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What Should Main Event Slammiversary XI?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
We're four months into 2013, and that means we're just two months away from TNA's big annual event, Slammiversary! I particularly enjoyed last year's event, so TNA has some big shoes to fill this year. The question is, what should main event one of the two remaining TNA pay-per-view of this year?

I think it's safe to say that Bully Ray will remain World Heavyweight Champion for the next two months. Hardy has had his rematch now, and it's about time for a new contender(s) to step up and make the challenge. But with the way the landscape of TNA's roster is right now, the contender could really be just about anyone. If you're not up to date, here's where all the potential main event players are:

Jeff Hardy - Was the champion before Bully (and the Aces & Eights) took it from him at Lockdown. Received a rematch on Impact, but lost in a Full Metal Mayhem match. Is being reported "injured" and could certainly take time off for a month, before coming back to begin the build to a "one last chance" match against his long-time rival.

James Storm - Has been overlooked for title opportunities on many occasions. He's not really Hogan's go-to guy in this overaching story with the A8 so I'd be surprised, but he's probably the most popular full-time babyface in TNA after Hardy right now, so don't rule him out.

Kurt Angle - He's been more of a footnote in this entire feud so far. He's sort of responsible for Brisco and Bischoff, and as such hasn't been involved in big picture kind of things. Angle also only works about half the time, and has maybe one or two matches per months on Impact. He's a big star, but I have a hard time seeing him in the main event of Slammiversary unless a drastic roster shift happens in the next month.

Sting - There's a current bitterness/resentment angle going on with Hogan right now, that they're going to NEED to do something with going into Slammiversary. They keep teasing it on Impact, so you know it's not going away. I suppose the most obvious choice is to have Sting "prove himself" to Hogan and face Bully for the belt at Slammiversary. I don't really want this to happen - like, at all - but it's too obvious of a route to ignore.

AJ Styles - His character is very much in limbo right now. It will depend greatly on what they decide to do with him. Either he sides with TNA and gets pushed to the moon, or he goes with A8 and does the heel thing again for awhile. There's always the whole "AJ can't have a title shot" deal, but when was the last time something like that stood in the way of a creative team throwing it out the window?

So assuming that the World Heavyweight title will be defended at Slammivesary XI this June, with TNA planting seeds for the event now, what should main event the show? My vote is to have AJ go "under cover" as a member of the Aces & Eights, pretending to align himself with them, and then cost Bully the World Title at either Slammiversary or Bound for Glory. Probably the later of the two. Sting and Jeff Hardy, somewhat unfortunately, make the most sense right now.
I feel pretty safe in saying Hulk Hogan will try and take the World Title from Bully at Slammiversary. Hogan recently stated he wants to become TNA World Champion, and prove that even at 50 something years old nothing is impossible and Hulkamania is just as strong as ever. I'm paraphrasing.. but that's pretty much the gist. That's not to say Hogan will become champion, but he'll at least try. It's very "ugh" on paper, but once the time comes, you know the crowd will be hot. Bully knows how to work em, and Hogan still gets the biggest pop from the TNA faithful. Since IMPACT has gone live on the road, I've felt it has been the best wrestling show on Television. The trimmed PPV schedule helps that too. So I expect big things from Slammiversary. I felt Roode vs Sting as last years main event was pretty dull ending to a hot summer. Luckily a month later Aries reignited the flames. I fully expect Bully Ray remain TNA World Champion until Bound for Glory when the BFG Series winner AJ Styles will defeat him and reach the mountain top once more. TNA are suckers for redemption stories.
Only a couple of options here really seem to make sense, for better or worse:

As others have mentioned, I could see Hulk Hogan getting inserted in to the title picture to try to take the belt off of Bully and Aces and Eights. I would not support this idea though, as I don't think Hogan is in any shape, or in demand for another match, especially with someone like Bully Ray, who you can nowadays almost always expect at least a decent match from.

Sting seems like another easy choice to insert in the main event. I could easily see Sting trying to make up for his mistakes in trusting Bully and trying to right his wrongs with Hogan by attempting to win back the title. I'm not really sold on this match though, either.

AJ Styles seems like a strong possibility as well. I know that the 'disgruntled AJ' gimmick is still very much in its infancy, but TNA loves to either drag out or speed or an angle at a moments notice, and I could easily see that happening here, with AJ being inserted as the last bastion of hope for TNA.

Personally, I'd like to see James Storm, Austin Aries, or even Bobby Roode get the nod for the main event. Storm is someone that always feels like he's had unfinished business in the main event scene, and is floundering in the mid card when he's capable of so much more. He can work his ass off, and he's someone that could really play well off of Bully Ray when it comes down to mic time. With Roode and Aries dropping the tag titles, I could see one of them making the face turn to challenge for the title. Aries has proven he can get over as a face, is a believable main event superstar, and carried the title well. Add in to the mix he had some great matches with Bully Ray, and I think you have something special that could headline Slammiversary this year.
my hope is that they save James Storm vs. Bully Ray for BFG. as for Slammiversary, my guess is either Sting or Hogan because the main feud seems to be those two and Ray. Hardy has used his re-match and likely moves on while Kurt may end up facing D-Lo and AJ cant have a title match until BFG. I think it's likely that AJ wins the title there, but I rather it be Storm.
To make it interesting even though AJ Styles seems to be a tweener now is to place him in the MAIN EVENT title AJ Stlyles vs Jeff Hardy vs Bully Ray or 4 way match with James Storm
I'm gonna go ahead and say Hogan finally cracks and puts Matt Morgan in the #1 contender spot. He realizes Morgan is the biggest, baddest, dude in TNA and probably the best shot at getting the title away from Aces & Eights.

During the match I'll say A.J. finally chooses sides. He does the fake out, people think he's joining the Eights, but then helps Morgan win, getting a huge pop.

After this Morgan probably stays on the fence. They might run an angle where Aces & Eights try to persuade him to come to the group along with the belt.

IDK, just a few thoughts that were running through my head.
im sticking with what i said in slammiversary thread:

I reckon they will keep up the frustration between hogan & sting which will either lead to a triple threat for the world title between Bully, Sting & Hogan or it will just be sting vs bully & hogan will add the stipulation of "if stings loses, he retires". That way if Bully ray retains the TNA world title he'll have awesome bragging rights. Either he beat sting & hogan in same night or he retired "the icon".

TNA are still building up the tension between Hogan, Sting & Bully so why dont they capitalize on it and have a 3 way match. We all know Hulk can barely wrestle anymore so by adding Sting it enable us to get a match. Hogan can be taken out early on by Aces & Eights and then Hulk up towards the end and enter the match. I would have Matt Morgan cost Hogan the title to lead to a one on one match between the pair at BFG whilst Bully can face either AJ or Sting at BFG.

That What i think TNA will do but What i want to see is:

TNA World Heavyweight Tiltle - King Of The Mountain
Bully Ray Vs Jeff Hardy Vs Samoa Joe Vs Mr Anderson Vs Matt Morgan

That way we get five guys who have been amazing as of late in the main event of a big ppv. Plus we get to get the return of the classic Slammiversary KOTM match. The match can be easily built up as TNA Management trying to get the belt of Bully so they've wanted 4 challenges. Mr Anderson beats kurt angle in qualifying match (via interference from D lo brown) but there will be doubt whether Bully can trust Anderson as he isnt an "original" member.

Id still have Bully win and then somehow have the triple threat with Hulk & Sting at BFG as BFG is biggest ppv so hold out for Hulk Hogan title win on biggest stage. Sting could win BFG series and hulk gets screwed out of title on impact to lead to triple threat.
I think there's a long term plan here with Hogan & Morgan...

Does Hogan wanna prove he can still slam a giant? Or perhaps admit Morgan's right and use him to tackle Sting? Maybe Sting will be annoyed enough to Join Aces and Eights... (either 'really' or as a plant...) Roode & Aries... Are they done as a Tag-Team now Hardy's out of the picture and there's room?

I think it's moot anyway really... Bully's keeping the belt until BFG where he loses to Styles.
it will be Bully Ray headlining TNA Slammiversary PPV as he's currently advertised as TNA World Heavyweight Champion until 20th June 2013 according to The TNA Touring Information on Impact Wrestling Website{unless Card Subject to change of course}.

Bully Ray is NOT currently advertised as apart of Aces&8s & is NOT advertised as TNA World Champion after that date, so it looks as though the Aces&8s storyline and the Brooke/Bully Ray storyline ends as of the same night.
Cards are *always* subject to change.

I sincerely doubt TNA are gonna give away when Ray loses the belt on some poster it took an office lackey 8 minutes to produce. Ray's champ at the moment, current advertising will show him as champ.

I'll be amazingly surprised if it's not some new contender. Next Impact, Hogan announces a 4 way to find a new contender due to Hardy's injury. Styles, Storm, Roode & Aries maybe.

Perhaps it'll be a tournament involving Joe, Angle, Daniels & Morgan too... But I'm certain there'll be a match/tourney to find a new top contender, Ray'll face that person at Slammiversary, win and go-on to BFG to face Styles.
What I think will happen: I think this all sets up for Sting. Sting will finally get back into Hogan's good graces enough to be able to position himself into the match. I would expect that Bully retains, and ultimately all roads lead to Styles claiming the belt at BFG. I wouldn't count out Morgan entirely though.

What I'd like to see happen: It's Slammiversary, so I'd love to see King of the Mountain return with Bully defending against Roode, Aries, Sting, Hardy and another guy like Strom, Angle, or Joe. But the Hogan regime doesn't seem to be too into the KOTM concept, so I'm not holding my breath. I would settle for a three-way elimination like the one we got at Genesis with Bully this time taking Hardy's spot and facing off with Roode and Aries. But maybe that's just me.
Cards are *always* subject to change.

I sincerely doubt TNA are gonna give away when Ray loses the belt on some poster it took an office lackey 8 minutes to produce. Ray's champ at the moment, current advertising will show him as champ.

I'll be amazingly surprised if it's not some new contender. Next Impact, Hogan announces a 4 way to find a new contender due to Hardy's injury. Styles, Storm, Roode & Aries maybe.

Perhaps it'll be a tournament involving Joe, Angle, Daniels & Morgan too... But I'm certain there'll be a match/tourney to find a new top contender, Ray'll face that person at Slammiversary, win and go-on to BFG to face Styles.

TNA are advertising Bully Ray as Champion on the write up's on TNA Events on their Touring Schedule Info webage until at least #TNABaseBrawl Event on June 14th 2013.
Bully Ray is NOT advertised as TNA World Champion on the write up for June 20th 2013 #ImpactLIVE TV Taping or June 29th TNA #ImpactLIVE TV Taping in Las Vegas,Nevada on their Touring Schedule Website Page have a look for yourself if you don't believe me.
I think it will be Sting who gets the title shot at Slam. I'm thinking that this division of Sting and Hogan is all a ploy by the veterans to get Bully to lower his guard against the Icon some how. It's Hulk and Sting trying pull the wool over Bully's eyes like the Prez did to them.

I don't expect Sting to defeat Bully for the title, but maybe some sort of meausre of revenge. Howver it is a good opportunity to have Sting put Bully over. If booked well Bully will have a strong title reign and drop the belt at BFG.
I think it will be Sting, but I hope it is Kurt Angle to be honest. I am just tired of Sting being apart of the face rotation of title contenders to face the heels.
TNA are advertising Bully Ray as Champion on the write up's on TNA Events on their Touring Schedule Info webage until at least #TNABaseBrawl Event on June 14th 2013.
Bully Ray is NOT advertised as TNA World Champion on the write up for June 20th 2013 #ImpactLIVE TV Taping or June 29th TNA #ImpactLIVE TV Taping in Las Vegas,Nevada on their Touring Schedule Website Page have a look for yourself if you don't believe me.

It's not that I don't believe you. Why on earth would you lie about something it takes 8 seconds to check? I believe you. I just don't believe it means anything.

Someone at TNA has the job of making that list of events, and a generic picture to go with each one. If you check WWE's touring schedule, there's no mention of Ziggler being champ for the 30th of April Smackdown (Just for example)

Would TNA go to the extent of hiding Ray's involvement in A&8's for 9 months, with red herrings about Roode, Abyss, AJ... and then just tell everyone when he's going to lose on their touring shedule??? *that* I don't believe.

A guy called kieth or Jeremy sits in the TNA office with a list of shows, and a file of generic wrestlr pictures. That, I believe.
At this point in time, I think it'll be either Sting or, even more sadly, Hulk Hogan challenging Bully Ray at Slammiversary.

As of this moment in time, the only legit babyface threat to Bully Ray right now would have to be Sting. Guys like James Storm & Samoa Joe, while beloved TNA originals, just have zero momentum. Like so many others, they're simply wandering around TNA's mid-card limbo. Storm looks to be embarking on a feud with AJ Styles, one that I don't expect to last very long, and one in which I ultimately expect him to come out on the losing end.

Jeff Hardy is still a viable choice but, personally, I've no real interest in seeing Hardy as champ again. I can understand if TNA does go that route, it just doesn't do anything for me. Despite what people claim, I don't find Hardy to be particularly charismatic or personality driven. His charisma & personality amounts to his various face paint and dancing to his strange emo music. Since Ray just defeated him on his own last Thursday, I just don't see TNA really being able to sustain this feud, to keep it interesting, until Slammiversary.

As someone else mentioned, Hulk Hogan said in an interview a while back that he wanted to be TNA WHC. With Hogan, it's difficult to take anything he says at face value. In an industry full of windbags that enjoy hearing themselves talk, Hogan is still one of the top guys. Given that he's so involved in this angle, what with Ray being his "son-in-law" and dishonoring his daughter; it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Hogan injected himself. Hogan wrestling, if that's what you want to call it, at a ppv will draw buys if for no reason just because of nostalgia. The match would probably be one massive, rancid turd but people would still tune in. If Hogan genuinely wants to be champion, then he'll be champion at some point because he almost always has Dixie Carter wrapped around his little finger. The few times he hasn't, he goes out of his way to tell people in interviews when he doesn't agree with her decision.

If Bully holds the title until BFG, I look for him to ultimately drop it to AJ Styles. Depending upon where TNA wants to go with Styles, I think he might be one of the only genuinely viable choices.
to be honest I think it could be Hogan w/Sting vs Bully Ray at TNA Slammiversary PPV with The Stipulations being that IF Bully Ray loses then Aces&8s & his on screen storyline Marriage to Brooke Hogan are None , Void, Finished...Done....


Hulk Hogan comes down to ringside during The Main Event Match at TNA Slammiversary PPV to try and screw Bully Ray OUT of The Title, it backfires on him and that's when Bully Ray gives Brooke Hogan an ultimatum in that its Their Marriage or Her Dad but she can't have both, she then chooses her marriage to Bully Ray over her Father then causing the Hogan vs Hogan Feud Angle which was ''rumoured'' back in November & December 2012.
I too expect it to be HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN vs Bully Ray. However I expect HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to be defending the title having won the title just a few weeks earlier on Impact seemingly saved TNA from Aces & 8s. However the celebration will be short lived as Bully Ray regains the title and the fans are left with a sense of hopelessness. Now who will the fans be able to count on to save TNA?

Enter AJ Styles who will win the belt at their biggest PPV of the year Bound For Glory.

It's Just like WCW/nWo in 1997 with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN in Luger's roll and AJ Styles in Sting's roll.

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