrestlemania is.

His gimmick is one of the greatest of all time. Even when he had to change the gimmick for a few years he did a great job. Undertaker is willing to do anything for the WWE, he's a great worker and a great backstage influence. Without 'Taker... the WWE would not be even close to the same as it is today.
Let me start by saying I am a Taker fan and respect all of his contributions. However, to honestly answer the OP, I don't think wrestling as an industry would be that different without him. When I think of guys who actually changed the face of wrestling I have to go with Hogan and Austin (and obviously guys like Vince, Bischoff, and Heyman) in their own category. After them, it's basically a lot of guys who played huge roles but ultimately could have never existed without a monumental shift in the evolution of the business. I think Undertaker is on that next level.

Yes, certain INDIVIDUALS like Foley or Kane would have had fairly different careers without the Taker's presence. Hell, you could argue that someone as insignificant as Dean Malenko had a huge impact on Chris Jericho. That's not unusual. But as far as an astronomical, game-changing shift; I just don't think Undertaker's absence causes that. Part of the downside of always being such a specific "gimmick wrestler" or even a sideshow at times is that storylines involving the Undertaker were always very unique to him and seemed to involve a small number of people (minus the Ministry of Darkness, of course). But even when it comes to the Ministry, what really changes without that stable?

You could make this same argument for so many iconic wrestlers, so I don't want to make it sound like I'm picking on Undertaker. The business is just bigger than one person, and only the two I mentioned (Hogan and Austin) had an effect which changed the lives of everyone around them. At least that's my opinion.
I agree with Rasha. In all honesty, it would be pretty similar to what it is now. However, there are certainly many things that the Undertaker has brought to the WWF/E. I mean, who better to retire the Showstopper, HBK? He has done some incredible things for the company, and is one of the biggest draws at 'Mania. But the WWE would have succeeded with or without the Deadman, with SCSA, Hogan the Rock and more recently Jericho, Cena, etc.
Undertaker is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, but wrestling would of gone on without him being there. The only reason why I said that is because of the great wrestlers he had during his career now if the Undertaker debuted this year in his prime now that is something I would love to see.
I agree with Rasha. In all honesty, it would be pretty similar to what it is now. However, there are certainly many things that the Undertaker has brought to the WWF/E. I mean, who better to retire the Showstopper, HBK? He has done some incredible things for the company, and is one of the biggest draws at 'Mania. But the WWE would have succeeded with or without the Deadman, with SCSA, Hogan the Rock and more recently Jericho, Cena, etc.

Well there is one other guy who would have performed on top of his game and provided an excellent match for Wrestlemania and thats HHH. Other than that, nobody comes close to doing a retirement angle with HBK.

As for Undertaker himself, I think people do underestimate his presence in the WWF/E. By that I don't mean his larger than life present but the fact he was always there throughout the bad times to the good times yet keeps going on top of his game and always adapting. It's certainly unique, where as fans grew tired of Hogan, Cena etc and some didn't have a long career at the top (Rock, Austin etc) Undertaker has managed not to grow tired or burn himself out with the fans. His gimmick is still going and apart from the odd exception in the likes of HBK, Flair etc nobody has done this.

There will be a lot saying the company was based around other men, but most of them wouldn't be there at all if it wasnt for the Undertaker. The likes of Mick Foley wouldn't have been that famous in the WWF and Kane would never have existed. Also the fact Undertaker was involved in much of the top action from facing Yokozuna, to the Corporate Ministry, feuding with the Power Trip, going up against the Invasion, feuding with Brock, becoming the longest Undisputed Champion, to rise from the dead and now the face of Smackdown. Apart from when out injured and not Raw since the brand split, Undertaker has been involved in pretty much ever big angle in the WWF/E since Wrestlemania 13.

So it would be hard to imagine a WWE without The Undertaker's history, given how much has involved him even in a small role and the big impacts he has made. Like I said before he is unique
Well, for starters, match types would be different.

Buried Alive Match, Casket Match, Hell In A Cell. While the Hell In A Cell concept might have spawned (it's an obvious twist to a cage match. Put a cap on it.) It still fit him best due to his character.

Wrestlers would also be affected by his absense.

Steve Austin
Triple H
Shawn Michaels
Bret Hart

All men that have had several runs with him that allowed them to further their own careers.

The streak would be non-existent. WrestleMania's would lose that angle.

Plenty of things could change in various little ways.
Several things would change, such as the streak no longer being a factor at WM every year, which would initally be a big loss, but something that could be overcome quite easily. It would give WWE an opportunity to fill Undertakers match slot with another hot new feud, which would benefit the organisation.

Also, we probably would see the end of Casket Matches, Last Ride Matches and Buried Alive Matches, which are all Undertaker specialities. There is the possibility of another "supernatural" or "dark" character utilising these matches types- e.g Kane or a NEW evil character- which I think they will introduce after Taker retires.

Undertaker is known all over the world, even by non-wrestling fans. He is that famous. So, WWE without him would be strange and he would definately be a big loss to the company in the short term, but I think with all the new talent WWE is trying to develop and other stars such as Cena and Orton who will be around for a long time, I think WWE would be fine
You'd basically have just lost out on several gimmick matches and certain moments in history.

Ok, the guy's been there for 20 years. Debuted in Hogan era, stayed through Monday Night Wars, adapted for Attitude Era, adapted again for what i call the 'technical' era where guys like Benoit, Angle and Lesnar were the top attractions, and is still going strong even now despite his health.

He's put countless guys over, never seemingly used his power to get his own way, and is a locker room leader with everyone's resect.

He's also seemingly been the one to stand in the way of the guys that do/did abuse their status back in the day. I've heard a couple of stories where HHH and HBK (this was back in HBK's less respectable days) were fucking someone about, and Taker was the one to step in.

For example, he was one of the first to tell Bret that Shawn and Hunter were fully involved in the Screwjob.

Another example HHH gives on the HBK DVD, is where Shawn was smacked out of his head on drugs one night that Taker came and berated him to get his life in order.

But in terms of WWE's success? I think they could have easily maintained the level of success that they have had without him being there.

Austin, Rock, and all those other guys that have been mentioned didn't become mega stars because of Taker. Mankind did maybe, but he had an awesome fued with HBK that year as well, and after his Taker fued, he went back to the mid-card, to the point where after he flew off the Cell, people still boo'ed him and disrespected him the following night that he went in the back and ranted about it to Paul Bearer.

Glen Jacobs would have probably been given an even shitter gimmick than his dentist one, but they obviously felt Glen was an asset worth keeping, otherwise he wouldn't be there 13 years later, and he wouldn't be having a 'JBL run' with the title now. So no, there'd be no Kane, but Glen Jacobs would probably have stuck around in the 'E' for a while longer regardless.

I'll have to come back to this, have more to say, but lunch break's over.

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