What Should They Do With Edge/Jericho?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I swear, after watching the past few weeks on Raw, reading the results of house shows, and currently watching Night Of Champions are Jericho and Edge still heels? Call me crazy, but i'm hearing tons of cheers, and usually when they're in Canada they play as heels and get booed by the hometown crowd, but now they embrace they're Canadian, something they don't do when they're heels.

I don't know if you can call them faces because they both still carry heel like characteristics, so I guess my question is, if Jericho and Edge are still heels, should they just turn both of them face? Or which one should remain heel?

I think they both need face turns. Edge was a face for a bit when he returned, but it wasn't anything special. I feel Jericho needs a face turn, and have Edge remain heel. Jericho has put a lot of wrestlers over on Raw, and has done his job as a top heel as well on both brands. He's won championships, has held IC titles and tag titles, he's done it all as a heel, have him turn face and head to Smackdown.

Or another idea is have both turn face and form a tag team. They both have great chemistry, and are very good on the mic. Plus, they've been sorta teasing a tag team with them, and they even won tag titles with each other.
I think jericho is going to take some time off soon, so i dont think the wwe has anything to worry about with his character for the time being. and as for edge, i hope they turn him face and send him to smackdown.
Maybe have him feud with cm punk(thats just me hoping, i think their matches would be awesome, both of them are such great wrestlers and know how to work the crowd)
but this will also help with smackdown moving to syfy, get some more big names on their brand so people will continue to watch once the switch happens
Jericho looks like he's going to take a break from wrestling for now. If he comes back I hope he comes back with his long hair gimmick. With the Beard too. That gimmick was awesome.

For Edge, he has nothing going on for him on RAW. If he goes back to SD, turn him face again and I agree with the guy above, have him fued with Punk... or maybe Del Rio. Edge could really get a lot of cheers if he fueds with Del Rio.
Seeing as Chris is supposedly leaving WWE for a period of time, I don't see anything between the two happening. They had the potential to carry themselves out as a great tag team, however with the new champions, it wouldn't make sense. Especially considering the only time Edge and Jericho as a tag team would've been a good thing, would've been as champions.

Edge, I don't see what will happen to him now. I can only hope they plan on using him properly, so that he doesn't get lost in the main event shuffle, which seems rather possible looking at the guys that are remaining.

Jericho? Oh well, I guess we'll see him return eventually. I can only hope that it will be on Smackdown, where he could thrive nicely as one of the top dogs.
I don't know if Jericho is going to resign or not... but if he does than I think he's going to go face. I always liked Jericho more as a cocky face/tweener. His gimmick now is getting annoying, even with his previous heel characters he's been comical. But reguardless of Jericho's heel/face status I think people will like him just because of who he is. But if he does resign, I want to see him make a face turn.

Edge is the opposite. I found the face Edge (except for E&C) to be bland and boring. When he was with Vickie Guerrero, he was one of my favorite heel characters of all time. WWE should work on restablishing his heel status. (Make Edge insane again!)
Chris is taking some time off of WWE, I think.

That leaves us to Edge. He's...not really doing ANYTHING. I say just move him back to Smackdown!, either a) turn him back to that goofy E and C dude, (which is VERY, VERY highly unlikely) b) Just have him feud with some younger guys or c) Start a long feud with Christian.

B or C seems likely.
I've actually kind of enjoyed Edge's recent promos with Ryder. If they could find a way to balance the two of them as a team (or at least a backstage duo) while not turning Edge into a comedy jobber. I'd be fine with that angle
smackdown really needs more main eventers i really hope after the move to syfi Edge get moved back there as smackdown has always been his show.
i dont think theres much more wwe can do with these guys, its time for y2j to give up wrestling if he wants to stay with the company have him call the play by play weekly replacing the king, he seems like an entertaining person to listen to n wouldnt be boring..
now edge send him to smackdown have him feuding with some of the young bucks to put them over..
i dont think theres much more wwe can do with these guys, its time for y2j to give up wrestling if he wants to stay with the company have him call the play by play weekly replacing the king, he seems like an entertaining person to listen to n wouldnt be boring..
now edge send him to smackdown have him feuding with some of the young bucks to put them over..

Are you shitting me? Why would you take the most talented guy in the WWE and put him behind the announcers table? Jericho is able to put on five star matches and will still be able to do that for at least another 5 or 6 years. Jericho has had very very little injury in his career. Jericho is great and I don't know why anyone would want to waste talent when its needed badly in the WWE right now.

The obvious answer is to move them both to Smackdown. RAW has the perfect combination of main eventers and future main eventers. Smackdown is in need of some main eventers to help put over some future main eventers. Have Edge dominate Smackdown again like he did for a couple years and have him fued with some young guys for the title. Have jericho do the same. I don't know why everyone is always talking about all these older guys retiring. Verterns are ALWAYS needed in the WWE.
Although it looks like Jericho might be taking some time off, I really hope not. I really enjoy watching Jericho and feel that there would be a huge void if he left. Still, if he needs a break, let him take it. At 40 years old, it's harder to keep your body in check. When he comes back, I think Jericho should be a face.

Edge also needs a tweener turn at least. Have him be the mastermind behind finding out who the new GM is. That's a damn good role for Edge.
Whenever Vickie talks, She gets heat. Whenever Edge opens his mouth, nobody cares.

Edge/Jericho was a good feud, but it was mostly Jericho doing the work. Kinda like how Edge's match with Taker in WM 24 had no buzz behind it, too. One thing Edge can't do is make you anticipate a match he is in. No one is ever buying a PPV to see Edge fight.

The sad truth is that Edge has had ONE good feud as a main event guy, and it was a fix service. Cena carried that feud due to all the reactions he was getting and as hokey as Cena's booking is, at least the people paid to see him.

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