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What To Do With "The One Man Rock Band" Heath Slater


Dark Match Jobber
Alright bare with me for a second as this is my first official post:

Now, I've liked Slater since his debut in NXT and I feel like he has serious potential, he has a star look and hes pretty good in the ring too, the only issue I really see with him is his mic work. For that alone this is what I would do with him.

Eventually we all know Dibiase is going to turn face on Rhodes and this leaves Rhodes by himself. Personally I'd put Slater in a group with Rhodes, maybe even do some tag team stuff with them. Rhodes would be the main mouthpiece and he and Slater im sure would put on some great matches together in the ring. It seems Slater enjoys playing a heel so I think being Rhodes new sidekick would be a perfect fit. I'd just really hate to see Heath get "future endeavored" because I enjoy his in ring style.

What do you think of Heath Slater as a whole package?

What do you think of Slater and Rhodes working together as a possible unit?

Why do you agree, and if you don't, how would you book him? Singles? Grouped?
I honestly have stood up for Heath Slater since NXT. People make jokes about how ugly he is, or say that he has no star power, and I always ask, "so what?" Heath, right now, is a good worker. The guy can make his opponent look good in the ring he's not a slouch, himself, and I've often said that you can't underrate good workers.
Trivia question: Who was Randy Savage's first opponent?
Answer: "Quick Draw" Rick McGraw
I wouldn't have known that either, if it weren't for the Randy Savage DVDs.
What does that have to do with anything? Not a lot, except for the fact that if you go back and watch that match, Rick McGraw did a fine job getting Savage over in his first appearance. He played the babyface well enough and by the end of that match, the crowd wanted Savage to die in a grease fire. Sure, it's not very complimentary at all to say Heath Slater could someday be a Rick McGraw, but he did a fine job with that match and it served well, in the long haul.
I don't really think Heath is a total package. A solid, young worker? Definitely. Mic skills? Not really. I think Heath will be an interesting project for the WWE, as far as the people pulling for him are concerned, and I do think he can work his way into being a respectable mid-carder.
As far as you've said about Cody Rhodes and Heath Slater as a team, I don't really get it. They don't really at all have anything in common, neither as workers nor as entertainers. In fact, if we're going with characterization, I'd say Heath is pretty different from Cody. He tries to be flashy and, "rocking," which is not what Cody is about at all, right now. If Cody needs new bodies to be a part of his entourage, I'd say other guys like Johnny Curtis would benefit way more from the rub and he'd probably fit Cody's style, more. I think Cody also needs a big escort, too. Maybe someone built like Nash; not so much the Ezekiel Jackson type. He's not a big guy, but standing next to a really big, tall guy, he would look much bigger. With Slater at his side, I don't think he'd get much of that, at all.
I do think Heath should be booked as a single's performer, unless he were to take in a guy similar to him and form some kind of uniform team. But, I'd book him as a glorified jobber and see if the crowd would get behind him, at all. Build him up as a plucky young scrapper that people usually like, give him some time to work with upper mid-carders, and see if he could become a sympathetic fan favorite. I don't think he has the mic skills to work as a heel, and faces usually don't have to say a lot. I think this strategy has been working a little bit for Evan Bourne, but it seems like WWE just doesn't want to really commit to EB. Both guys could probably benefit from time with guys like Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes (as opponents), and I hope for their sakes that neither get future endeavored because of lazy booking.
I dont mind the guy at all as he seems to grow on me.
What i would see is throw him and Trent Beretta together and form a tag team as he is good in the ring too. An maybe get Jimmy Hart as there mouth piece for them. I don't know why but I see these 2 guys being a strong tag team.

I dont want to see him with cody rhodes becuase cody should worry about the IC Title and from there he should get into WHC. So for this idea, although it could work I don't want to see happen.

And Heath Slater is not the whole package as he is garbage on the Mic probally the worse beside's Khali. But he has an original look and he is pretty talanted in that ring. He may not be as flashy as his former tag partner Gabriel but he is more technically sound them him. An his moves seem more crisp and has come a long way.

An how i would book him, as I stated up top.. I would put him together with Trent and form a tag team and give them Jimmy Hart as a mouth piece. Give them a good tag team push for both of them could do some good things if giving the time. Maybe the E version of MCMG. An I don't mean full fledge MCMG but a style like theirs as MCMG is the best tag team out there. sorry went a smidge off topic.

I know I answered your question out of order due to being really buzzed at the moment. But this is what I would with the one man rock band. I'd put him into a Tag Team and push him from there. An with Jimmy as a mouth piece maybe he can learn from him how to cut a good promo.
Hmmm, I could see him and Trent as a tag team, but really at this point tag teams are dead. Unless HHH gets what he wants and gets a great tag team division started. The thing that holds Heath back on the mic is his southern twang... He just cant hide it, its part of the reason i think it took someone like Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy a long time to get that singles push. Unfortunately it also held back Helms and Moore too.
Heath Slater's downfall is his mic work. He's building himself a gimmick with this "One Man Rock Band" stuff... but there seems to be no real direction with it. He is good in the ring, even when he's losing.
He was a strong tag team worker... having him and Gabriel split was just stupid. They could have seriously helped develop the tag division and be a strong piece in the rebuilding of the division. I don't know how they'll develop him outside of the tag titles because he's not ready for any other gold. Not the IC and definitely not the World Title.
Hmmm, I could see him and Trent as a tag team, but really at this point tag teams are dead. Unless HHH gets what he wants and gets a great tag team division started. The thing that holds Heath back on the mic is his southern twang... He just cant hide it, its part of the reason i think it took someone like Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy a long time to get that singles push. Unfortunately it also held back Helms and Moore too.

Yes but if he gets Jimmy Hart the mouth of the south it can do wonders for him. An he can also learn from him just by listening to him speak and how he delivers his promos. An I said this as maybe this could also help the hopefully rebuilt Tag division that trips wants to do. I can say I am a huge fan of real Tag Team Wrestling and Trent and Heath could become a serious Tag Team I just think they can mesh together like Sabin an Shelly do.
Tag team. That's it. Slater isn't popular enough or good enough (yet at least) on his own to warrant a midcard push, and if you're not getting pushed in the midcard then the only other thing you'll do is job, so if he's put in a tag team with someone....maybe Curt Hawkins or someone else that has nothing to do...then it could at least keep him around until they can figure something else out for him. With a tag team, he could still wrestle singles matches, he could ditch the tag team at any time if he somehow is in line for a push, and he can in turn help someone else out simultaneously.
I think the team of Curt Hawkins and Heath Slater would probably be best for him. On top of that, I think that they should be teamed with the likes of Broadus Clay as an enforcer and join Vickie's little clan so she can get them heel heat.
this is how i would book him first i would release him next if i were dixie i would sign him and have him in the x division as i think he belongs there more than wwe i see no use for him in wwe but i do think he could boost the x division since not many of them are good on the mic anyway
drop the stupid one man rock band gimmick, other then that i don't see any hope. He was a nobody to start with and only there to fill the NXT stable
I like Slater and think he is capable of doing more than most people give him credit for. He's had consistently solid showings on some big stages and is capable of having a decent match with most of the roster, plus he's a great seller.

At the moment I don't see him getting much of push of any kind. He's decent on the mic but sort of bland and his gimmick is non-existent, all he really has is a label. For now I see the 'E using him to build up the mid and lower card guys by putting them over until they figure out what to do with him. Maybe a short feud with Gabriel and some Superstars matches for now.

The main problem is the wealth of mid to low card talent WWE has at the moment and most of the guys tend to stand out more than Heath even if has been consistently better than most of them. I just don't see him doing much more than he currently is. A Tag Team seems the most logical choice but I'm not sure how much that will really help him in the long run if his partner is the one getting the attention.
Getting rid of Slater/Gabriel was a bad idea they could still been a tag team even if they were faces.For now Slater can hope not getting dropped cause he really can show you a good match.
If they want him to be the One Man Rock band they need to keep him away from stables. Make him the scrawny guy who always gets away with it. Kind of like Christian or Hornswoggle in his rivalry with Chavo. It would be great to see Slater push someone buttons, someone really big, only to come out on top when its all said and done. To me he oozes cockiness, and it would be wrong of WWE not to capitalize on that.
I have always liked Slater and see a ton of potential in him. He saw a little success in Nexus and his tag team with Gabriel. The need to turn him into a heel who is full of himself because he would be far too goofy as a face. His one man rock band character could work well as an arrogant heel who is always putting himself over as cool in promos while cutting others down. Have him make the fans hate him. A feud with Gabriel would be good for both of them. As for teaming up with Rhodes? Bad idea. Rhodes is on his way to stardom and another tag team angle would bring him down. I would just book Slater as a fully turned heel in a singles run until eventually fans begin to accept and support him like Edge or Orton.
I like Heath Slater though he lacks direction

Rhodes already has a side kick

he's already been in a tag team

not exciting enough for the IC title


Possibly have him interfere in everyone's matches and have him attack JR or something
Like many above posters, I believe what Slater needs is to be put back into a tag team, preferably with Curt Hawkins. Both men have some good talents, and since the tag team division is finally showing some life, adding in another team would be no problem. But, what Slater needs to stay fresh in the minds of the WWE is to improve his mic skills. If he is not capable of doing this in the next few months no matter where the WWE puts him, sadly he will be future endeavored.

"WWE has come to terms on the release of Heath Slater as of today, (Insert Date Here). WWE wishes Heath the best in all of his future endeavors."

Honestly, I don't see WWE doing anything great with him anytime soon. I think their best bet is to send him back down to development, work on his mic skills like crazy and completely repackage him before it is too late. I wouldn't mind seeing him in a tag team, but not as Heath Slater, as a repackaged superstar.
What do you think of Heath Slater as a whole package?
I don't think much of Slater honestly, I find him to be one of the most boring guys on the roster right now and I don't see much potential from him. Everything about him is mediocre, and he's fine at in mid card feuds but unless he makes some changes I don't see him getting any better.

What do you think of Slater and Rhodes working together as a possible unit?
I think that Slater would weigh CR down, and I would hate to see that happen to Cody.
Of the issues I see regarding H.S. , his accent is by far the least. Anyone recall Austin, HBK, Dusty Rhodes, JBL,& Undertaker ? To name but a few. Yes. Their accent's really hurt their career's. Slater's problem, is that he is simply dull. Is he a bad worker ? No. Could he improve ? Of course. But, to my mind, he's not-nor will ever be-anything more than a lower mid-card wrestler. I could easily be wrong, without doubt. I truly hope I am, because I like the guy. I just see-or hear-very little good about his career thus far. At best, I think the tag division holds the most potential success for him, but, at the moment, he just bores me no end.
The Cody Rhodes/ Heath Slater idea is in no way feasible. C.R. is on his way to the top of the ladder. So he should take several steps back down so as to aid H.S. ? Not a chance. C.R. would only suffer for it. H.S. does need a tag/alliance, with someone further along than him, but not that far along. I would actually like to see Slater paired with a veteran. Someone who could mentor him along the way.

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