What Now For Chris Jericho?


City Dweller, Successful Fella
Well at the conclusion of last night's RAW we all seen what happened to Chris Jericho. He suffered the devastating punt to the head from Randy Orton as Orton was sending a message to Sheamus. Jericho probably sold the punt the best at this point and for once it actually looked realistic and devastaing as it should look all the time. Anyway back on to the topic of this thread.

Obviously Chris Jericho will be selling the affects of the punt as most wrestlers do and will get himself a little break from time on television. But he will return sometime wether it be three weeks from now or a few months Jericho will be back in a WWE ring. My question is what will he do after getting back. Here are some rough ideas they could end up going with so I will start off.

He could return and feud with Randy Orton. This is a feud that never really happened it did briefly in 2007, but apparently JBL was a much better option for Jericho to feud with. I would like to see Jericho return and sabotage Orton's plans and make his life basically a living hell for costing him some career time. This could make for a good watch, wether Orton is champion or not. It would also give Jericho something to do upon his return to screen time.

Then like all the other fogey rumors out there, he could be gone for such a long time that he could build up sympathy before his return. Then make big triumphant babyface return. Such as a return of the "Y2J" character which seems unlikely as does the whole idea of him returning as a face but I like to say never say never when it comes to these things. It could happen and a feud with bigger heels like Sheamus would make for an interesting and entertaining watch.

This thread is just to talk about different ideas for what Chris Jericho might be able to do once he returns. Right now it seems as though there is nothing for him to do and now he's off television. But again he will be back and there will hopefully be something worthy for him to do. Wether that be a return feud with Orton, a face turn, or any other little thing you could think of. Let's discuss Chris Jericho's future plans in this thread.
It all depends on how long he's gone for. WWE tends to bring back people who have been gone for a significant sum of time as faces; Edge's recent return, Chris Jericho "saving us" from Randy Orton, and so forth. The audience gets more invested in the return of the wrestler, and afterwards you can always turn them heel.

Beyond that, you can't really discuss how his return will go when you don't know what the WWE landscape will look like at that time. Who's out with an injury? Who's turned face, who's turned heel? You have to write these things as they happen, making specific plans for an ambiguous time in the future is a recipe for failure in any activity.
I would think his return would carry a character change, no? Seems that anyone who gets punted by Randy Orton would come back as a good guy. That would be great to see.

What I'm wondering is whether Jericho has signed a new contract. Does anyone know? We've been reading for months that he's going to sign....then he's not going to. Personally, I think he's wise to negotiate a vacation for himself, telling the company that if they don't agree to it, he'll resign. Someone of Jericho's value could get away with it. The alternative is to leave WWE altogether, which seems like a bad move at his age. He doesn't have that many years left as an active competitor and I think he could be a musician and a game show host after his wrestling days are done.

Even if he takes a few months off, it's better than a few years. Either way, I love hearing he's coming back soon...... if he truly is.
I'm hoping Chris will come back face and feud with heel Orton, but i don't think any of the two is gonna turn fast. You can have the feud about the punt like others said here or about the title
Have him comeback and challange the Undertaker to a feud. I'd love a face turn but Jericho is better as a heel. Move him to Smackdown for an extended feud with The Undertaker. We've all wanted to see this but their matches never seem to lead to anything. I would also love it for him to return and instantly challenge for a World Title. Maybe against a recently turned heel Randy Orton. Like they did in 2007. This return needs to be big!!! Something we won't expect. We can't have another countdown, or another suprise royal rumble win, but something HUGE!
Well I've always wanted to see a proper long term Orton & Jericho feud and I've always said Jericho should face Orton at WM 27 while Edge, Cena, HHH are occupied with someone else, so my wish may come true. Jericho should come back at Elimination Chamber and cost Randy the WWE Championship to Cena leading into a match between the two at WM.
I would like to see Jericho come back before WM so he can have a match with Taker at WM, it's a dream match for me. Jericho's never had the chance to end the streak and with all of the speculations that it's going to be Taker's last match I would like him to take on a legend like Jericho (yes, Jericho's a legend).

This is my idea; have Taker and a heel as the last two men in the Royal Rumble then have Jericho run in and hit the Code Breaker on Taker so the heel can eliminate Taker that means that Taker doesn't get a World Title match at WM and Jericho can face him. I think this could work I know it's abit like what HBK did at Elimination Chamber because HBK stopped Taker from getting the World Title so that he could face Taker at WM, but it still would be unexpected.

That's just my idea!!!!
Well what I was wondering was who actually won the match there?

Lets see, Sheamus entered the ring, Orton ducked his hit, then whacked him one. Surely that means Orton was DQ'd, thus giving the win to Jericho?

And if that IS true, then when he comes back, will he not be the Number One Contender, as was promised? Or is my logic flawed? I'm certain someone will corroberate that for me!

I'd love to see him return as a face, probably in the new year (Fozzy tour to Oz in December I hear). I'm counting the days already...

Orton won the match, it doesn't matter that he made contact with Seamus first, it's that Seamus interferred and tried to attack Orton, which caused Orton to win by DQ.

No on to the original topic, like one poster said it is difficult to tell if Jericho will come back as face or heel, I think it almost depends on wether Orton is a face or heel. As I do believe they will continue there feud when he comes back, so if Orton is a face, Jericho will have to be a heel and vice versa
Here's how I'd bring him back:

Few months from now we are heading toward the Royal Rumble. The WWE does their normal panning of the outside of the arena when we see a man sitting in a corner with a sign..."I Need One Ticket". We get closer and it's Jericho...with a "hobo" beard and his hair longer and greasy wearing very tattered clothing. Of course, Cole and Lawler make reference to it being Jericho and wonder what's happened to him. Later in the show, Josh Matthews goes to talk to Chris...who's says that since October his life has really went downhill. He lost his family...his band has separated and he's lost his career. He's lost everything in his life" And he blames one person...the GM. The man who pushed him over the edge. The man who cost him everything. And he'll be damned if he let's that ba*tard (have Jericho say it but bleep it out) get away with it. So he's determined to confront whoever this mysterious GM is...and show this man just exactly what he's done to his life.

Of course, I'm still playing up that the GM has yet to be revealed. So we have Jericho showing up to every arena until the Royal Rumble...begging to get a ticket so he can confront the man responsible for ruining his life.

So at the Royal Rumble...during the Rumble itself...say halfway through...Jericho is seen walking through the crowd with a mic screaming "I KNOW WHO IT IS! I FOUND OUT WHO THE GM IS!" But before he can announce who it is...his mic is cut and security chases him out of the arena.

Next night on RAW...Cole makes an announcement that the GM has allowed Chris Jericho to appear on RAW tonight to speak his peace. And the GM will respond...IN PERSON...to Chris Jericho's accusations.
Well what I was wondering was who actually won the match there?

Lets see, Sheamus entered the ring, Orton ducked his hit, then whacked him one. Surely that means Orton was DQ'd, thus giving the win to Jericho?

And if that IS true, then when he comes back, will he not be the Number One Contender, as was promised? Or is my logic flawed? I'm certain someone will corroberate that for me!

I'd love to see him return as a face, probably in the new year (Fozzy tour to Oz in December I hear). I'm counting the days already...


I think the win goes to Orton as Sheamus attacked him, although I've seen many a match before where someone tries to interfere, doesn't strike the person they mean to, gets clobbered, then the person they aim for carries on as normal. But this is WWE 2010 so God only knows.

As for Jericho, he can come back as heel or face in my eyes, he's strong at playing both and is always great on the mic. I'd prefer to see him on Smackdown as I think they need a big personality for someone like Ziggler to get a good feud out of. Is Ziggler really proving himself by facing Kingston all the time? Not in my eyes, but there's a lack of options there
I've been getting a gut feeling lately which concerns Jericho.
Now I offer this only as a theory.
It all has to do with Calgary. Now the only possible real clue that has been given by the Anonymous GM is that he doesn't like Bret Hart too much. That leaves only a couple of possibilities. The obvious Vinny Mac, The King?, HHH?.....or possibly BRET HART!
Now try and see where I am going with this. The only 2 people who have really been having a problem with the GM have been Edge & Jericho. In on it, or possibly not. Bret could be moulding them...challenging them to see if they live up to a Canadian wrestler.
Now this past Monday have we seen a possible tear in the Hart Dynasty? With the WWE showcasing Tyson Kidd a few weeks ago as a singles competitor in the cage, where what happened? Did DHS leave Kidd to give Jericho a chance?
Now like I said everything points to calgary. When everybody thought Jericho wrestled his last match I believe he seemed very ecstatic about being in Calgary. And thats when his injury would be "healed".I know he has alot of ties there as well and he would be able to see Bret come home.
To my point. I can very possibly see a new Canadian Faction consisting of Jericho, Edge, DHS, Natalya, and Bret the GM. Tyson Kidd to be a singles face.
Please note that I do not believe this will happen but have put together some possible clues, if they are clues at all. I most certainly hope this happens though. I go back to the question, what GM would say they don't like Bret Hart?
There are some options.

He could like you say feud with Randy Orton again for the title, but by the time Jericho is back i have a feeling that Orton is in a feud with Miz.

Another option is him to turn face. I'd personally like that idea, but then there is not a certain person that he have to feud with, it could be anyone.

But it all depends on when he returns. He is obviously going on tour with his band, that tour ends October 23th, but then in December they have a few dates in Australia (including one monday December 5th) So if he returns in November already, he have to miss a monday, and cant be involved in a main feud. He could obviously make a Royal Rumble return, but that has been seen so many times.

But im gonna go with this, at TLC Miz and Orton are feuding and have a match, which Jericho will interfere in, costing Orton the match, it sets up a feud between Orton and Jericho which can go on until Mania (i think that would be a good feud) And it will give Miz the oppurtunity to main event Mania with the belt, maybe against Cena
This is my first post but I've been reading on this site for a long time....it may sound stupid to some but I think Jericho should come back either next week or the week after that with amnesia from the punt, his DVD is coming out soon too so he should be around for that and the DVD can help him remember being Y2J and he makes a face run.....just my random thoughts I'll go back to just reading after this one....
I would think his return would carry a character change, no? Seems that anyone who gets punted by Randy Orton would come back as a good guy. That would be great to see.

It would be great to see but Vince McMahon, Ted Dibiase Jr., Cody Rhodes were all punted and still came back as heels. I foresee the same for Jericho even though a feud betwixt him and Orton would be gold. Gold I tells ya! Gooooooold! (Why do I keep saying that? I apologize.) Most likely he'll return on SmackDown! and continue putting people over.
his DVD is coming out soon too so he should be around for that

The DVD came out today, the day after the punt, so that is probably not a reason that he will still be around.

I do not think we will see Jericho again until EC to get him into a feud in time for Mania. Taker, Orton, The GM, anyone of those would be a great match. But Jericho vs Undertaker for the title would be amazing. If we remember last year Jericho was no where near the title picture, but walked out of the Chamber last year World champ. WWE has a history of repeating things like that.
i've actually been anticipating a "Y2J" return for quite some time. Doesnt mean he would be face. I'm thinking more a run like he had in wcw or early wwe. The way that he is constantly threatening to "quit". This has led me to believe that he was referring to his current no nonsense gimmick. I see him returning as Y2J, after he allegedly retired that gimmick a while ago. Believe it or not, the "amnesia" gimmick, as dumb as it is, would be a perfect opening for this. This chain of events is very reminiscent to the mvp (can't win a match for anything) storyline. this ultimately led to the albeit horrid face turn of mvp. Or chris jericho might have been "killed" off altogether, w/ the rumors of his retirement and all.
I think a combination of your ideas will happpen. I think that he will fued with Orton but upon his return but he will have to be a face, there is just no way that you can have someone who was unjustly punted in the head and cost months of his career be a heel, it just wouldn't work. So I think that he will return at the Rumble (Fozzy is doing an Australian tour in December so he wont return before then) as a surprise entry much like Edge did this year, he could be full Y2J with the long hair and the tights and all that. From there he will eliminate Orton from the Rumble and will eventually face him at WM. Now the only problem with this is that is would force the current mega face Randy Orton to be a heel unless they wanted to try a face vs face fued but I feel this could work if done right.

What's the chance of Jericho becoming champ again? I mean, he *is* the most entertaining man in WWE right now and I'd love to see him wear gold again. I feel like he's been putting other guys over for far too long and it's time for WWE to give something back to Jericho for all of his amazing work, i.e. the WWE Championship. There is no one like Jericho and I agree with him when he says "I'm the best in the world at what I do". Once Orton is done with Sheamus, I think and Orton/Jericho feud should be the next logical step, unless Jericho is planning on taking a hiatus. If anyone deserves to beat Orton for the belt, it's Jericho.
Whether Chris Jericho returns as a face or a heel depends on how long he is out for. If he comes back before Wrestlemania 27, he will most likely be returning heel. However If Chris is gone for a more extended period of time, reintroducing him as face could work.

Now whether he returns as face or heel, Jericho must deal with Randy Orton for punting him in the head. I could definately see the roles being reversed when these two meet again. It is the perfect situation for it.
the most obvious way to go with this is to let jericho come back as a heel and confront orton and what not win the RR and face orton at WM.

this is another way, Edge comes out and claims he is back on the search for the GM and has help this time and its jericho(with the IP adress). The would just go to his house and kick his @ss and show the world who is the GM. the next RAW the GM comes out and starts the punishments
dood Jericho is done for right now, by the time he returns this whole manager gig will be over and Edge will be on Smackdown! He's gonna focus on Fozzy and his family for the time being.
At the moment, Jericho is going on tour with Fozzy. His book & DVD will also be coming out (The DVD is already out in the USA and I assume Canada too) meaning he's going to be a bit of a busy fellow for the next few months despite taking time off. I personally don't see Jericho returning this year, he's got too many dates, too close to the end of the year.

As for his return, I think they'll go for the Royal Rumble. To me that makes sense and I believe Orton would have lost the WWE Championship by then. A feud between the pair is obvious and I would expect Jericho to possibly resurface at the Rumble and eliminate Orton, possibly leading up to a confrontation at WrestleMania.

If Jericho was out for a longer period of time, leading up to a return AT WrestleMania then I would think that he'd be a face character but I don't see it happening, this seems more like a sabbatical than anything and I suspect Jericho will return in Kansas City.
What do i think will happen:

jericho returns, probably around the rr to screw over orton in whatever fued he is in to cost him the title. They both enter the ec, and loose. Setting up a great fued between the two at wrestlemania. It could also involve the title, but i dont think this fued needs the title, and both hhh and cena will not miss out of the main event at wrestlemania.

What do i want to happen.

I like the idea of jericho being all destitute, but dont mention the band and wife. People would know if they split up in real life, but i would see it where jericho is freaking out outside the arena. he comes to realize that all his claiming to be the best in the world at what he does has been a lie. Then at the royal rumble, i would have orton as enterant 30having lost the title. You see in the back the number 1 enterant laid out. At the start of the rumble, jericho comes out and enters. He gets on the mic and says that he will prove to everyone, especially orton, that he is the best in the world at what he does. Id book him to be very strong in the rumble, and even eliminate orton. He goes on to win the rumble. now of course have him do it in a heelish way, maybe going under the bottom rope to regroup a few times. But it would be a great way to keep him heel, while setting him up really strong and his whole goal is to prove he is the best in the world at what he does. I can see him fueding with orton at first, then challenging taker to prove he is the best ever. He looses, of course, but it would be a great way to get him on smackdown, keep him heel, have him fued with orton, and come back stronger than ever.
I hope Jericho is somehow involved in the rumored title unification at WM 27, I dont want him to win it again but I want the person who does unify the belts to go over Jericho since he was the first unified champ it might give the new perosn who unifies the titles more credibility.

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