What say, Paul Heyman?

Mustang Sally

Sells seashells by the seashore
Yes, the injury to Rock might be the monkey-wrench thrown into the works that brought the coming Triple H-Brock III match to the forefront. Rock's misfortune is WWE's, too, and the Creative team has had to do some mighty fancy stepping to accommodate it.

Still, seeing the Brock-Trips match-up again is fine. They put on such a great show at WM29, and it does seem likely that Brock should win the feud. Since he's on a two-year contract this time around, they've got to find stuff for him to do.....and the continuing problem is that there really aren't that many people in WWE with whom he can have interesting, believable matches. (In other words, I still can't see Brock in the ring with Punk, given the disparity in sizes).

Another big problem is that Brock's contract calls for so few appearances that it's hard for the company to adequately build up an effective feud for him. Yes, he could start up with someone like Sheamus, but how would they create a storyline for the two, given Brock's limited availability?

If Sheamus starts doing promos intended to draw Brock out, is he going to be met only by......Paul Heyman? Granted, Paul E. Dangerously is one of the best talkers in the business, but it's plain his role in WWE is far more important than anything he's done here before. He's the guy who: (1) acts as Brock Lesnar's mouthpiece when standing in the ring with his "client" (2) More importantly, Paul is the guy who fills the gap for WWE Creative by making it seem as if Brock is nearby when communication from him is needed. For those times, we find ourselves looking at Paul Heyman.

Think about it. How many times have we been treated to the sight of Paul Heyman standing in the ring, telling us "his client" has instructed him to relay certain decisions? Usually, it's the wrestler himself that tells the audience just what he's gonna do to his dastardly foe. To use a stand-in to handle all this requires a performer who can make it seem real.....and Heyman does it better than anyone.

The problem is that WWE management shouldn't go to the well too often with this type of thing. Since Paul Heyman's on-air character can't really make matches, we're left with whatever Creative can come up with, given the constraints of Brock's rare appearances. That's why we have another go-around with Triple H after the Rock was forced to bow out. See?

But, while it's understandable that Heyman is used as a mouthpiece for Brock (who isn't around much and isn't a good talker when he's here), I can't for the life of me see why they've used Heyman in the same role for C.M. Punk.

What for? Not only is Punk constantly available, but he's more than capable of speaking for himself.....in fact, possibly more capable than just about anyone else. Additionally, since Punk has been cast as the ultimate loner the past two years, it seems incongruous that Heyman is involved with Punk at all.

It's overkill. If they want to use Heyman to support performers who don't speak well, give him someone like Drew McIntyre:), who many feel isn't good on the mic (I'd still love to know what a Scottish accent sounds like). Give him anyone else who needs a push but isn't a good communicator.

But not Punk; it's a waste.

Do you agree? Do you like the way they're using Paul Heyman? Is there someone other than C.M. Punk who can better utilize Heyman's services?
Sorry Sally, I like what they've done with Punk and Heyman. From the initial reveal of Heyman driving the black town car that picked Punk up after he put Cena to sleep in the back to now I feel as though Heyman has helped Punk be great instead of good.

If I remember correctly Punk had to overcompensate after his heel turn. He had to be incredibly boring and generic to keep the fans from cheering for him too much. Heyman has been the ugly, mortifying glue that connects Punk's entertainment value to his role as a heel. If Punk is losing the crowd now, Heyman can give a smug head bob to reassure Punk that he is 100% right. If Punk does something now that is heelish but entertaining Heyman's approval is an immediate stamp of wretchedness for the fans. It's not 100% perfect but it's worked better than I ever would have thought.

Managers aren't just mouth pieces, or heat magnets, or cane smacking back up. They can also play the simple role of being the blatantly visible devil on the shoulder of the ambiguous character.

I do agree though on one thing, there are a lot of guys that need Heyman more than Punk. The problem there though is that those guys are not seen as main eventers. Even Goth McIntyre.

P.S. - I think you are right about last night having a new Fandangirl.
Heyman is terrific. I think that everyone has agreed on this. Personally, I think its a nice touch that he is working with his two best friends with such great success. Lesnar as never been great on the mic and Punk and Heyman work well together.

Building feud on behalf of Lesnar is definitely possible, indeed, I think it would be a great idea. If they are using Lesnar sparingly than don't have him just stand in the ring while Heyman speaks. They can easily have Heyman speak for him and show him on the phone talking to him. Even twitter is an option. It is a good use of a scarce resource - Brock Lensar's time.

Punk doesn't need Heyman but is better for it. It works as Heyman is there to remind us that it is not just Punk who believes he is the best in the world.

I honestly don't see anyone else that Heyman could work with. The Shield is an option, Ryback perhaps, but I can't see it happening. The Shield, to an extent,need their own space and chance to speak their minds. Heyman would draw heat for Ryback but it might be one too many for Heyman. I'd rather see him work with Punk than someone like Drew Mcintyre. There are obvious benefits in dropping Punk and taking someone less able to work on the mic. Heyman is good enough to elevate them to the top but that takes time and may involve Heyman being withdrawn from the very top of the card. I think many would prefer to see Heyman at the top working with the best. I'd be happy either way but, for me, his work with Punk and Lesnar is simply incredible.

I would love to see something with Vince. There is obvious history and it is weird they have not mentioned that Vince "stole" Heyman's ideas and destroyed ECW. They need to play on that - an easy tie with HHH - and exploit it to make a proper climax to the HHH/McMahon/Lesnar/Heyman feud. If Lesnar and Punk are not around than the Shield might be the guys to step up for Heyman but they kinda gloss over Heyman's past.
Gotta disagree on this one Sally. While it's true that CM Punk doesn't need Paul Heyman as a mouthpiece, I've found their association to be ultimately beneficial to Punk's heel character.

When I look at Paul Heyman, he reminds me of a sleazy, oily used car salesman. It's a persona that, if the various stories said about him during the days of ECW are correct, isn't far from the truth. Heyman adds a slice of sleaze to CM Punk that I don't necessarily think Punk would have without him. He & Punk are genuinely good friends and are fans of each other professionally. They have great chemistry and, ideally, that's something you really need in a wrestler/manager type of role.

As I said, I agree that Punk doesn't need Heyman. He's more than capable of doing just fine on his own. But, as I said, Heyman is someone that's pretty sleazy and is able to generate a good amount of heat. He's even able to draw pretty good heat even among hardcore smarks like the ones who made up much of the Raw crowd last Monday.
I like the way they're using Heyman. Heyman is the perfect guy to hate because he is swarmy liar, so having him paired up with Lesnar and Punk in a way compliments their characters.

The reason it works though is because it feels organic. It's because Heyman is great friends with Lesnar and Punk and it comes through every time they are on screen. That's why Heyman pairing with somebody else won't work. It wouldn't feel real. That's been a problem for the longest time in wrestling. For too long they try to force pairings with managers, tag teams, and stables only for them to fall face down. Lesnar/Heyman and Punk/Heyman is great because it's organic. The Shield is great because you feel that these guys are a close brotherhood.

In my opinion pairing Heyman with another wrestler won't work because it won't come across as a natural fit. Heyman might add some heat to the wrestler and he'll be a good mouthpiece, but I don't think the fans will buy into it as much as with Punk or Lesnar.
Georgie's Barber is spot on, Heyman serves as the metaphorical light bulb going off over fans heads, reminding them that they are supposed to be booing Punk. Although Punk's heel work has been excellent it was not an organic turn hence why he still sells so much merch, so he needs Heyman as a visual clarification to the audience that what he's saying is bad, and Heyman does this with some of the best facial expressions in the game.

I'd actually like to see Heyman with a stable as I'm wondering what he's going to do when Brock goes back to his cave and Punk is still at home in Chicago.

For the stable I'd give him Rhodes Scholars, who are solid on the mic but lack heat, Cesaro who is a freakishly gifted athlete but dull as a box of spanners on the mic and last but not least Randy Orton. I think Heyman getting into Randy's head about needing to find his old ruthlessness could be the boost into a new top heel run that Orton needs.
It's overkill. If they want to use Heyman to support performers who don't speak well, give him someone like Drew McIntyre, who many feel isn't good on the mic (I'd still love to know what a Scottish accent sounds like). Give him anyone else who needs a push but isn't a good communicator.

Wait did I just read that right? Heyman being a manager for Drew? That's one of the worst ideas I've ever come across. Drew, who was cuckolded by several dudes during his ill-advised marriage to that ho-bag, Tiffany? I've seen Tiffany naked, it's on the internet. It's safe to say by the looks of her lady parts that she's well-traveled. Rode hard and put away wet. She's a classy girl that way.

Anyway, enough about Tiffany. Drew? "The Chosen One"? I mean he's The Chosen One if you want to choose someone to do a job. He's totally The Chosen One if you're choosing the one guy who sucks more than Jinder Mahal. Wasting the immaculate and spectacular talents of Paul Heyman on a scrub like Cuckolded Drew is like having Heyman suddenly turn up as the manager for Great Khali.

You know why Drew will never be the champion? Because Vince doesn't push bitch-ass little boys who get cuckolded. He pushes men.
Putting someone new with Heyman will give them instant credibility, but I don't think it can work w/ someone who is already on the roster. Drew McIntyre's name was thrown around. Really? Even Heyman can't save him.

Theres got to be someone in developmental who could be the NEXT "next big thing" for Heyman to manage.
Heyman has the ability to get a heel over. It's so easy for him. It's natural and it works.

I say we let the third match of Lesnar/Game work itself out and go from there. I like the way Heyman is being used, but I've always wanted to see Heyman in WWE (Not ECW) manage a face. I can't think of a situation where it would work, but it would be an interest concept. If it sticks with a heel. I'd love to see him manage Orton. such a badass combination. I'd also love to watch him manage a Diva.

What Heyman brings is a little extra something. A little boost or push to a wrestler. It's amazing to watch the little details he can add to someone. It shows his versitility by being the complete mouth piece of Lesnar and Punk, who is more than capable of taking care of himself. He adds the little things. Heyman can get people over.

I actually think Heyman would do great things with Cesaro or Barrett right now. Both heels with no real momentum. Little Heyman push and they are off and running. Cesaro just lost the US title right. Boom. A powerhouse with agility now has a mouthpiece. Barrett has the Ic title and is making a case as one of the best ever. Heyman could easily make people believe that. Heyman is so useful, its scary.
Lesnar desperately needs Heyman as a mouthpiece, because Lesnar isn't capable of cutting a passable promo by himself. If I'm not mistaken, the last time Lesnar actually spoke any words is during the build up for Triple H VS Lesnar part one. Heyman and Lesnar were in the ring, and Heyman asked Lesnar some sort of question about Shawn Michaels, and Lesnar responded with "Yes he is." Other than that, I honestly can't remember the last time Lesnar actually spoke. But their relationship works better like this. Heyman is the man, who does all the talking, and when's ready to destroy, Lesnar is unleashed like the Kraken. Lesnar is far more entertaining as the silent and deadly monster, who will destroy anything in his path.

Punk is a master on the microphone, and it's already been said, but Punk needed Heyman's slimy presence to complete the heel turn. Remember, people were STILL cheering Punk, as he bullied Jerry Lawler and beat him senseless inside a steel cage. Punk started to receive stronger negative reactions after Heyman attached himself to him as a manager.

I've enjoyed Heyman on the microphone, because he's an instant heat magnet, who can get under your skin. Heyman is a great talker, and he deserves a lot of credit for Lesnar's resurgence as a heel, and being the final piece to the puzzle for Punk's heel turn.
Punk doesn't need Heyman to get over as a heel or be his mouthpiece. In fact the only way he would really be "needed" is if he was able to draw heat from fans that are determined to support Punk despite his heel antics; however, the vast majority of those who would cheer Punk anyway are also going to tend to be Heyman fans.


You know how sometimes you have cake so good that it doesn't need icing? But if someone was like "hey, I've got this amazing buttercream icing that will make that delicious cake even better". Are you going to say no to the icing??

Paul Heyman is Punk's current character's icing.
There's a huge difference between a Punk/Heyman promo and a Lesnar/Heyman promo.

Notice how Punk will do most, if not all, of the talking when Paul Heyman is around. Paul is basically there, unto Punk fans like me, for the purpose of casting a heel shadow on Punk. At times, Punk struggles to make the crowd hate him, so he can use the extra help in that regard.

Lesnar isn't a well spoken guy, so he's perfected the art of the death stare and the "Hurting people makes me happy" look. At times there has to be some dialogue to feed the crowd's curiousity when two juggernauts are about to collide. Paul is good at turning an ordinary statement of intention into a declaration of impending anarchy.

I can see Punk and Lesnar putting on a hell of a show. You might now be able to see it because perhaps your idea of a wrestling match is two grotesque endomorphs trying to simultaneously throw each other into the air.

If they respect each other, they'll work and put on one hell of a show.

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Paul Heyman is bringing back the old school Manager. Not like Vickie where her people automatically become tag partners. He has seperate entities where he uses different aspects of managing to fit in perfect.

Punk's only hope as a heel is to be with Heyman. Same for Brock Lesnar.

With Punk out, I would love to see some scenario leading up where Ryback gets Heyman as his manager, citing him feeling the need for representation, and seeing how successful Heyman has been with getting Punk and Lesnar basically everything they want.

Heyman being aligned with Ryback could save his career considering this heel turn has been so rushed and has been forced fed logic.

Imagine Heyman putting over Ryback in a promo leading up against a match vs Cena. John Cena is known to stoop to the level of his opponent when it comes to doing a promo to not embarass and bury the guy. Having him duel with Heyman will allow Cena is use more of his promo ability which really is high quality when he has a solid promo to work against.

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