What To Do With Sheamus In WM 27

Jackiz Kirey

Dark Match Winner
Okay, I know the perfect plan for Sheamus in WM 27. WWE is currently trying to set up an HHH vs Undertaker match, so Sheamus needs something to keep him busy.

I personally think that Sheamus needs a re-push because he is not a main eventer yet. This is how I would do it.

Have Sheamus be the MITB winner at WM 27, beating 7 men, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Ted Dibase, Kane, Wade Barrett, and Kofi Kingston.

Sheamus forms a stable, including Booker T (Manager to get Sheamus re-over), Sharmall (Please hire her back, she is a good heel), and William Regal (He needs something to do). I guess you can name this stable The Royal Court or something like that. The Royal Court costs HHH his match against Undertaker, causing him to be fired. HHH sends a fair-well speech to the WWE Universe. Sheamus says your time is over, I am the future of the WWE, now get out of here before I beat your stinking ass. HHH obediently gets out of the ring. Vince McMahon rehires HHH, saying that the match at WM was not fair. Then, Vince sets up a Steel Cage match between HHH and Sheamus, which Sheamus wins in, ending their feud. Now they both move on to other things. Sheamus and the Royal Court brutally attack Randy Orton, who is STILL in a feud with Nexus. The next night on Raw, it is revealed that The Royal Court and Nexus has formed an alliance. They help each other fight the likes of Randy Orton, John Morrison, and R-Truth. The Royal Court and Nexus now feud with Randy Orton, who is extremely pissed at what happened. The Raw General Manager sets up a gauntlet match. It is Randy Orton vs The Royal Court and Nexus EXCLUDING CM Punk and Sheamus. It is a 5 vs 1. Randy Orton beats everybody except Mason Ryan, who makes Randy Orton submit. Next Raw, Randy Orton gets some help from R-Truth and John Morrison, who are victims of the Royal Court and Nexus' attacks. It is now a 3 vs 7. The Royal Court injures Randy Orton, allowing him to get a break because we all know how INJURY PRONE Orton is. John Morrison, however, has never been injured in his 5-6 years in the company. R-Truth, I think, had 2-3 injuries. John Morrison and R-Truth pretty much beat up everybody except Booker T, Sheamus, CM Punk, and Mason Ryan, the leaders and 2nd commands of each group. These 4 make Truth and Morrison bleed to death, signalling the change of PG to PG-13. CM Punk makes a promo the next night, confirming the PG-13 change, bragging about how he whooped Truth's and Morrison's ugly asses. Joey Mercury will then interrupt CM Punk, saying that CM Punk forgot about him, former Straight Edge Society member. Joey Mercury then joins the group, establishing the Nexus as the most dominant group in the WWE.
I knew I had to psych myself up for reading this.
What the fuck do you smoke?

That would end up with the whole of the Roster in one Stable if you continued. If you are going to create "Ideas" please make them decent.
I knew I had to psych myself up for reading this.
What the fuck do you smoke?

That would end up with the whole of the Roster in one Stable if you continued. If you are going to create "Ideas" please make them decent.

You should have just countered his nonsense with what you think they should do with Sheamus. Counter his insanity with a little Jerichoholedge.

I believe that Sheamus, recently, has been a wasted talent on Raw. He started to show some promise again when he attacked Henry on Monday. We know that even though there could be chance, he will not win the Elimination Chamber. Once Sheamus is eliminated on Sunday, which he will be, this should happen. Just to remind us of how beast he really is, is to Brogue Kick/Attack however many men are left in the Ring. Then leave looking pissed.

On Raw, he comes out and says that if he can't win on his own, then he needs a Partner. A Pissed Drew McIntyre comes out to talk. He tells Sheamus that he couldn't win his Chamber match either and he was thinking of finding someone to team up with. Sheamus accepts his offer. The GM chimes in & gives them their first match as a Team against Santino/Kozlov, in a normal Tag Match. They dominate and destroy the Team, injuring Kozlov. They then challenge the Team to a match at Wrestlemania for the Titles, as long as they can fight.
Wrestlemania comes, the two men come out & say if the Champs can show up, then they automatically become Champs. Santino & Kozlov do come out, Kozlov limping. The match starts, yet again, the Irish/Scottish Duo get the win, becoming the new Champs.

There's my two cents.
I don't know what to do with Sheamus @ mania but after Wrestlemania is over I think he should move over to smackdown and feud with the likes of Edge over the WHC thus putting him back in the main event so he doesn't have to job to Morrison and Orton on a constant basis.
I don't know what to do with Sheamus @ mania but after Wrestlemania is over I think he should move over to smackdown and feud with the likes of Edge over the WHC thus putting him back in the main event so he doesn't have to job to Morrison and Orton on a constant basis.

I think a move to SD would be good for him too. Seeing him kick the shit out of Mysterio a couple times will be nice. As I said earlier, I like the idea of a union between him and McIntyre. That would seem even more possible with a move for Sheamus to SD.

I also would like to see an eventual feud with Sheamus and The Undertaker.
I think a move to SD would be good for him too. Seeing him kick the shit out of Mysterio a couple times will be nice. As I said earlier, I like the idea of a union between him and McIntyre. That would seem even more possible with a move for Sheamus to SD.

I also would like to see an eventual feud with Sheamus and The Undertaker.

I also would enjoy seeing him kick the shit out of that midget Rey Rey, and a possible Celtic connection with McIntyre would be sick. Also agree on the idea of him feuding with Taker if Taker is healthy enough to do it of course.
I also would enjoy seeing him kick the shit out of that midget Rey Rey, and a possible Celtic connection with McIntyre would be sick. Also agree on the idea of him feuding with Taker if Taker is healthy enough to do it of course.

I agree with everything here. Love to see him beat Mysterio to hell and back. He could feud well with Edge as well as Christian & Swagger. I'd LOVE to see a Sheamus/Taker feud. That would be damn fucking amazing. Those two guys are beastly and it would really work.
Just thought of this but i think Sheamus will look more natural with the WHC then that REDONKULOUS spiner belt, the belt never looked natural on him imo.
Yeah I think because Sheamus is a big guy it makes it interesting. But given his style in ring, it seems he would be almost tailor-made to have really good matches with Taker. He is somewhat methodical with some high impact moves. His methodical approach in ring would be great for Taker.

Plus, his mic work would be interesting. Taker in the early 90s is the only guy that was close to Sheamus' complexion lol...
I could see the Taker/Sheamus feud being like the Taker/Orton feud in 2005 where Taker puts over Sheamus for a while then comes back and wins the feud inside HIAC, oviously Cowboy Bob Orton won't be involved:lol:

Can I ask, 'cos I wanna see how good your Wrestling Talk is, check out both my Elimination Chamber Thoughts Threads & post what you think. I'm interested to see how you post more.
I'm fully expecting Sheamus to go to Smackdown next draft. He just seems like a Smackdown type of guy. Have him either go mid card, or compete for the world heavy weight title.
I'm fully expecting Sheamus to go to Smackdown next draft. He just seems like a Smackdown type of guy. Have him either go mid card, or compete for the world heavy weight title.

I get a weird he's a "SmackDown Type Of Guy" too. I think he will stand out on SD, rather than be overshadowed.

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