What underused wrestler would you like to see pushed?


Now, we all know about the WWE's current young stars that theyre doing nothing with, I doubt many people even know if Elijah Burkes still got a job, but there is always hope for these people (hopefully).

So who is it that the WWE isnt using that you would like to see progress the most, my personal choice right now is Charlie Haas, its been a while since a technical/submission based guy has done well in the company and I just think that theres a lot you can do with him.

Anyway give me your feedback etc. . . .
Well, you already said Elijah Burke, i thought this guy really had it. It looked like he was going to get a nice push when vince named him the new leader of ecw back a while ago. I still think Burke can make a nice name for himself, soon too.

My other option would be to see Chris Harris and Ron Killings, just to see what the wwe has got in them
I have been saying Elijah Burke forever as well on this Board

maybe has some personal issues with the some powerful people backstage and that is why they are holding him down I don't know but as far as talent goes he has it, Mic Skills, In The Ring Skills everything he just need that push

then I seen his new image or what ever that was suppose to be, some say he is a Pimp others say he is a Black Version of Gangrel I don't know hopefully they will debut it soon because he has been off TV way too long
I agree with everyone about Elijah Burke. He is an amazing talent. So underutilized, yet so talented. With the opening of some superstars on ECW he should finally get the recognition he deserves.

I also think that Charlie Hass should be utilized more. I know he doesn't have any charisma whatsoever, but I like seeing him compete. He can flat out go in the ring. It's a shame they don't even try and use him as a lower mid-carder for people to have some short little fueds with, and add some depth to the I-C title.
I know there are a ton of talented people that the WWE miss out on, but I really think Paul London is one of those that deserve a lot more than he has right now. I mean I know Vince has disliked his attitude in the past, but I gotta say, he's done too many incredible things in the ring for him to just be a jobber on RAW. I guess it may be too early for us to know what will happen to him alone on RAW, but I doubt it'll be something good. If I were in charge, I would move him to ECW with Brian Kendrick and I'd have them feud with Nitro & Miz (he'll always be Johnny Nitro to me). I hardly think they'll be used for much where they are now so why not send them to ECW? They could use more people and I really don't think Mark Henry is more 'extreme' than they are.
Didnt the WWE seperate London and Kendrick in the draft, well that means that they are both sure-fire jobbers now.
Paul London and Brian Kendrick are both guys that deserve pushes, in my opinion they should have both gone over to Smackdown, theres a quality fued with Miz and Morrison right there.

Another guy who I want to see utilized a bit is Tommy Dreamer, he's the only original that has stuck with this new ECW brand and definatly deserves a bit of credit for his time.
I definitely agree with everyone here about Elijah Burke. I also consider Shelton Benjamin to be under-utilized. I understand that he had his shot back when he had an actual meaningful run with the IC belt, but damn is he a talent in the ring. Now that he's on SD, I'd love to see a Shelton/Hardy feud or a Shelton/Kennedy feud.
Number one on my list is Elijah Burke. When he was the New Breed's leader and mouthpiece he did pretty well, but the moment that angle was dropped so was Burke. The Spirit Squad lasted longer than him. I agree with jerichoholic, Charlie Haas is someone they COULD push, or at least make more visible on tv. I'd like to see infrequent reunions with Shelton to reform The World's Greatest Tag Team kind of like how HBK and Triple H would tag up every once in a while. Turn Haas heel, pair him up with Shelton, not exclusively as tag partners but kind of like an alliance where they have each other's backs but are both pretty solid in singles matches. It's not like they're doing much with Shelton now anyways. I'd put Shelton and Carlito on here, but I think their pushes will be coming around soon anyways.
Charlie Hass absolutely. Keep him off the mic and just have him wrestle circles around his opposition. With his amateur background WWE could bill him similar to Kurt Angle, even bring back the wrestling challenge and feed him jobbers for a month or two. Ofcourse they may have to pull him off of TV for a while to restore some of the integrity that has been compromised in the last year, but I doubt that will be a problem. If they worked on it for a year maybe him and Shelton could meet in the MITB match at WM25, get himself drafted to Smackdown and start a beautiful mid-card feud with Shelton (fingers crossed that the US title is in the mix). Maybe a best of 7 series..?
Wishful thinking I know..
I think if anyone deserves a push, its definitely Shelton Benjamin. I mean, hes one of the guys whos been around longer than an Elijah Burke and has very good in-ring skills. His promos might suck but he was a part of one of the best technical WWE tag teams in the last decade. Also, hes not like a Carlito who angers the the WWE executives and asks for his release all the time. He's kind of just floating around in the WWE waiting for some type of a push. I think he should become the ECW champion in the near future, or dominate the tag division with Haas (he's not doing anything special either).
i agree with elijah burke and shelton benjamin
but i would have to say that mr. kennedy . . . . . kennedy is underused
i kno part is his fault (with taking steroids and NOT being vince's son)
but this guy is just a great promo man and he is good in the ring i feel he just needs a slight push and a heel turn to be in the main event on SD!
he has the potential i can see it!

(ok i kno u all dont agree, but thats how i feel)
1. John morrison: ever since he took on that new persona he is much better to watch and does anyone pay attention to his take know never back down mentality which is rare in heel form in the wwe.
2.Ken kennedy: why hasn't he gotten his revenge on edge yet and what is he going to do now that he has gotten rid of regal for us.
3.Matt hardy:His win of the U.S. title was good but win have you every gotten excited about a secondary champion.
4.Jeff hardy :He get in the picture then fade away he has paid his dues.
5.The Miz: he and morrison are future superstars
This concludes my list of under uterlize talent
Also forgot about Jeff Hardy. He is awesome and he had a title shot against orten so why not give him another one?

Benjamin is a great athlete but no mic. skills. He still deserves a push though
Yeah but he murder his career when he brought his mom in the picture now also that new look is horrible he is to easy to make fun of so he can never be taking seriously. Does anyone pay attention to the star that make big in the business, they are the ones who aren't characters you have to dig deep to make fun of.
i like morrison for a singles push he has charisma a decent gimmick and is realy athletic i remember on tough enough 3 he did a standing shooting star press
In no particular order...

1. John Morrison - This guy should be at the very least in the category that Jeff Hardy is in...lower main event.

2. The Miz - He's improved drastically and he could be a fantastic midcard champion.

3. Shelton Benjamin - Midcard champ indeed.

4. MVP - He still hasn't made the jump over to main event status like he should.

5. Kennedy - What's tricky with him is that I feel he might be better suited as a midcard champ right now that destroys the competition, rather than thrust into a main event scene that he can't compete with. On Smackdown, he'll have HHH, Edge, MVP, Hardy, Umaga, Big Show, and possibly the Undertaker (with the occasional Big Daddy V and Khali) card to find his place in, and that might be too difficult for him. I'd rather see him dominate as United States/ECW champion than to see him be buried by the likes of HHH and such.

6. Brian Kendrick - With them hiring lots of new talent and more to come (especially with Long's "superstar initiative") I think they might have enough to go around and actually bring back that Cruiserweight title everyone's bitching about haha. If so, Kendrick would be a prime choice. If not, I'd at least like to see him be a decent midcarder that can have shots at the midcard title even if they don't want him to win it just yet. The kid's got the skills, let him show it off instead of booking him against Kozlov next week or something.

7. Charlie Haas - I agree with those that say he should just out-wrestle a lot of people. He might gain some fans by showing off lots of moves. He's talented, but he just needs a personality and a push.

That's enough for now.
I also think that Charlie Hass should be utilized more. I know he doesn't have any charisma whatsoever, but I like seeing him compete. He can flat out go in the ring. It's a shame they don't even try and use him as a lower mid-carder for people to have some short little fueds with, and add some depth to the I-C title.

What was it Vince said "I'd rather watch paint dry than watch Charlie Haas" there was a time once in the WWE that Charlie Haas would have done very well for himself in the company, that time was also one of WWE's highest rated periods. Maybe the rumours are true and he really is off his rocker.

I also agree with Brian Kendrick, he was another I forgot about but if WWE were to bring the cruiserweight title back and put it on ECW who better to hold the title than Kendrick, he's got credibility and he's over, its a great idea.
1. JOHN MORRISON - So sick, great persona and I could think of a million ways to put him in the spotlight... Give him a mic and some time he will shock the world. My guess is that he just pisses everyone off out back cause hes a cocky mofo.

2. Kennedy - What is there to say, other then stop doing steriods and do some work son.
Morrison, obviously. He's underused. This guy is awesome. Great physique, ring skills, promo skills, the lot. He's set for glory, and he's done a good job with the Miz, who's improved. They've been excellent tag-team champions. But have them drop the belts soon - but not to the old fart and the midget - and start pushing them as singles stars.

Jeff Hardy, the most over face in the company. He's underused. And a fantastic guy to watch. The Draft has done him no favours. He needed to get away from Triple H, badly. That didn't happen. Bad luck. He can still succeed anyway and get a regular ME spot on Smackdown. I really hope he stays clean and healthy, because he really can get that ME position.

And, finally, Evan Bourne. New to the company, yes, but with incredible athletic ability and a great moveset. They should bring back the cruiserweight belt and give it to him for a while. That might just resurrect the cruiserweight division.
I think they should use Shelton Benjamin. The last time that I saw him was years ago and ECW is not the place to see a push. He has moves that i like and can work both heel or face. I think he deserves it more then Jeff Hardy after all when was the last time he had a push before this previous Wrestlemania and seems to keep screwing it up.
I would say Morrison as I am a huge fan of the guy, but I wouldn't say hes being underused at the moment. He gets plenty of t.v time and usually wins his matches on ECW whether it be a singles match or a tag match. Teaming him up with the Miz helped both men in my opinion.

So I would have to say Shelton. Why the hell didn't the guy get a run with the ECW title? He shouldn't have been drafted to Smackdown as I think he was doing really well on ECW especially in his feud with Kofi Kingston. That feud made both superstars look great. The guy can wrestle and put on an entertaining match. Hes so underutilized by the WWE its unbelievable.

He should be the #1 guy on ECW with the belt. After all, he is known as the "Gold Standard". He has literally done nothing since 2005 from memory. This is his fifth year in the WWE if Im not mistaken, so why is WWE taking so long to give the guy a strong push? His mic skills improved in my opinion, and I thought that was the only thing that was holding him back.

Elijah Burke is also underused but I think Shelton should receive a decent push before Burke because he is simple more over with the fans, in my opinion.

I hope Shelton wins Money in the Bank next year, I really do. That would be a suitable push but first he needs to be given a slight push so that he looks strong going in to that match. I think the guy has proven himself that he can put on a great match. Hes definately got the look of a main event player.
Mr. Kennedy - mid carder since his debut, hes beaten several former world champions and he has phenominal mic skills.

Shelton Benjamin - Quite possibly the most underrated superstar to date. Athletic, fast, agile and has been on the mid carder list for a very long time. Its time to step up.

MVP - Started as an arrogent coward always running away to this athletic indivisual who has the skills to back up his mouth. Longest reigning US champ who will be future world champion.

John Morrison - Drop Miz as a partner and become ECW champion again. Incredible athlete, with potential to keep on rising. Flexiable and can do things very few wrestlers can do.

Stevie Richards - Some ppl might not agree with me here. But Stevie is a great athlete. He's fast, strong, an incredible martial artist and an ECW original. At least give him an oppertunity against the ECW champion.
well im not exactly out to talk about a young superstar but i will talk about one that should have went to Smackdown in 2007 during the draft and won the world title, if not, at least got a few shots at it. that superstar is Val Venis. come on! hes been with the damn company for ten long years and never really got a world title shot because he is on RAW and really hasnt even been seen lately. now that the world title is on RAW, maybe since hes there, they will use him a lot more or he could jump to Smackdown! and capture the wwe title from maybe Edge if he wins it from Triple H sometime. come on you all enjoyed his IC title run too and all his weird promos. i know you liked it over ICP going to WWE!

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