"What was the best moment for Austin in his career?"


Stone Cold Steve Austin became a huge name in wwe. He has had moments that will be remembered from years to come. What Was his best moment in his career?

1. June of 1996 Austin won the King of the Ring defeating Jake Roberts in the tournament finals

2. Or was it the moment that created the biggest match of his career against Bret Hart in a Submission Match?

3. Or the best created rivalry between Vince Mcmahon & The Rock?

I think it was the submission match against Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13 when he faded from pain showing it takes a lot to beat the bad ass. now its your turn! Answer & explain
I think the thing that really made STSA's career was wrestlemania 14 and his first title win over HBK. I just got done watching the match and there was so much emotion after the match with Tyson and being a Mania moment. Really though Austin could do no wrong from KOTR 96 through Wrestlemania 17, he was just so over during that time. It's a shame the injuries he suffered with his neck because who knows how things would've changed.
I'm not too sure what his best moment was, but I do believe his feud with Bret is what made him. It wasn't until he started calling out Bret that people really took notice into him. Not to mention, the two had two absolute classic matches at Survivor Series and WrestleMania.
hmm well KOTR 1996 certainly got him noticed and made Vince even invest in him. But it was only a promo. He had many great matches, angles and storylines. The match and feud with Hart elevated him to the main event level, but the first title win over Michaels solidified his main event spot and finally reached the level all Austin fans knew he should have achieved. 1998 with the Mike Tyson involvemkent, that one angle on Raw created that much MAINSTREAM publicity, and was the catalyst for WWE to finally compete and pass WCW post Bret Hart leaving/screwjob. Austins subsequent matches with The Rock and feuds with Undertaker, Tripe, H and McMahon would not have materialised if not for 1998, so Im actually going with the Mike Tyson/Austin Raw angle. I feel his greatness completely went into overdrive from that point onwards.
For me it was Austin returning after Owen Hart broke his neck. I remember him recovering from his injuries, he made an appearence at a PPV, I recall Austin was badly out of shape. (He stunnered someone and used a Steel Chair to help himself back to his feet)

He then took a bit more time off, then the big return happened. Austin looked awesome and the fans blew the roof off the arena when he appeared again. He must of worked so hard to get his body back to how it was before his injury.

Edit : Ok i had a look back at these 2 Returns.


This one above was at Backlash 2000. Watch the fans when the glass breaks. AMAZING. You can see here Austin is a little on the Fat side lol


And this above link is Austin returning at Unforgiven 2000. He is back in top shape and looking like a real bad ass!
this isnt supposed to come off as smart ass, but the best time for austin was when he was fired by wcw, hell imagine if he wasnt? stunning steve austin as a nobody in the nwo? we would be watching....well who knows, no austin, maybe no attitude era, wcw would have eventually failed, hell for all we know, wrestlezone could have been men doing...well wrestling, but not, so pg...
IMO the moment that made SCSA besides his speech at KOTR 1996 was the submission match against bret hart!! That match was awesome and it showed at least to me that austin was the real deal and especially when austin refused to give up to harts sharpshooter.

That to me was the moment that exact moment that defined austin and the match especially.
His best "moment"? Probably the beer truck, that'll be what's remembered by most and replayed in all the DVDs.
"You sit there and you thump your Bible, and you say your prayers, and it didn't get you anywhere! Talk about your psalms, talk about John 3:16... Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass!".

This is one of the best promos in the history of professional wrestling. It didn't have the length of a Ric Flair promo and it didn't have great prominence on the King of The Ring card, but what it had was a guy who could talk on the microphone and a simple phrase like Austin 3:16, which people could get behind. Not only did he start the rise of Austin 3:16 that night, but he also finished off with "...and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold, said so!"

Steve has had some amazing moments in his career, whether it be him and Mike Tyson going face-to-face, the victory over Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 14, passing out to the Sharpshooter as blood trickled down his face and went through his teeth, feuds with Vince and The Rock; it all happened because of the promo he made at King of The Ring, it was that night that Austin began to rise into the atmosphere.
I have to say the Austin/Hart submission match. He gained a lot of steam from King of the Ring, and he coined the most popular catch phrase ever there, but the submission match sent him over the top. It was a perfect match showing how hard you had to work to beat Stone Cold. His bloody face screaming before he passed out is something I will remember forever. We don't get to see many matches like that anymore.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Austin put himself on the map with the birth of "Austin 3:16". It was sheer brilliance, hands down. But it wasn't until WM13 in the "I Quit" match against Brett that he changed the face of wrestling forever. Prior to this match you cheered for the "good guys" and booed the "bad guys". At the end, of this match, Austin (the bad) guy could not be denied. He was still the 'bad guy" but you HAD to respect the Hell out of him. He proved himself to be a BMF just as he said he was.
Austin was entertainment gold. He made being a wrestling fan fun and was a rare combonation of everyman and superman appeal.

The Austin 3:16 promo was his slingshot to the top of the main card.

My favorite moment though, and bear with me on this one, is when he was crying and saying "I'm sorry" to Kurt Angle before being pushed into a kiddie pool.

That was my favorite moment because it proved to that fucking idiot named vince mcmahon that vince mcmahon can't force on idea on the fans. vince can't force us to hate Austin by setting up a promo meant to make him look pathetic. vince is a six foot tall pile of dog shit that, for the sake of his talented performers, won the monday night wars only because wcw shot themselves in the foot so many times that in the end vince was the only person willing to cover their losses.

vince took the opportunity of having the only show on tv and used it to attempt to bury Austin. Fuck you vince and fuck your ****** son in law.
You did say the best moment and not the best match right?
You would think the best moment would of been the one at the King of the Ring 96. Thats where it all started and his career took off. I mean if it wasnt for that who knows how long he would of been the ringmaster even if he would of had a setup like that for that promo he gave.
You did say the best moment and not the best match right?
imo it has to be austin refusing to tap to the sharpshooter at wrestlemania 13. That sole match proved to be the saviour of what was otherwise one of the worst wrestlemanias ever.
Austin not giving up at Wrestlemania 13 was the best face turn (double turn) in wrestling history. I loved Bret up until early 96, then I was indifferent about him. At this moment I hated him and would continue to do so until he left WWF. Austin I wasn't big on, but thought he was ok, and he instantly became my favorite. This couldnt have been done any better. This moment defines epic.

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