i seriously love what if questions..and i think about this sooooo much..i always think about what if hbk never left bret never had to retire or any of that..well hbk would probably not beas huge as is remembered now..cause when he was on that hiatus people who started watching after he left had only like word of mouth and this was wayyy before youtube so really nothing unless wwe showed a package..so it made him somewhat bigger on hiatus and great when he returned..but if that never happened..i think they could have went soooo far with the invasion angle....all that star power and ego..would have made some memorable matches and high angles.. the kilq reformation, the dx vs nwo army..oh crap perfect!!! i could see that five on five match at survivor series in 2001 being team nwo...nash,hall,possibly hogan,sting,stiener vs team dx, hhh,hbk,road dogg,billy gun,x pac...oh mann can we say high ratings.....and have people rock fued with austin and booker with angle..ohh the endless possiblities...good thread