What Would Happen If John Cena left the WWE?

JT Strike's Alt

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I see time and time again, people hating on john cena wanting him to leave.

I'm aware that theres alot of topics about john cena on here already but this topic is alittle different its about if john cena really left the wwe at the current moment we're on right now what would happen to the wwe?

This is more about the wwe than john cena?

So Who would be the number 1 face of the company?
Who would be the number 1 heel of the company?

would wwe offer cm punk even more money to return?
Or would wwe go and try to pick up some of tna's or roh's talent?

Say what you actually think would happen, and thanks for advance for anyone who actually takes this seriously instead of spamming it up.
Vince McMahon would probably have a coronary. John Cena does help bring in a lot of money to WWE, particularly when it comes to merchandise as he's been the top seller for WWE for years. There's money in Cena, a lot of it, otherwise he wouldn't be in the spot he's had for almost 10 years.

However, just based on some of the reports I've read, I think Vince and some of his more trusted long time guys, like Kevin Dunn, place even more value on Cena than what he actually brings. For instance, they've been reluctant to keep Cena off television for extended periods of time, even if it's something he genuinely needs physically. Last year, after he'd torn a triceps muscle, he was expected to be out 4 to 6 months, but wasn't gone anywhere close to that amount of time. WWE officials were worried because ratings were tanking without Cena but, at least from my perspective, is they didn't take into account that post SummerSlam is heading into Monday Night Football season. The past few years, Raw and any other show on Monday nights have taken big hits up against MNF. Raw has done some lousy numbers up against Monday Night Football, last year was a little better than 2012, but they continued to put up lousy numbers even with John Cena was front & center, smack in the middle of the title picture.

During WrestleMania season this year, John Cena wasn't in the title picture. In fact, generally speaking, John Cena probably received less focus for the build of WrestleMania XXX than he has for any WrestleMania since he's been with the company. Cena hasn't been carrying a championship for almost 6 months and guess what...the world hasn't ended. Ratings for Raw haven't plummeted, WrestleMania XXX drew well over a million buys just domestically when you combine the WWE Network with the traditional ppv numbers, international ppv buys haven't even been added to that total yet and WWE programming continues to draw well even though John Cena hasn't been in the absolute top spot for quite a while.

I'm not saying this to sound like I'm hating on Cena, because I'm not. I like the guy overall, I'm not a huge super fan or anything, but the guy's damn good at his job overall. However, if John Cena left WWE, it wouldn't be the end by any stretch. The sky wouldn't fall, the oceans wouldn't boil, the moon wouldn't turn into blood. To me, the product feels extremely fresh and energetic, talent like Daniel Bryan, The Shield, Bray Wyatt, etc. are doing very well in their spots and people are interested in them. It'd be a blow to WWE, don't get me wrong, but it's not something they wouldn't be able to recover from in pretty short order.
If Cena left, WWE would take a serious hit in merchandise. I read somewhere that the John Cena brand brings in over 100 million a year for the WWE. If he up and left, the WWE would be losing their biggest cash cow. Vince would do anything in his power to keep him around. The TV ratings would dip as well.

However, the E is bigger than any one man, and the machine would continue on with it's biggest cog missing. Daniel Bryan is the #2 face right now, so he would become the #1 face, at least for a while. I think Orton would continue to be the #1 heel.

I'm sure the WWE is constantly trying to contact Punk, but I don't think a pay raise would bring him back, unless it's some ridiculous WCW-style guaranteed contract with a favored nations stipulation, creative control, and stuff like that. That's not gonna happen though.

I don't think WWE has any interest in TNA or ROH, but they would probably recruit a ROH talent over a TNA talent. Most of their new talent will come through the performance center, unfortunately.

Unless his career is ended by an injury, Cena isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He isn't turning heel anytime soon either.
Cena leaving the WWE would be a huge hit to the stock of the WWE first of all. He's the top merch seller in WWE, he's also the biggest name in the WWE. If Cena left without retiring from the WWE, it would be a hypocritical thing for him to do. Most of his promos consist of him telling the universe he's here to stay, he will never leave them, and how this is his life. WWE would take a huge hit

The #1 face would be obviously DB, he's basically the #1 face already, he's really only behind Cena in terms of merchandise. The top heel would be Orton. Or triple H, but he's a part timer.

I don't think they would reach out to Punk regardless, unless both come together and agree to punk returning. There are a ton of up and coming stars in NXT that have a ton of potential, also a ton on the current roster that could help lead the new generation( Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, ect.) nobody can do what Cena has done in terms of merchandise, make a wish, different appearances he makes for the company . But like Punk said 'we're just a spoke on the wheel' & WWE will have to move on without their top draw. It would be a huge adjustment, but it would have to happen.
At first, there'd be panic within the company from the higher ups. Vince in particular would likely flip out. But the fact is, WWE has track record of recovering from stuff like this. So Hulk Hogan has left? Well, let's make a star out of Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, etc. So Bret Hart is leaving and Michaels is badly injured? Well, let's make a star out of Stone Cold and The Rock. So the Rock is leaving and Stone Cold is physically unable for it? Fine, we've still got Triple H, Kurt Angle, and some kid called Brock Lesnar... And so on, and so forth.

My point is, if it came to a point where both John Cena and CM Punk were out of the company, Vince would be somewhat nervous because he wouldn't have any legitimate full-time draws. I mean, Daniel Bryan has drawn quite well so far in PPV buys and TV ratings, but it's hard to believe that Vince would put all his resources into making Bryan the top guy.

But once the initial panic subsided, Vince would start pushing the next big thing to the moon. Which, in this case, is Roman Reigns. Reigns would be positioned as this generations Stone Cold. It's also entirely possible that Vince would do anything he could to bring CM Punk back to be the top face while Reigns is getting pushed to the very top.

At the end of the day, I believe WWE would survive. Cena makes a lot of money for the company, but he doesn't make more than 50% of the company's money. So I don't think the WWE could go out of business
Interesting question. While I think Cena's loyalty would eliminate this from happening it is worth pondering what would happen is Cena indeed left. I doubt Cena would go wrestle anywhere else, but i do feel he's continue doing appearances. Getting CM Punk to come back would do little good when compared to what Cena brings to the table. Punk simply couldn't be the face of the company like Cena currently is.

Roman Reigns is nowhere near ready to be taking on this spot though I'd reckon there would be an effort to fast-track him to the spot. Bryan is way over, but i don't see him being able to carry the Cena spot. Like Jack Hammer has said, Cena can still be effective even if not in the title or main event picture.

Perhaps they'd make a big offer to the Rock to appear more often or bring in Austin in a non-wrestling role. Maybe even more Hulkster as a GM. The roster is stronger than it's been in years, but no one is poised to be John Cena currently.
The same thing that happened when Rock, Austin, and Brock left. They would rely on the veteran main eventers (Orton, Bryan, HHH, Batista, Brock) and upper mid card guys to fill out the card in order to speed up the process of their young stars (Shield, Wyatts, Cesaro, etc.) for their turn in the main event. I don't think it would be as bad as 2003-2004, but their will be a huge hole in the main event. However, they got through Hulk, Warrior, Bret, Austin, Rock, Brock, and many others leaving. They'll get by.
I think the collective audiences and Vince at first would have a coronary! Cena is the face of the company the No1 guy in the business. TO be honest,he is a workhorse,brings in tons of publicity,merch sales,grants wishes,built like a brick shithouse. It would sting a lot if he left,but eventually we will all get over it..

I can promise you this though,if he left its not the end of the world.. The Zombies would not come to life,the end of the world would not happen it might feel like it at first. Im a huge Cena mark as my posts of past can tell you,If i like someone i will say so,if i dont,then i will say so..

There is plenty of talent if he did leave to take his spot.. The wyatts,The Shield,Daniel Bryan WWE would be fine. (On a side note,Im like Barry Horowitz,pats myself on the back)
I'm not a huge Cena fan. There are times I find his ring work and character boring. However, he is passionate about the business, dedicated to the company and has been a great ambassador for the WWE.

If he were to leave, that would be a wake up call to the WWE. They would have to work hard to fill the hole that he would leave in terms of PR, merchandise sales, arena event attendance, television ratings and ppv buyrates. That being said, he has fans and he has people that genuinely dislike him. For a time based on reports, the company lost around $500 million with him being there. Now that downfall is about stock price and he alone isn't responsible but he is a part of the problem being the face of the WWE's sports entertainment part of the business.

Check out link http://www.stamfordadvocate.com/news/article/Freefall-of-WWE-stock-costs-McMahons-500M-3743680.php

Cena is so crucial that he can't even take the necessary time off to heal from injuries or take a break from his hectic schedule.

So if he were to leave, I think it would hurt WWE, but they would have to do what they should have done: do a better job choosing, cultivating, developing and molding talent to move to that main event roster. They need to figure out how to create new stars and they've either been too lazy or complacent about doing it, or they just have no idea how to make new stars. The good news, he seems happy to keep working , the bad news (and I hope it doesn't happen) anything can happen and he isn't getting any younger.
John Cena loves the WWE too much to leave the company. I couldn't even dream of it happening under any stretch of the imagination. I see him still physically involved in the ring for the next 6 to 8 years. I'd say when 2020 comes around he might settle down. But even then, he'll still be involved behind the scenes the same way Triple H is. There's no stopping John from leaving WWE. Vince McMahon needs John Cena till they find someone else who can be WWE's next cash cow. But that's barely their focus and not something to be concerned about. Vince has everything he needs to keep the profit flowing in.
I will try to be as fair as I can. Nobody is necessary for the WWE to run. Punk walked out, the show went on. Austin did the same. If Cena left tomorrow, NOTHING would happen, especially when you think that people don't care about his segments anymore. There are so many other hungry guys who can fill his shoes as #1 face of the WWE at the moment, at least as far as the product goes. Bryan can be that guy. Punk COULD be. You have the Shield coming up, Cesaro and so on.

After all, this whole "face of the WWE" is kinda stupid now that I think of it. Cena is the face, but he is in a mid - card feud and not many people care about what he does anymore.

WWE survived even when way bigger names left, I think they can handle Cena. Nothing would happen. They will just have Bray feud with Batista, Orton or something like that if they need a top guy to face him.

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