What Was Your Greatest RAW Moment?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
In the history of Monday Night RAW, what was your favourite/greatest moment?

For me, I think the return of Stone Cold Steve Austin during the Mankind Vs Rock WWF Title match was quite possibly the best moment, purely based on the crowd reaction and atmosphere.
When Bret Hart turned Heel. It was the greatest time for me as a fan of Bret to be watching. Week after week it was just intense & awesome! But if there was ever a specific moment I would have to say when Bret came down & stopped Bulldog & Owen from fighting, to signify the start of the (new) Hart Foundation.

The worst was when Bret had just won the title at the PPV, the night before, then lost it due to outside interference from Stone Cold, to Sid on Raw! That sucked!! I couldn't stand Stone Cold for a long time after that... It wasn't till he started feuding with Shawn that I forgave him, haha.
Another great moment was when Chris Jericho won the WWF Title from HHH. That was truely historic
I agree with the first post about Austin during Mankind/Rock match. I was a casual viewer before, but that got me hooked. I don't know if I ever heard a pop that loud ever.
I think its got to be when Kane and Taker came out to save lita from stone cold And Triple H.

Theres a video on youtube but I don't think I can post it.
When Triple H came back from his quad injury and won the rumble that year. I thought that was pretty cool. Just the fans reaction to when his music hit. The whole crowd just stood up and cheered for this man. He couldn't even talk for like 5 minutes because they were cheering for him, haha.

The other one that comes to mind is Kane unmasking. I never would of thought that he would take it off, but when he did, I had a big "wtf?" face on haha.
mine isnt a moment more or less but its the # wresltemania Rock vs austin in my mind i still think that was the best feud to ever be in the WWE.
HomeComing When Austin Stunned Mcmahon and his entire Crappy Family also i loved this is my life by mankind and above all the best moment in Raw History when KANE took of his Mask and his Face was revealed it was simply awesome
1 - HHH returning from his quad injury...simply amazing i couldnt even imagine what he was going through at that time...cant wait for his next return
2 - DX parody of the Nation - Xpac as Shamrock "all this talk about sphinkter's is making me in the zone"...HHH "you should switch to decaf kenny" and Mizark Henry..that was pure genius
3 - Anything from the Austin/McMahon feud
4 - This Is Your Life - Rock and Mankind did it funny as all hell "You want to come out here now in front of all the Rock's fans and give him a big piece of that Poontang Pie"
LMAO I'm SO glad somebody mentioned the DX parody of The Nation, that was my all time favorite moment! IMO, the DX and Nation feud is one of the best of all time, and the series of matches between HHH and The Rock in 98 (2 Out of 3 Falls at Fully Loaded{HHH WAS ROBBED!}an amazing ladder match at Summerslam) were simply stunning. I miss that rivalry, one of the best of all times IMO.

But yeah, I remember when McMahon revealed himself as the Ministry's higher power! I ALMOST SHIT MYSELF! There I was, like 12 years old and it was just crazy amazing.

Also, the Raw directly after Armageddon 1999. I hadn't seen the PPV and when I saw that Stephanie had betrayed her father I could not believe it, no way! When I look back at that, I knew even then that that was the point where the old WWF of 1999 would transform into a bigger and badder WWF in 2000, and it was just classic to watch.

Also, I don't exactly remember if this was Raw or Smackdown, but when Mick Foley as Mankind returned after getting "fired" from HHH and he challenged Hunter to the match at the Royal Rumble as Cactus Jack, I was on my feet in my house jumping up and down cheering happy as hell. "You may know the guy...his name...is CACTUS JACK!" and he rips the shirt off, classic classic stuff.
I think when WWF bought WCW, that was pretty nuts! I hadn't paid too much attention to wrestling during 1999-2002, when I was bowling, and they had the TVs on & there was Vince McMahon & they showed Nitro & the WCW logo, I was like WTF! My friend told me that McMahon had bought WCW, and I just didn't believe it. I thought about it the whole night, and tried to start watching Raw again, but I have to admit, the WCW guys that WWF had hired wasn't a great draw for me.
I started watching full time again though, when WWF changed to WWE basically, and when Eric Bischoff was brought in! That was fucking nuts! I was bowling again when that aired too. Like Booker said "Did I just see that?!?"

Another moment had to be when the New Age Outlaws threw Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie over the ledge/catwalk/ramp in that dumpster! That was awesome, and made me a die hard NAO fan!!! Remember Sunny was there crying? LOL
I loved when Kane returned to RAW with Paul Bearer, he goes after X-Pac for stealing Tori, DX scatter and he got a huge pop! I think around that time Kane gave Big Show a one-handed chokeslam!
Lol, gotta love it!
Vince making Trish get on all fours in bra and panties and bark like a dog... That was shockin at the time and funny...
for me its easy, being that i was there when it happened. stone cold driving the beer truck in the arena and soaking the mcmahons and the rock with the beer hose. the greatest moment in wrestling history, case closed.
one of my favortiie moments is when dx reunited and when shawn michales sweet chin musiced shelton in mid air god i love hbk
im going to have to say when just recently when kane chokeslammed big show's ass. and when both kane and undertaker gave big show a double chokeslam too. and i know this is a smackdown moment but i can't resist typing this moment, the time when brock lesnar superplexed big show off the top rope and the ring collapsed. its funny watching the crowd's reaction and tazz and micheal cole.
The late 1990s had so many great RAW moments. Mankind winning the title with Austin returning is probably my fav. I remember taping it cause I couldn't watch it that night and I watched Austin returning over and over and over again. Either that or Goldberg winning the title from Hogan is probably the biggest pop I ever saw. I was there when Bischoff debuted. That was sure a huge surprise and a great moment.
Wow so many moments come to mind. The ones already mentioned are great, but here are a couple other moments I remember distinctly.

Pretty much anything Kurt Angle was in during the Alliance days. Notably the Milk truck. I LOVED how he spoofed Austin like that.

What else... TYSON and AUSTIN in the same ring, the highest rated segment in WWE history if I'm not mistaken.

Hogan's return in Montreal... what was that like a 3 hours ovation? lol. Amazing!

Believe it or not, I found both Rock Concerts to be incredibly entertaining.

I'll post more as I remember them ;)

My favorite moment on Raw was when Mankind won his first WWF Title from The Rock. That atmosphere was incredible, and the crowd went NUTS when The Rock lost the strap. I'll never forget that moment.
one of my fav. was when austin came out to save stephnie mcmahon from the ministry
I really can't narrow it down, great moments not in a particular order

"at the time" X-Pac returning to the WWE was pretty big, Wrestling news on the internet wasn't as popular as it is now, so that was pretty big. unfortunately

The day the Bret Hart was put in the ambulance and stone cold was in the driver seat waiting for him. "I told you he was going sraight to hell"
That whole entire feud was pretty awsome. Bret n Austin really got the best from one another

Owen "the blackhart's" 1st interview after Bret's 97 departure. "I am going to make Shawn Michales' life a living hell" I was a big Owen fan before this but this interview made me feel resented towards Shawn Michaels. I didn't like him anyway but Owe made me dispise Shawn. Till this day as athletically gifted as he is, I don't like him.

"Shane buying WCW" The simulcast was an awsome episode, the moment Shane bought WCW felt real.

Beer bath by Austin and Milk bath by Angle wone very entertaining moments

Ric Rude appearing on raw and nitro the same night, Just the fact that the same guy was on really 3 episodes in the same week was cool. ECW, Nitro, RAW.

Foley wins title, although a taped RAW, the deserving title win was a big RAW moment

Honorable mentions: Lawler returns to reclaim his position in the booth was big to me, radicalz debuting, 4, Y2J debut and tirade on the Rock, (these were arguably 5 very athletes who were being burried at WCW, big moments to see them on RAW.

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