What Should be the Future of the Unified Tag Champions

What Should Be the Future of the Unified Tag Team Championships

  • Split the Titles back between Raw and Smackdown

  • Give the Champions one Set of Belts with a Facelift

  • Do Nothing, leave it as it is

  • Other (Post Idea and Reason)

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Straight Edge World Champion
For more than a year, i've had to witness the joining of RAW and Smackdowns tag titles to form the unified tag team titles, but what do they get out of it, only one team can be tag champs in the whole company and gets an extra belt thrown into the bargain, becides about a decade ago there were only one set of tag team champions except they weren't "unified" and there was only one belt each, not two.

What I want to know is what should happen next to WWE's tag titles,
should they seperate the titles back to Raw and Smackdown respectivly,
Give the champs one belt with a facelift, simply leave as is.

For me i'd like to see the belts get a face lift, just like then the WWF and WCW titles were merged into the Undisputed Championship, in the last 10 years of WWE, thay belt was by far the most prestigious looking belt in the company, and i'd like the Unified tag team Titles with that kind of prestiege
I think that, now, the tag team titles will always be unified. It would be very pointless to split the up again, just over a year after they were unified. There are also not enough tag teams currently to make two different championships worthwhile. There are the Hart Dynasty and the Usos on Raw and the Dudebusters and Hawkins and Archer on Smackdown. Not enough to make a compelling tag team division. The only advantage that the seperated championships had over the current format is that tag teams will have something to do. What are a talented, exciting team like the Hart Dynasty going to do when they finally drop them to the Usos?

As for the current belts, just have one belt each. It looks a bit stupid to have them with to belts each (apart from when Miz held them, he just looked more successful).
I have brought this up before in another thread, but I never get tired of repeating myself. So here we go, I truly want the WWE to create a brand new design and bring in a new set of tag team titles for the Unified Tag titles. There is no reason at all why over a year later the champions are still carrying around the two sets of titles that got unified in the first place. It's stupid, and looks stupid especially considering the both of them get defended as if they were only one set. WWE needs to make new set that can be carried around as the unified tag team titles, it has happened with other unifications. The one in particular I am thinking of is the unification between the WWE and WCW title in 2002.

The two belts need to literally be unified together to form something new for the champions to carry around. Why in the blue hell are they carrying the same two sets that got unified in the first place? When belts get unified they get a new look to freshen them up a bit. The thing you do not do however is make each champion carry around both the belts and claim that both equal that title. The thing that is always on my mind is that since they are carrying both sets, what is stopping the champions from just deciding to put one set of titles on the line? Please WWE give your "unified" tag team titles a new and more proper image.
Personally I'd like to see them stay the same. The reason being is that I think it would be cool for Nexus to hold them soon. With 7 guys, it's probably a good idea to have more than two belts, and it'd be neat if they defended them under the Freebird rule.
Personally I'd like to see them stay the same. The reason being is that I think it would be cool for Nexus to hold them soon. With 7 guys, it's probably a good idea to have more than two belts, and it'd be neat if they defended them under the Freebird rule.

i want a face lift for them but i do like your idea with Nexus being the champs it will make them more of a threat especially if Wade get the wwe belt
I'd say they should probably merge the two sets of belts if they plan on keeping them as unified championships for much longer, and honestly, I don't see them splitting them again any time soon. That said, if the tag division does get better (fingers crossed, although as everyone knows, it's definitely improving) then keep them as the two sets to split them apart in the future. If I had to make a final call, I don't think that there is any problems keeping the two sets, so keep it as it is.
Time after time we bring up the future of the Tag Team Championships. I am all for the merge of the title being made into one. I would also like them to get a face lift. I don't like the idea of a team carrying around 2 sets of titles IMO it looks awful and makes no sense. They defend both of them like they are 1 title when really they are to. If you act like they are 1 then you should make them 1.

IMO the belts need to be combined as 1 to literally make them unified. A facelift would be great for the championships and for the champions. It will look better if they decide to make them into 1 title and then i can honestly say they are Unified.
Let's wait until there are more than 4 established teams in the entire WWE. Right now, there are the champs and 1 team that can come close to them, the Usos. I am sure that there will be at least 2 guys that will come out of the Nexus to form a tag team.
So, right now, the future is the Harts, the Usos, and 1 maybe 2 teams that will come from the Nexus.
For the love of Mark Madden, do not split up the Unified Tag Team titles! Yes, the definitely need to be melted down into one set of belts. I think the Hart Dynasty look incredibly stupid coming down with both sets. The cool factor has worn off. If you think about it, they're not really the Unified Tag Team Champions. They just have both sets of belts... They're not unified. THey're the Undisputed champions sure, but that's a big difference from them being the same thing. There's only like, three teams in the whole WWE, and one is on Smackdown doing nothing with their lives. If you split them up, they'll mean less than they do now, which is pretty minimal. Keep them together, give them a redesign, and put them on the Usos.
They should split them up back to the way they were. Just make The Hart Dynasty the RAW champions and vacate the Smackdown titles and have two teams wrestle for them.

Look, I agree that there aren't enough teams for two tag titles. There are way more Divas than tag teams, and there aren't enough Divas for two women's titles. But as long as there are two separate shows, there are always going to be a title for each "division". And I put "division" in quotes, because there aren't really divisions anymore, because all the titles, save for the top titles, don't really mean much anymore. They are simply enhancement tools now to try to get fans more interested in the matches that the people who hold them and the contenders in that match. Example: Layla vs. Kelly Kelly. Face it: most people are not going to care about that match. But there are some (for instance, people who post in IWC forums about titles) who might care about that match where they normally wouldn't because there is a prize involved. It's that simple.

Wrestling is about money, not titles. WWE makes more money by running twice the shows, by having two separate rosters. Even if they had only one big roster, to add depth in "divisions" to create more interesting matchups and go longer before someone finally matches up with someone else, they wouldn't necessarily double their profits to make up for not running two shows.
I think they should only have 1 set of titles, and should be exclusive to either raw or Smackdown (preferably Smackdown) and make the women's title exclusive to the other brand and drop the diva's title.

So IMO they should move the harts and usos to smackdown, and move the talented divas to raw in the next draft.
I have been thinking about this for quite awhile and complaining to friends of mine about this. I think having the tag champs walk around with two sets of titles is a little ridiculous. I think the best idea is make a new tag title to form the two,or just drop one of the belts and use only one pair preferably the World Tag titles that were used on the Raw brand.

I didn't mind when the titles were split and the champions were on different brands,but at the time we had more tag teams. Now all we have are the Usos,Hart Dynasty and pretty much any thrown together team. So I say merge the belts and make a new title or just drop one pair. Good thread idea.
I preferablly liked when the tag titles were split by the brands, with one set on RAW and one set on Smackdown!. But like said earlier, back then there where more tag teams. Within the past couple months, we have had multiple tag teams split up, (Legacy, DX (With HBK Retiring), Cryme Tyme, Big Show and his multiple partners, etc..). Now we only have the Hart Dynasty and The Uso's. Maybe even the SES. Other than that, we basically have a bunch of random teams fighting and random matches.

So as far as the future of the titles, I hope we get more teams and then split them by brands. But if that's not possible, then I would merge the titles into one because when I see the Tag Team Champs walking down the ramp, they look cluttered with all the gold, when they could look much nicer with one set of belts.
I agree with Xemnas that having mutiple belts would be good if the Nexus wins the titles. It appears the reason that the champions carry around two belts is that it makes the tag team that wins the title look covered in gold. You had the mix with the tag titles and United States championship when he teamed with Big Show. It made him look impressive and made light of the fact that he had more gold but Show carried him. Two titles is a great look for heel tag teams because they carry more gold. If they wanted to they could argue that they only wanted to defend one of the titles even though they have been unified. Two titles looks great on heels. Makes them look more egotisical when they talk about how great they are and they hold two titles up.
GET ONE BELT PER PERSON. They look absolutely rediculous carrying around 2 belts. It meant a little something when JeriShow actually brought them to both shows, but how often do you see The Hart Dynasty on SmackDown! anymore? I haven't read about all that much (I refuse to watch SmackDown!, TOO kid friendly), and there aren't any legit tag teams on SmackDown! Anyways. Just make 1 set of belts, 1 per partner, make them nice and new looking, and even consider ditching the Unified thing, just make them the WWE Tag Team Championships. It's not a hard decision to make.
I do like the idea of keeping the belts combined but getting rid of a the four titles and making a new set. I think the Hart Dynasty needs to hang onto those titles for a while longer to cement their place as the best tag team. I do however believe when they do drop the titles, it should be to either The Dudebusters, The Usos or two members of Nexus. WWE REALLY needs to do something with The Dudebusters and they may be one of the teams that can revive this piss poor tag division and put on some meaningful feuds.
They should only have one set of belts and should only keep the RAW belts because that lineage is traced back to the original World tag team champions. The belts can still be defended on both shows and they should unify the Divas and Womens champions and allow that champion on both shows. The tag team titles and Womens/Divas title are of equal value so there is no need for 2 champions. The US title and the Intercontinental titles are similar but the Intercontinental title is a little more prestigious so both can be kept. The WWE and World title are similar but the WWE title is actually considered more prestigious but both should be kept
They should keep the belts unified and get a new design. If they have one set of belts they should obviously be defended on both brands. They really don't have enough teams to have 2 separate tag team divisions anyway.
There is no reason for two sets of belts now or ever. There is barely any reason for a tag team championship in the first place since the division is so limited now in WWE. Hart Dynasty and the Usos are really the only tag teams there along with some other joke tag teams like The Dudebusters, Archer & Hawkins, and Santino & Koslov.

WWE has a huge roster but way too many belts. There has been no reason for the past two years now to have 2 sets of tag titles. Re design the tag titles into one set and call them the WWE tag team championship titles.
Simple: unified titles should be unified. Therefore, you adapt a design that merges both of the appearances together in a concise way and refer to it as the "WWE World Tag Team Championship". Done.

However, I do like the idea brought up above by someone (too lazy to scroll and see who it was) about keeping it separate if the Nexus somehow gains the titles. That would spread it out much better. Of course, if they aren't going to be getting the titles in any way, then it renders it a moot point, and we're back to my first paragraph.
Unless there is a sudden influx of tag teams coming into the WWE, I say keep it as it is. There's no reason to split the belts again b/c there are only about 4 teams in WWE so why have the same 2 teams fueding for the belt is not necessary. I don't have a problem with there being 2 belts to hold either, I see it as a symbol of the unified title. I do wish that there would be more defending the titles on other brands though b/c right now it seems as if the tag titles are only exclusive to RAW.
I think there is plenty of teams in the wwe to have seprate titles.
Dudebusters- if you can build them and mak the legit
Vance and Curt- Same applies here. give there team a name of some sort
SES- stop using punks music and find a track to signify the ses not punk and his cronies
Hart dynasty-good as is
Uso's-good as is
Vladimir and Santino- not a strong team but to give koslov a push back into singles give them a short 2-3 month reign
nexus- any 2 members from nexus excluding barret could make a team

thats 7 teams now have one more team emerge on SD! and your good. if the divas can do it why not the tag team divison. plus it gives the tag teams something to do.

If they were to keep them(which thy prolly are) use one belt from each set. one world tag team and one wwe tag tam belt. This would be the best thing to do if they were to keep them.
I voted other and that other is to go back to having the tag team that holds them appear on both shows. Hart Dynasty won the titles, got drafted to RAW and never looked back. There are nothing but heel tag teams (as few as there are) on SmackDown! so why not have them battle some fresh faces for a change?
I voted other as well. Here is mine.

1. Hire some new talent...Go south of the border and hire Lucha stars!! They are incredible entertainers and athletes. High flying, death defying athletes. Just what the tag team division needs.
2. Create an influx in new tag teams, mainly 10-12 new teams.
3. Give them some credibility. You know, throw them in a few ladder matches, some tables matches, some LONG hard fought matches and show that they deserve to be there.
4. Then maybe you can split the belts up again. If each show has 7-8 solid tag teams on them then yeah sure by all means give each brand a belt. Because it would provide a fresh element.
5. And throw some twists and turns in there. Allow the tag champs (when they become divided again...after steps 1-4 have been effectively done) to alternate shows! After they've had a handful of matches with each team, let them roam to the other shows and face new challenges.
6. Make Superstars a legit show. I remember when Sunday Night Heat had HHH appearing and wrestling on it. Give that show a "Big Name Feel" so to speak. Make it just below SmackDown in terms of a pedestal. Let tag teams battle it out on there in intense matches. Let LIVE TV see some exciting TLC tag matches, some Cage tag team matches, some Tag Team TABLES matches. Get the excitement in the air.
Imagine what that would do for WWE. 4 out of 7 days of the week where there are EXCITING, fast paced, electrified, WRESTLING events. Honestly right now I'm not to impressed with Superstars. It can be a whole hell of a lot better.
I think that they should make the belts into one new title. Every time a team wins the unified tag titles, they actually win 2 sets of tag titles at the same time. Which I think is stupid. A new tag team title would be appropriate.

Side note: love the idea about nexus winning the titles, never even thought of that. that would allow nexus to extend to smackdown as well.

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