What matches are worth watching from last night?

Danger Burger

Thread Killer
Basic premise here is that I do not have unlimited intenet, so I can only afford a certain amount of Summer Slam.

My plan was to check out the following three:

Ziggler v Jericho:
No brainer, should be a great match??

Miz v Mysterio:
Figure I havent seen Miz against this kind of talent before, he can be good when he wants to be! Mysterio seems in better shape than last time id seen him too!

Punk v Show v Cena:
I expect this match to be pretty slow and boring, but its also the most relevant, title on the line etc. Would rather it was Mark Henry than Show who i've found pretty lackluster of late.

Outside chance I'd watch D-bry v Kane over the the triple threat though, as they are maybe the secend most interesting pairing after Zigs and Y2J. And singles matches are generally better!

I've disregarded the other matches on a basis of no interest, or low expectations. But if theyre good, let me know!

If anyone can help me out with their thoughs on the matches, or rating them in order of preference, thatd be super! Thanks.
I distinctly remember being pleasantly surprised with the Mysterio and Miz match.The first match was a little underwhelming with Ziggler trying to fuck up his offence several time, but Jericho is on in that match and it's worth it if for nothing else than to see Jericho win on PPV.

The WWE title and HHH/Lesnar matches should be automatical. Everything else ranged from meh to shrug.
You picked a good PPV not to watch, it wasn't that good.

Not that Miz vs. Mysterio isn't a good match, its just not a great match or one you need to see. Best match was easily HHH vs. Lesnar but even that wasn't that great.

If you skip the PPV you're not missing much.
I distinctly remember being pleasantly surprised with the Mysterio and Miz match.The first match was a little underwhelming with Ziggler trying to fuck up his offence several time, but Jericho is on in that match and it's worth it if for nothing else than to see Jericho win on PPV.

:banghead: WajjafudgyegimmetheSPOILERSFOR!!! argh.
Ziggler doesn't do "great" matches. He does mildly entertaining 5 minute TV matches, at most.

The only really good match last night was Lesnar vs. H. Nowhere near as good as Lesnar vs. Cena, but still worth a watch.
I would say Ziggler vs Jericho it was a solid match. Brock vs HHH could have been so much better but it is worth a look because Lesnar rarely wrestlers on PPV. I feel like nothing truly spectacular happened last night unfortunately.
Don't listen to people (On other places) who called Jericho/Ziggler amazing/MOTY because it was no where near it at all it was good and that's it.
Ok for me personally I thought the best matches of the night for me were Miz vs Rey Mysterio and Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio. They probably were the least anticipate matches on the card but I thought they were really good matches. Maybe it's because I was expecting so little from them. Jericho vs Ziggler was good or just okay because they only gave them 8-9 minutes which wasn't enough for them. It felt really rushed. Brock vs HHH the same goes as well. It was nowhere near as good as Brock vs Cena. I honestly thought it wasn't even close. Bryan vs Kane was a pretty solid match. Punk vs Show vs Cena was average as well. Big Show dominated most of the match and each guy was either getting whooped by him or double teaming him. Overall it was an okay ppv which is really unacceptable at summerslam. Extreme rules was way better. Nothing exciting happened at the ppv and no surprise factors. I think that's why people are showing a lot of hate for this ppv and I don't blame them.

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