What makes Wrestling so fun?

The Five-Star Frog Splash

WWE United States Champion

Love this article lmao

I usually don't even like Buzzfeed, (especially after that terrible "People watch WWE for the first time" video.) The media world still doesn't understand why people love pro wrestling and they probably never will, and I'm cool with that.
At this point I kind of just shake my head at the media world and how they refuse to actually try to understand it. Here at college, I'm known by everyone as the wrestling guy by all my friends, and what I do to introduce them to wrestling is show them how fun wrestling is by how goddamn funny it is! It BOGGLES my mind how people can't see the humor in so much of wrestling, and yeah I understand you kind of have to be "in the know" to laugh at a lot of it, but I think this Buzzfeed article can show how wrestling reaches across all demos.

So I guess my question for you guys is, what do you find most enjoyable about wrestling, the most funny? What makes you guys attracted to this business?

And obviously we can get into the passionate spectrum of why we love Wrestling, the athleticism, the storytelling, etc.

But what makes wrestling so fun?
Myself, I like the exaggeration of it all. What other combat sport will let their opponent throw them off the ropes, let themselves be rebounded and get hit with a clothesline that was set up ten feet away without stopping or just moving out of the way? What other sport has a close, competitive match up on the grandest stage every time? It's theatrical violence and when it's done right, it's downright artwork in motion.

Wrestling is the exaggerated cousin of live theatre, with grand gimmicks and bravado to make the audience think a fight is happening before their very eyes. Those who do it best, draw more reactions from the audience. The fun parts are what the performer can do before, during or after a match. It's what made a guy like The Rock so damn popular. There's a guy who could take an exaggerated ego and keep the fans entertained while talking on a mic or even antics during a match ( joining the commentary table, grabbing a camera to tell us about The Millions, only to get Stunned, talking smack, ect ect) there's not enough like him on the current roster.

Wrestling is fun because no matter what happens....something always "happens". A surprise heel/face turn, an interruption of an unwelcome talker, a title change, a masterful performance, a betrayal, a challenge or a cowardly act. Wrestling really has all the theatrical bases covered and I think it's a fun thing to watch. Drink it in maaaaan.
I agree whole heartedly. Wrestling, theres absolutely nothing like it. All the things that make wrestling great, are things that can't be replicated in any other form of entertainment. So with your points in mind, I think you kind of eluded to what made WWE in general, so great, was just the energy of the show. I'm going through 2008 Raws at the moment to see how far they've gone away from that heyday period at that point in time. And I have to say, even though the shift was evident at that point, there was still a littttttle bit of that lingering intensity there and energy. Now of course fast forward another 8 years, and here we are. I think what Raw is missing the most is that sense of urgency, like there was really something at stake, and that one match could shake the entire show up.

But one thing I do also think makes me believe Wrestling is so fun is that theres so much room for creativity. And sure, its not the conventional TV show where you can really dig deep into story lines and plot development, but thats where the artistry, (which you also talked about) comes into play and you literally see these regular athletes turn into larger than life superstars, who timelessly memorable, (like Hogan, Savage, Warrior, Jake Roberts, Austin, Michaels, Rock, Taker, etc.)
For me it's many of the things that make wrestling a show. The promos, the entrances, the pyro, gimmicks the wrestlers portray, all the unique types of matches, the character development seen as they go through face/heel turns, and of course the championship belts. I've been watching nearly my entire life and I keep coming back for more because of the show aspect(s) of pro wrestling. It entertains me. You find the characters that you connect with as a fan, who you want to see succeed, and thus you show support for them. It's exciting for you when these characters you are fans of win their matches, and that excitement is taken to a whole other level when you experience a wrestling event live in person. Watching wrestling can also be a bit of an escape from reality. Yeah it can be silly at times, but often this is a good thing. I have had many a good laugh about strange things pertaining to wrestling with close friends before. What it comes down to is this.... Unlike "real sports", with pro wrestling you are all but guaranteed to have a show. It's why I watched WCW back in the day, why I watched TNA for a few years, why I watch NXT now, and why I continue to watch WWE after more than two decades as a fan.
I have been watching wrestling for over 25 years and have been witness to how it has evolved over the years. I like the action, the promos, and most storylines (I think some get a little too personal or far fetched). Wrestling has also made great strides in recognizing that underdogs have talent too and that women should be respected the same as their male counterparts. Will I ever stop watching? Probably not but that is ok by me. I have been entertained all these years and I see that wrestling promotions will continue to evolve.

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