What To Do With #1: WWE Tag Team Division


Quote the Raven, nevermore.
Hello everyone! I'm hoping to start a weekly (maybe more often) thread titled "What To Do With" where I will choose a superstar,diva,title, etc from the WWE that I think could use some repackaging and/or revamp. I'd like to put it out there that these will be my personal opinions and nothing more. I'd love it if you guys got in on the threads as well and shared your ideas while also letting me know what you think of mine. For the first thread, I'd like to talk about the current WWE Tag Team Division.

Ok, so since January, we have lost a few teams. Lets look at what we have.

The Usos (Current WWE Tag Team Champions)
Los Matadores
The Shield
The Wyatt Family
Cody Rhodes & Goldust

Now, The Shield is busy with The Authority, Wyatts are busy with John Cena, Goldust is probably leaving again, Los Matadores and 3MB are comedy teams and Rybaxel just look awkward together. That leaves us with The only solid team in the division, The Usos. Here's the part we've all heard before... Time to throw randoms together.

I know that throwing random superstars together isn't the greatest but at the same time it is better then them doing nothing. Here's my list.

Cody Rhodes & Curtis Axel (Fortunate Sons): Have Ryback turn on Axel and go back to a singles run (and hopefully a push). Then have Rhodes turn heel and align with Axel to form somewhat of a Legacy 2.0.

Hawkins & Ryder: People have been wanting this reunion for years now and why not? Hawkins is jobbing on NXT and Ryder's jobbing to...Everyone.

Darren Young & Titus O'Neil (Prime Time Players): They should have never broke up in the first place. Neither of them is doing anything significant right now.

The Miz & Dolph Ziggler: There were rumours that these 2 were forming a tag team. Time for WWE to pull the trigger on it.

The Ascension: WWE needs to bring them up ASAP from NXT. Solid, legit team.

Tyson Kidd & Evan Bourne:: Kidd is apparently getting repackaged, and Bourne is apparently cleared to return so let's put them together as a new Hardy Boys type team.

Carlito & Primo: Have Carlito return and call out Primo saying that since he left, his brother has become a joke by running around playing dress up as a Matadore. Have Primo eventually turn on Epico and reform the original Colons.

With these new/reformed teams, I think the WWE could put forth a solid tag team division that people could be excited to watch again.
I think Harper & Rowan need to get involved in the tag title scene more fully instead of just being Bray's henchmen against Cena. I also think Rollins & Ambrose will become more of a fixture in the tag team division come the summer.

Calling up The Ascension seems to be on the "to do list" and I'd like to see a Rockers style team added to the mix, I also think there'll be a new Real American to partner Swagger after Cesaro beats him at Extreme Rules.

Guys like Sandow, Ziggler, Miz, Kofi, Barrett etc...could all do well for themselves in a tag team right now.
I think Harper & Rowan need to get involved in the tag title scene more fully instead of just being Bray's henchmen against Cena. I also think Rollins & Ambrose will become more of a fixture in the tag team division come the summer.

Calling up The Ascension seems to be on the "to do list" and I'd like to see a Rockers style team added to the mix, I also think there'll be a new Real American to partner Swagger after Cesaro beats him at Extreme Rules.

Guys like Sandow, Ziggler, Miz, Kofi, Barrett etc...could all do well for themselves in a tag team right now.

I have to totallydisagree with you on The Wyatts and The Shield

No reason to put the Wyatts in the tag team title hunt for now, they are doing great (not good, great!) right now fighting Cena and wouldn't want them to fight the Uso's on a regular basis. Why are people always forcing a title run to folks that are doing great? There is no need for it, remember when Austin and Angle had this feud that wasn't involving any title for a ridiculous amount of time? I love it when feuds are amazing and the fight is for something deeper than a title.

Same thing goes for The Shield.

The tag team division is getting better and better, but you can't have teams always losing still be in the hunt for the titles it makes no sense, even during the big 3 days (Hardys, Dudleyz, Blondies) Too Cool was winning some matches against them and even won the title, Right to Censor beat the Hardys, etc... but now, Rybaxel loses all the time, Los Matadores, 3MB, Cody and Goldust seem to be on a losing streak ... there's no real back in forth with the W-L categories, it makes it predictable and boring.

Have Rybaxel crush the Uso's in a non title match,
Have Cody and Goldust vs Miz and Barrett end in a no contest with brawling all over the arena
Have Los Matadores thrown in the garbage as everything they do absolutely sucks. Ole on to repackaging island.

There needs to be more personnal beef in the tag team division because right now everybody is fighting eachother without any passion to it and it shows.

Have some promos from those guys once in a while, if they're not good on the mic give them a manager.

Here's an idea, Heyman stole Cesaro from Zeb. Zeb goes and signs Rybaxel and manages them to the top of the tag team division... you give them back credibility and mic sillz,

It's better than it was 2 years ago, still has major flaws.
I have to totallydisagree with you on The Wyatts and The Shield

No reason to put the Wyatts in the tag team title hunt for now, they are doing great (not good, great!) right now fighting Cena and wouldn't want them to fight the Uso's on a regular basis. Why are people always forcing a title run to folks that are doing great? There is no need for it, remember when Austin and Angle had this feud that wasn't involving any title for a ridiculous amount of time? I love it when feuds are amazing and the fight is for something deeper than a title.

Same thing goes for The Shield.

The Wyatt's are doing fine but Harper & Rowan are gonna spend every PPV standing in the corner rather than wrestling if they are not going to get involved in the tag team division, which is a waste. The Wyatt's are not the same as The Shield who are a 3 equal parts group. Bray is the star of the group, it's about making him a singles player, he wont be working many 6 mans on PPV and will probably spend more time in singles on TV as well.

For the record I never said I think Ambrose & Rollins should be a main team in the division, I was saying i think they will because I see Reigns starting to get some big singles matches and Rollins & Ambrose have worked several regular tags together recently, so it's where I can see them going next within The Shield's push.

As far as Austin and Angle go I admit to not recalling a non title feud with them, just the title one that ran through the summer and fall of 2001.
I see the Ascension actually being with Zeb... as enforcers. Remember he has a history of being a manager of "big man" teams like the Blu's... being a "real american" also means you can access the underbelly as well. He can be the one saying to Heyman "look what you made me do, what you made me bring..." Swag shoould stay in the singles now... he served his punishment time and is still well above the curve in the ring and overness wise considering... sure he isn't getting another push but use him to put Barrett over and the like.

Bourne is a misnomer guys, I am sure the reason he isn't back is cos they can't use him now. He's cleared to go but likely can't "go" in the way he used to much like Pillman. Perhaps he has been learning a new style and it isn't what they want? Kidd being repackaged doesn't lend itself to tag action either.

Brotherhood, Usos and Rybaxel are fine, they've settled into their roles well.

I would personally split 3MB or rather have Drew leave and Slater and Jinder go tag team. Drew should be a British Bulldog... for continuity you'd want them to re-hire Harry Smith but it could easily work with Adrian Neville as well.

One gimmick I always felt should return is Demolition... Ascension would have been perfect for it but I can still see someone pulling this back, perhaps Heyman as a counter to them. "I went back and found some of the original Paul Heyman guys, from back in the day and they told me to bring forth the Demolition once more." Who do you put in the paint? Mason Ryan could work, along with someone like Travis Tyler from NXT.

In terms of a veteran team to return this year (as they seem to do most years now) I would hope they either finally get Benjamin and Haas back or rehire Morrison and go with Miz/Morrison again for a while.

Wyatts should be next with the belts and get them soon...keep the heat going from Mania because good as Bray was, Rowan and Harper were also VERY good in that match.
Well if I were WWE, I would want to keep The Uso's, Los Matadores, and the Rhodes Brothers and send 3MB and Rybaxel to NXT, Because at this point that is all they are really good for. After this I would have the Wyatts take a more active roll in the Division, which is something that has not happened all that often since there debut and I would look at having the acension brought up from NXT as soon as possible. As for Zeb and Jack Swagger, I would look at having Alex Riley join the duo and quickly reform the Real Americans and to get people really talking about the Tag Division again, I would be tempted to throw The Shield and the Reformed Evolution into the Mix as part of the Shield vs the Authority Storyline.
The tag team division is an interesting one because it is the one that has to be revamped pretty much on an annual basis. The singles division has been the same if you think about it from the last 5 years or so ( minus rocky and batista ).

1)Currently I think having the Uso's be the best brother tag team/ at the top of the chain is the best idea because the crowds seem to really like them and they are pretty good.

2) Have the Rhodes Brothers as #3 so that a heel team can challenge the Uso's in a simple tag match.

3) Bring up the Ascension, they are just too good of a gimmick to not be on the roster and quite frankly I think them Vs. The Wyatt family might strike gold for the tag division.

4) Most simple solution to make the tag division fresh is to resign Paul London and Bryan Kendrick, they are an awesome team and have awesome chemistry together. Also Kendrick makes for a really good heel like we saw with The Brian Kendrick.

5) Make a tag team of Sheamus and Mark Henry. I think that would be an awesome power house team which could have dominating matches and then end up with a big blow up where Sheamus turns into the monster and Henry ends up retiring (This was actually a story I made in WWE Create A Story, lol)

6) Bring back Sheldon and Haas, I think that team like the team of London and Kendrick has a lot of unfinished time in WWE.
Like everyone else, I'd call-up The Ascension to the main roster, I'd also reunite Air Boom.

Another potential team would be Bad News Barrett & Damien Sandow, the gimmicks could mix well together and although I'd team them, I'd have them help each other in singles matches going for IC & US Titles.
Here are the teams I'd have in the division:

The Usos (Of course)

Wade Barrett and Sheamus (These guys were part of an awesome faction in WWE '12, so why did they never bring them together? They can talk, but why not have Regal as their manager as well?)

The Ascension
I can't wait until they bring these guys up to the main roster and hopefully feud with the Wyatts or The Shield.

Luke Harper/Eric Rowan
I think it's only a matter of time before Bray Wyatt goes off on his own and becomes a major star, so where does that leave the rest of the Family? As major players in the Tag division, hopefully.

The Miz/Dolph Ziggler
If they're gonna put these guys together in a tag team, they need to pull the trigger on this soon. They'd have quite the impact on the division.

CM Punk and Daniel Bryan (aka "Beardy and The Best" as I call them)
I know Punk's not in the WWE right now, but if he were, or if they had made them into a tag team last year, these two would be almost unstoppable. Plus, although it's a bit of a sacrifice to not see CM Punk chasing the World title, it's worth it to keep ol' Goat-face out of the title picture as well.
There are quite many good ideas floating around on this thread. If only the WWE creative made as much effort as logging in on Wrestlezone and reading them!

But the OP reflects the most truth as most of the teams right now are dead/stagnant/gone. Example, Cody Rhodes and Goldust and NAO are done. Rybaxel and Los Matadores are just not credible/interesting to be tag title holders or even contenders, IMO, and there is only so many times they can face the champions on PPVs or TV. The only solution WWE has right now, as some of you reflected, is bring up some exciting, fresh, and charismatic team from NXT, and USE ERIC ROWAN AND LUKE HARPER. What the hell are they doing? Just serve Bray Wyatt and his feuds?

The Shield aren't really going to make the tag title scene interesting any more as they're the focus of a much bigger program. Wyatts if I'm not mistaken have never been champions and would look awesome and awe-inspiring holding the tag titles. The idea of unused talents forming new tag-teams is not bad at all. Wade Barrett and Sheamus/Drew McIntyre in a "European Union", Dolph Ziggler and Damien Sandow are the best suited as they can both be cocky, are fairly good looking and charismatic, and so on. A tag-team featuring CM Punk and Daniel Bryan would be a dream team meant for main-event tag matches and not titles, or both. It would've been a big factor to elevate the tag title scene back in 2010/2011 but right now, it's unlikely to happen.
Tag team wrestling can really be fun to watch when A.) You have real tag teams and not two singles guys thrown together and B.) If the titles mean something and they have #1 contender matches, etc. Look at the late 80's early 90's...best time for tag team wrestling.

With so many 3 man stables dominating the WWE right now...I would implement the Freebird rule. For those that dont remember or are too young, the Freebird rule was created back in the 80's for the Fabulous Freebirds that allowed any 2 of the 3 members to defend the titles. Not sure if it started in AWA or World Class...but it would add simething new to the WWE tag team scene.

Whether people want to admit it or not...its getting better. They need to add a couple more quality teams and they'll have a good roster. The Usos need to hold the titles for the next several months and put on some quality matches. The titles will eventually mean something again.
We need jobbers all around. Local indy talent just getting destroyed. They could be used for singles guys and tag teams. Squash matches. Not too many, but like one or two a night. That way, you can give guys wins, without the other guys on the roster always having to lose. It does create a lopsided situation. Like Rybaxel. They lost to every other team, and when WWE ran out of times they through Rybaxel into the mix simply because they ran out of options. Next, teams need to be teams. Have everyone develop some double team moves and have them really showcase their teamwork in the matches. Also, teams need to match, or at least have a theme. When Curtis Axel is in black trunks, and Ryback is in a red/yellow singlet, it just doesn't flow. They need color coordination! One big thing WWE needs to do is get tag teams in NXT. There's only one team in NXT now and it's the Ascension. Go sign some tag teams. And finally, one thing that needs to be done is make teams stick around. Almost every team in WWE now a days has maybe a two year run at max, and they split. And two years is long. It's usually anywhere from 6 months to a year, if that. Make guys stick together. Teams like the Hardyz, the Dudleyz, LOD, the Bulldogs, the Hart Foundation, and so many more got over so big because they were around long enough to really develop a chemistry and connect with the crowd.

Now, as to what actually should be done in the tag division. The Ascension need to be brought up. Bring back Evan Bourne and reform Air Boom. They were really picking up steam at the end of their run in 2012. I would also make Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara a team again. And I like the idea of another Real American joining Swagger. He and Cesaro really could have been a great team and had a rest title run. But, that's not happening, so pick someone else. How bout Jack Swagger and Titus O'Neil. They'd be a pretty impressive big guy team. So the teams in the company would include- The Usos, Air Boom, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara, Los Matadors, The Rhodes Brothers, The Ascension, Rybaxel, and Titus/Swager (maybe as the Real Americans). The Shield and the Wyatt's could be thrown in their at times, and it seems as if Rollins and Ambrose are going to be a team in the future. You have to build up each team, which is tricky. You can't make one team lose too much, but you also can't make everyone .500 with equal win loss records. I say you build The Ascension into credible challengers, and the beat the Uso's for the titles at Night of Champions. You also need teams to feud over stuff that isn' a championship. Like Evan Bourne returns, and beats Jack Swagger on RAW. Then, he beats Titus O'Neil on SmackDown. After the match, Bourne is beat down by both Swagger and O'Neil, and Kofi makes the save. This brings all four guys into the tag division, and sets up a feud. Have some mixing between all the times. These guys win here, them there, so on and so on. And yes, they all need interviews. Mic work does wonders to get you over. Oh, and 3MB jobs to everyone. There's way to much damage done there.
The tag team division is looking pretty good... at first glance. The division lacks legit storylines, and it is seen in tag team matches. It's just four guys wrestling for absolutely no reason. They need to create a reason for a match, rather than just two toy props. (That's what they are these days)

The Ascension should be called up from NXT; they're ready.

The Usos are the most consistent, and the crowd loves them.

Harper and Rowan should be involved mainly in Bray Wyatt's storylines, but I wouldn't like to see them standing in the corner at every PPV. I wouldn't have them heavily involved in tag matches, but it gives them something to do.

Carlito and Primo - As someone else mentioned, bring back Carlito to team with Primo. Los Matadores was just simply a bad idea. Epico should go to NXT.

I would have Cody Rhodes defeat Goldust in a retirement match (should have been done at WrestleMania), therefore ending the Brotherhood. Have Cody go on a singles run. (He's had some extremely good gimmicks)

Rybaxel and 3MB should go back to NXT; that's all they're good for.

New Age Outlaws are bound to leave the company.

That leaves the Shield. It depends on when and how Roman Reigns is going to get pushed. I could see Ambrose and Rollins as a team, but right now they should wrestle together.

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