What song are you listening to right now?

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
I saw a thread like this on another music forum, so thought I would start a similar one on here, if there hasnt already been one before.

Rules are simple, just post the name of the track you are listening to right now, just a bit of fun so we can get an idea of everyones music tastes.

It would be good if this could be made a "Sticky" topic at the top of the page like the concert review or album review threads if thats possible?

Right, here goes, I will start it off.....

Alter Bridge- Before Tomorrow Comes

I saw a thread like this on another music forum, so thought I would start a similar one on here, if there hasnt already been one before.

Rules are simple, just post the name of the track you are listening to right now, just a bit of fun so we can get an idea of everyones music tastes.

It would be good if this could be made a "Sticky" topic at the top of the page like the concert review or album review threads if thats possible?

Right, here goes, I will start it off.....

Alter Bridge- Before Tomorrow Comes

Just so you know, there was one of these threads before and it was in the spam section of the boards. This thread will be pretty spammy if people don't talk about the song and why they are listening to it and why they like/dislike the song.


For me, Maximo Park are on the best bands around right now and are always something that I enjoy listening to. I first heard this song on Project Gotham Racing 3 and absolutely adored it. The chorus on this song is utterly incredible and the lyrics in general are pretty damn awesome. Maximo Park have been quiet as of late but they are still pretty prevalent in my iTunes library. I highly suggest giving the song "Apply Some Pressure", "Books From Boxes" and "Russian Literature" if you like the one that I have posted.

They are completely underrated and I think you would enjoy them.
I highly suggest giving the song "Apply Some Pressure", "Books From Boxes" and "Russian Literature" if you like the one that I have posted.

Books from boxes is a great song. My friend introduced me to it a couple of years ago, and I fell in love with it straight away. Not heard too much of Maximo Parks stuff other than that and "Apply Some Pressure"

Right, I dont want this topic to end up as spam so I will try and post a link to my next song, and write about why I like it.

Shinedown- What A Shame


I absolutely love this track, its so epic sounding, and Bret Smith has an incredible voice. I cannot help but sing this (badly) at the top of my voice every time I hear it. I first heard Shinedown from "Sound of Madness" which is good but doesnt even compare to this song. Just a fantastic track in my opinion, the chorus is awesome
I'm kinda schizo when it comes to what songs I'm listening to right now. Anything I'm listening to kinda reflects a look within me. For instance, I'm listening a lot to B.o.B's song "Airplanes" something about the melody, so haunting. Then you add the lyrics with him, Hayley Williams, and the rap that Eminem does in the 2nd version, about life if you didn't go for your dreams. The song to me is just something that will make you think about 'What if I did/didn't...'

Another one I'm really digging is Cage The Elephant's "No Rest for The Wicked." I like how it kinda tells the story that everyone good and bad has a story behind them. I don't know what it is about the song, but I love the beat and swagger to the song. I'm really just digging that group in all right now, they have this funky beat I've not heard lately, since I'm mostly a metal head.

I've been getting into Blind Melon a lot and this song is great it's a bit heavier than some of their other songs such as 'No Rain' but it also has some great lyrics in it and I really love listening to them as it talks about love and depression in a unique way.
Slash- Ghost


I love Slash, hes probably my favourite guitarist in rock. I am a big Guns N Roses fan, and also am into Velvets Revolver and Slashs earlier stuff like the Snakepit, so I was so excited to hear this new album. It did not disappoint.

This is the 1st track off the album, featuring Izzy Stradlin on guitar and Ian Astbury from The Cult on vocals, it is just a good rock n roll track, really catchy and easy to sing along too.

I was hoping to get tickets to see Slash in Manchester last saturday but they sold out so quickly I didnt manage it. The radio said 9 seconds?! It is a really small venue, but still! I didnt fancy paying the £100 asking price on EBay or from a tout so I hope to catch him sometime soon!
Right now, I am listening to one of my favourite song to ever be recorded. However, it is not the original song. Rather, it is a cover of the original by Fyfe Dangerfield of the Guillemots. The song is called "She's Always A Woman To Me" and I absolutely adore it.

The lyrics are just utterly outstanding and even the Billy Joel original holds a place in my heart. It was my Nan's favourite song back in the day and she used to listen to it a lot. It just managed to stick in my brain and although people never used to think of it as a classic, the recent cover by Fyfe Dangerfield has brought it into the mainstream. Just sit back and listen to the music and lyrics and you wont be disappointed.

Another song that really has my fancy right now is:

Just to take it up a little but because the last song was a little depressing. This song has captured my imagination and I am really on a buzz from Paramore lately. B.O.B are really starting to make some waves too now and this song is just a great collaboration from the two artists. Absolutely brilliant song.
I'm currently listening to:



It's a very good one actually. I'm pretty new to 12 Stones so I was surprised about how much I like this song. It takes me a while to get into a band usually but I had no problem liking this band.
Another song that really has my fancy right now is:

Just to take it up a little but because the last song was a little depressing. This song has captured my imagination and I am really on a buzz from Paramore lately. B.O.B are really starting to make some waves too now and this song is just a great collaboration from the two artists. Absolutely brilliant song.

Thanks to Scotty I was introduced to this song a few days ago. I have listened to it rather on and off ever since.

And I do agree, it really is a great collaboration of B.o.B and Hayley Williams. And me who's not a Paramore fan even admits that.

The one I'm currently listening to is this one:


I have always loved the message that Tupac Shakur send out through his songs. I see why Eminem was compared to him a lot. They remind me of each other, and both are my two favorite rappers of all time. They tell it how it is.

The thing I especially cherish with this song is the parts where you hear Tupac being interviewed "I am gonna say that I'm a thug, that's because I came from the gutter, and I'm still here" I respect that line, he did a lot to stay on top. He was very respectful and it showed through songs like this.

This just one of many songs that I have listened to in the past few days from Tupac, thanks to hearing Bruce Hornsby - The Way it is. Which reminded me of the song 2Pac - Changes (mixed into that song).

Great song. Great lyrical mind. R.I.P Tupac Shakur.
Neuroticfish - Can't Stop A Riot

While this may not be my favorite Neuroticfish song (Need holds that honor), this is up there. It's a lot more dancey than Neuroticfish's normal songs, who usually favors a darkwave sound. This is just a fantastic track. The vocals, the instruments, everything just comes together to form a great song for...well, rioting. The chorus is catchy and the song is upbeat while retaining Neuroticfish's odd, sinister feel.

It's a shame the band doesn't exist anymore. :(

So yeah, Where The Streets Have No Name. I was lucky enough to see U2 at Wembley on their latest tour, and quite simply this is the most anthemic song I have ever heard in my life. It works on so manly levels, as a pick-me-up song, as a song when you're depressed, as a song when all you want to do is shout at the world, as a love song, eveything. It's nigh on perfect in my opinion. I know plenty of people like to shit on U2 for whatever reason, but I love this song.
I have always loved the message that Tupac Shakur send out through his songs. I see why Eminem was compared to him a lot. They remind me of each other, and both are my two favorite rappers of all time. They tell it how it is.

Great song. Great lyrical mind. R.I.P Tupac Shakur.

Until The End Of Time is a great song man, I love it. 2Pac is a genious, and another great artist taken from us too soon :icon_sad:

The album I had playing in the car on the way to work this morning is
Deliverance by Corrosion Of Conformity, and my favourite track is:


I love the smooth guitar on this track, it is so tuneful. I first heard of Corrosion Of Conformity from listening to Down, as Pepper Keenen from Down is the COC lead singer on this album. He has an awesome voice, and you can definately hear the COC influence on any Down track.

Other tracks on the album you should check out are Albatross and Broken Man- the latter being very much like Down
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My favorite song from my favorite band. A great song with a meaning. Does anybody else like Three Days Grace on these forums?
I've been listening to a LOT of music today. Mainly Redman, but also some Gravediggaz, EPMD, little bit of Big L, some Big Mello and some UGK.


This whole Redman albums is great, I have a hard time deciding between this album (Dare Iz A Darkside), Muddy Waters, and Thee Album on which is his best, they're all classics.


A lot of you prolly haven't heard of this guy, his name is Big L, and he's one of the best rappers of all time. The guy released one album, and was mudered, but he left his mark. Listen to this and you'll see why I think so highly of him. There is a nice sample of Nas' first song that he rapped in called "Live at the Barbeque" in fact, I'll post that next.


So yea, Nas' first song he rapped in. Song is by Main Source, Nas' verse is first, it's pretty fucking incredible.


These next two guys are some southern boys, and that aint a bad thing. Big Mello is another guy who isn't here today, but he too left his mark. As you'll see in the next song I'm about to post, his talents aren't just rapping, he can sing as well.


Another down south group, UGK unfortunatley has a member that is dead as well (damn rappers, always dieng) Pimp C is the deceased member, Bun B is the surviving member, below are a few of their songs I've been listening today.



This is what I am listening to right now and I couldn't be any happier about it.

I was on the way to work today and I had Recovery on shuffle. You&#8217;re Never Over is not a song that I listened to the most of all the album but as I sat on the bus listening to the lyrics for the first ever time, I was almost reduced to tears as I thought about the recent losses that I have suffered and it really resonated with me. So since I have come home from work, I have been listening to Recovery some more and I get very excited when this song begins to play. To me, there are very few songs on Recovery that can touch this when it comes to expressing some of the emotion that is inside Eminem and as cheesy as it is to say, I actually felt it.

Another reason I am listening to this album is because of T In The Park. I was supposed to be at this festival but I had an interview for this Saturday and had to sell my tickets. Eminem was headlining the main stage today and I thought I would get some experience of it, even if it is from a CD. Fantastic song though.
Smothered by Spineshank is currently playing on my Ipod right now. I don't have youtube so look up the song yourself if you'd like to hear it. It was a little weird how I came about the song. The only song I knew from Spineshank before Smothered was Beginning of the End, which was in the opening credits of Freddy vs. Jason. I'd loved that part, so I downloaded it. That was in like 2005 that I downloaded it.

Crazily, I was at school last year on youtube in the library (had headphones so it wasn't loud) and was watching some of the videos used with Beginning of the End, and saw a link to Smothered. I thought, well why not. Loved the song from the get go, and it has grown into one of my top 10 favorite songs. The sound of the guitar, Jonny Santos' singing, it just works. The video is pretty cool too.
I'm on youtube fucking around just listening to freestyles by members of the Wu-Tang clan. There an epic group and no member outshines any of the others this is why i love them so much because every one from ol dirty to meth to pretty toney is an absolute beast within the group and solo.

Yes, I am one of those annoying people that cannot help but be sucked in by repetitive verses and hooks that are very lucid-sounding and this song is just another variant of that.

For me, this song is actually brilliant. I know it may seem really annoying to a lot of people but I just love the dance beat that is interlaced within it. It is so catchy and that is what I am looking for when I go to clubs and listen to music. This song was played when I was out on Saturday night and people just went mad for it. It is really catchy and although the criticism of it will come thick and fast, I think it does its job and gets people dancing along. It&#8217;s a very good song and one that will be quite successful for a while.

This is a song that I have really come to adore over the last couple of days and I am still listening to it from the moment that I downloaded it. To me, it is just so catchy and shows a lot of promise from someone who is so young. I think that British music is going through a real change at the moment and this song is typical of that. More aspects are being added to songs now and they are becoming more varied whilst maintaining how British they sound. This is a great example of that and a song that I love.
The last song I played in the car this morning was

Warren G - Relax Ya Mind


This has to be one of the smoothest, coolest, most chilled out tracks I have ever heard, I absolutely love driving my BMW with shades on with this tune on!

The weird thing is I frist heard "Relax Ya Mind" when I was about 7 or so, and it was on a compliation tape (yes..tape! remember those?!) that came free with either a Top Of The Pops or Smash Hits! magazine, I can remember there were also tracks from Backstreet Boys and Damage on there too....

At this point gangsta rap and G Funk must have been massive in the US, but there I was in England, at 7 years old, listening to Warren G in the car with my Mum and Dad, who actually liked this song haha. Always remembered that, and was so glad when I could download it years later. Great track, pity Warren isnt in the spotlight much any more, he is class
I'm listening to Night Night by Big Boi, featuring B.o.B and Joi. The first solo Big Boi song I saw was Shutterbugg on TV the other day, then I realised his album was out, and have thought what I've heard of it so far has been incredible. Not just because I'm a big fan of B.o.B, but this song is pretty good all round. I've gotta give the rest of the album a proper listen, but this one jumped out at me just because of the Bobby Ray feature.

I have really been getting into BLS over the last year or so, and Mafa is my favourite album of theirs. There is not one bad track on the album, and that CD has taken a hammering in my car.

Zakk Wylde is a master of the riff, and "Death March" has one of the heaviest, threatening riffs I have ever heard. It really does sound like an army marching towards its enemy. It would be perfect for wrestling entrance music, and its one of the songs I used for my CAW on Smackdown vs Raw 2010, it fits in so well when my character walks down to the ring.

Just a beast of a song, on a fantastic metal album
As it is my day off, it is customary for me to throw on itunes and just let shit play. Well, today happened to be an Alice in Chains day. Normally I play a few of their stuff, and skip to other bands. However, I just let it play today, and when it came across Bleed the Freak, I just got hooked. I'd heard it before on the radio station I listen to, but it never really hit me. Definitely a great song. I'll post a "live" version and the album version.



I don't know why the song never hit me before, but Layne's vocals sound fucking amazing. It also helps that the intro is a great slow build into the song. My how I wish Layne was still around.
Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 At this very moment. I love the pumpkins and Billy Corgan is awesome. I only wish they would have made more albums. Zwan is ok as it is headed by Corgan but it's just not the same. I was just listening to Slipknot - Duality, love Slipknot. I'm guessing the next song on my playlist is probably Smashing Pumpkins - Zero which is an awesome song too. Spread the musical joy people.
today happened to be an Alice in Chains day. Normally I play a few of their stuff, and skip to other bands. However, I just let it play today, and when it came across Bleed the Freak, I just got hooked. I'd heard it before on the radio station I listen to, but it never really hit me. Definitely a great song.

A classic tune there mate, Alice have done many, but Bleed The Freak is one of their very best. An underrated classic!
I have just booked tickets for Motorhead at the Manchester Apollo in Novermber, so am having a day with the 'head :)

Motorhead- Living In The Past


This is a monsterous riff, as soon as I hear it, it immediately became one of my favourite Motorhead tracks. It is such a threatening sound, and I think it would be good wrestling entrance music. Its great to see Lemmy and the boys still producing such awesome music after all these years

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