What Will Become of the Hardy Boyz


Pre-Show Stalwart
we all loved to see the Hardyz back together. they've had a couple matches together and their facing MNM at D2D. so whats going to happen to them? is this just a short reunion? jeffs still the intercontinental champion. so after
D2D is jeff just going back to raw and matt back to smackdown? are they going to remain together and be on RAW? or SmackDown? or even ECW? and do u think their better off together or on seperate brands?
Jeff Hardy should keep the IC title for a little longer because I haven't seen quality IC title matches in a long time.
In the long run, I believe that Matt and Jeff Hardy will team up and become a great tag team in ECW, that is if ECW creates tag titles.
I think for now, they aren't going to be teamed together on a permanent basis just yet. Jeff is probably going to hold the IC title for a little while longer and is feuding with Nitro, and Matt still has his feud with Helms going on on Smackdown. WWE is just reuniting them for Suvivor Series and ECW to increase PPV sales, after the ECW ppv they will probably go back to their respective brands. But really, judging from the great crowd reactions they've been getting, I'd say it's only a matter of time before they're put back together and going for tag team gold. Hardyz vs. Rated RKO was one of the best tag team matches of the year IMO.
Jeremy Dick said:
I think for now, they aren't going to be teamed together on a permanent basis just yet. Jeff is probably going to hold the IC title for a little while longer and is feuding with Nitro, and Matt still has his feud with Helms going on on Smackdown. WWE is just reuniting them for Suvivor Series and ECW to increase PPV sales, after the ECW ppv they will probably go back to their respective brands. But really, judging from the great crowd reactions they've been getting, I'd say it's only a matter of time before they're put back together and going for tag team gold. Hardyz vs. Rated RKO was one of the best tag team matches of the year IMO.

Expect them to be teamed up again at Wrestlemania before they reunite when the draft lottery comes around.
Remember though DX was only supposed to help turn DX face, and have ended awhile ago. They dont seem to have any immediate plans to end so i think the Hardyz could follow a similar line. I certainly hope so as although Jeff is the IC champ, i cant see either him or Matt headlining as singles, but as a tag team theyre alot better and a much bigger draw.
I think it is definitely helping the brand, The Hardys still have a lot of marks and have th "Extreme style"
I think they should re-unite, but also persue singles carears, so they each can go for titles, but they have each others backs so to speak.
harrpau7 said:
I think they should re-unite, but also persue singles carears, so they each can go for titles, but they have each others backs so to speak.

ECW will allow them to do that, as oppose to just being tag team partners on RAW.
I've never been a fan of Jeff Hardy so I would be quite happy if they did'nt re-unite permanently. Since he returned he's looked terrible in the ring. Personally I think WWE dropped the ball with Matt after he returned, he's been made into a complete jobber and yet the crowd's still love him. I believe that if WWE had decided to push him as a top star fan's would have embraced him.
they should definately return as a permanent tag team soon. if not then definately at wrestlemania 23/draft lottery. Hardy Boyz vs London/Kendrick 4 tag team titles is almost like a dream Wrestlemania match (note i said almost - L&K r highflying but still not as good as Dudleys yet) however rumours could suggest L&K could be splitting soon bcoz of Ashley playboy storyline.
WWE might move Matt Hardy to RAW to keep Hardyz permentaly. I think they could be needed on SD for the tag team division. Imagine Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs The Hardy Boyz!
I would favor all tag teams being on one show and having an awesome tag team division on that show.

I agree with previous posters, the Hardyz will be split back up and sent back to their respective brands, theyve been thrown together just to increase Survivor Series and especially ECW buy rates. Im fine with Jeff Hardy staying as a singles wrestler because, despite what disgruntled TNA fans will tell you, he has been putting on very good matches.
I noticed no one has mentioned thisbut if The Hardyz were to move to ECW full time and Jeff Hardy is still the IC champion then that would put a secondary title on ECW, they could then bring in a new championship for RAW an create a tag division on ECW, I don't think this is likley. What will probably happen is they will move Matt Hardy over to Raw sometime in the next couple of months so that they can reunite them full time, then at Wrestlemania they'll have an interpromotional tag match with London and Kendrick, but until that happens they'll go back to raw and SD! and Jeff will continue his feud with Nitro, and Matt Hardy will feud with Mercury(if he goes to SD!)
Personally I enjoy watching the Hardy's team again but I certainly wouldn't want to have them team permanently they are singles stars now and as such would be taking away from the product more so than add to it.

The last thing Raw or SD needs is a dusty old tag team in the division that means squat. Besides just like Edge and Christian did the Hardys have been moved up in the world as singles stars going for singles belts. Man I remeber when Matt Hardy ruled the cruiser division on SD with the Version 1 moniker that was AWESOME he was a great heel but now he looks goofy Matt needs to be a heel again to get some of his credibility back and I wish he could feud with someone the likes of Finlay. I think they would put on a great show.
I mean I find it unfair for his younger, sloppier, and by all rights ridiculous looking brother Jeff to be overshadowing Matt who has paid his dues with all the stupid ass storylines with Kane and Edge over of all people Lita. Jeff can do some great high flying moves but its not enough anymore dammit give the guy some slams or something and lose the braids son!

I'll say this though they did have some awesome matches in the past with the Dudleys and E & C. But that was then and this is now it is time for them or at least Matt to be back in the title hunt of some sort the guy deserves it!
And have ol Jeff drop the IC gold to someone like Shelton then move on to ECW because he'd be a perfect fit.

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