What would have happened?


So as we know Triple H and Stephanie Mcmahon are married and have been for a while. Of course marrying the bosses daughter gives you alot of power backstage and people are constantly complaining about how HHH got where he is because of marrying Steph.

What I want to know is if HHH and Steph had never got together what would have happend to triple H. Would he have simply faded into the background? Would he have Got where he is today? Would he still have a list of accomplishments as long as your arm?

What do you guys think would have happened? Remember this isn't a thread to rip into HHH.
to be honest I think he still would have been pretty big and had a similar track record title-wise, he was becoming quite established by the time the two started dating in 2000 so he'd already won a few WWE world titles by that point anyway. Perhaps he'd have a few less titles, but he'd still be hugely successful and one of the top stars in the WWE, unless he decided to retire from wrestling early and pursue a more serious acting career in Hollywood like the Rock or Stone Cold, which he might well of done if he wasn't married.

However I think if HHH didn't get with Steph then Shane would still be with the company and him and maybe Steph together would both be being groomed to take over from Vince and run the company together. As HHH has a lot of support from wrestlers both past and present Shane probably detected there would be some bias and more respect in the locker room for Steph and realized it wouldn't be a fair partnership in terms of respect, hence the reason he jumped ship (I really can't understand why you wouldn't want to inherit a billion dollar company that is known the world over unless you knew it wasn't something you'd be able to run your own way without compromise).
Are you kidding me? When Steph and Triple H got married it was 2003 and he'd already been a multi-time World Champion and was the top heel and face in the company in 2000 and 2002 respectively. If they never got married there's no doubt in my mind that he would still be exactly where he is today cause his relationship with Steph had no impact on his wrestling career.

He dominated in 03-05 because he was super over, not because of his private life. He's been over since the start of DX in 97 and he's never looked back so his marriage doesn't even matter
to be honest I think he still would have been pretty big and had a similar track record title-wise, he was becoming quite established by the time the two started dating in 2000 so he'd already won a few WWE world titles by that point anyway. Perhaps he'd have a few less titles, but he'd still be hugely successful and one of the top stars in the WWE, unless he decided to retire from wrestling early and pursue a more serious acting career in Hollywood like the Rock or Stone Cold, which he might well of done if he wasn't married.

However I think if HHH didn't get with Steph then Shane would still be with the company and him and maybe Steph together would both be being groomed to take over from Vince and run the company together. As HHH has a lot of support from wrestlers both past and present Shane probably detected there would be some bias and more respect in the locker room for Steph and realized it wouldn't be a fair partnership in terms of respect, hence the reason he jumped ship (I really can't understand why you wouldn't want to inherit a billion dollar company that is known the world over unless you knew it wasn't something you'd be able to run your own way without compromise).

As far as we know Shane didn't sell his stock in the company. And if he did then he is set for life financially. I personally think Shane just didn't want to have to dedicate his entire life to the WWE. I think he wanted to spend time with his family. I mean look at the way he has looked. He appeared to be aging terribly. Gray hair and all..

As far as the question about HHH and Steph goes...It's been asked many times before. The answer is simple. HHH was already established before. Him being married to Steph hasn't affected his feuds, his title reigns or anything. His ability earned him those titles. Plain and simple. If anything being married to Stephanie HURT his career. Because people that didn't fully follow HHH as he was rising don't realize he was already established. They just see "Oh he married Stephanie then suddenly he got a ton more title reigns" etc etc.
Triple H was married to Stephanie long after he became a star and multiple time champion. The problem is, the average fan sees that he is married to the bosses daughter and automatically assume he is only famous because of her. Couldnt be farther from the truth.

If he hadnt married Stephanie, he would be just as big as he is now. He took the ball when HBK left and ran with it. He did it all himself. His marriage is just a by product of love. Not his success.
hhh still would have been pretty big! probably not quite as big because he wouldnt have been squashing any and every new person! hes 1 of the only legitimate main eventers in the company because he has buried the rest of them too badly for them to keep any credibility! thats why wwe has been so painfully boring the last few years! they have no big names!
The Marriage only created some interesting story.
It could of happened without them being married for real.
Triple H is better than most people give him credit, his talent has gotten him in the history books, not his wife.
No one should make the mistake of thinking he would be nobody without his marriage to the boss' daughter. Just the scope of his work in the ring and on the mike has made him one of the best in history. Still, I'd be willing to admit he might not have had as many championship reigns as he would have without Stephanie. Because of his connection to the McMahon family, he probably had more input to the creative process than he would have without them.

Still, Triple H had been around WWE a long time before he married Stephanie.....and even after he was with her, I recall him wrestling five times in one night to put over a program; if he were using his influence to make things better for himself, I doubt he would have worked so hard.

I think a better question is how far would Triple H have risen if his buddies Hall & Nash hadn't left the company to go to WCW. That created a void at the top that Triple H filled........but he did it with hard work, not family connections.
The only thing that Steph did, was giving him the oportunity to run the company!!!

So what? He is a great superstar, right now is concer is all about the WWE, this guy really loves the Pro-Wrestling, because when he married with Steph, we all know that in some way he was goint to be part of the WWE Company, and for me is great for this!!
I cant imagine, what Triple H as in mind for the WWE!!

He is one of the bests of all times, is matches are always very good!!
He is as good as Shawn, however Shawn likes to entertain and not going after tittles, which Triple H character always wanted more!!

There was a time, that i think that The Nexus was being lead to put Vince McMahon away from the power, and giving it to Stephanie or HHH
That was a mark out moment in the WWE!!!
Did the marriage help propel him to the level he's currently at? Probably. But I do believe that even without the Steph factor his carer would have taken a verysimilar path. Maybe not a 13 time champion. Maybe only 9 times? lol

I'm actually a fan of the man, of both his heel and face personas. He is simply very, very good. Great ring psychology. Great when he is funny. Great when he is serious. And just overall one bad ass look. You can't blame the WWE for pushing this guy to the moon.

He had this one phase between 2001 and 2003 when it seemed he was hogging the spotlight and the title. Everyone, myself included, got kinda sick of him then. Back then I was far more likely to buy into the whole Tripps-is-being-pushed-because-he-is-family-theory. But even then I grudgingly admitted that I also saw sounds business reasons for his monstrous push.

So what would have happened, had he not married Steph? Probably pretty much the same thing that happened with her, except his backstage involvement with the company wouldn't be as pronounced today.
I think that even without the marriage into the McMahon family, The Game would still be pretty much where he is today.

He was already a major star and World Champion when they got together, the on-screen marriage to Steph happened well before they got together in real life, so I do not think marrying into the McMahon family did much for keeping him at main event level, he got their on his own.

If he was still in the company today, and not married to Steph I still think he would be where he is at now with title reigns. He is the biggest star (bar Undertaker) left from the Attitude era and would be regarded as one of the all time greats, as he is already.

Vince does listen to his big stars backstage, and they have alot of influence so it isnt just marrying Steph that allows Triple H this advantage. Undertaker, Cena, HBK and others all had Vince's ear when it comes to their characters, and Triple H would be no different. Vince respects Hunter and would treat him well.
HHH would still have been a star without Stephanie Mcmahon. Did his marriage to her helped? Maybe, but you have to remember that HHH is in the WWE since pre attitude era (1994). If he wasn't good there is no way he would have lasted in the company past 1997-1998 and thus he wouldn't have met her anyways.
To be honest, Trips would be where he is at with or without his wife.
Trips was the ultimate face and heel, whether it be with DX, Evolution or alone HHH always got over with the crowd.

However, It definitely didnt hurt to be banging the boss' daughter, if you know what I mean

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