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Report: Poor Backstage Reaction To Eric Young on Impact

by Nick PaglinoMar 27, 2010

PWTorch.com is reporting that Eric Young's interruption of the Jeff Hardy/Rob Van Dam segment which was taped for Impact received a collective negative reaction from many watching backstage in TNA. The feeling is that Young is not at the level of guys like Hardy and RVD, and that by having come out and interrupt the segment, it killed whatever good Hardy and RVD were doing. Furthermore, it's being said that although most consider Young to be a nice guy, he only has his position in TNA because he is friends with a lot of the top brass in the company.

What? According to this report, Eric Young got a poor reaction from the other workers for something that 1) He was told to do and 2) Because he isn't in the same level? How? If its true that he has friends in high places I truly fail tosee how well he uses those priviliges. Eric Young has been slapped with terrible gimmicks for the better part 2 years. Now he's being pushed as a sort of anti-hero and people frown upon it? The guy gets great reaction from the crowd. He's a solid worker and great on the micm I'd say there are few who can match him in TNA. How is pushing him wrong? He's a TNA original. He's been loyal from the start. To be honest I'd say he has everything RVD and Jeff Hardy lack. People complain about TNA's lack of faith in its more "original" talent, but look what happens. Now when its more critical than ever to show new blood, they disapprove and look down on it. I do believe Eric Young is at an equal calibur to RVD and Jeff Hardy. Are you saying the likes of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are inferior to Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam?

Eric Young is phenominal talent. He is truly deserving of his push right now.To hell if he has friends in "high places". He's obviously never abused of said "power". A guy like him is just what they can use to pull in some ratings. In a time of "war" the last thing that should be done is to cause internal strife.
Why should I take a guy like Eric Young seriously? He's the same guy that was afraid of his own pyro a few months ago.If he has everything RVD and Hardy lack,he also lacks everything they have; charisma,personality,a main event name,and a strong fan base. If TNA would've pushed this guy earlier, I might not feel the same. Personally,I never saw him as a player in TNA and I guess as long as he can make the higher ups in TNA laugh behind the scenes, he'll always have a spot on Impact. He probably doesn't abuse his privileges because he knows he's not in any position to even try.
I completely agree with you Killjoy... Eric Young is a great worker who ever since joining the singles rank since Team Canada dispursed has grown better and better every year. I think these comments are coming from higher wrestlers who arent getting the spotlight cause they just cant cut it. Or from other midcarders and under talent who feel (even though they probably dont deserve it) that they should be in his spot. Ok so he has high up friends... but you know it doesnt matter that Kevin Nash has reapidly said that Eric Young is one of the hardest workers he knows. Eric Young needs this push.

And he doesnt lack persoanlity, that is his personality, work hard in the ring, have fun outside of it. Just because he doesnt go insane with his promos and do the dare devil things RVD and Hardy do, doesnt mean he doesnt have personality and charisma. It means he is a different style wrestler, thats all. Id rather see him get a push over people like the Nasty Boys, Hall n Pac (who are doing what they need to do, putting people like Young over), hell even a push over the Pope, who just came to TNA.

And after reading the spoilers for next weeks Impact, i think he is gonna look better after that impact.
I feel like Eric Young could be a good mid-card talent but he's essentially a jobber to the stars, which he's perfect for. I totally get what the reports meant as I watched the end of Impact and when Eric showed up the entire mood shifted and not in a good way. It also made little sense why Eric would team with Hardy and RVD, but that happens in wrestling. Eric Young is not one of those guys who will keep WWE fans switching channels to see what TNA is about to stick around.

And I also get that he's probably only still around due to friends. A lot of people stick around due to friends but don't get pushed or get pushed in weird directions. Bob Holly was reportedly one but thankfully he isn't still around. Eugene(Nick Dinsmore) was also friends with people but also released, twice. And Tomko's made a career out of it.
That report has it 100% correct, Eric Young completely killed the vibe of that segment, you have you two most relevant acquisitions in the ring, who are light years ahead of Eric Young. Nobody's cares that he's a great worker, and nobody's gonna care about him when he's tagging with Hardy and RVD, and people wonder why TNA has trouble competing with the WWE.
I think it's pretty weird that people would pre-plan something like this, and THEN realize it looked bad. Hardy and RVD are huge stars because they came from WWE, that's why he looks inferior. In truth, find me one current TNA star who worked for the WWE and still uses his origional name and gimmick, and that person would be bigger then ANY TNA origional. So for them to think Eric Young measured up is absurd, yet it NEEDS to be done to push the origionals.

Why should I take a guy like Eric Young seriously? He's the same guy that was afraid of his own pyro a few months ago

TNA has fucked up alot of people, and done a good job of fixing em up. It wasn't long ago that the TNA World Champion, AJ Styles, was a pathetic loser (gimmick) and he made it an annual tradition to find himself in a chicken suit once a year. Kaz did Suicide, and Danials did fucking Curry Man. TNA has has some bad gimmicks, but they remove them just as fast. Youngs past shouldn't affect his present.
I agree that Young is talented and deserving of a push, however he isnt on the level of RVD and Jeff Hardy, who have already put themselves on the map and established themselves as main event material. Young is getting there, but he's not there yet. And because he's not there yet, he's going to get rejected because theyre shoving him down our throats and trying to convince us that he's on the same level as RVD and Hardy when everyone knows that he isnt. I dont mind seeing him tag with those guys once in awhile, but it shouldnt become a regular thing.

He very much killed the vibe of that segment. Did TNA actually expect people to mark out for Young just because they threw him together with the two of the best guys theyve got? It doesnt work like that. Young has a future in this business but it isnt going to be built up that way. Great talents ripen late.
I still fail to see the wrong that was done. When a person is being pushed, you honestly can't expect them to go higher on the card without interacting at some point with "higher talent". Saying Eric didn't "deserve" to be with Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam in the ring is basically saying that Cody Rhodes and Ted BiDibiase shouldn't have been paired with Orton because they were inferior. For people go grow on the card they need to interact with the bigger players. That's what was done on iMPACT!. It killed the vibe? So what, seeing 2 main event babyfaces teaming with an up and comer sounds like a more profitable reward. To hell with what the big names think. To make talent they need exposure. It was wrong of "the backstage" to look down on this. AJ hung with Kurt Angle and Sting. Samoa Joe did the same. What makes Eric Young so different?
eric young has been consistently good for years now, a solid worker who seems to have only ever been given really shite gimmicks like being a scardy cat and a bit of a weiner, because of that shit no-one can take him seriously as anything other than what he has been before... best thing mite be to change him suddenly and solidly or for him to get an 'injury' and come back with a new gimmick or even to mix him into the suicide storyline.. who knows, its TNA!
Umm... the wrong that was done is figuratively speaking, Eric Young is using two nukes to take out old brittle buildings in Azerbaijan. It makes NO sense to have EY team with two big time players to get revenge on the Rolling Sto...err The Band. Hall, Nash, and X-Pac probably have 30 surgeries between them.

NO need to have Eric Young involved with RVD and Hardy in that context. Just proves that the rub doesn't work if they don't like the wrestler.
if somepeople backstage are upset with young for this then tna is in trouble. this is the same shit that was reported to be going on in wcw towards the end, and i say fuck those egotistical pieces of shit, eric young is a hell of alot better than hardy who ive always thought of as overhyped.whats wrong with young getting a push, he deserves it hes a great worker and hes very over with the crowd. i just hope this report is wrong because if it is true this is going to be bad for tna. just2 months under the bischoff/hogan regime and the same stuff that killed wcw starts,i had great hopes that all involved with that dibacle had learned something.
Why should I take a guy like Eric Young seriously? He's the same guy that was afraid of his own pyro a few months ago.
That was a gimmick where he was paranoid and though someone was out to get him......about two years ago. As Hulk Hogan stated on January 4th, "This is a new TNA Wrestling." Everyone has a fresh start.

If he has everything RVD and Hardy lack,he also lacks everything they have; charisma,personality,a main event name,and a strong fan base.
That is a ridiculous statement to make. Eric Young has a "Main Event Name", a strong fan base (the TNA diehards) and charisma. He does however lack in the personality at the moment, but the character can be blamed on the writing staff.

If TNA would've pushed this guy earlier, I might not feel the same.
He had a push in World Elite and what I call a mini push in Team Canada. No one really remembers him from that because he wasn't they guy who did the flippy moves. He wasn't the big guy. He wasn't the mouthpiece. Who else will remember anyone like that?

Personally,I never saw him as a player in TNA and I guess as long as he can make the higher ups in TNA laugh behind the scenes, he'll always have a spot on Impact.
He has been overlooked for long enough. He survived a paranoid gimmick, a superhero, a anti-American, and still has a job. Not only did he survive, he made them work. I would say he deserved a push.

He probably doesn't abuse his privileges because he knows he's not in any position to even try.
Why would you think that he would even try to abuse his power? I don't remember seeing anywhere that he even tried to "abuse his power". He has no power to put himself at the end of the show, as well he shouldn't. I do feel that he will have that power one day though. You are looking to far into it. This a situation where they are testing out if he is ready for the main event yet. probably a one shot deal then back to the Mid-Card for now.
I saw how quick the whole audience went "yea this is awesome!" to "why the hell is he out here?" It would've been ok if he was just like "hey, f*** the Wolfpac! i want a match!" but i agree, teaming with those two out of no where makes very little sense. are rvd and hardy just the resident good guys designated to do random acts of kindness for whoever needs it? They took on Beer Money and they seem to be running with Hogan and now they're teaming up with EY? Who's writing this crap? What do they do? Hand a chimp a box of crayolas and let him go nuts? I'll still tune in just because I like some of the talent like the XDivision and it's always fun to watch a train wreck, lol.
When I saw that segment, I didn't think that it came across particularly well either. This was largely because of HOW it was done. RVD and Hardy both sort of stood there with indifferent expressions on their faces as Young did his thing. It seemed as though neither cared who EY was or why he was there. Also, the entire concept of shoehorning in a cameo at the end of the show setting up an alliance between EY and two people who we haven't seen him interact with on camera at all previously (exception for Hardy, but it's been years) is just shoddy writing. It was one of those situations where you almost see the forces working behind the scenes and their intentions; like seeing the strings of a puppet. It was blatantly obvious to everyone in the arena and the viewers at home that EY was being put in the ring with Hardy and RVD solely to get him over. There couldn't be any suspension of disbelief, because there was absolutely zero context within the current storyline under which it should have occurred. Neither RVD or Hardy have been involved in the 'Band' plot line, and why would EY side with two 'outsiders' whom he can't possibly know or trust to fight against other outsiders and the guy who just betrayed him? Why wouldn't he go to his former WE allies, or Jeff Jarrett, or Mick Foley, or someone else with whom he has a past? Even if you were to look at it from a plot context, the idea of EY going to management to have himself paired with two of the most over guys in the company would just seem like a cheap attempt to get himself over. Outside of a plot context, it just comes across as a blatantly cheap attempt by management to get him over. You really can't blame E.Y for this one; it was a stupid move.
HOW CAN ANYONE TAKE THIS GUY SERIOUS? YOURE TELLING ME THIS GUY IS MAIN EVENT STATUS, AND CAN STAND NEXT TO GUYS LIKE RVD, JEFF HARDY, NASH, HALL AND WALTMAN? Besides the fact that he looks like Crash Holly, how are we supposed to take this guy serious, when he was a flunky for Team Canada, scared of his own pyro. Then he was a beer drinkin champion, cmon i didnt even accept him at Turning Point 07 when Nash picked him as his partner along with Samoa Joe cuz Hall no showed. and to top it all off, the guy was SUPER ERIC. A damn superhero, cmon!!!!!!!!! And you wanna partner him with Mr Monday Night, and the Charismatic Enigma, both former world champions and two of the most exciting wrestlers EVER! against three guys that were part of the revolution of the wrestling industry. FIRE ERIC! eric sucks
OK. You can make a valid point without using all capital letters. No one said he was main event status yet. All I stated was that Eric Young is using this as a platform to get over. What is a better way to get a face over then to have him fight alongside easily two of the most over men in the company?

Besides the fact that he looks like Crash Holly, how are we supposed to take this guy serious, when he was a flunky for Team Canada, scared of his own pyro.
So you are judging a guy by his looks? That is ridiculous. The only flunky for Team Canada was Scott D'Amore. Every time they needed a distraction, he was the guy. Pin falls were mostly split up between the group, and on the very first iMPACT! he scored the fall for his team over AMW with a Wheelbarrow Neckbreaker.

He was not scared of his pyro. He was scared that someone was out to get him. This was a time where he was very paranoid to the extent of being billed from "Residing at an undisclosed location." He thought his job was on the line and he was stuck under Robert Roode's thumb. There was many factors that contributed to his severe paranoia.

Then he was a beer drinkin champion, cmon i didnt even accept him at Turning Point 07 when Nash picked him as his partner along with Samoa Joe cuz Hall no showed.
Nash didn't choose him. Samoa Joe chose him because he went out there every night and busted his ass for the company, while old men just showed up to pad their retirement check. Joe's words...not mine.

and to top it all off, the guy was SUPER ERIC. A damn superhero, cmon!!!!!!!!!
OK. Another stupid point. Do you not remember Gregory Helms? He shed his superhero gimmick (The Hurricane) and went on to become a highly successful and dominant Cruiserweight Champion. Who knows what he would have went on to if he hadn't broken his neck.

And you wanna partner him with Mr Monday Night, and the Charismatic Enigma, both former world champions and two of the most exciting wrestlers EVER! against three guys that were part of the revolution of the wrestling industry. FIRE ERIC! eric sucks
As I stated earlier, he is trying to get a massive face rub from two of the most over faces in the history of the company. Jeff Hardy is loved by most everyone and RVD's first match versus Sting garnered him maybe the loudest pop I have ever heard in the iMPACT! Zone. As for the "FIRE ERIC! eric sucks" garbage, that is exactly why he was paranoid. He was afraid people were after his job.

Please learn a small amount of grammar skills (I.E. punctuation, spelling, and capitalization) as ,quite honestly, no one likes to read a post written like that.
HOW CAN ANYONE TAKE THIS GUY SERIOUS? YOURE TELLING ME THIS GUY IS MAIN EVENT STATUS, AND CAN STAND NEXT TO GUYS LIKE RVD, JEFF HARDY, NASH, HALL AND WALTMAN? Besides the fact that he looks like Crash Holly, how are we supposed to take this guy serious, when he was a flunky for Team Canada, scared of his own pyro. Then he was a beer drinkin champion, cmon i didnt even accept him at Turning Point 07 when Nash picked him as his partner along with Samoa Joe cuz Hall no showed. and to top it all off, the guy was SUPER ERIC. A damn superhero, cmon!!!!!!!!! And you wanna partner him with Mr Monday Night, and the Charismatic Enigma, both former world champions and two of the most exciting wrestlers EVER! against three guys that were part of the revolution of the wrestling industry. FIRE ERIC! eric sucks

Look at the Rock's first gimmick. He was NOTHING like the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment. Past gimmicks don't have to brand someone or scar them for a whole career. Sometimes they can and will, but that doesn't have to happen. Stone Cold was the Ringmaster and before that he was a member of the Hollywood Blonds. People still bought him as Stone Cold and he helped push the WWF over WCW.

Now to the topic at hand, that's not that cool. EY was doing what he was told. When your partners for next week's match are already out there, why not annouce it then anyways? It's not like he announced anything negative to bring down the high from them winning. When the crowd was already pumped, why not do it then? He is a good worker, he's just been saddled with gimmicks that have no main event appeal or longevity, but he's managed to survive them and make it this far. He deserves a chance.
I think everyone is looking at this the wrong way. On one side you have 2 has been main eventers and the worlds most immature jackass, and on the other side you have 2 of the most lifeless and boring people to ever step into the ring, who only got over thanks to their looks and spot monkey ring skills. I haven't seen the show, so I don't really know what the reaction is or how it went down. I understand the booking though. Eric Young equalizes the struggle, and also builds onto his revenge plotting against Nash. It lets Young get exposure, and it lets the two lifeless dolls of RVD and Hardy get a real voice, because God knows neither of them have any mic skills what so ever. Execution aside, this is an alliance of common enemy. It's a very basic story telling element.

As for the people backstage bitching, well...they need to be quiet. They're backstage during this segment for a reason. They don't need to worry about what Eric, RVD, Hardy, Nash, Hall, and immature jackass are doing during their segment. They should be more concerned with where their involvement in the company is, and how they can best improve their career or the company. This petty manipulative idiocy does nothing but destroy company morale.
All he was doing was following orders and doing what he was told. Why would people in TNA be upset? He did nothing wrong. Now if he was not supposed to interrupt at the end then yes I can see why they would be ticked off but if this was "scripted". Not his problem.
This isn't about rather EY deserves the push or not... The fact is, if you actually watched the show... The crowd died when EY came out, he got no pop when he made the announcement... It was bad booking...

Now on the subject of Ey in general... I really have never been a big fan of his... He is a decent wrestler, but he just doesn't have the main event level charisma, ring skills, or the looks of a superstar... I respect him for doing a great job with the corny gimmicks he was given, but perhaps he played too good of a stooge to ever be taken seriously again...

I think it is possible to make him over to some level, but he will never be at the level of a Hardy or a RVD... Their charisma happens in the ring and they really don't need to be good on the mic, the fans will love them anyway...
If i remember correctly Vince Russo wanted to push Eric Young to the sky when he was in the world elite. But Eric quickly got lost in the shuffle of it all and there was always one name that idn't want Eric Young pushed: Jim Cornette. His attitude towards Youngs push was what had him eventually released. In my opinion i see no problem with Eric Young's position alongside RVD & Jeff Hardy as Eric has worked his ass off for the company in the past years with very little to show for it(seriously). EY has had more bad gimmicks than any other superstar on the TNA roster. The first two that spring tomind is he has been a superhero & so paranoid he was afraid of his own pyro When he had his spot in the world elite i loved how he constantly took shots at America.
Either way i see nothing wrong with what happened on Monday.
So what ? Danials has been working for decades and he is a TNA original and deserves to be pushed but people have been holding him down...Eric Young on the other hand was scared of his own pyro for how long ?
everything skill Eric Young has is either below average or just plain average...there is nothing special about Eric Young, he wont make TNA win the wars against WWE heck he would probably be the sole reason TNA would go bankrupt...be grateful he hasn't '' abused '' power, he would probably be TNA champion thank god he isnt or he would probably be the TNA's version of John Cena.
And the award for being gullible ******s goes to......... IWC. Again. Isnt this the same website that was reportedly asking more money than all the other internet reporters (Vinni mac fanboys) from WWE to rip TNA.

I have only been there once, but never in my life had i seen so much anti-TNA reports. And the matter of the fact is, they aren't exactly a big fan of EY from the looks of it. I can make my own website and post anything and you guys would believe it.

Young did sorta kill the mood at the end of Impact, but it happened for the best. The guy is over, thats all that matters. He knows how to to entertain the crowd, he isnt ready for the spotlight yet but he will get there.

I have to agree with OP, there was no harm in what TNA did.
I agree with Wheelbarrow a little here. I didn't like how he killed the mood and it WAS obvious but I'm not stuck on the fact that he was scare of his pyro and he was a Sally until a recent push. A lot of guys started off with joke personas or at least characters no one took seriously as main event material but ended up being just that. I'll give one of the guys he was in the ring with as an example: Jeff Hardy. Anyone remember Willow the Wisp? Probably not unless you really pay attention to the history of wrestling. That's the name Hardy used to wrestle under before he was the Charismatic Enigma. I do find it funny that no one knows their history though. Hardy has history with Hall and Waltman. Hardy jobbed his first match against Scott Hall and his second against the 1-2-3 Kid. Little factoid for ya...so it might make a LITTLE since that he's involved in this feud. But you'd REALLY have to know some stuff to figure that out.
Eric Young should be a mid-card jobber.He's ok in the ring,ok on the mic,when he was with WE, I was not buying that he was the "man".He couldn't lace up RVD & Jeff Hardy's boots.He's not even as good as Evan Bourne or Jack Swagger.If he was in the WWE he would be a life long jobber.As far as him coming into the ring and being a complete buzzkill,it was a WTF moment,why is this guy in there.

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