What to do with NXT?

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It looks like Vince is pushing hard to get NXT and Superstars back on TV. IMO, he needs to revamp NXT big time, its simply too pointless right now. I'm sure this thread has been done before, if so...um whoops! But the point of the show is to introduce new talent to the audience, but the format just isn't working; the pro's system(the pro's are all mid carders and lower now, meaning the audience doesn't really care for them much)and the goofy challenges (that the talent themselves openly seem to smirk at)are just time wasters at this point. This is what I think could work: 1) get rid of the pro's all together; its not working putting midcarders on the stage looking bored and saying nothing, instead try a small "legends" panel (Malenko, Arn Anderson, Nash, Dusty Rhodes, Ted Dibiase Sr., Ricky Steamboat and JR could all work) that don't sit on the stage, but are announced as the panel who's vote would count for 50% and the WWE universe the other 50. 2) have these legends replace the goofy carnival games with actual challenges superstars face on Raw and SD! For example, why can't 2 top contestants face each other in a steel cage? With the winner getting immunity...with a price, next week he "wins" a match with Drew McIntyre. Or have a mini tag team tournament between the 8 contestants and the 2 winners get immunity and a match against the Usos.(In other words, rookies don't face superstars unless they EARN it). This can work the entire season: Malenko makes submission only matches, the winner gets immunity and a match with Daniel Bryan. This would keep things interesting and would at least make sense! 3)Put William Regal in the Austin/Tough Enough role as the manager of NXT, in other words he should be GM. 4)Have JR do a sitdown interview/promo with all 8 contestants. JR knows how to give a "60 minutes" style interview, these young guys need to get over to the audience; sounds like a marriage made in heaven to me. 1 of these interviews which should be no longer then 3 mins should appear every week til all 8 are done. 1 easy question should be asked to all of them "who do you want to face the most in WWE?" The answers should range from. "John Cena, because he's the face of the WWE, and that's what I want" to "Orton, he's a legend now, I want to be a legend killer" to "Taker'- the streak, what else do you need to know?" 4) finally allow some of these contestants to form alliances like the show "Survivor", but no more then 3 people together tops, that way they can pick off the faves in matches to steal away immunity before they eventually turn on each other setting up future feuds.5) the winner should get a contract on Raw or SD! and a IC/US title match, just not on a PPV. I apologize for the long winded ideas, but I wanted to make it clear: NXT could work if its revamped. Whatre your ideas or suggestions? Do agree with some of these? Or should it be scrapped all together?
I have only watched NXT a few times..it does not really do it for me. I would like to see it bought to a closure and replaced with an ECW or WCW branded show just like the WWE version of ECW. For me personally I would then like the WHC and WWE Title to be merged as one WWE Championship and a new ECW/WCW Championship produced for the new show which would not mean as much as the WWE Title but would still give those on the show a chance at becoming a Champion without getting an instant push into the main event scene on one of the main shows.
I say just remove it completely. It's garbage and doesn't make for good TV. Also I fail to see the point of NXT when we have tough enough basically doing the same thing, which is finding the next superstar/diva, if the network won't renew and you can't find anything else then you know it's garbage.
My thoughts: Turn Superstars and NXT into the Sunday Night Heat and Velocity type programs from the late 90s to~05 type program.

Make the brand extension super strict again (only having inter promotional matches at Survivor Series, Mania, Rumble and maybe SummerSlam)

Then toss you're jobbers/mid carders on NXT/SuperStars but have the IC/US titles main event those programs on a consistent basis. This would would add prestige to the titles because they're being defended AND allow the midcarders to get over

Since NBC-Universal owns both SyFy and USA and Vince McMahon and Dick Ebersol are reasonably close, there's plenty of NBC related channels that can take on some programming,

My choice: the network currently known as Versus...here's why

NBC wants to overhaul Versus..renaming it and extending it's programming into more homes...NBC proved this by signing a 10 year deal with the NHL...now the NHL has an off-season...so why not toss 2 hours of WWE programming on Versus (especially during the NHL offseason)

Tuesday is normally a hockey night; but the NHL (of which I'm an avid fan) doesn't usually have a heavy schedule of games on Wednesdays, especially on the east coast: so boom, 1 hour of WWE on Wednesdays...say from 8:30p-9:30p followed up by the NHL pregame show from 9:30p-10p and a west coast NHL game at 10p

Saturday is another day where the NHL tends to run day games out east and prime time games on the west coast, so...if Versus has a 3pm NHL game on the east coast, that game would be over by 6..that leaves 3-4 hours until the west coast game starts...so, put SuperStars on Saturday from 7p-8p between the games...you draw in the hockey audience on Saturdays (many of whom, like me, are males aged 16-34, I'm 22) if the hockey audience likes the product, then they might tune into Raw on Monday or Friday Night Smack Down...

A lot of my hockey fan friends are already huge WWE fans, so if the WWE can do cross over promotions with the NHL it's a win win all around.

It's not all that hard (if they keep the guest host gimmick) to bring in star NHL players when the WWE is in the same city that a hockey team is in.

Back to topic: Use the NBC Family of networks to put WWE on Versus in timeslots that are close to NHL timeslots so as to draw in hockey fans.
I think that they should make NXT like FCW, i.e. a brand with all new, young stars. They could then slowly filter out to Raw or Smackdown. This would allow the fans to get used to the wrestlers' characters. Also the wrestlers would gain valuable experience working in front of cameras without being in the spotlight on Raw or Smackdown where the pressure is high.
I think that they should make NXT like FCW, i.e. a brand with all new, young stars. They could then slowly filter out to Raw or Smackdown. This would allow the fans to get used to the wrestlers' characters. Also the wrestlers would gain valuable experience working in front of cameras without being in the spotlight on Raw or Smackdown where the pressure is high.

Have you watched NXT? That's all that they do on there. The only difference is that one or two people stay while the rest are thrown back to FCW.

Anyway, for me, I think the best thing would be to put NXT on NBC on Tuesday Nights and Superstars on NBC on Saturday mornings. NBC is a station that even people with basic cable get and with WWE not having SD on MyNetworkTV, there's no local channel WWE. NBC is far more than capable of carrying NXT and Superstars.

Worst case scenario, keep Superstars and get rid of NXT. I think Superstars on Saturday mornings would be a nice revival of the old Jakked and Metal shows.
Get rid of it. It's awful. It's run its time and needs to be replaced. Or at least have a good storyline. A series with previous NXT rejects. If they weren't good enough for TV first time, why on earth base the new series on this :banghead:
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