What pro will get their rookie over the most?

Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management
Now i know there is a thread on who is the best pair, but i want to know who you think will get their rookie over the most? everyone seems to be saying that matt hardy and his rookie is the best pair, but i dont think matt is the best at getting someone over.

The rookies with carlito and william regel really have no chance.

I think that jericho will get his rookie over the best. he got big show over when they were a team, and i think that his rookie will be one of the guys to get a contract.

The miz is a close second. he has a great rivally going with daniel, and can make daniel seem like a guy that wont take crap from anyone.

So who do you think will help their rookie win NXT?
I'm going to go with Slater and Christian. You have to consider that other than Bryan, no one knows most of these people. Danielson will be over for the most part as in this age he's a name that a lot of people know. He's got an advantage so to answer the question, Miz won't get him over that much more. The rest of them though just aren't known at all and I think that helps them. Slater and Christian have a chemistry together. They're a pair I could see hanging out together in kayfabe. That's a huge perk and helps out a lot for Slater. I'll take them as I like Slater for some bizarre reason.
I have to totally disagree with the OP and state that I think Regal has a great chance with his rookie. My interest was piqued Monday Night when Regal and his rookie had the chat with Criss Angel - the two played off of each other extremely well. I mean, they are polar opposites.

Think of how Regal got Tajiri over again, and think of how Regal got Eugene over. It's a skill he has. He doesn't even need to wrestle - just be involved. Regal is the most underrated mic worker I think I've ever seen, and has almost always drawn good heat. I think he's got a great chance.
Actually I wouldn't know exactly.
A part of me would go ahead and agree with KB, because Christian is such a beloved performer, and because it will eventually rub off Slater.
Besides Slater has the personality to actually get himself over I think, being paired with Christian will only help him alot.

On the other hand, I would actually be thinking Jericho and Barrett, because we've seen it in the past, Chris Jericho's opponents has been put over, Big Show was made credible and worth watching again, Chris Jericho is the heel persona to go to if you want to get over on NXT in this matter, or WWE in specific, because of Jericho's in ring abilities, his "resilience" as WWE announcers would probably put it so kindly, and his veteran knowledge.

But in the end, I'm gonna have to say Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett, simply because I also feel that Jericho and Barrett is the best pairing on the NXT roster.
I'm with Ferbian. Chris Jericho is the biggest star that is on NXT. And for good reason. That should help Wade Barrett, whom I've never heard of before this, more than anybody else.

Especially if you take into account that Heath Slater is more charismatic (although maybe not in the best way) than Wade Barrett is. So it's possible that Heath would have gotten over more by simply being more "out there".
I completely agree with IC25. William Regal just has this knack of being able to get people over. Whether he is teaming with them or opposing them. His mic work is fantastic and he never disappionts. He is good at interacting with the crowds and working the american crowds with his snobby british character. If Regal can get eough mic time on NXT and maybe some more on RAW, I think he could make people take notice of Sheffield. Not to mention that Regal is accomplished in the ring, and if any of this can rub of on Sheffield it certainly won't hurt.

I would have considered the Miz as the answer to this thread because obviously he is on fire in regards to his charisma and his mic work. However, since Bryan was already over before NXT even started, Miz would have an advantage over the likes of Regal.
Now i know there is a thread on who is the best pair, but i want to know who you think will get their rookie over the most? everyone seems to be saying that matt hardy and his rookie is the best pair, but i dont think matt is the best at getting someone over.

The rookies with carlito and william regel really have no chance.

I think that jericho will get his rookie over the best. he got big show over when they were a team, and i think that his rookie will be one of the guys to get a contract.

The miz is a close second. he has a great rivally going with daniel, and can make daniel seem like a guy that wont take crap from anyone.

So who do you think will help their rookie win NXT?

I completely disagree with you about Matt not being able to put Gabriel over. Like him or not, Matt IS over, and Gabriel is getting a nice reaction during his matches. Of course his flashy 450 splash has something to do with getting him over, but having Matt Hardy as your pro wouldn't hurt you at all, and it will help get Gabriel over.

Now as for the most, Bryan is already getting a good reaction so I'd say the Miz and Bryan. Slater gets almost no reaction except when Christian taunts the crowd IMO...

Otunga can probably get pretty over with Truth as well, and I was real empressed with Jericho and his rookie. I drew a blank so I forget his name lol. But yea he's getting major heat, so with the exception of Miz and Bryan because Bryan isn't technically qualified for this, I'll say Jericho will get 'What's his face' over, and fast too.
I'm with IC25 on William Regal. He's just so damn good at getting people over, that we don't even realize he's doing it. He did it with Tajiri, he did with Eugene, he did it with Paul Burchill until Creative scuttled the ship, pun intended. He probably plays his character better than anyone in the WWE, and has been that guy for years. It also helps that Skip Sheffield has an entertaining character as well, the polar opposites thing they have going on is hilarious. I love how Skip doesn't seem to quite realize that Regal thoroughly dislikes him.

But honestly, I think Skip Sheffield would work well with lots of guys. He's just got a good character. Wade Barrett, on the other hand, NEEDS Chris Jericho. Badly. He's probably one of the more solid in ring performers out of the Rookies, but god DAMN I just find him boring. But he's get a thoroughly despicable heel putting him over whenever he has a chance to talk, and I think that will definitely help him retain some form of a crowd reaction when he branches out on his own.

Sidenote: I think a great swerve for the show would be for Pros to be able to swap rookies if they want. I'd just like to see Skip Sheffield work with a couple other guys like Jericho or CM Punk.
Slater and Christian definatly. Christian is the best pro by far besides R-Truth he is the only one who seems to care about his rookie. His rookie has the first one to pin a pro in singles competion that has to count for something.
For me it is either Miz, Jericho or Matt Hardy.
Remember on Smackdown when it was R-Truth vs Miz and Daniel Bryan got a major pop when he pushed Miz's feet off the rope? It shows just how The Miz got Bryan over.
In Matt Hardy's case Justin Gabriel gets massive pops even when he useshis very well executed 450 splash. He had a good match with Wade Barett also.
Jericho is just a magnificiant heel and pairing him with another heel rather than a face works perfectly. Wade got some damn good heat in his match against Gabriel and he has the size to be a real star.

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