What were you doing on 9/11?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Like the title said what were you doing when you hears that terrorist's had flown into the Twin Towers?

I was working in a shop at the time and a woman came and told me about it, I did'nt really think much of it until I saw it on the t.v. when I got home. I was shocked at what had happened and I was wondering what it must have been like for everybody who was involved.
Well since it had happened while I was asleep. I was sleeping but once I got up I knew something was up cause when I had turned on my TV the Kids shows weren't on and there was just news, after changing the stations several times I asked parents what was going on.... I was only like 10 - 9 at the time.. so I didn't understand much... They told me that terriosts (explained what they were) had flown planes into Americas tallest buildings and that the Pentagon had been bombed, thats what they were annoucing it as.... I watched the news and slowly began to understand what happened. I went to school and went to class and having an American Teacher at the time... she started crying in the middle of class, some teachers came and took over and the teacher.. (I don't think she would liek to see her last name on here) went home. thats pretty much what I was doing on that fatal day.

R.I.P All Who Died on That Fatal Day -Its Sept 11 In Aus-
^^^^^ That was pretty much the same thing as me. I turned on the T.V to watch kid show and all that was playing was the footage of the planes and that.
well i was in school at the time i think it was about 2.15pm last lessons and my teacher had a phonecall of her sister (it was a music lesson and i was in year 5) and the head came in to take over she came in crying because her parents were there and she said something about a plane going into some towers - i was young so it didnt really register I run home to tell my parents at 3.20pm when school finished and it was on sky news and i realised how bad it was
i was in math class in 5th grade, school didnt let out but almost every students parents came and picked them up that day(including mine)
Y 2 Jake said:
Like the title said what were you doing when you hears that terrorist's had flown into the Twin Towers?

I was working in a shop at the time and a woman came and told me about it, I did'nt really think much of it until I saw it on the t.v. when I got home. I was shocked at what had happened and I was wondering what it must have been like for everybody who was involved.

That attack on the twin tower spark a new world for everyone, many people lost their trust in the goverment because of it.

I was in London at the time of the London Bombing. Scary time i said i would never ride the train but i did and still do used it.

I was shock when i heard about the Twin Tower it was a sad day
i think i was eating lunch at school when everyone started to leave i was young so it hought everybody had doctor oppionements
I was in 4th Grade, and school had started the week before. I remember at exactly 9:00AM, I was saying the Pledge of Allegiance. They told us at the end of the day what happened. When I got home I saw it on the news and there was a bunch of police cars going by my house because I live really close to NYC. Really bad day. I was like 9, and didn't think something like that could happen.

Flames Out
I was in like, 6th grade so however old that is. The whole school was outside because of a fire drill, and it went down like a movie. I remember the principal came out and told my teacher and we were all rushed inside and they turned on the TV's and there it was. And i was watching when they showed the second one hit it. Then my friends and i had a convo about who it was and we all thought it was the chinese.
It was really strange for me, because I had been in New York- at Ellis Island a couple of weeks ago. And Ellis Island was really close to the World Trade Centers. Kind of surreal.
Flames Out
I was home sick, so sick that my dad called and said "hey were going to war" i was like "no dont play with me that way i dont feel good"

i dragged my butt to the livingroom and tryed watching what was happening but kept falling asleep
i was in 3rd grade and none of the teachers would tell us what was happening. all these kids were going home. then i came home and my mom was crying. i watched it on tv, and thought that the world was ending and i remember how angry i was. me and my dad couldnt sleep the night before kinda like deja vu. i kept waking up sweating alot.
I was in my school, in 4th grade I think, and all I remember was that someone entering the room and then my teacher looked shocked, with her jaw to the floor, then I left the room and found my mom in hte main enterence and she took me and my bro home. when we left the school, I saw a cloud of smoke in the air (since I live in NYC) so then knew something bad happened. When I went home I found out everything that happened. It was a sad sad day
Well I was asleep when it all happened... living in Australia nad all... but I was still llving with my parents and when I got up I went into the living room (still half asleep).. I saw some of the footage and said to Mum "Wow that looks like a cool movie... have to go and see that" she paused and said... "thats not a movie.. this is what has happened in New York" I said Bullshit... and sat down and watched the footage.. Just could not believe it was real.....

Went to work (was nearly late) Had the radio on all day as they were giving updates etc... and surfed the net all day trying to find out more info

A sad sad sad day not just for America but for the World.

I did watch a show on the weekend about the alleged conspiracy of Sept 11th... was interesting.... somethings made me think wow u have a point there... others left me thinking the guy had smoked too much crack.
wotdoiput said:
Well I was asleep when it all happened... living in Australia nad all... but I was still llving with my parents and when I got up I went into the living room (still half asleep).. I saw some of the footage and said to Mum "Wow that looks like a cool movie... have to go and see that" she paused and said... "thats not a movie.. this is what has happened in New York" I said Bullshit... and sat down and watched the footage.. Just could not believe it was real.....

Went to work (was nearly late) Had the radio on all day as they were giving updates etc... and surfed the net all day trying to find out more info

A sad sad sad day not just for America but for the World.

I did watch a show on the weekend about the alleged conspiracy of Sept 11th... was interesting.... somethings made me think wow u have a point there... others left me thinking the guy had smoked too much crack.
That is sad.
I was in school.. 9th grade.. i remember this girl ran into my class and was like... Twin Towers got attacked by a plane.. watched it on tv for the whole 1st period.. then they wouldnt let us go home.. so i left school... along with 100+ people...
I don't think anyone can forget where they were when 9/11 happened. It's kind of embedded into our minds. It's kind of scary to think that this time, 5 years ago, people were going to bed normally, completely oblivious to the tragedy that was going to happen in a few hours.

Flames Out
Sept.11,2001-Here in Harrisburg where I live I was just coming out from my gym class going to my math class which was back in 9th grade.It was just after 8 or 9am,we just had started class to do some math work and this one gym teacher came running into our room looking like she was panicked and just had this sad look on her face.She told my teacher to turn on her tv to see what was going on.I hadn't comprehended what had happened that day until we saw the twin towers being hit. We thought it wasn't real until I heard a few boys snickering behind my back because they thought it was a movie until the gym teacher told us her friend was in NYC to visit some friends over there that day of the fallen towers.The two boys then got serious looks on their faces when the gym teacher said My Friend is over there and we couldn't believe what was happening.

My teacher then had to turn the tv off and we just listened to all the updates on the radio whuch we have in the room plus we just happened 2 be watching when the twin towers fall during lunch.Everybody was shocked and yet scared after what happened.We stayed in school though until the end of the day confused and teary eyed wanting to be home with our families after that tragic day.
I was 7 at the time. I was watching it on tv and my parents were shocked. I didnt know or care what was going on then. but it was about 2 years ago when it suddenly grasped me what had happened

i was in 7th grade at the time. i didnt find out until lunch which was around 11-12. at first i didnt know what the wtc was and i thought a plane slightly hit it. we were escorted outside and my friend told me the twin towers were hit and collapsed. i find out that the wtc was the twin towers and then we find out the pentagon was hit as well. i was shocked and i couldnt believe this was happening. i went home and watched the news with my dad. my mom and brother came home and we just watched the news throught the day until night. and i live in jersey near nyc and whenever i visit my aunt u can see new york, empire state building, etc.

cant believe how fast five years went

RIP to all those who were lost
the thing that pisses me off is that the cia knew it was going to happen but they did not do a thing about it and also they had a chance to kill bin laden(aka stupid mother fucker) but the goverment did not give them the ok to do it

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