What was the last movie you saw?


I used to be a big deal
Post the last movie you saw... DVD, in the theatres, stolen from the internet, it doesn't matter, and write a mini review for the people who haven't seen it yet.
The last i saw was Rocky Balboa(finally rented it last week).

It was good overall. I was disappointed at the fact that it was short for a Rocky movie(1 hour 30 min i think) but the extras on the DVD were pretty good to pay up for the short movie(IMO they should have kept in most of the deleted scenes).

It gave a very nostalgic feel throughout the whole movie(if you have watched Rocky 1 especially) and that is a good thing because it gets the old Rocky fans up to date with what happened to certain characters or places in previous Rocky movies and gives first time Rocky viewers insight on what major changes that Rocky endured since him becoming a famous underdog boxer.

Overall I would score it 8.5/10
The last movie I saw was Ghost Rider. We had a good discussion in the Comic Book movies thread so I won't go into great detail here, you can just check out that thread, it's really neat. But I will say that I think a fan of Marvel will like it better than a non-comic book fan.

As a comic book fan I give it a 7.5/10

as a non-comic book fan I would give it a 6.5/10

I find the director does an interesting job of actually making this movie look like a comic book, going from scene to scene as if it was going from comic book cell to cell, the dialogue, the way the story is told. you really have to look at it from a different perspective in order to appreciate it.
The last i saw was Rocky Balboa(finally rented it last week).

It was good overall. I was disappointed at the fact that it was short for a Rocky movie(1 hour 30 min i think) but the extras on the DVD were pretty good to pay up for the short movie(IMO they should have kept in most of the deleted scenes).

It gave a very nostalgic feel throughout the whole movie(if you have watched Rocky 1 especially) and that is a good thing because it gets the old Rocky fans up to date with what happened to certain characters or places in previous Rocky movies and gives first time Rocky viewers insight on what major changes that Rocky endured since him becoming a famous underdog boxer.

Overall I would score it 8.5/10

I haven't seen it yet. But before I do I kinda want to refresh my memory and watch the other 5 Rockys. Do you think that's necessary or would you say that I can go into this movie not really remembering anything from the last five movies?
Rocky Balboa wasn't bad. Very good nastolgic movie. You really only need to rewatch the first one to get into the Rocky mode. The others were okay, with Rocky 5 being the chewing gum stuck to the sidewalk.

It's nice to see Sly do it again one more time, but the only movie is the first one. The First one was a damn good movie that doesn't get the respect it deserves, because of the sequels.
I cant do much at the moment. so yeasterday I watched : Severence, Monster House (Freakin' Awesome for a kid's film), A Scanner Darkly (Trippy, man) and Little Miss Sunshine. There all good films I've got nothing to do today so I'll probably try to get through some more.
I loved A Scanner Darkly, last movie I saw was The Rock, I bought it off I Tunes and watched it on my computer.
True, A Scanner Darkly was absolutely breathtaking. Any film on Phillip K. Dick's work is usually astounding (Blade Runner, Minority Report, etc).

Last movie I saw was "The Reaping" in theaters. Only reason I went was because I had nothing better to do and it was $5 bargain day at the movie theaters. It was decent, nothing special. It did piss me off however that the entire film was just a big rip off of Rosemary's Baby and the Omen. A few minorly scary parts, but overall nothing special. Definately wait til' it comes out on DVD for this one, guys.

Tomorrow I'm gonna go see Grindhouse, because I already know I'm going to love it endlessly and it's going to be a five star classic. Today I am MOST DEFINATELY going to see the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie...and I already know it's going to be the greatest film of all time.

The ONLY Argument I Need to See This Film
I didn't like a Scanner Darkly... but it's possibly because I wasn't paying attention...

if you know what I mean ;)
I watched the Exorcist a few nights ago and it was a decent film, just not as scary as I thought it would be. I can't imagine what it would have been like for people who aren't used to seeing horror movies in 1973, but it wouldn't have been fun for some of them. I liked the fact that the whole movie was just dark and gloomy which is always a great element to a horror movie and the demon possession was portrayed well by Linda Blair and tons of make up. I will say that "Your mother sucks cocks in hell!" was one of the best lines in the film, which was pretty disgusting at times. The pea-soup/bile spitting was awful, and I don't feel like eating anything green too soon. The Exorcist didn't drag on, which was good and the fact that it was the 2000 release of it made the graphics a lot better, because they'd been restored. I think the subliminal images of Captain Howdy were a good touch, and added a bit of tension and it was a good movie to see. It was only about the second R18+ movie I have seen (the other being some Schwarzenegger movie) and it was fun to watch and a little scary in parts.
Simply put, this movie might have been the best movie I've seen in a long time. I can't stop talking about this son of a bitch. Anyone that follows corny ass 80's B Movies, you'll love this. It's a tribute to all of the absolute garbage that fills up saturday and sunday afternoons on most channels.

The first sign you know you're in a good movie, when an old couple walks out only 2 minutes into it. Yes indeed, during the first trailer for "Machete" an older couple hit the door. Even before the first movie started, truly awesome.

Planet Terror was great all the way through. Remember, these movies are intentionally bad. About 5 other guys in the theatre got all of the jokes. Terror was horrible, which made it great.

Then the 3 fake trailers in between were priceless.

Finally we get to Death Proof, which like most Tarantino movies, has a ton of dialogue in it. Personally I didn't enjoy this movie taht much, simply because an 80 minute Tarantino movie is just to rushed.

I hope everyone gets to see this before the Weinsten group decides to butcher it and re-release them as individual films. I saw 300, and this topped that this year. Best movie of 07, well until May 4th.
Shock, Haven't seen it yet but I can't wait!

And I'll assume you're talking About Spier-Man? I CAN'T FRIGIN WAIT FOR THAT MOVIE.
Spiderman has got me pacing in anxiety to watch that movie. Hopefully they don't blow it, but damn, it's Venom.
They won't blow it. I have an idea of the way I think the story is going to unfold and I'm pretty sure it's going to be amazing :thumbsup:
Well i'm staying spoiler free, but some of the things i've heard have gotten me worried a little bit. The only problem is the killing of the villians off at the end of the movies. I understand the first green goblin, because that was straight from the comic, but teh killing of Doc Ock was unneccessary. This is the third one, so who knows.
I just saw Pan's Labrynth, there isn't much I can say about it but I can say WOW, You lose yourself in the movie and lose track of what reality is. The Pale Man is so well done it is Scary.

I rate this 6/5
Shock I haven't read any spoilers, but knowing the comic books and how the movies have gone so far it's pretty clear which way this movie's going to go.

At least one person is going to die in this movie and I have a pretty clear picture of who it is and I think it's necessary... won't tell you who it is though, since you sound pretty excited lol.
Spiderman 3 i can not wait hell i even have my ticket already lol

The last movie i saw was Distribia and it wasn't that bad actually
The last movie I saw was Spiderman which was just on Cartoon Network. It's a classic. I liked it but I wished they aired 2 instead. Its much better.
last movie I saw was Tenacious D in The Pick Of Destiny, I love that movie, made me laugh so hard, it's one of those movies that is so stupid you can't help but laugh your ass off, I love the part where JB eats all the mushooms and starts halucinating about sasqutch
I saw D-Tox last night. It's from about 5-7 years ago. It's got Sly Stallone in it and it's utter shit. It only cost me a quid though. And Swept Away with Madonna in it. Terrible film.
Damn Jake you actually watched Swept Away? Question: Were you drunk and/or high?

Last movies I saw were the Black Christmas remake, which was actually surprisingly good, though it did have its fair share of mistakes and had almost nothing to do with the original (which is good to me) and The Last King of Scotland.

I can't reccommend the Last King of Scotland enough, best film I've seen in years. It's about Idi Amin, the infamous genocidal dictator of Uganda in the 70s. Forest Whitaker gives one of if not the best performances I've ever seen in all of modern film. The first half of the film the man makes you love him so much, he's so charming and funny and heroic and caring about his people. And to take that and turn him into one of the most horrifying monsters in modern history is a damn skill.

Seriously, go rent it right now. Film should've won best picture easily.
Damn Jake you actually watched Swept Away? Question: Were you drunk and/or high?

Sometime bad films need to be watched. It was bad. I watched it. And I was hungover. I didn't want to put on a film that I was actually looking forward to seeing. That would just be a waste.

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