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What To Do With Alex Riley?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I personally like Alex Riley a lot. The guy was decent on the mic had a big body and a pretty solid moveset. As of late he seems to have disappeared from Raw and have a new home on Superstars. If you are an Alex Riley fan how would you fix it? Also I know he got a DUI a couple months back is he being punished for that?
It was a nice push where he stood up to the "Mean" Miz. Riley straight up beat up the Miz in the coming weeks. I think this was also the time where Punk was whining in moaning about his status.
They can insert him somewhere there is no reason for him to just be floating in the backstage area. One thing that frustrates me about WWE is they treat their talent like toys, they do something fun with them for a little then they just go "eh", it was fun then move on to something else. All I think what really needs to be done he needs constant big TV exposure put him on RAW and/or Smackdown, I mean the guy main-evented RAW with Cena and Austin in the ring and did pretty good. He had a lo of momentum, honestly he can take Ryan's place he's way better in the ring and on the mic. It's just frustrating when it doesn't have to be. I'm going to go into another rant so I'll stop now.
Damn, its like a guy isnt around for a couple weeks and he is doomed. You know who else would be missing for a couple weeks then come back? Cody Rhodes. I think he is doing just fine right now. They just dont have anything for him right now. The guys is very popular, and is not in danger of being let go. It is right around survivor series. They are going to push their biggest names to start selling. If nothing changes in a month, then there may be a problem. Otherwise this is another example of the IWC jumping the gun.
The dude has no character, he has all the tools and pontential to be US champ but they need start building him towards it. Alex Riley is very talented and actually reminds allot of John Cena when he first started in 2002, no character but he had aggression, Alex Riley has no aggression and his character is weak.
If you are an Alex Riley fan how would you fix it? Also I know he got a DUI a couple months back is he being punished for that?

I don't think he is being punished for the DUI anymore. They seem to not know what to do with him. He got over huge when he beat up the Miz. Then what? Riley could always go back to his jock bully gimmick from NXT because he was better in that role anyhow. He would make a better partner for Swagger if he were that character. That would also free up Ziggler to move up the card rather than waste time teaming with Swagger. Or they could always have him challenge for the US title instead of Ryan. Really, there are plenty of ideas they could try with Riley but they aren't even trying and it's unfair to him, they didn't give him much of a chance.
i thought riley would of been good in the hunt for the US title. he was heavily involved up until night of champions then that was teh last we really saw of him. i was sure they were gonna put the title on him then, he hit the ddt on swagger but he kicked out, the crowd went nuts when he hit it im sure they all thought the same thing, but once it was only a 2 i knew he was gonna win it....hes over has the look good on the mic they need to give him zigglers spot once dolph moves up
I think that the best thing to currently do with Riley is to either get him in the US title scenario or put him in a tag-team. Putting him in the US title scenario would benefit him as he could be in some sort of a feud and possibly win his first belt.
As for the tag-team, put him in a team with someone who is more talented than him in the ring. He could improve as a result of association and could also be the mouth-piece of the team as he is good on the mic.
As far as putting him in a tag team goes, I would team him up with Ted Dibiase. They're both just floating around at the moment, and they would probably work well together. They both previously have had this kind of "golden boy/ pedigree background," so they could fit thematically as well. I'd like to see more done with him too; he has potential.
Its funny because the whole point of Miz/Riley's storyline was the fact that Miz kept accusing Riley of riding his coattails but the thing is that is legitimately what really was happening. Riley is talented but so are a lot of guys in WWE waiting for an opportunity that Riley was given, an epic theme song, nice moveset except the pathetic finisher for me he just faded out of the picture.

Turn him heel again and have him join Vickie's stable, he has the arrogance and cockiness that would shine together with Dolph and Swagger.
I think the fact that he has no personality and a very generic look have limited what creative can do with him. He really needs to work on creating a character for himself because "The guy who beat the Miz a bunch of times" isn't going to cut it in the long run.
Patience, patience.
Let's not forget that Riley is still green as grass. He's not even in his sophomore year as an active in-ring competitor, which in most cases is a bit of a career slump anyway where a lot of dues get paid, but in turn the learning curve is steep.
I'm predicting another year or so of Riley doing a lot of jobs and Internet fans doing a lot of crying over him not being used until he will eventually emerge as a big thing again, and this time he'll be there to stay.
The dude has no character, he has all the tools and pontential to be US champ but they need start building him towards it. Alex Riley is very talented and actually reminds allot of John Cena when he first started in 2002, no character but he had aggression, Alex Riley has no aggression and his character is weak.

Actually I think that's how Alex Riley should be used until they're ready to really push him. Like John Cena was used in 2002, Riley could be the "super jobber" who can take a main event heel to the limit, and possibly beat them at any time, but usually loses.

Its funny because the whole point of Miz/Riley's storyline was the fact that Miz kept accusing Riley of riding his coattails but the thing is that is legitimately what really was happening. Riley is talented but so are a lot of guys in WWE waiting for an opportunity that Riley was given, an epic theme song, nice moveset except the pathetic finisher for me he just faded out of the picture.

Turn him heel again and have him join Vickie's stable, he has the arrogance and cockiness that would shine together with Dolph and Swagger.

Riley teaming up with Vickie's stable doesn't make sense at this current point, he was the one who STARTED the "Ziggler/Swagger vs. Everybody Else" feud. However I do think Riley could be reinserted into the feud, maybe to save Zack Ryder from a two on one attack. Swagger can give a "worked shoot" about the sandbag incident and brag that he was the reason for Riley's fall from grace, and then they move from there.
Simple, give him a decent storyline. I think they should pair A-Ry up with a partner and a Diva as a vallet to feud with Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, and Vickie Guerrero over the US title. If I can pick the two I'd say Mason Ryan/Zack Ryder as his ally and Kelly/AJ/Kaitlyn as his vallet. Riley can eventually beat Ziggler for the title and Ziggler can go on to bigger things.

The last thing I would do with Riley is turn him heel though. He doesn't need a turn at all. Like others have said Riley reminds me of a young 2002 John Cena when he first started. The rage and "ruthless aggression" that Riley showed in his beatdowns on The Miz were really strong and believable and I'm hoping to see more of it.
As some of you have alluded a bit to earlier, why not team him with Zack Ryder? Ryder will not be a World Champion lets be real but he is still an excellent tag team wrestler. With that said the name A-ry reminds me of a Long Island guido nick name. Make Alex Riley play more of the roided out strong man d-bag while Ryder continues to be the annoying loud d-bag. And if you ever want to make them a heel team throw in the bellas as the nags and you can really play the stereo type. Either way A-ry and Long Island Ice Z should be Bros.
I'm a huge Alex Riley fan. He has something that draws me to him. And judging from the reactions he gets when he's on TV, the WWE Universe feels the same way.

However, he doesn't just need a storyline, angle or feud. He needs to develop his in-ring skills first. It's not that he's boring. I actually enjoy his style - it's very much high-impact and high-energy. However, he just seems to be a bit of a liability in the ring. He's been pretty botch-tastic and that's a problem (especially when other wrestler's safety is at stake).

Riley has all the personality and mic skills to be a major player in the WWE, he just needs to overcome whatever is holding him back in the ring, be it lack of experience or nervousness.
I don't think he is being punished for the DUI anymore. They seem to not know what to do with him. He got over huge when he beat up the Miz. Then what? Riley could always go back to his jock bully gimmick from NXT because he was better in that role anyhow. He would make a better partner for Swagger if he were that character. That would also free up Ziggler to move up the card rather than waste time teaming with Swagger. Or they could always have him challenge for the US title instead of Ryan. Really, there are plenty of ideas they could try with Riley but they aren't even trying and it's unfair to him, they didn't give him much of a chance.

Exactly, Riley definitely has potential considering how much love he was getting when he was feuding with Miz but what should have come next after that? There are plenty of young new superstars who are not getting more opportunities simply because the roster is crowded with them and that makes it difficult to give all of them a good place. Now I personally think that he deserves a shot more than guys like Ryan because he is obviously more skilled and the reactions he gets from the crowd dwarf what Ryan gets.

If it were up to me I would have A Ry challenging Dolph for his United States Championship, not only does he make more sense considering his popularity and in ring ability but those couple matches and confrontations that he and Dolph had were very entertaining and I personally would have loved to see some more of those two going head to head. I really hope that they get something good going with A Ry because I would love to see him around more.

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