What Were The Greatest/Funniest Moments In The History Of ECW?

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Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Now I know the new ECW is a pile of poo (especially after last night) but it has had some truly great and funny moments. Now I wasn't blessed to have re-lived the old ECW, but what I do remember was a truly great moment in 2005. Paul Heyman, in the middle of the ring at ECW's first One Night Stand gunning down each of the WWE superstars, the funniest being "The only reason you were WWE Champion for a year, was because Triple H didn't wanna work Tuesdays (directed at JBL) that was absolutely hillarious. Anybody else remember great/funny moments from further back?
The bWo was the best and by far the most over stable ever. I just cannot understand why Stevie never made it big its ridiculous! But anyways the teaming of Meanie and Stevie brought about some great imitation teams and awesome promos EVERYONE loved these guys.

The Quinessential Studmuffin Joel Gertner was possibly the best manager in the history of ECW hands down with the play on words of his name. Some examples being:

Joel "Point the direction you want my erection" Gertner
Joel "I'm like the middle of the litter box...I'm always surrounded by
pussy." Gertner
The Dudleyz always provided great moments, especially when they would just pwn the fans. The heat these guys received is probably the most ridiculously crazy ever.
I agree that the b.W.o. were one of the best thing's in wrestling at the time, they were better than the original n.W.o. I loved it when they intoduced b.W.o. Japan. I also agree that The Dudleyz and Gertner were awesome. Gertner's promo's were hilarious and if The Dudleyz could swear in T.N.A. like they used to in ECW they would'nt be so stale.
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