What now for Wyatt(s)?


Getting Noticed By Management
After being buried by Cena on Raw, the Wyatt family seems as weak as ever. They debuted last year as the typical new guys that come in and need wins. They destroyed Kane and Kingston, but what really put the Wyatts on the map was the feud with Bryan and that masterpiece at the Royal Rumble. Afterwards we get a feud with Bray and Cena, where Bray basically lost 3 times, even though Cena fans will say that Bray won the cage match. Cena basically showed right there that Bray is a man of empty promises, who can't get the job done, even when he has 2 big guys helping him all the way. He was made a joke, and no one would take him seriously after that,and, even though I still enjoyed his promos, I just wasn't so appealed by him anymore.

He then started a feud with Jericho, which he lost the first match, which made him weak AGAIN, but bounced back at Summerslam, which was a great and important victory, since the fans and the Y2J countdown entrance gave it a special feeling.

He seemed to be on the right track to become a threat again, after he would probably destroy Y2J at NoC. But it seems that right now, he walked right into Cena and he showed that he couldn't even attack him. He was basically turned into those fat jobbers that you don't know if they will have a job tomorrow. No entrance theme, no offense hit, nothing. Just pure burial and my question is what now for Bray?

Next week he will probably continue his feud with Jericho, as if nothing happened, but how do you come out and have a promo about how you follow the buzzards and RUN etc, when you basically got wrecked by a guy who got wrecked 8 days ago? As I said, empty promises. Bray wants to save us, but is just lieing and keeps losing. Why does it matter if he eventually beats Jericho? And what does he do after he defeats Jericho? Talks were about him becoming a mid-card champ, which would ruin him even more, since he doesn't need a title for one, and then the titles are mid-card stuff, while he needs to be in the main events.

I don't know what can be done with Bray to be saved now. If I had to put a label on him right now, I would call him Cena's captivating bitch.

On another note, what now for Harper and Rowan? They seem to be getting over with the crowd, especially Harper (who is an exceptional talent in my opinion), and especially after thier match with Usos at Battleground. They basically proved they are tag champs material, yet now they have fallen back to being Bray's sidekicks with nothing important to do.

WWE, fix all this atrocity. After Lesnar defeats Cena, Bray needs to feud and DEFEAT CENA CLEAN to make up for his 4 losses. Maybe this could turn into a Cena heel turn thing by him joining the Wyatts, but that's for another time.
Seems like this should be retitled to a Cena gripe. It amazes me that all you anti Cena idiots and loons think he is Vince McMahon. You think he goes to Vince and says, "hey, So and So (in this case Bray Wyatt) is gonna make me look bad..whine cry, I need to bury him like I did the others." ANYONE that thinks Cena has major say in who he wrestles or how it goes down, is as clueless and ignorant about wrestling as they are in lacking common sense. VINCE RUNS THE WHOLE THING and will til he dies. Don't watch it unless you have half a brain and understand the system, HATE THE GAME, not the PLAYER
I think we need to get this out of the way first. Cena will not turn heel.

I do think the way they treated Wyatt last night was just insulting really. As you said he basically lost all 3 matches in the feud with Cena. His quest to change Cena, even a bit, completely failed, and now he's in a very underwhelming feud with Jericho and got jobbed out to the anual "serious mode" Cena.

I highly doubt after they have Cena lose twice to Lesnar that they will just have Wyatt beat him cleanly all of a sudden in a random feud.

Even if that would happen, after how Bray's been treated and how WWE will make Cena look in their supposed match, the loss will just be chalked up to Cena not being 100% after 2 straight humiliating losses to Lesnar.

Imo they are really starting to drop the ball with Wyatt as of late. The guy is immensley talented and they are making him out to be this false prophet, which is fine, WHO CAN'T win an important match to save his life. And I really dont consider his current feud important at all.

LE: This is not about Cena hate, this is about the way he was booked against Wyatt, who did not need this right now.
Well Wyatt family has become a little bit of a joke.

They will slowly fade away.

Because they have nothing new to give.
They need to find a good long-term feud for Bray quick, no point in it being Reigns, I don't see Bray going over in that, possibly the Big Show or a face Cesaro.
Fans will rally behind The Wyatts just like they rallied behind Daniel Bryan after his 18 second loss to Sheamus at WM. They will assume the evil Vince, HHH, Cena, Booking, and Creative Teams are burying Wyatt because he is fat and ugly. He will get stronger reactions because of it. Those lazy positive reactions will force WWE's hand and make Wyatt a face.

No one will be happy about it.
Jericho must be livid. He clearly comes back to try to help Wyatt get over again, after the Cena feud took him down a few notches.

And right after Bray's Summerslam win over Jericho, in the middle of the feud which is still going on, they have Cena absolutely destroy Wyatt. Pretty much ruins the point of Jericho coming back.
Honestly, I don't think WWE knows how to book the group/characters in PG setting. I want to see some crazy shit.. abducting and what not. Remember when they abducted Kane? What happened with that? Nothing. It was simply dropped and Kane returned a few months later. Never mentioned again.

I would also like to see them do some sort of sacrificing as Taker used to do with the crosses. That would be awesome. Again, I don't think WWE feels comfortable doing that on a PG network.

Bray's promo's are great, but they're becoming repetitive because the booking isn't giving him anything to build upon. They also need to stop having the family interfere in EVERY match. They need have to Bray look strong to be a leader. Right now, it's almost as if Harper and Rowan are the leaders. Bray has never once jumped in their matches to save them. He doesn't even come to the ring with them.

I'd like to see some creative booking with them that puts them in interesting situations outside of actual wrestling. Their characters/energy have great potential for memorable segments.

Fans will rally behind The Wyatts just like they rallied behind Daniel Bryan after his 18 second loss to Sheamus at WM. They will assume the evil Vince, HHH, Cena, Booking, and Creative Teams are burying Wyatt because he is fat and ugly. He will get stronger reactions because of it. Those lazy positive reactions will force WWE's hand and make Wyatt a face.

No one will be happy about it.

The only thing is..the Wyatts are supposed to be heels and they SHOULD be heels. They have great characters to be heels. Once they are face, a lot of their "crazy" goes out the window. IMO at least. Imagine a 1998-1999 Undertaker being face.

Something I often consider is that WWE is waiting to have the Ascension brought up to the main roster and simply keeping the Wyatts on TV to remain (Somewhat) relevant.
Honestly, I'm more concerned about how the Wyatt's seem to be on a losing streak in general. I actually kind of liked Cena's crushing of Bray because it was more aggressive and violent than what Cena was used to, which Bray obviously wasn't expecting.

I actually think it only started to flounder when Harper, Rowan, Show and Henry got involved. Then it became a more traditional match which the Wyatts lost.

I personally think it would've been better if they played into Cena's original feud with Wyatt. Maybe have it start off rather equal, with Wyatt doing his mind games in order to get Cena to turn to the dark side...Only for Cena to actually bite the bait and attack Wyatt so viciously that even Bray is caught off guard. It wouldn't even be a heel turn. It would simply be a temporary transition from hero to anti-hero. This would also cushion Bray's defeat as technically, he did succeed in bringing the monster out of Cena, even if meant he had to take an ass-kicking. Then both men would look good in different ways.
I'd like to see The Wyatt Family grow a little. They need something fresh. If creative doesn't have anything for Bo Dallas, then it would make great sense to me if they went after him in a dark, twisted, malicious way. Kidnap, torture, manipulation and brainwashing Bo into the little brother Bray always wanted. It would be a good program for them.

As has been mentioned, I agree whole heartedly that Eric and Luke should take the belts from the Uso's. I enjoy the Uso's, but they need to drop it to the Wyatts and set up a long lasting feud that could go off and on for years.

Bray is great on the mic, but he needs to add a new layer to his character. Nothing major, just something a little different before the whole thing gets overplayed and stale.
Although I will agree the match was a little misplaced, I don't think Cena "buried" The Wyatts. I thought there could've been someone else in that spot because it was clear that they wanted to make Cena look strong and send a message to Lesnar. Maybe someone like Ryback or Sandow should've done the deed. However, what's done is done. I do think they made a good move by making it a 6 man tag. It dilutes the loss and allows Bray to startup with whomever.
It kind of pains me to see how WWE have slowly but surely starting ruining Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family all in the name of John Cena 'still being on top'.

Usually, I'm okay with Cena being Super Cena. If he is defeating Orton or Big Show or Henry or Barrett or Miz, etc. You can kind of get over it because those guys have been established pretty good already (except maybe Barrett) and can take a loss to Cena. But it's frustrating when an excellent talent in the ring (I guarantee you we haven't seen the best of him yet) and especially on the mic is being put in such a stunted growth position, mostly because of Cena.

This happened with Ryback too. Why WWE thinks Cena can't lose to a jacked up powerhouse like Ryback clean, ONCE to give him some credibility or, more recently, let Wyatt beat Cena CLEAN in ONE PPV match to give him more credibility, I don't know.

The one thing I know is, even though it has NOT been an ideal start for Wyatt in WWE, in terms of big wins, he is, however, still young and in WWE there is usually a way to rebuild a guy if they want to. Like, I'm sure Edge took a bunch of beatings against top guys while he was still with The Brood or Edge & Christian, but when they really wanted to give him a singles push he started looking good (and even had his supporting cast Edge Heads). Or CM Punk was kept down mid-to-top card for a long while, taking some big losses to top guys, but when Punk and WWE finally turned the switch he was made to look awesome.

What worries me is that reports are saying Cena has nagging injuries and they are not sure how much longer he has with WWE as a wrestler. It's not that I want to see Cena for years longer wrestling in WWE, no, no, no! But if he is, say, done wrestling in 1 year or LESS, from now, then what I'm worried about is that Wyatt won't get a MUCH NEEDED powerful victory over Cena down the road. I think Wyatt really needs that but I know it can't come that soon. I know it can't come before NoC, and after Cena loses to Lesnar, I think maybe then they will have Cena go away for a while to recover, but when he comes back, look out top stars! He's gonna bury one of you! So Wyatt has to stay clear.

And I can't see WWE booking Cena vs Wyatt on a PPV again anytime soon. So Wyatts win on Cena would have to be on Raw and I can't see that happening until near December or the New Year.

Just doesn't look good.

This is why I will not be sad when John Cena is done wrestling. Some super fans will be, and while I've enjoyed some things he's done over the years he has, indeed, been around too long, too often to be upset when he is done wrestling and WWE is FINALLY forced to push fresh, new talent to the top.
What now for the Wyatts? Bray gets relegated to the midcard, where he can babble about world eaters and nonsense like that and no one cares, and Luke Harper can break away and become a singles star. THAT dude is what a Big Man should be on the roster. If there are any comparisons to The Undertaker, it should be Harper and how he can control his body in the ring, not in the same style, but in the same category that The Undertaker did.
WWE needs to make Bray Wyatt a real heel again and that'll help him build momentum.

I've posted in other threads I think Wyatt should get pushed as the top full-time heel in the company leading into a Wrestlmania confrontation with the Rock.

Rock has said he wants to work with the top heel (when he said he didn't think a program vs. Reigns would work). Wyatt seems to be the best chance WWE has to make a heel credible and dangerous without having him in the title picture all the time.

I'd have Wyatt destroy Jericho at NOC after their match (doesn't matter who wins) and have that be what writes Jericho off.

Instead of wasting time with Bo Dallas, I'd feed Jack Swagger to Wyatt over the next month or two, with Wyatt capitalizing on Swagger's face reactions to get himself over as a heel and taunt Swagger for letting everyone down (JBL would help on commentary with this angle).

If John Cena needs time off (reports out there he is injured) I think a great way to write him off would be for he and Wyatt to be on opposite teams in a traditional survivor series match (maybe Cena, Big Show, Henry, and the Usos against the Wyatt Family and the Rhodes brothers?). Have Wyatt be the lone survivor by pinning Show, Henry, and then Cena.

At this point I'd put Wyatt in a program with Dean Ambrose through the holiday months and through Royal Rumble. Have it be an even back and forth feud (they'd spar great on the mic and both could benefit from being the #2 match on the card behind the WWEWHC matches). Maybe have Ambrose win at TLC in a tables match, then have Wyatt win at the Royal Rumble and go on to be one of the final 4 or 5 participants in the Rumble match.

The night after the Rumble I'd have Reigns (the winner) cut a promo in the ring and be interrupted by the Rock, who comes out and puts his family tree over and says he was going to challenge Lesnar himself but feels Reigns is the guy to take the Beast Down. Have the ights go out and the Wyatts attack and decimate both guys.

Then at Elimination Chamber Reigns would have something to do and Rock could get himself into better shape for WM by having Reigns and Rock team up in a handicap match against the Wyatt Family. I'd have Bray hit Sister Abigail on Rock only to get speared by Reigns for the faces to go over and Reigns to get some more momentum heading into the Main event at WM.

That sets up Rock v. Wyatt at Mania with more great promos back in forth between "The People's Champion" and "The False Prophet." It's be an epic WM moment for the Rock to make his entrance first and then to see all the lights in the crowd as Wyatt made his way down to the ring.
What worries me is that reports are saying Cena has nagging injuries and they are not sure how much longer he has with WWE as a wrestler. It's not that I want to see Cena for years longer wrestling in WWE, no, no, no! But if he is, say, done wrestling in 1 year or LESS, from now

Can you provide a source for this? Not being a dick, this is news that I hadn't heard yet and would like to know the specifics
It's basically just as what he posted.


(Don't know if that is against the rules)

Damn :O well thank you for that, usually when I ask for a source I get no response or people ignore that and respond to my other points.

That really sucks, not a fan of the guy but it kinda makes sense. I don't remember the official story but you figure he's missed 3 of the last 6 Raws. And you figure Lesnar works stiff too doesn't he? Props to Cena(the man not the character) for staying with this. Hopefully they'll write him off screen for a couple of months.

It really sucks because you figure Bryan will be out for a few months more anyway(hopefully, we don't know for sure if he'll even come back). Ambrose is written off screen for a month or so. Even the Dust Brothers turned heel. Seems like they're being backed into a corner on this one, wouldn't surprise me to see Orton/Bray/Cesaro turn face to help alleviate some of this problem
As much as people seem to hate on Cena, I think they'd start to miss him if he chose to retire. He's one of the few true main eventers who seems to work every week.
As much as people seem to hate on Cena, I think they'd start to miss him if he chose to retire. He's one of the few true main eventers who seems to work every week.

While I do agree with your point, the second point isn't quite true. He's been out for 3 out of the last 6 Raws. I know 1 was storyline(if he showed up after the beating from Lesnar it'd look horrible) but still.

Cena will be missed though, we're all going to have to find somebody new to hate. Some will go to Reigns, some Triple H, some Orton. The day Cena retires for real, the IWC will change drastically. He's the guy who's easy to hate xD

Sad thing is, I actually enjoy him sometimes. I just hate that he goes Super saiyan and smashes any and everybody in his path. I was watching Raw and I thought during the tag match, keep him on the ropes...he's not bad out there :p
While I do agree with your point, the second point isn't quite true. He's been out for 3 out of the last 6 Raws. I know 1 was storyline(if he showed up after the beating from Lesnar it'd look horrible) but still.

Cena will be missed though, we're all going to have to find somebody new to hate. Some will go to Reigns, some Triple H, some Orton. The day Cena retires for real, the IWC will change drastically. He's the guy who's easy to hate xD

Sad thing is, I actually enjoy him sometimes. I just hate that he goes Super saiyan and smashes any and everybody in his path. I was watching Raw and I thought during the tag match, keep him on the ropes...he's not bad out there :p

To be fair, that was a noted exception. He was filming a movie and prior and probably from now on he will work consistently.

I like Cena a lot. He has a good personality, charisma and can be very funny while also being able to deliver in the ring- presuming he has the right opponent. I do not like how he tends to be booked though. Almost all of the storylines he has been placed in since I got back into wrestling late last year have been poorly written.
The WWE has in my opinion been on fire this year, best year for their ppvs since the excellent 2001. However, they are still prone to rush things at times, and Wyatt's beating at the hands of Cena is a by-product of this.

Cena got his ass handed to him at Summerslam. For the sake of building up the mystique of "the most dominant World Champion in history" (TM), Cena should have stayed away for longer. Not necessarily off tv, but away from the ring. Have vignettes of him 'finding himself' again or training hard at home (essentially like they did for Wrestlemania 29) but more intense. Keep him - and Lesnar - off Night of Champions. Then have him invoke a rematch at Hell in a Cell, where we can believe he might have a chance, using the Cell as an equaliser.

As such, Wyatt v Cena on Raw would not have happened; it SHOULD not have happened - for WWE to put one of their hottest commodities in that position was awful booking.

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