What makes a good FPS???


King Of The Wasteland
Over the past couple of years games like Call Of Duty have been called some of the best FPS's ever, why though, I don't see anything that stands out about it, the story's rather basic, the weapons are average, the only thing it's got going is the multiplayer and to me that doesn't justify a game being called great if it can only stand on one thing.

Ten years ago online multiplayer was not universally used (if at all) so an FPS had to be judged on other merits.

So (possibly) aside from multiplayer what makes a good FPS to you.

Is it the interesting weapons allowing you new and interesting ways of mowing down your enemies, is it the story that justifies your reason for murdering all of the people you do or is it to see what your character will react to situations???

For me it's a mixture of all of these, I like my FPS's with a good storyline interesting weapons and a good character, this is why I love games like Resistance, Timesplitters and (to a lesser extent) Halo.
First Player Shooters have become so generic now that they rarely lacks something special. They are easily looked upon by developers as a sure way to make a quick money.

I think Modern Warfare was innovative for a FPS and I can understand why it is often regarded as the greatest FPS. It had a lenghty and exciting story (which contained alot of things never seen in video games, especially Shooters) as well as an engaging Multiplayer with a very good ranking and unlocking system.

That being said, Modern Warfare is now the game that other FPSs are going to attempt to imitate and we will once again be in a First Person Shooter slump until something innovative is released again, setting the new standard.

A good shooter, needs to have a (lengthy) story that is exciting to play, a balanced gameplay, and intelligent AI. I also like to play local co-op during the missions if I choose to play with a friend.

Online multiplayer is the norm for all Shooters now. A good multiplayer is determined on the maps provided, the balance in gameplay and (most importantly) the developers constant attempt and eliminating glitches and keeping gameplay fair.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare,

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