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What would the rest of 2002 have been like had the nWo still been around?


if nash didnt tear his quad, i remember reading that vince was gearing up to make nWo the cenerpiece of raw, with the next week addition of eric bischoff to the wwe u can be he wouldve had something to do with it. so what do you guys think? how would the storylines have been altered? HHH joins or is he an enemy?? what if any new members would there have been?? would it have gone strong till end of the year or fizzled out? could a DX vs nWo have been realized?? give me your thoughts...
I think Vince ended the whole nWo angle because there was nothing else left to do with it. First of all it was a WCW origination that had ran its course in WCW only and once the stable was over, WCW started to fade away as well.

nWo in WWe was all about Hogan. Hogan did a good job in 2002 and did more then what we expected from him. He wrestled The Rock, HHH, The Undertaker and Kurt Angle on PPV's and Lesnar on TV.

Hall on the other hand was never an established main-eventer, even his match against Austin at WM 2002 was totally forgettable and I think Austin could have been used in a better way for that PPV. Nash did not even wrestle at Wrestlemania 2002 and did nothing then to fill up storylines in nWo WWE. Once Hogan left nWo it was all over.

What else could have they done with nWo in WWE? Maybe Lesnar would join nWo and wrestle The Rock at Summerslam 2002 as a nWo member? Maybe that HBK never joined nWo for a short period and we got Hogan vs HBK at Summerslam 2002?

They tried experimenting with Booker T, X Pac, Bigshow and HBK as nWo members and it all failed infact nWo started to flop more then before once Hogan left.

Top of that Austin left WWE or probably got injured after Backlash 2002 leaving very little scope for WWE to do with nWo.

The only way nWo could have continued if HBK and HHH formed DX again at that time and fought against nWo (but only if Hogan was still its member).

Other then that like I mentioned, nWo was already a dead idea and washed out in WCW years ago, I am sure Vince just bought it to promote Hogan's return to WWE and involve Rock/Austin against nWo to setup some dream stuff and setup Rock vs Hogan.

Just thinking out of the box, had Austin continued wrestling in 2002, Vince got have pushed for Hogan vs Austin match at Summerslam.
I think that had the NWO stayed around they probably would have continued with their attepmts at recruiting HHH. While I'm at it I'll play fantasy booker. What if HHH and Ric Flair formed Evolution as a face faction to battle and eventually defeat HBK and the NWO. I mean I'm sure Vince would've been on board due to the way he let HHH Squash every WCW star in 2003.
I have a feeling he would of had it eventually lead to DX vs nWo.

Think about it, HBK gets brought in, they run rough shot over the WWE. HHH finally gets in their way and they have no choice but to take him out. When it comes down to it, HBK can't turn his back when they beat down HHH so he jumps in to save him, reuniting HBK and HHH. This then leads to HHH/HBK, taking on Nash and Hall at some point. Maybe throw in Flair on DX side and Hogan on nWo. And you have them battle it out, something drawn out or whatever. But I could easily see Vince making his creation in DX go over nWo the WCW creation since both factions were used as a focal point during the MNW days
Think Vince Notoriously disliked using other promotions gimmicks. I was reading Have A nice Day this week, and in that "Mike" Foley recalls his conversation with Vince about Mantour the Mutilator, and how he did not want him to be Cactus Jack. The only time he allowed Cactus Jack to be mentioned was when they could present him as a Independent wrestler with a WWF take on it (and to be fair to all involved- Cactus Jack made Cactus Jack - not WCW, WWF or ECW).

The NWO storyline was weird - poorly thought out - just like the Invasion angle.

The only real WCW success story in the WWE after the invasion was Booker T. Goldberg was a flop.

But you are right- to have seen the NWO v D-X; that would have been something spectacular.
I've read in multiplue other sites that the original idea for HBK's nWo was to start a feud with Triple H's D-Generation X, but it got scrapped because Kevin Nash torn his quad.

Although this is nothing but rumors, I could see it happening back in 2002 and probably continue till the end of 2003.. nWo vs DX was a dream feud for many wrestling fans. Although it wasn't the original nWo, it still was nWo! HBK vs Triple H and Nash vs Triple H were all matches that people wanted to see, mostly because of their "cliq" relationship.

Triple H's heel turn came a little bit unexpected. I don't think the original idea was to have Triple H vs HBK only although it turned out pretty awesome.

I also believe that Vince wanted Triple H to be the face of the post Rock-Austin generation. Triple H would be the next badass face battling massive heels and going against his boss, who would be Eric Bischoff.

I'm glad things turned out the way they did actually. A super-face Triple H doesn't do it for me, considering the fact that we would've lost his best heel run during the glorious days of Evolution. Last but not least I can't imagine a world without Triple H vs Hbk. You can't just blow away the best heel of the decade, the best faction of the decade and the best feud of the decade.
The problem with WWE's nWo was that there was no way it could be the same formula that WCW used so successfully. With WCW's variation you had 2 WWE guys "invading" WCW, then added Hogan who even though he had been with WCW for 3 years was STILL viewed by many as a "WWE guy". The idea of an "invasion" worked. Try bringing that formula into WWE and you had 3 "WWE" guys who once invaded WCW and were now returning to destroy their home (WWE) because WWEs owner wanted it destroyed. NO PART of that makes sense logically. Now I get that there would be NO WAY you could bring in Hall/Nash/Hogan into WWE as a group without people calling them the nWo. In my opinion the nWo died at Wrestlemania when Rock and Hogan beat down Hall and Nash. I'll be honest in that I wasn't into wrestling dirt sheets/IWC stuff at this time so I never heard about nWo vs DX rumors but if they REALLY wanted an HBK group battling a HHH group, why not simply call the HBK group the "kliq". They try recruiting HHH to reform the kliq, he refuses and the battle ensues.
I don't know what it would have been like in 2002, but I think it could have made a comeback in the mid 00s. WWE could have started a new New World Order with a lot of popular wrestlers. I would have replaced the Outsiders with Edge and Christian as the Tag Team Champions. I would have made Batista the leader of the nWo to replace Hogan. Then, I would have added Orton as the young man of the group just like how Giant was the young member of the early WCW nWo. I would have later added Ted Dibiase to replace Michael Wallstreet's character and to replace the original Ted Dibiase as financer of the group. Cody Rhodes wold have been a member to replace Buff Bagwell's ego-centric character and Chris Masters would have replaced Big Poppa Pump's character. Finally, I would have Mark Henry replace Norton's character. Eric Bischoff would lead this new nWo in order to have revenge against WWE for his firing unless Paul Heyman decided to lead the new nWo in order to destroy the company who was using the ECW name again. I also would have maybe hired Sandman and Al Snow just for the fun of it. I would have liked to see the nWo bring back the Hardcore Championship.
i always thought that HHH would reject nWos offer, face nash at summerslam, bischoff would come in to be a member, HHH would team with booker T till september then make a heel turn and join the nWo as well, by october he and HBK would leave nWo and reform DX to fight nWo at survivor series where big poppa pump would debut as a member, survivior series would be Nash Xpac Big Show Steiner vs HHH HBK and the New Age Outlaws
The NWO was long dead by this time, and I think the only reason Vince brought them back was for Hulk Hogan. Even he broke away not to long after they came back. I think the best thing that could have happened was a DX/NWO feud, and even at that I am not sure this incarnation of the NWO was popular enough to make that feud a big deal. I am a huge fan of the original NWO, but they fizzled out even before WCW was finished.
I think the New World Order could very well have stuck around if a few things didn’t take place. Hulk Hogan should never have left the NWO, and, well, Kevin Nash should have been a lot more careful, and, well, Scott Hall should have been watched at all times by the Kliq.

With that being said, let’s just say these 3 things did in fact happen in 2002. I would have still had X-Pac and Big Show join the NWO after WrestleMania X8. Then, I would still have had Shawn Michaels and Booker T. join as well. They should have been the most dominate Stable the WWE has ever seen since DX. Then of course, the first ever WWE Brand Extension Draft would then take place, splitting the group into 2. On Smackdown, I’d have NWO Hollywood with Hulk Hogan, Big Show, and Booker T. I’d even have them try and recruit one or two more members, or maybe the Dudley Boyz or something. On Raw, I’d have the Wolfpac / Kliq with Shawn Michaels, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and X-Pac, while trying to recruit Triple H. You can bet at the Survivor Series that there would be a New World Order vs. Team Smackdown match and a Kliq vs. Team Raw match.

Just to note, I wouldn’t have had Hogan turn Face till the 2003 Royal Rumble, where he would try to win it by eliminating member of the NWO to face Kurt Angle / Triple H, only to come up short, thanks to Vince McMahon.
The Clique would of been a on screen stable and they would of dropped the NWO storyline or have the nwo feud with Triple hhh but when they introduce the world title triple hhh would of faced Flair and had it seem like the NWO would screw Triple hhh only to screw Flair
The NWO in WWE should have been part of the ORIGINAL INVASION angle in 2001. NWO was based on WWF guys invading WCW. So why not have them invade WWF, along with the rest of WCW. It fits in perfectly with the nature of the group.

They should have held off on the entire Invasion angle until they had enough WCW talent signed to make it interesting, instead of basing the entire thing around WWF guys Austin, Rock and Angle.

I mean Team Alliance at Survivor Series 2001 was Austin, Angle, Shane McMahon, Booker T and RVD.... only 1 WCW guy and 1 ECW guy.

I get that they tried to capitalize on the timing of the purchase of WCW. But they could have saved the Invasion angle until they had guys like Hogan, Nash, Hall, DDP, Steiner, Flair, Bischoff, Goldberg signed (all eventually ended up in WWF shortly after anyways). Who knows, maybe with a strong WCW cast they could have even convinced Sting to come over.

That's how NWO would have fit perfectly into the WWF.

Imagine an actual WWF vs. WCW PPV?

Austin vs. Sting
Team WWF (Rock, Angle, Taker, Kane, Foley) vs. Team WCW (Flair, DDP, Goldberg, Booker T, Steiner)
DX (HBK, HHH, Road Dogg, Gunn) vs. NWO (Hogan, Nash, Hall, X-Pac)
Bischoff vs. McMahon

It's funny, someone earlier mentioned how NWO and Goldberg both flopped in WWF. I'd disagree on Goldberg. He had the belt for 3 months and feuded with Rock, Jericho, HHH, Kane, Batista and Lesnar. When Goldberg debuted on RAW he was insanely over with the WWF crowd.

Same as when the NWO came out. Same with DDP being revealed as the stalker. These guys were all over and got massive initial pops. But they were booked to be so weak by Vince's ego that their potential wasn't fully used. Too bad. There was the potential for so many more big money matches.
I dont know. How much longer couldt they carry the same story over and over. Nwo arrives, NWO attacks people, NWO leaves. that was basically it. Dont get me wrong it was great but that waqs it in a nutshell. I mean look it didnt help WCW stay in business. I mean you could have a few more stable to put them up against. But why finically ruin your business to have people make run-ins/walk-ins. And when they do have a match its not like they were all great.
The NWO never got over n the WWF/E back in 2002 because they didn't do a damn thing and was very poorly thought out! The only thing the fans cared about was seeing Hulk Hogan in the WWF/E again which ruined the whole angle.

That being said, the whole thing could have been saved if a major WWF face would have joined the group. The best scenario my mind would have been having the Rock join the group at the end of his Wrestlemania match with Hogan.

After defeating Hogan, Nash and Hall came down to the ring and confront Hogan. Hogan and the Rock clear the ring of both. From there while having Hogan pose.. (they should have started playing "Real American") the Rock should have attacked Hogan from behind. The fans were already booing The Rock the entire match, however it would have been a total shock. Hall and Nash return to the ring to continue to beat down on Hogan and begin celebrating with the Rock as the newest member of the group.

This would have set up Hogan's major face turn and get him in good with the WWF side, while then having The Rock as the new leader of the NWO. The group would then begin to wreak havoc on the WWF roster. Initially they should have Vince be happy that the group was gaining momentum, but then the group could beat him up and cause Vince to "regret" the whole thing...
The original premise of the NWO arrival in 2002 was the feud between McMahon & Flair. Remember, Vince was so distraught he couldnt get rid of Flair he was willing to "inject the poison" into WWE to kill it rather than let Flair maintain part ownership. Flair initially was willing to step down and cede his half of the company to Vince but Austin convinced him not to. Its a little hard for a long time viewer to accept Vince being willing to destroy the company just to beat Flair (thats even more desperate than he got at his worst with Austin) but the premise was workable if booked better. The fact that niether Vince nor Flair were involved in the angle (Flair was moved into the feud vs Taker with Vince having peripheral involvement) made no sense.

NWO to stay through 2002 they 1st: Keep Hogan & McMahon - Hogan was the leader, just like you couldnt do DX without HBK or The Horsemen without Flair. Have Vince manipulate the group to squash his enemies like Rock, Austin, etc with Flair rallying the troops in opposition. Eventually the group gets tired of McMahon's posturing which either sets up their dumping Vince and bringing in Bischoff or Hogan realizing his errored ways and turning face to oppose the group - 2nd: Big Show comes back. He was a big part of the group's better days and he was already on the roster - 3rd: More comebacks - Have the NWO bring back Steiner and recruit Triple H. Have HBK make his comeback, convince Trips its time to take care of business and defect to Team Flair, reuniting as DX for an extended DX VS NWO feud. If possible Id bring back Goldberg at this time too as a momentum switch for the anti NWO crowd. - 4th: Keep Nash & Waltman healthy and in the ring. Someone other than Hogan needs to wrestle and these two are as much a part of the group foundation as anyone. Hall was an unreliable addict by this time so you know he was on borrowed time. - 5th: End this by WM 19. Dont make the WCW mistake of dragging this out forever, by WM 19 you should have exhausted any DX-NwO plans, had Hogan turn face, and leave Vince in the dust. Let the NWO have their beatdowns, win some matches. milk the DX angle and the Hogan and Flair legacies for all they were worth, then move on with the group vanquished once and for all.
There is wealth of proof that Vince just hates using other promotions gimmicks and every action he has had for the past 25 years in wrestling has supported that. He just does not either "get" why they worked or somewhere in the back of his mind wants it to fail.

Hogan was the centerpiece of the nWo, just like Flair was for the Horsemen and how HBK was for DX. Yeah Nash and Hall played their part but Hall was absent for much of the nWo run because of his own problems and Nash was generally a sidekick, without Hogan nWo just cannot function, it is its entire identity so regardless of what Vince did it would not have mattered.
The NWO had no steam because of the talent in WWE. Hogan, Nash, and Hall almost put the WWE out of business in the 90s. The original plans were for Hall to go over Austin, and Rock to beat Hogan but Hall/Nash run down and beat him to death to get heat. All of this was rewritten according to Nash in an interview and Austin went over Hall, beat up Nash when he came down, and then Hogan shook hands with Rock.

It's clear Austin cried about Hall going over, and none of the boys in the back outside of HHH/HBK wanted these guys back. Austin refused to job to Hall and Vince caved in to his talent in the late 90s that went up against the NWO. It is something they could have ran with for a long time and tried to win back the lost WCW crowd who didn't jump to WWE when WCW went under. Vince and the WWE forgot they owned the WCW/NWO I guess and so did the talent. They didn't care to do what was good for business and served their own egos by jobbing out and killing something that could have been big and potentially won back a lost audience.

It's the same reason why Sting didn't go to WWE. Outside of vanilla midgets that jumped early, no major talent from WCW got much of a push in WWE. DDP got turned into a stalker who got beat up by Undertakers wife. Goldberg eventually fed to HHH.. We can see a steady decline over that time period eventually to the 2.5-2.7 ratings Raw draws now. Vince has no competition and books to feed his ego and punish people.

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