What Made You A Wrestling Fan In The First Place?


A Fan Of Wrestling Not Backstage BS
The following thread is merely to ask the question of what's essentially brought us to this and other forums like this in the first place, what makes us wrestling fans. After all us being wrestling fans is why we are discussing topics on this forum.

I guess the best way to begin this is to state why I'm a fan myself and what has made me a fan for quite some time. While I'll admit the last few years have not been as enjoyable for me, I still do my best to follow the product and look at what's going on and I still respect the effort these young men and women put in the ring every night. The art of professional wrestling or any other physical endeavor is something to give its practitioners credit for no matter what you might think of their personalities.

As a kid growing up in the eighties into the nineties, what drew me to wrestling was mostly the love my grandfather had for it to begin with, it was a way to bond for him and I. And living in the Northeast United States my whole childhood into my late teens, I was living in a region where wrestling was just ravenously followed, trips to the Boston Garden, the Nassau Coliseum, the Mass Mutual Center, Hartford Civic Center and even the smaller venues like High Schools and Rec Centers showed just how big of fans people in my area of the country were of professional wrestling at all levels.

Unlike a lot of what I read here on the forums today, amongst a lot of other wrestling fans there was never this need to hate one organization and like another. If you were a fan of wrestling you were a fan of wrestling plain and simple. Sure, there were styles and organizations I liked more than others, but to me wrestling was wrestling. I remember watching the WWF, Jim Crockett Promotions (What eventually became WCW) and AWA quite a lot when all the companies had syndicated and cable programming. Sergeant Slaughter, Hulk Hogan, The Hart Foundation, Jimmy Snuka, Nikita Koloff, Ric Flair, Lex Luger, Sting, The Great Muta, Roddy Piper, Curt Hennig (before he became Mr. Perfect) were all constant presences on my TV screen.

To me I think I'll always be a fan of the older WWF first and foremost. Sure I appreciated seeing guys like Slaughter fending off the evil of Col. Debeers over in the AWA and Sting and Ric Flair's classic Clash Of The Champions draw was a career defining moment for both men, in the case of Sting it solidified him and in Flair's case it made him even more legendary. But for me it was all about the WWF, I was a Hulkamaniac, then there was Macho Man Randy Savage, The Hart Foundation were just exciting both as faces and heels. As a devoted WWF follower I got to see so much excitement and a top notch presentation that was second to none. The WWF gave me my favorite stars like The Undertaker, Bret Hart. Those are memories I'll always cherish. And for me I liked wrestlers of all kinds, for the powerhouse and superhero theatrics I could always count on Hogan to deliver something special. For a wrestler who was not the biggest or baddest (at least on the surface), I had someone like Bret Hart who I relished watching in the ring and exhibiting his psychology by using his skill to tear down the bigger and badder folks that were out there. It made his run as champion one of the most fun for me to watch. For the mythic and awe inspiring presence in wrestling I felt no one fit that bill better than the Undertaker, after all he's still around after 20 years and he's been through so many changes. Roddy Piper was just a powder keg of intensity and craziness with the heart of a champion when he fought that both as face and heel you couldn't deny his tenacity. There are so many legends in addition to that that I can go over, but I don't want to impede this thread from being opened so I'll just move on to closing here in the next couple paragraphs.

So with that said, the reason why I was so drawn to what the AWA, JCP and WWF offered with professional wrestling was the fact that even though it was predetermined and choreographed, it's such an amazing artform. When done right, you almost believe every hit you see actually lands and every move is supposed to destroy the competitor. While we do know that indeed the pain adds up, we know that it's not the mission of these athletes to truly harm each other. But just the fact that these people knew how to make me suspend belief for the duration of an entire TV show, live event or PPV is just amazing and I've always appreciated professional wrestlers at all levels for that, even the ones I was never fans of.

However, and this is not to create discontent and negativity on this forum, but I notice a lot of fans don't truly like to talk about this type of stuff on forums all the time. A lot of what I read here is just outright nastiness and Monday Morning Quarterbacking, so the purpose of my thread is to politely ask that we avoid any discussions like that. I know I can't stop anyone from saying well I liked wrestling for this reason or that reason but couldn't stand this. I don't mind people having opinions and not liking something, but please for the sake of what could be an engaging and positive thread, please offer a true argument and foundation for your opinion if there is something I said that you don't like or whatever someone else on this thread says that you may find issue with. I'd like to see any disagreements or dislikes remain tactful. I've done my best to do this and I only hope that can resonate throughout this thread. So without any further wait...let's get to it and find out what has made you my fellow wrestlezone posters fans of wrestling to begin with.
It's funny. What made me start watching Wrestling was some of my friends. They would all be talking about the PPV Results or whatever happened on RAW, and I wouldn't have a clue what they were talking about. So, one day I went to my friends house and he was watching a repeat of the previous week's RAW. I can't remember the year, feuds, or who was on it, to be honest. But since then I've watched WWE.

Really though, I only started watching it around 2005. So as I grew older, I decided to find out more about this 'Attitude Era' and 'WCW'. So by finding old VHS's at shops and the glory of the internet, I feel like, though i've only been a WWE fan for 6-7 years, I've been through The Hogan Days, New Generation, Attitude Era, Ruthless Aggression Era, Post-Ruthless Aggression Era & PG Era. I've now also watched nearly every episode of WCW Nitro, From The Return of Lex Luger om The Very First Nitro, to Sting Vs Flair on the Final WCW Nitro.

And the thing I find that's funny, all the friends who, you could say, 'got me into' Wrestling, now have, as they've put it, 'grown out of it'.

Guess I'm a lifelong Wrestling fan!
I use to go to an afterschool and some of my friends were talking about the WWE. So I decided to go check it out myself. Watched a few episodes and quit. I think my first episode is when Undertaker was in a 3 on 1 Handicap match with JBl and 2 other guys. Then after a few years, I returned. It was better than the content before that. Since I didn't have Raw, I watched Smackdown every Thursday and now Friday.
My father bought me and my Brother the Smackdown 2: Know Your Role for the PS1, and we were playing that game non stop. We never knew any of the wrestlers until one day while me, my brother, and my mom were watching TV and we saw the WWF on television. And in the ring were the McMahon's and my Brother said "Hey, look it's Shane!". It was so much cooler playing with the wrestlers in the game and than seeing them in real life rather than the other way around.

So the video games actually got me to become a fan, and as a kid all I did was watch WWE and play the games, I was obessed with the WWE from 2001 to 2003, and I met some people who watched it and we became friends. Would watch Smackdown, and Raw every week and would go to the theatres to watch the PPV's. I remember watching Bad Blood 2003 on my birthday, and watching Wrestlemania 2003 as well. It was my fav. Wrestlemania because as a kid every match to me was GREAT, from Matt Hardy's match with Rey, to Lesnar and Angle having their match. We were so into it, and than as my friends moved away I stopped watching.

Edge was my first fav. wrestler, but for some reason I always loved Jericho as well. So I stopped watching until his return in Nov. 2007, than I watched the WWE regularly.

So Jericho's "Save Us" resurrected my love for the WWE.

But god damn does the product suck now a days compared to the attitude era. I feel sorry for the kids growing up to the PG product to be honest with you, because I grew up as a kid watching The Rock and Austin feud, watching the Alliance, and everything else. That was the shit.
Back in 96' My first Nitro!! aahh!! i remember back on cable I was only 4 and I got into because my dad (RIP) always watched it!!

It was after Cartoon Network had finished and at 9pm, it changed to TNT and I saw this awesome opening credits from Nitro!! and I just got into it.. I just loved the wrestlers at the time, Sting, Luger, Hogan, Flair, Nash, Hall... It was all because of WCW!!

I got into WWF in 98'..
I would have to say my daddy got me into wrestling around the age of 7 and I'm 16 now so I've been a fan for nine years. Okay so one day I walked into my dad's room and he was watching wrestling and I asked him what he was watching he said wrestling so I sat down beside him and started watching. All I really remeber about the first show I saw was that they were talking about Batista coming back and I about drove my dad crazy asking when he was coming back. So Batista was the reason I start watching, my first favorite.

My dad had been a wrestling fan since he was a kid and he watched it with my grandparents and my mom had been a fan but not like me and my dad are were we watch it every week. {she'll watch it with us sometimes because she likes Cena} So my mom watched it as a kid with her older brother. My older sister watced it but not much I was the only one of my sisters to really get into it. So I saw Batista and I thought I can't wait to see this guy and he was one of my dad's favorites at the time too. Then my dad showed me the game Smackdown here comes the pain and since then we have bought all of the wrestling games. So you could say my dad got me into wrestling at the age of 7 in 2002 and I've been a fan ever since.
I started watching right after WrestleMania 14 and Stone Cold was at his prime so him along with DX were the main reasons I got hooked. At that time it seemed like everyone was into wrestling but now I've got a few good friends that still watch it as much as I do. I kinda stopped watching as much after the brand split and Austin retiring but still followed Orton and some other guys and then I got back into it around 2006.
I started watching because of Heat, which I caught completely by chance one Sunday. Cant remember the card but im pretty sure Scotty 2 Hotty was somewhere there, and from then I was hooked. Stopped watching a few years ago but Nexus are actually what got me watching again earlier this year so Ive spent quite a bit of time catching up on the few years inbetween that I missed out on.
First of all a great thread.Also I agree that as kids we liked wrestling no matter whether it was wCw or WWE or for that matter Ecw.I remember,I started watching in '98 when the Attitude Era kicked in.My cousins used to watch it before that,I used to sit with them and watch,my friends used to watch it also,we discussed it a lot.I guess the reason we all got hooked unto it was because it was damn entertaining.My fav's were HARDY BOYZ and THE ROCK.Talking about wCw,I rarely watched it because the channel aired the show late night.Though I clearly remember some of the matches and segments.I also watched the last Nitro and it was quite entertaining.I remember we never got to watch ppv's because they were at 1 a.m in the morning,but looking back I found out that I did watch WRESTLEMANIA 2000 and Summerslam that year.Now almost all my friends have stopped watching because they consider it kiddie and they've grown up and left it.But I continue to watch it,adore it and respect the guys who do it .
Id say i started watching in 1998 when it was X Pac Vs Undertaker and Kane came out and blew/put fire in X Pacs Face. I Started to watch WCW in 1998 With The Whole Goldberg Undefeated Streak. And Just A Few Weeks After Watching WCW His Streak Was Broken By Nash. I Watched WWF Till 2001 With The Whole Invasion Storyline. Then I Quit Watching It Till 2003 When I Saw The TLC Match For The World Tag Team Titles With Kane (Without Hurricane) Vs Bubba Ray & Spike Dudley vs Chris Jericho & Christian vs Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam Then I Quit Watching A Few Months After Came Back To Watching It In 2007. Then Ive Been Hooked On It Since 07.
I have watched wrestling as long as I can remember. My dad always had it on and I got into more than him. When I was four, I used to have a big stuffed animal bear that I would do wrestling moves. I would lay him on the floor, get on my bed tell him to suck it and then jump off on him. (At that time, I didn't know what suck it meant. lulz) I started collecting wrestling action figures and collectibles when I was four. So once I got older, I got more and more into it. I always watched it from a kayfabe point of view even though I knew it was scripted untill I was about 10, when I discovered Wrestlezone's home page.( Yes WZ was my first news site) However I didn't sign up to the forum untill last year. To answer your question, I have always watched as long as I can remember because my dad had it on and I liked the excitement of it.
When I was younger I was watching cartoons one saturday morning when ( I think it was TMNT) got over, and this cartoon call "ultimate muscle" came on. It was about aliens invading earth and wrestlers from across the universe had to save the planet. It became my fav show. At this point I had no clue this was an actually thing. After the show ended I completely forgot about wrestling, until 2-3 yrs later when I pass my dad's room and I see the undertaker picking his wrestlemania opponent the night after the rumble. I watched it then, but I didnt pay attention to what day and time it was, so I quickly once again forgot about it. From then on I caught glimpses of the buildup to Wm 23.

until one day I turn on the tv and change it to the usa network, to see if any movies were on, when I see this guy running with a torch, then the screen flashes to a bald guy standing in the ring with a gold title over his shoulder. I was intrigued and was quickly treated to the second coming of Y2J. From that point on it was over, and I have not missed an Raw, SD, Impact, and have been hooked on Roh/ chikara and shimmer since.
Back in the 1980's/early 1990's, the WWF would always have a WWF event on Boxing Day (December 26) at Maple Leaf Gardens. My aunt would always get us (my cousins and I) tickets to these events. Plus, Hulk Hogan would rarely make house show appearances, but almost always made it to the shows in Toronto. The moment I became a definitive wrestling fan, though, was WrestleMania IV. I was in awe at the spectacle and remained a fan ever since watching it.
man.... as long as i can remember i've watched wrestling. me and my mom would watch all the time.

the OP nailed it for me when he talked about watching ALL the promotions you could back then. I have to say that until i was probably 11 or 12, i really didnt think of wrestling in terms of different brands. If wrestling was on tv, i was gonna watch. i couldnt wait til saturday morning cartoons were over so i could watch superstars (when plots were developed and the main event guys acctually appeared on it, anyone remember that? lol) i also remember in middle shcool raw was the thing then i think in 7th or 8th grade nitro debuted and trying to keep up with both at the same time same night was crazy. also around that same time, maybe a little earlier, hauling ass home from school to watch uswa/global where i first saw jerry lawler, jeff jerrett, eddie gilbert, undertaker (mark c.)... and i remember being so upset how wwf/e used jarrett when he came there after he kicked much ass in uswa/global, when i was younger (and he was too) he was really exciting to watch and his chase of lawler and the title was great stuff....

anyways.... back on topic... wrestling got me into wrestling... it has always just been fun to watch and like the OP said... i appreciate all the guys and girls in the business do and will gladly thank them for the entertainment and memories anyday.
I've been watching wrestling my whole life. My grandfather was a huge fan and I remember as a lil tike watching with him. I grew up watching wrestling when there was still territories, so I remember watching all types of wrestling from wwwf, to nwa, to uwf, awa, ect. I was hooked from day one, I had wrestling themed rooms, action figures, subscriptions to PWI, The Wrestler, WWF Magazine and any other wrestling mag that was available. I still have a lot of old wrestling mags saved. Anything wrestling related I watched (including GLOW and POWW, i know, I know smh). I've been to numerous live house shows (wwe, wcw, ecw, tna, various local ones, etc) and Wrestlemania III and XXIII. Growing up when I did I think helped me be more of a 'Wrestling' fan as opposed to just a WWE or WCW or TNA fan. I like ALL good wrestling no matter the initials behind it.
The year was 1995 (I was 5) I don't really remember what all happened, but it was Monday Night Raw. All I remember was Undertaker walking down to the ring. And really I don't remember the match and that image has stuck with me all these years. So I'd have to say Undertaker is what got me into wrestling.
It's neat reading all of the previous posts....little sad cause I've been seeing alot of people saying they started watching in 2002 or later...i feel like an old man when I'm only 21...back on subject it was my neighbor that got me into it....i lived in a little town in Indiana called Bristol nothing to do but play football, basketball or video games (when your 7-10) and my neighbor had the game "No Mercy" for N64 and i grew addicted to this game but then i started to watching it secertly as my parents felt i was to young for it...I remember i started watching right around the time Stone Cold was run down...Seeing the Rock and idolizing him (till this day i still look up to the man for his confidence)...I just saw this guy who made me laugh and get all the ladies and people loved him and i had to watch from then on out and have since then...as far as wrestlezone funny story...i saw this site 2 or 3 years ago while i was in high school...id be getting done with my work fast enough to just search the web and fell upon this site...and saw that people were discussing wrestling which i thought was really cool (and helped past the time in high school). I've been a wrestling fan for just about 15 years now give or take a few years and i plan on many more years added to that too. Great Thread!
Honestly, my grandfather.

I always went over to his house because I could get away with more when I was there and he would just laugh at me and tell me to quit being stupid.

Every Saturday and Monday, he would be watching wrestling - this was in/around 1994 - and I just ended up watching. In terms of the wrestlers that really got me into the sport at this time, I'd have to go with Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. He wasn't at his best around this time, but I just appreciated the look and the way he moved around the ring.

Little dd I know that he was even better than he was at that time a few years back. Really saddened be that he wasn't around much longer after I really started watching. I was just 7 or 8 years old, so I didn't realize how serious his injury was, nor did I realize how long he had been wrestling.

After a few years, I just enjoyed watching the sport in general and just hanging around my grandfather. But, in and around 1996, that's when wrestling really picked up for everybody.

Characters and guys like The Undertaker, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and Sting were the wrestlers that really forced me to watch every week. Just too interesting to pass up.
i watched it at 7 years old my first match was kurt angle vs john cena when he chased the ref around the arena then not for about 5 minutes then it think at the great american bash either paul london and brian kendrick vs kc james and idol stevens and i kept watching the show then i just kept watching it every week oh how i miss 2006 - mid 2008
When I was little, I was always aware of the top guys like Hogan, Andre, and Piper I think my cousin had a Bruno Sammartino figure, too.

But I became a wrestling fan when my mother and stepfather were dating and he brought his sons over to spend the night for the 1st time. We went to a video store and they rented Royal Rumble '90, and Survivor Series '90.

I've been hooked ever since! I was about 7 or 8 then.
my sisters actually got me into wrestling. I was four years old and i remember a rock promo and i just loved him! It was quite amazing and I remember Stone Cold too. From that day, I loved Wrestling and watch it too this day. But my sisters grew out of it and make fun of me for still watching it.
It was 1984 and WWF(E) had just started airing on my local t.v. The first match they showed was Hogan winning the title from the Shiek and I was hooked. Like some of the other posters I grew up during the boom so there was wrestling on all time. I live in Southern Illinois not far from St.Louis, MO. The city has always been huge for wrestling so all the local stations had some sort of wrestling on the weekends. Saturday was wrestling day. It ran from 10am to noon on one station. Noon to two on another, 5 to seven on th superstation then 10pm to 1am on a local. WWF(E), NWA, AWA, UWF, and a handfull of others every Saturday. It was an amazing time to be a fan.
I started watching wrestling back in 84' my mom and dad (RIP) used to watch it..I cant really remember who was wrestling that was to many 4:20's ago...I really got back into wrestling when Stone Cold came around..He is the reason I started watching again.Its amazing how the product has changed in those years.
Well I'm 12 so when I was little I didn't really see it on TV. I didnt even have Cable to 1st or 2nd grade. I grew up seeing my siste rplaying SmackdownL Shut Your Mouth and eventually i got used to it. I started tuning into Friday Night smackdown and it was interesting than for a while i got sick of wrestling becaus emy beighbor kept being obsessed with it. in 4th grade i got bavck into it since that was basically what the boys in my blass were talking about. in 5th grade i really started to research wrestlers getting into TNA and been a big fan ever since.
One man Hulk Hogan. As a child in the late 80's it was all about Hogan. I will never forget seeing Hogan vs Warrior and actually crying when Hogan lost. Hulk Hogan was the living embodyment of a superhero, he had the colors, the catchphrases, he had everything a child could idolize at the time.

Another man was Jake "The Snake" Roberts. My name is Jake so naturally as a child I was drawn to him.

Then around 1993 I stopped watching(do to lack of cable, I lived in the country.) then a few years later I caught an episode of WCW Saturday night and saw La Parka vs Phsychosis. Then I was hooked on the luchadors. So i started watching again around 96 and got hooked.

But to answer the question....Hulk Hogan, a living superhero for a child

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