What Was the Point in Giving the TV Title to Abyss?


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AJ Styles and Doug Williams seemed to be doing good with that Championship and were defending it pretty often, and then you give the title to Abyss to just have him injured (kayfabe) and now the title is gone too. Will the title even come back when Abyss does? Or will it just stay gone and be retired? And finally who would you want to see as the current TV Champion and defend it regularly like AJ Styles and Doug Williams?
Abyss got "injured" with his weapon in his back. but what was the purpose of that? I know Crimson wanted to continue to say "THEY" were coming, but did Abyss really need to get "injured" and now be out for a time period? usually when a wrestler is out, it's not just storyline but a reason for the wrestler to miss time. so why is Abyss really missing time?

was Abyss getting "injured" something TNA came up with quickly? and therefore maybe they didn't have the time to book him losing the belt before he got "injured"?

I assume when Abyss replaced Styles because Styles was hurt TNA had planned for that member of Immortal to win that title giving them all the belts before Anderson beat Hardy at that PPV. but what was the reason for Abyss continuing to hold that belt, only to miss time with an "injury"
there was a non title match with Morgan. if TNA had planned to book Abyss time off "injured" then Morgan could have won the belt.

I have no clue as to when Abyss will return and what role he will play with the title.
how long has it been now? doesn't the title HAVE TO BE defended every 30 days? and therefore that title should be stripped from Abyss? that was the reason RVD "lost" his title.
TNA should strip it, and then a tournament?

maybe someone like Samoa Joe could have that title and defend it weekly.
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero and Matt Morgan would be great TV champions, in my opinion. Both are good in the ring but, in my opinion, better on the mic. When I think of a TV title, the words "charismatic, but not main event" come to mind.

AJ Styles was, most likely supposed to get back the TV title, but injury prevented him from competing that night. It seems the plan was for Immortal to get all of the gold (as they said they would), save for Hardy's World Title.... It's interesting if you think about it in this light - FORTUNE would have had all the belts and fulfilled their end of the bargain. Hell, AJ even helped Abyss win it, so it still made them look integral to Immortal's scheme.

Anyway, I don't think they thought it through, but now is the time to sit down and think about what they want to do with it. I doubt TNA creative will do such a thing, but this is the perfect opportunity to really think about what they want this title to mean/represent and if they even want it to continue existing.

I for one, would love to see it continue on. Robbie E as X-Division champ? NOooooooooooo. As a TV Champion? I could see that and get onboard with it. The X-Division should be about in-ring athleticism whereas the TV Title can be more about charisma and presentation.... World Title for the guy who has both charisma and in-ring abilities.
From a storyline point of view it kind of makes sense to leave it on Abyss while he's out. Simply because it's a belt Immortal has and there is no chance they can lose it if it's never defended. They're not going to strip themselves of the belt and "power".

Also who would Bichoff chose to pass the belt to? The only viable guy left would be Matt Hardy, and while I think Matt would do alright with it, it's just safer for Immortal to keep it on Abyss.
wow, now that i think about it, the tv title may get retired now, how many times do guys win a title only for it to be retired right after, or the title just stops showing up, persay what hornswoggle did, when he won the cruiserweight championship, by the next show, the cruiserweight belt was gone.
I think TNA management were beginning to suspect the belt was gaining some credibility. So in order to make things more in tune with how they've always been, dropped it from TV to ensure we all continue to consider nothing more than a bit of a joke.
It should be obvious where the talent is in TNA, Fortune. I think the best thing TNA is doing right now is leaving the tag belts on beer money, and there's no doubt that the World title belongs with the best TNA has to offer, A.J. Styles. My proposed idea could go one of two ways, however. There is Kazarian, who is admittedly a very deserving X-division champion, but is he as good as Chris Daniels could be? Daniels is back with the company now, so why no just drop the Suicide character all together and let the Fallen Angel join with his TNA originals comrades in Fortune( which would make is Fivetune, right?). You could either put the X title on Daniels and the TV title on Kaz or vice versa, either way I think it would be a good formula. I could see Daniels defending the TV title regularly, as well as Kaz. Plus, I think the Suicide character is just shit altogether. That video game is how many years old now? The character didnt even make sense when the game came out.

And if that isn't a good idea then why not take a shot in the dark and say Magnus or Desmond Wolfe..or give it back to Doug Williams.
From a storyline point of view it kind of makes sense to leave it on Abyss while he's out. Simply because it's a belt Immortal has and there is no chance they can lose it if it's never defended. They're not going to strip themselves of the belt and "power".

Also who would Bichoff chose to pass the belt to? The only viable guy left would be Matt Hardy, and while I think Matt would do alright with it, it's just safer for Immortal to keep it on Abyss.

True, from a storyline standpoint it makes sense to leave it on Abyss even if he is «injured» because beside Jeff Hardy he is the only one in Immortal to have a belt (remember for Immortal titles= power). To answer your question, i would also give it to Matt Hardy ( the Matt Hardy haters would freak out:lmao::lmao:). I would also give it to Hernandez.
Did anyone else notice that on Impact! during Douglas Williams' intro as he walked to the ring Tenay noted that Williams was a former X-division champ as well as tag champ- but didn't mention the TV title, which he held most recently?? That coupled with the fact that no mention has been made of the title since Abyss's departure leads to me believe that TNA is dropping this belt, and hopes people will just forget about it. I think this may be part of the effort to elevate the X-division belt(eliminating the mid-card title competition).
It never seemed like a tv title, anyway. The old NWA and WCW tv titles were defended every week. This one seems more like WCW's united states title, or the WWE IC title, anyway.

If they do away with it, it is no big loss. TNA does not seem to know what a tv is supposed to be.
IDK about this dude and i really like the big guys, he just dont do it for me man. But i feel abyss shouldnt have no damn titles point blank period. This dude worse then kane when he was yankum and that say alot. If they want the title in immortal i mean give it 2 matt or 1 of them other bustas. HELL give it 2 flair, i just cant get into him
IDK about this dude and i really like the big guys, he just dont do it for me man. But i feel abyss shouldnt have no damn titles point blank period. This dude worse then kane when he was yankum and that say alot. If they want the title in immortal i mean give it 2 matt or 1 of them other bustas. HELL give it 2 flair, i just cant get into him

I don't agree, Abyss is a good character even if its seems like a Kane/Mankind rip-off. The only thing he is missing is a good mouthpiece and thats why he is in Immortal. I also think he deserves a title since he is one of the original wrestlers that are still in TNA from the start ( loyalty pays). But thats my own opinion.
What was the point? As far as the title in and of itself goes, damned if I know. I agree that Styles & Williams looked to have a good thing going with the title. In my opinion, their feud may have been the single best thing in the whole history of a title smothered by mediocrity from its creation.

Once upon a time, back when this was the TNA Legends Championship, TNA put effort and time into the title that actually took away emphasis from the X Division and the X Division Championship in and of itself. The title is virtually nonexistent now and up until a few days ago, I honestly did forget that Abyss was the reigning TV champ. I happened to be on Wikipedia and browsed Abyss' article and saw it was listed.
should this title be dropped, or can it be useful?

personally I think this TV title(Global was a better name) is the mid card belt, and the X division belt is more for the high flyers, cruiser weights.
maybe people disagree and the X division belt should be the mid card belt?
I think the TV title could be the mid card belt and be used to elevate the mid card guys to eventually step up into the main event. the X division belt can be for the smaller guys to elevate to id card, like.. Kazarian, Lethal, Robbie E, Amazing Red, suicide, ect.
This served one purpose and one purpose only. That was because TNA wanted to use the angle that at some point, sooner or later, Immortal would have possession of all the titles. Of course, this didn't work out, considering that Fortune ended up breaking away, taking the X Division and Tag Titles with them. However, that happened after the M.E.M. angle fell apart.

They had to give the title to someone, and Abyss was chosen. Now, it's worthless. Hopefully, they have him lose it to someone that can actually bring some worth to it.
The best guy to get it would be Robert Roode. I know he is in a tag team with the world title, so not going to happen, but that's who I'd love to see it on.

Other choices:
Desmond Wolfe
Matt Hardy,

But, I would consider putting it on Rob Van Dam...he was pretty famous for TV Title Run in ECW. You could have him talk about how he made the TV title mean more than the World Title cause it was on him...Now put it on him again and have him actually defend it. Bring some prestige...
No point to it, really. AJ was hurt on Genesis and couldn't compete. Since a title match was advertised they had to put the title on the line. Not only that, but Immortal was scheduled to win all the titles. Hopefully with pushes for guys like Robert Roode, Crimson and Hernandez on the horizon, once they bother resurrecting Abyss from his rotting casket, we might see the title go somewhere not 6 feet deep underground.
Hulk Hogan like's him. And, In TNA, if Hogan like's you or if your his friend, you get a championship run.

Besides, why give him a belt to take him off TV for 3 weeks?
I totally forgot he was even the tv champ, or that a tv title even existed in TNA. I don't think they've mentioned anything about Abyss since he was "murdered" a few weeks back. Wait a minute...perhaps he was actually murdered, in front of our eyes! Perhaps Crimson actually killed him for real and TNA is just not mentioning anything about it hoping the fans will forget and not ask questions...
Hopefully they dont get rid of this belt. Changing the belt from one useless title to another will just add to the pile of things tna haters will use when trying to take stabs at tna. Plus with guys like morgan, pope, joe and other talented guys around they could make it work.

I really dont even have a problem with Abyss holding the title when he returns. In case some people don't remember E.B. said abyss would be returning on march 3rd a couple weeks ago(don't know if plans have changed though). I cant believe I am saying this but I actually grew to appreciate abyss's work. Weather you want to realize it or not the guy has been in every major storyline they have run in the past year (Team Hogan/Flair, "They" and Immortal).

The only problem I have with him is his weight. Has the height of a kane but doesn't look as intimidating because of the extra weight. I really hope that he used this kayfabe injury time to lose a good 20 pounds. Maybe he should go train with matt hardy, hes looking good these days.

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