What To Do With Jeff Hardy?

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
TNA has an interesting dilemma when it comes to the charismatic enigma. Jeff Hardy is the most over person in the company. He likely moves the most merch. He is in better shape physically than he has been in years. He is poised for a completed redemption storyline.

However, he has an unfortunate history that everyone knows about. TNA is trying to build new stars that are more uniquely associated with their company. Hardy also has already had a lot of matches with the current champ, although not so much recently.

The question is what would you do with Hardy? Give him the title and let people gobble up his shirts? If not the title scene then what is the story and opponent?
Threw a tantrum when TNA botched that poll Hardy won and had him just get screwed out of the TV Title. It's more than obvious Hardy isn't getting the World title any time soon, but him having a belt has always been better than chasing one in my opinion. Case in point, his run's as Intercontinental Champion and Tag Team Champion. Yeah, most people would say the TV title means nothing, Hardy on the other hand, doesn't. And him constantly trying to go for a title he's not gonna win probably for the next year or two isn't gonna do him favors. Especially when he's losing constantly because of it. I say let him hold the smaller belt and let the smaller guys come in and lose to him. It's a hell of a lot better than having TNA's top merch seller lose every PPV.
Have him beat Austin Aries for the X-Division Title, allowing him to relinquish it and move up into the main event scene. I bet their series of matches would make the title prestigious again. He could then feud with Daniels, Kaz, Styles, Joe, and even RVD again. He could also put over guys like Robbie E and Zema Ion. Hardy as X-Division Champion would be good for everyone.
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Have him beat Austin Aries for the X-Division Title, allowing him to relinquish it and move up into the main event scene. I bet their series of matches would make the title prestigious again. He could then feud with Daniels, Kaz, Styles, Joe, and even RVD again. He could also put over guys like Robbie E and Zema Ion. Hardy as X-Division Champion would be good for everyone.

No. The list of guys in the X Division is limited and I highly doubt Daniels, Kaz or any of those guys would be going near the X Division on a permanent basis any time soon. Not to mention it's purpose most of the time is to provide flashy opening matches. Not exactly a job that fits a main event guy like Jeff Hardy these days.
I don't think Hardy's going to be near the World Heavyweight Championship, for the time being, but I think he can put on a nice complementary main event-level feud, in the meantime. He'll probably end up being in the Bound For Glory Series, though -- at least, that's what makes the most sense. Then again, I don't see anybody other than James Storm winning the Bound For Glory Series -- it just seems like he'll finally end up getting the title off of Roode -- so that won't exactly be the best use of Hardy's talents. He'll probably be in a feud with a fellow Bound For Glory Series competitor, as a result. It's not as if anything will come of it, though. Hardy will probably end up fighting for the title once Storm wins it.

Right now, I think a Hardy/Crimson feud would be a bit of a departure from the norm, not that it would be a bad thing. Crimson needs a legitimate feud, as his streak is finally over, and going against Hardy would probably be the shot in the arm his career needs -- hell, any young, up-and-coming wrestler on the TNA roster could use a match with Jeff Hardy. A Samoa Joe/Jeff Hardy feud wouldn't be bad, either. Actually, I think they could put on a ton of great matches, it would just be a matter of figuring out a way to put them into a feud that wouldn't just be a sideshow. You'd have to give them time at shows to REALLY go, but if they were indeed given the time, then they'd steal the show every time.
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I say put the television strap on him and let him take the title to higher higher platform than where it's at now, and have him defend it every week.
I think he should have a great feud with the heel Daniels. The Fallen Angel versus the Charismatic Enigma just screams money. Both guys are high flyers, and Daniels is pure magic in the ring, able to adapt and carry any opponent. If hardy puts over Daniels (Daniels has been flirting with the top card for a bit now) it could really put him where he should have been 5 years ago in the main event. The two men can trade wins and Hardy and Kazarian can have great matches as well as Kaz would be a roadblock for Daniels.

I think it would be great for both men!
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I think it's time for Jeff Hardy to go back to WWE would love to see him on raw as WWE CHAMP he could be the #2 face of the company
Jeff will never ride the wave again that ushered him into TNA. He will have to make major strides as he is looked upon as an "Old Pro". Hardy's "Enigma" is slowly but surely winding down. I like him but with all the problems that have come to light I would say that Dixie Carter is a little uneasy about letting Jeff do anymore than sell merch. Sure he will get plenty of chances to put over someone. As for putting the TV strap on him, I honestly think that he would consider that to be beneath him. I see an option for Hardy and that is to put the tag belts around his waist and team him with Hernandez, as they are trying to repackage him as a "power machine. Jeff could put him over big time.
Let him feud, and stay happy. That way he won't go back to drugs. That's what you do with Jeff Hardy.

Yes, we can suggest some sweet feud's with him, but if he feels pushed. Or worried about something, he might jump back on the wagon. Let the guy stay calm.

No, don't put any strap on him. Just have him have decent feuds. You throw him in a world title mix, he will crack.
i like the idea of either him (Hardy) OR RVD winning the TV title as that title needs to be built up as the 2nd title and not a title that lower midcarders hold. i think the title should go to RVD though, but personally what i would do (TV title or not) is sometime, have Hardy vs. Roode (again), have RVD turn heel (sorry, but tna needs more heels and RVD makes great and the most sense, he (RVD) needs to give in and go heel), then have RVD explain the reasons behind it are how the fans were quick to forgive and forget and how he (RVD) didnt forget how Hardy had Abyss attack him and cost him, (what he should say) "HIS" title and have them feud. it would give us great matches and give Hardy an actual feud, however, my worry is that if anyone turns it's Anderson (again) because they seem to turn him most, but that's my book, have a heel RVD feud with Hardy, maybe for the tv title in a way to build that title up.
Jeff is a great talent, you would be a fool to say otherwise, infact for a while, the only reason I was watching TNA was for Jeff, RVD, and Sting. I have noticed recently that Jeff has been rather slow in the ring, looks like he is in a lot of pain all the time (like, more then usual). I don't think he has been putting on the high quality matches he should be, now maybe I'm off the ball here, maybe Hardy is just selling his "injuries" like a champ, but what if he isn't? I would love to see him as the X-Division champion, would love to see him as the World champion, would love to see him win both titles at once (cause that would be pretty damn cool), but because of his drug usage in the past, I think it's better just to have Hardy putting on great matches where he isn't getting to much pressure, where he isn't always booked to lose, but is still being used properly. Lot's of guys in TNA's talent pool for Hardy to feud with, just titles may not be the way to go at the present time.
Business wise having Jeff Hardy fill in gapes when a face is needed is the only smart Idea to do with him. I understand how much of the fans thinks, who cares even not so long ago you were strung out and couldn't even wrestle. A few good months and they forget. but their is no place for Hardy is a major story line he is a accident waiting to happen. I would make him wait a year or so.

Fan wise who cares if he has a problem keep him wrestling give him the heavy weight championship. Unless the X division is going back to cooler matches then give him the X Division strap.
Personally I see him moving into a Shawn Michaels type role.

Have interesting fueds with severeal other talents, helping to put them over and occasionally chase the world title.

Lets be honest whoever Jeff Hardy fueds with people will take notice (mainly because of Jeff) but that's a good thing, this allows new names to step up and have agood fued with a veteran like Hardy.
I think it's time for Jeff Hardy to go back to WWE would love to see him on raw as WWE CHAMP he could be the #2 face of the company

LOL and you think WWE will be welcoming him back anytime soon? Or investing any valuable time in a 2 striker? Not a chance.
first off leaving him in TNA, he needs to face some different opponents and drop out of the world title scene.

having RVD, Anderson and Jeff Hardy keep battling for the right to job to Bobby Roode has run it's course. I get it Roode is dominant and is clearly the best out of that group overall and the other 3 are done.

don't think he'd ever get back to WWE, he's had 2 strikes and would've recieved a third if he hadn't quit. Face it Hardy's time on the big stage is done, i was watching some WWE Vintage collection and Jeff was great when
A) he didn't talk
B) he was in the cruiserweight division or IC title division as he was after the Hardy's split.

also Matt Hardy V1 was his best time but alas those days have come and gone and too much has happened since, leaving those 2 behind in the dust of personal demons and poor performances..

he has screwed over TNA once and WWE twice, the fact he still has a job is a joke.

Maybe if he drops out for a few yrs, gets totally back into shape as he has been doing and drops the god awful face paint which like Sting's current look is nausiating and just looks like a 2 year old doing fingerpainting
What they are doing now completely satisfies me. They are keeping him in the main event picture but they are not giving him the world title. He will probably get the title later down the road, I think somewhere around Bound For Glory.
him having the having Television title could make it the second biggest title right now its not that. having a main eventer big star like hardy told that belt and as people have said have him defend every night will do hardy great and the belt
I agree with "spear".
Hardy would be great in the x division and he will make it much better. Maybe that will bring more ppl because of hardys experience and maybe that will make TNA think that "there's no competition for hardy, I know, lets go out there and look for more wrestlers!":lmao:

However, theyb should put him in some heavyweight matches with guys like AJ, joe, anderson, angle, RVD and a rematch with sting.
Jeff Hardy is drifting around in a wwe superstar in tna purgatory and he has only been used to get pops from the crowd. Jeff puts on good matches and is fun to watch but it seems like he is being squandered. He is in a Kane situation where they insert him anywhere to make the match/feud more ineresting and he needs to get out and grow as a wrestler. Hardy will always be popular no matter what, but tna can make him into a huge babyface instead of having him get caught in the title fight. He needs a feud to actually give him a purpose on the show. Without a purpose or feud he will just face Mr. Anderson and RVD over and over again.
As of lately, Jeff has been winning and losing numerous matches in TNA. He's been beating and losing to the best wrestlers TNA has to offer keeping him high in the TNA ladder. I've seen that he has only gained the world heavy weight title in TNA and giving him a secondary title would keep his merchandise selling and he would still be high up in the TNA ladder. Since Matt Hardy isn't in TNA he would probably not get the tag team titles and X division champ Austin Aries has been on a roll defeating numerous X division wrestlers. Also, I feel that TNA hasn't been using it's TV title well with the Robbies vs. Devon rivalry and giving Jeff Hardy the title would probably give that specific title some credit in the wrestling business. The only problem with that would be that Hardy would get mixed up with both of the Robbies and their b.s. This is how I think Hardy should be used in TNA for the up coming months.:worship:
I agree with the folks who think hardy should get a tv title run. It would not only elevate the title's status, but give hardy the chance to work a lot on television, to show TNA management that he has gotten his act together. Everybody wins.

Another thing that can be done here is for them to start treating the television title like WCW used to treat the united states title, after you have held it for a while, you become the number one contender for the world belt. That way, hardy can get a world title match only to have it ruined by whoever he will be feuding with next. Interference. World champ goes to the next program, and hardy has a run against whoever screwed his world title shot.

It works well no matter how I look at it. I guess the hardest part is selling hardy on the idea. But surely he would realize that the whole thing is like an extended audition for a WHC reign.
I'd let him and RVD go for the Tag Titles. Both have moments in the ring, but neither is able to truly carry a long match anymore. Putting them in a tag team would be a good way for them to still hit the high spots they always hit, but not have to carry the full load of an entire match. They have a ready made finisher with Hardy hitting a twist of fate into RVD's Frog Splash. They could hold the titles for a while.

Right now, you'd get AJ Styles and Angle feuding with RVD/Hardy. Once that's done then have Kaz/Daniels move on to challenging them. RVD/Hardy vs Kaz/Daniels would be some pretty entertaining matches. Then in once that has run it's course TNA needs to pair Hernandez and Joe in a team to eventually be the ones to take the titles. In my mind that is a great pairing that could springboard life back into the tag division.
I really don't understand the hype behind Jeff Hardy. I'm not trying to hate on the guy he has great in ring ability but he's been wrestling for how long and still has bad mic skills and boring character?

Sorry but to be a top wrestling personality in the business today you have to be interesting inside and outside of the ring and he isn't. He's a great wrestler but belongs right where he's at which is being a midcarder to put other guys over by having great matches, but isn't a top contender atleast not when he has competition like Roode, AA, Storm, Ray, Daniels pretty much the majority of TNA's roster all b/c they are more interesting outside the ring.

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