What should TNA "steal"?

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
Stealing moves, storylines, ideas, characters, gimmicks etc. has been a large part of pro wrestling history. Many already like to pretend TNA is just ripping off stuff for whatever reason anyway, so why not embrace it? With WWE entering the PG era they are having to shy away from certain things giving TNA a prime opportunity to grab them. Arguably TNA has tried to do some of this but has not had much success with it thus far. Maybe they have been choosing poorly or have not taken it far enough. My question is what should TNA "steal" to improve their product?
Interesting topic. To me, I would be opposed to stealing anything as you want the product to be unique, not something that a promotion done years ago. Then again, that's not working too well for them right now.

If they steal anything... it should be some ideas from the Attitude era. The reason the era worked was due to it shocking viewers. TNA can shock viewers if they want. RVD could toke up a 'joint' after retaining a title.. causing chaos and a wrestler to come out and cut a promo on how bad weed is or whatever. You could make the Knockouts slightly more naughty than usual. The Beautiful People could be even more suggestive and you could even create a storyline depicting a possible 'lesbian/bisexual' storyline with the girls.

Pushing the envelope or making the product entertaining should be top priority. So use what resources you have and make TNA with some attitude. It could work if done right and not just retreads of old WWE angles.
They should steal the WWE's ability to advertise. TNA does not know how to market themselves which is their biggest issue at the moment.
There really isn't much more to steal...you already have Matt Morgan talking about himself in the 3rd person (The Rock) They already had Shark Boy become a loud mouth Redneck (SCSA) you already have Mr. Anderson doing what already made him famous in the E but just in a different company. But if they were going to do anything else I would agree with Lariat in that they just need to cross the line a little further...they are already TV14, they could do so much more and get away with it...be an adult show...
If TNA is going to steal anything, they should steal ideas from the guy that makes WWE's video packages and titantron entrances. I've never seen a bad video/promo package. TNA has bad ones all the time.

The same guy assigns theme songs as well, so we could probably get him to chance every single TNA wrestler theme, because they ALL sound like ABC generic music #14.
I oppose the thought of TNA "stealing" anything from another promotion, especially WWE, but the OP did put it out there on the table and not sound like a complete idiot. Kudos on that.

As for what to use that some would consider copying, I would have stars go back over to Japan and get some ideas. Worked wonders for the NWO. They could form another stable (but please not another NWO; didn't mean it like that) that is dominating and controversial. Something that would catch the fans' interest, and also the rest of the wrestling community.

Today's edge is practically the same as it was in the 90's: Sex and Violence. Work the two right and you could have a watchable product that comes off neither corny nor stereotypical. Women are sexy beautiful creatures; be suggestive. Men like to beat each other to death; be aggresive.

What sticks out the most in my mind on times like The Attitude Era that did push the envelopes were the people with the microphone. These people had complete and utter control of the crowd with their catchphrases and opponent bashing. TNA could work on that.

You see? These are generic ideas that really aren't copying from anyone, but does give TNA something to work on to influence their audience.
They should steal the UFC's idea of using their spike programming to actually promote ppv and not give away possible money matches on spike.
TNA should steal WWE's ability to promote. Maybe then people could give two shits about what's going on in TNA. Personally I love what TNA is delivering as I think it's just as entertaining as what WWE's got currently. But without promotion, no one is gonna know about it.

I think TNA should also steal WWE's crossover appeal. I'm not saying that they should have guest hosts or anything, but it would be nice to have a star from TNA go on a live talk show to help promote the product. And maybe vice versa and get a big celebrity to come appear on the show. Definitely not slap the title on him ala David Arquette or make him guest host ala Wayne Brady and countless others, but maybe even show him in the audience during Impact to show that even celebrities like TNA.
Ideally? Nothing.

Realistically? Subtleties.

Subtleties a lot like they've already been using, like video packages that utilize modern rock bands/songs to promote PPV feuds, giving bands/songs "official" themes to PPV's, giving their fans as much online content as they can, etc.

While borrowing elder tales might be funny and recognizable, it's also not very original at all, and a company struggling for an identity as much as TNA is IMO needs to be doing everything they can to establish themselves as an original product. Borrowing your biggest rival's past claims to fame won't make you look any more legitimate than a mimic.
To phrase it another way, just about everything has been done in wrestling. So pretty much everything is borrowed. The question is what to borrow not should you in general. Just because you steal something does not mean it is a carbon copy. Many consider DX an NWO ripoff and there are plenty of other instances. Even WWE would seem to have taken some cues for their womens division from TNA at the moment. I definitely agree the attitude era is a good place to start looking for "ideas to build on." Like Lariat suggests pushing the line with their women is a place they can standout. Problem is that to do so kind of cheapens their advantage with in-ring ability in the womens division. So it is a little bit of a catch22. I think one area they could improve in is having the men and women interact on the program (something it seems like they might be trying). That spices things up a bit even if it is tough because ultimately spike is quite strict about violence between the two. Even beyond the attitude era WWE has been alone at the top for some time now. There have to have been some things they did that people liked. What are they and is there a way TNA could adapt them to make them even better? Maybe the rated r superstar gimmick could be adapted. The twist? Make the gimmick for a face since the whole cheating to win thing is basically FlairJ and people love to cheer attempted consummated title wins with fortuitous camera angles.
why does everyone think tna needs to be more like wwe? they have built a rep on being the opposite of them for years now. alot of people still cling to what vince did in the attitude era & quite frankly- ratings might never be like that again, or atleast not for a while...

it took wcw some time to get up to the monday night wars & finally beat wwf. and they did it by using established talent (hogan, nash, sting, flair...) and putting before unseen talent on the air (eddie, jericho, mysterio...) having great matches. tna is building towards the same thing, they got talent (angle, rvd, hardy) & old favorites (hogan, sting, nash, flair) & are making new stars in the process that most wwe fans never have paid attention to (joe, styles, mcmg, lethal). the one thing tna needs is production value and more establised fueds (lasting more than a few weeks). it will take some time but tna is going in the right direction. they needs to stick to what brought them to the dance, not steal the other guys girl...
What should TNA steal? How about shoot promos? I know some people don't like TNA taking pot-shots at the WWE, but I'm not talking about Hogan coming out and saying "Whatcha gonna do Vince". I mean more along the lines of the promo's Steve Austin did in ECW or the X-Pac did when he returned from WCW. TNA's got several good wrestlers who were passed over by the WWE under what some might consider unfair circumstances. When Anderson crossed the line, I wanted him to blast Orton. The same could've been done with the Pope. I loved and still to this day enjoy watching the promo Austin cut in ECW when he talked about the WCW main event being boring and crowded with the same guys, it'd be so easy for someone in TNA to rip into Cena and tbh I think it might help, because I know tons of wrestling fans who hate Cena but aren't big on TNA, yet I know they'd at least tune in to see a promo cutting Cena to pieces from a rival company.

So yeah if TNA's going to "steal" anything, I say mid-90's shoot style promos might be a good way to go.
If they steal anything... it should be some ideas from the Attitude era. The reason the era worked was due to it shocking viewers. TNA can shock viewers if they want. RVD could toke up a 'joint' after retaining a title.. causing chaos and a wrestler to come out and cut a promo on how bad weed is or whatever. You could make the Knockouts slightly more naughty than usual. The Beautiful People could be even more suggestive and you could even create a storyline depicting a possible 'lesbian/bisexual' storyline with the girls.

Don't forget that RVD has openly said in the ring that he smokes and loves it. I believe he cut a promo not long about saying something about loving the gifts of mother earth. Having him actually smoke on in ring would pretty awesome. And have Jeff Hardy have a desk full of sudafed and toilet bowl cleaner in his locker room:lmao:

As for TBP doing a lesbian angle, they have been getting closer and closer to kissing in their entrance. Not sure if they ever will, but it's a tease.

But to put my own answer on this thread, take it to the extreme. Do what you can without getting arrested. Have Beer Money try to hang Orlando Jordan, have Jeff Hardy act more like a meth addi...oh wait, he does now. Have an angle where people find out Flair has been blowing Styles in the back and Matt Morgan finds out and beats the shit out of AJ for cheating on him. CROSS THE LINE!
I know people are gonna think i'm crazy but TNA should somehow get either AJ Styles or Kurt Angle on a show such as "Dancing With The Stars." Why you ask? Mainstream exposure. Take Styles. Women potentially will fall for him and want to see more of him where would they go? TNA!
On the surface, one might think that stealing ideas from the Attitude Era would be a good idea. However, I'm not really sure that would help TNA at this point. TNA is already accused of trying to rehash WCW and WWE wrestlers, ideas, storylines and stunts and they're heavily criticized for it. Ripping off ideas that the WWE used 10-13 years back isn't really going to do anything to make TNA appear to be anymore innovative and original than they look right now.

Also, in spite of the smokescreen TNA and Spike puts out, I don't think they're really all that interested in pushing the envelope or they're not really able to. I think Lariat mentioned having RVD light one up in the middle of the ring. It'd be an interesting stunt, but I don't think it would do TNA any favors in the long run. Aside from potential fines Spike and TNA could face from the FCC, something tells me that the Carters aren't going to allow even simulated drug use on their television show. If they won't show Orlando Jordan kissing another man, they won't show RVD lightin' up a doobie. Besides, TNA has pulled cheap stunts like having the Knockouts mud wrestle, Lacey Von Erich do a strip tease in the center of the ring and a few other things that have not only not helped TNA, but were bashed as terrible segments by fans.

Personally, I think what TNA actually needs is to find its own identity. Maybe, at one time, TNA had its own individual identity but, if it did, those days are long gone. Taking bits and pieces of what WCW and WWE have done and done much better in an attempt to piggyback off the success those companies had hasn't done all that much to help TNA at this point.
Its already been pointed out how TNA is trying to bring back the edgy fell of the late 90's. And so far, no matter what they do, it seems to fail. Even a Monday Night War failed. There something can take that no matter how much WWE cries and whines about, they won't able to do. Austin/McMahon. It was the centerpiece of the Attitude Era. I know it would be a blatant rip off, but if TNA really wants to push for ratings and buyrates, they might as well try it. All else has failed, go for it, nothing left to lose. Hulk Hogan will need to start swallowing his pride however. This can easily help the likes of D' Angelo Dinero and Mr. Anderson, who people have been saying resemble The Rock and Austin respectively get over. And fast.
I know people are gonna think i'm crazy but TNA should somehow get either AJ Styles or Kurt Angle on a show such as "Dancing With The Stars." Why you ask? Mainstream exposure. Take Styles. Women potentially will fall for him and want to see more of him where would they go? TNA!

There were rumors about Angle being in the mix for Dancing with the Stars a while back but then he had his incidents. Once they started building angle up as a bigtime face I wondered if they were going to try and use him in such a way. Kind of like a poor mans version of Hogan back in the day. The crossover success allows you to get some publicity without having to pay up and keeps the horrible guest host type segments away from your product. It would be cool if they found a Rodman type to come in and work for a while though. Instead of taking veiled shots at wwe here and there I think they could do some parody characters. As long as they do not overstay their welcome they are usually pretty entertaining. I doubt they will go after Cena because I think somewhere in Hogan's mind he is convinced that someday he is going to recreate a thirdman type situation with Cena. With all these freebird rules tag runs it might be interesting to see them bring back LAX with Konnan and have some trios rules matches.
if they were to "steal" anything from the wwe it should be the creative team from the Attitude Era. Because the attitude era wouldn't have been so good if they had the shitty team that tna has now.
They've already stole many things, (Using The Rock and Austin formula for The Pope and Anderson respectively, Sting as a sort of Undertaker figure, etc.) but I think they should try to be WWE post-Attitude but before PG. I guess you could call it the "Ruthless Aggression" era. They were still edgy and envelope-pushing, but they didn't go out of their way to recreate the Attitude Era. This recreation of the 90's can't go on forever, and it's best to just play it safe with interesting characters, great matches, and the freedom to say whatever they want, but don't swear just because WWE doesn't.
TNA doesn't need to steal anyone or anything. The only wrestler today who would maek any difference if they stole him would be John Cena. But that's never going to happen. What TNA needs to do is cut down their roster big time. A lot of problems would be solved.
international wrestllers coming in to compete with the X- Division wrestlers like WCW did, Open House matches like ECW, Making a seperate show to cponter part Impact like WWE did

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