What old school wrestler 70's-80's would do well in todays wrestling world?


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What old school wrestler in there prime would do well in todays wrestling world?

Old school meaning 70s & 80s(PRE-attitude era)

(Note* I did not include Ric Flair and Hogan since they are STILL in todays wrestling world and thus are excluded from this)

1. Macho Man (The real total package, promos, work ethic, gimmick)

2. Superstar Billy Graham (He was really ahead of his time, he started the talk in 3rd person, and really you can see where Dusty took his gimmick from (and others))

3. Jesse Ventura (One of the most entertaining talkers in history)

4. Ravishing Rick Rude

5. Brickhouse Brown <-- Odd pick I know.. but he had a great gift of gab and could work.

6. Big Cat Ernie Lad

7. Road Warriors

GREAT Promo guys and workers that could still be a draw today IMO.

Who do you think would work today, that worked back then in there prime? Post links to your favorite promos of them if you would so we can all know what you mean for those of us that wouldn't know?
Andre the Giant. We all know how Vinny Mac loves the big men, and with the success of all the foreigners nowadays (Sheamus, McIntyre, Mysterio, even Kozlov), Andre, being from France would fit the mold. I could see now the re-creation of the unstoppable force of John Cena facing the immovable object of Andre. Even pitting Andre against Big Show or Khali in a giant vs. giant match. Or even teaming Andre with a high flyer like Bourne or Mysterio as a truly unique tag team. WWE would have a lot of options of how to use Andre in today's product, and he would be marketable towards the kiddies also.
Considering he started the gimmick in 1989 and in my books he counts, I chose "The Model" Rick Martel. A gimmick like that would work for any generation of wrestling. Hell I'd even keep the pink wrestling attire, the "Yes, I Am A Model" pin, and the Arrogance perfume cause I think it still would totally work in this day and age.
Macho Man would be my first pick because the man was such a dynamic character that no matter what time frame you would put him in, it would work. However, since he's already been mentioned, allow me to mention someone else.


Jake The Snake Roberts would be my other pick. The promos, the intensity, the snake... What about this man doesn't scream success in today's age? Could you imagine Jake The Snake working a program with CM Punk, a shoot feud filled with references to the sinner and being straight edge? Or how about Jake pulling the mind games on John Cena, using the King Cobra snake on Cena tied to the ropes? There are endless possibilities of what Jake could have done in today's age to have really pulled the crowd into the action in the ring. Take this example of one of Jake's best storylines in 1988:


Jake could do it all. Even though he had, and still has, his demons, Jake Roberts was a great asset during the 1980s. In today's wrestling world, I have to believe he would be in the main event scene giving guys like Cena, Punk, Edge, and Triple H good storylines and matches.
Jake Roberts is certainly a good pick, but sans the snake. Keep in mind, today's product does not call for over the top antics, so using live animals certainly isn't pirvy to Roberts' success today. His character and promo ability would carry over the generation line though.

I'm going to add a name to the list, and it's someone who also posessed immense promo skills and could sell any feud with his words. He was brash, bold, and arrogant long back in a day where you could actually be booed for such a thing. He is the Rowdy one, Roddy Piper. In today's product, quality mic workers tend to get over. Roddy has shown that even at an advanced age, he can still cut promos. Imagine when he was younger and more sane? He would be gold in his prime right now as a top heel or a face. Hell, he was Jericho or Miz before they ever stepped foot in a ring! There is no doubt in my mind that a prime Roddy Piper would do just fine today.

Another guy who would succeed is Ricky Steamboat. Guys who can work and don't say much can succeed in any era. Steamboat would be no different and no less successful than a Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, or Yoshi Tatsu (ECW days). He is a babyface who can work, and certainly would get over on skill alone enough to make it to the midcard. If he did it in a time where workrate wasn't appreciated as much, he could certainly do it now.
STAN HANSON - a rough and tuff straight to the point bad mother fucker. In what generation wouldnt this man or gimmick work. The origanal Stone Cold. It worked then , it worked in the 90's with Steve Austin and it would work now.
I was originally going to list Paul "Mr. Wonderful" Orndorff, then I realized his persona is too similar to Chris Masters who we all know is buried far down the depth chart. So I scratched Orndorff off my short list.

I think wrestlers who are deemed "sadistic" have the ability to carry over time. A guy like Kevin Sullivan was an older version of what we have now in CM Punk and I think it always works, no matter the era.

We all agree that guys with superior mic skills are guys are the ones who stick out, no matter their physique or gimmick. Who better than Arn Anderson. If he was in his prime today, he would have owned the Intercontinental/US Championship level in the current WWE. Can you imagine how entertaining a feud would have been between Arn Anderson and The Miz? It would have been mic and ring gold.

I also have to throw Terry Funk into the mix. A guy who could play the deranged role, take a beating and keep on ticking. I would pay to see Terry Funk vs. Randy Orton in an I Quit match. Unfortunately, the new PG era would limit the entertainment value of Terry Funk because the beatings he would take and dish out were simply brutal.
lots of my picks were already taken, but i'd have to agree to the following for the reasons listed above by previous posters:

1. Andre the Giant
2. "Superstar" Billy Graham
3. Jake "the Snake" Roberts
4. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
5. "The Model" Rick Martel
6. "Ravishing" Rick Rude
7. Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat
8. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
9. Terry Funk

this list is already pretty impressive. and any of these guys would do great today if they were in their prime. all of them are amazing in-ring and mic talents and have incredible charisma.
to add just a name or two to the list, i'd say:

1. Mr. Perfect / Curt Hennig - amazing in-ring ability, great on the mic, perfect (no pun intended) vignettes to introduce him, good music, good look, and was himself a second generation wrestler, which we all know McMahon loves right now.
2. Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase - the original, that is. best villian of all time. similar to Hennig in many ways; amazing in-ring ability, great on the mic, perfect vignettes to introduce him, good music, good look and was himself a second generation wrestler, which we all know McMahon loves right now.

these two guys would be perfect (again, no pun intended) fits into yesterday or today's wrestling, in both the Attitude and PG eras. they're two of the best in the business of all time.
Without a doubt Rick Rude. All he would have had to do to update his character was stop the gyrating and he could pretty much have kept the rest of his gimmick in tact. Arrogant gym rats that go on and on about how they can have any women they want never go out of style and this man was GOLD on the mic.
tully is the most underrated worker and mic guy in the history of the business,,,,,maybe a poors man ric flair,,,,but awesome nonetheless. he was trigger to the four horseman no doubt. he would do well in this day and age. nuff said.
Without a doubt Rick Rude. All he would have had to do to update his character was stop the gyrating and he could pretty much have kept the rest of his gimmick in tact. Arrogant gym rats that go on and on about how they can have any women they want never go out of style and this man was GOLD on the mic.

I agree with you 100%, Rude had the mic skills, the in-ring skills, the gimmick and the physique to succeed in todays WWE no question.

Maybe get rid of the moustache though!

I would also go for Randy Savage. I could see The Macho Man, with his multi coloured outfits, tassles hanging off his jacket and general persona, being marketed successfully to kids in the PG era, not to mention he was awesome on the mic too
Man,you mentioned the Road Warriors! Where is Tenta with his the Road Warriors are the most overated tag team of all time rant.

Anyway for me Rick Rude and the reason being he had the three things going for him that are pretty much needed to get over these days. He had a good look,he had a lot of charisma,and he was a hell of an in ring worker.

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