What species do you like to play as?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
There are several different options out there in the gaming world when it comes to generating a character for yourself. There's elves, dark elves, half elves, dwarves, gnomes, half orcs, humans, dragons, friendly monsters, fairies, and all sorts of others depending on the game you are playing. Some games give more choices of what you can play as than others....

What is the species you like to play as the most and why?

You may use examples from any game and have no restrictions on what the species may be, other than it has to be from a video game of some sort. For example, the species of Ereeys are exclusive to the game Division Blade, therefore they are allowed in this discussion. It only needs to be in one game for it to count. Winglies are exclusive to Legend of Dragoon, they still count as well.

Mine tends to be either elves or humans. Elves have always been my favorite mythical humanoid creature and they are often useful in games. It depends on what type of character I am using though. For example, my first time through Dragon Age, I was a Dalish Elven Warrior. I realized a human would have worked better. Humans are my second favorite to play, even though they are a bit generic when compared to other species. If I am something that requires heavy equipment then I usually go with human as they can handle it better than elves most of the time. Elves make better spellcasters or ranged fighters and humans make better warriors in most games.

So that's mine, let's see what the rest of you have to say. Discuss! :)
Dwarves easily. I've always been drawn towards them in every game they are available in. In my brief stint playing World of Warcraft, I made a Dwarf Paladin and stuck with him until like, level 40 before I quit the game forever. Same sort of thinking with Dragon Age though as my first character was a Noble Dwarf Rogue. Made it all the way to the Archdemon before realizing I fucked up his build and had no way of beating him. Then I went back and made a Commoner Dwarf Warrior and destroyed the entire game with him including Awakening. Short and sweet, if Dwarf is an option, i'll play it first.

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