What Was Your Favorite Show Stealer?


Olympic Gold Medalist
At Wrestlemania, there are always the matches that the WWE bills as top of the list and as the "main events". There are always those matches that come from underneath and take the crowd off of their feet before the main event and leave everyone talking about.

So basically, tell me. What was your favorite show-stealing match?

Mine would have to be Undertaker Michaels at WM 25. Obviously one of the greatest matches EVER. But the most impressive thing was that they were able to make the Triple H Orton match seem irrelevant even though the build for that WWE title match was fantastic!
The most obvious choice is Savage vs Steamboat at Mania 3. Arguably, it was the second biggest feud going in, but the push was Hogan vs Andre.
Nice thread. The Taker/HBK was my favorite match to watch but I wouldnt say it stole the show just because we all new we were ganna get something great. This made me think though . I think im going to go with Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 19 this was an afterthought on the card but was one of the best matches ive seen in a while. They have such similair styles. I always loved the Y2J/HBK fueds but this one stole the show.
Besides Undertaker vs. HBK at Mania 25, I would give it to HBK vs. Kurt Angle at Mania 21. That match was even greater than I thought it would be and for me it stole the show.
Edge/Foley Wrestlemania 22! Took Edge from transitional champ to 10 time world champion.
I'm going to go with TLC II at Wrestlemania X-Seven. While was an all-round great PPV, with matches like Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit, Triple H vs. Undertaker and Stone Cold vs. The Rock, the match that stood out the most was definitely the TLC match between Edge & Christian, the Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boyz. To this day I still get goosebumps from remembering Edge spear Jeff Hardy as he hung on to the titles.
May get some shit for this but I have two: Kurt angle vs Shane McMahon at KOTR 2001 street fight and Kurt angle vs Chris Benoit in the cage.
May seem tame by today's standard, but Razor and Shawn at WM X was as innovating and exciting as it got. This got the ooos and aahhhhs from the crowd for sure
The first TLC match at WM 2000. A lot of Holy @*$! moments in that one, and the kid in me will tell you that Ultimate Warrior vs Macho Man in the first ever career match was another show stealer. I remember watching that match as a kid, and how I was at the edge of my seat. Was a big fan of the two and was worried that one of them was leaving for good.
Thought of another one and couldn't justify it over the EDGE/Foley match at 'Mania 22. Can't remember the PPV but it was in December a few years back, four way tag-team ladder match for the tag titles. London/Kendrick vs. Regal/Taylor vs. Hardys vs. MNM. Stole the show because the hardys and MNM were surprise entrants. Regal and Taylor really didn't do anything to help the match except add a few humor spots where they were scared of heights and didn't want to climb the ladder. But the other three temas put on a clinic including the spot where Joey Mercury had his nose broken. I beleive that was the first or second match on the card and it left the rest of the PPV feeling sub-par. To me the truest sign of a "show stealer" is when after every match for the rest of the night you say to yourself "well that was good but is wasn't like THAT match"
Wow so many choices here!! I have to pick one thats not fair!! But one of my favorites is SM vs Angle WM 21!! Talk about a match breathtaking mr wrestlemania showed everyone why he is called MR WM!! The OOOOS and AHHHHS and this is awesome from the crowd was exciting!! IMO one of the best matches in history not just WM but of all time. IMO its up there with Steamboat and Savage!! Not quite as good but almost and thats saying alot. TO pick one is hard hard to do but definitely thats one of my favorites
If they arrested wrestlers for stealing shows Shawn Michaels would be serving multiple life sentences. Grand theft for stealing the "Grand Daddy of Them All" more then once.
WMs X,19,21,25

If Shawn Michaels is Mr. Wrestlemania then Bret Hart has to be Mr Summerslam. 90,91, 92(although it went on last it wasnt the world title match), even 93.

More then a few tag matchs stole shows in the late 80s.

Since I can only pick one ill go with Savage/Steamboat WM3
Now that this thread is in the bottom pits of hell:



Kurt Angle vs Shane KOTR 2001 my favorite match probably of all time


Royal Rumble 2000 Tazz debuts and gives Angle his first loss

the first was just so good, alot of great spots, great wrestling by angle of course and shane can really hold his own in the ring, the second because the fact it was tazz and angles first loss, especially considering that the submission specialist / mat wrestler angle tapped out to the tazzmission.

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