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What kind of fan are you?


Totally Reeking of Awesomeness
I was thinking about this last night, and I decided to do a thread on it. During my teen years the Attitude Era was going on, and wrestling was talked about at school, at work, pretty much everywhere. Well it obviously is not that way any more, and I myself have not come across a fan that will admit it in years. I am limited to these forums, my wife to some extent, and most frequently my sister in law who is a huge fan like me. My question is to see what kinds of fans are out there. Are most of you closest fans, do you have a group of friends that are into it that you watch and talk about wrestling with, are you limited to these forums, or will you go out and try to find people that are fans like you? Also if asked by a non fan will you admit to it or do you try to change the subject? Nothing to heavy here just looking to see if I can get some kind of consensus as to how much wrestling is talked about by you outside of this website.
Im a proud wrestling fan, I think if you are into something then you should be proud and not worry people think. Sometimes when I go out, I wear my shirt proud. I was very lucky, I found a girl and she is a big wrestling fan. When we go out for a walk or go shopping, we debate what should of happend on Raw the night before or what happen when we we're kids. We have Wrestling Mondays, we wear our shirts proud (Right now I got my nWo shirt on.) I got a friend from high school who watches it, we talk about wrestling every week. I never had a problem like, "'why do you watch it?' or 'That shit is fake.'" If somebody asked me if I am into wrestling, I would admit to it!
Cool thread.

I'm personally slightly embarrassed at times about being a fan but still it's common knowledge amongst people that know me that I love it and surprisingly I have never been laughed at or made fun of for being a fan so the main reason I'm embarrassed by it is because the product these days is pretty lame when it comes down to it.

I have a few friends who enjoy wrestling and one that does nothing but criticise it and call it fake but that's just to get under my skin haha I'm sure other people have reasons to not admit it but personally I have never had any problems or abuse in admitting that I'm a wrestling fan.

I actually got a couple of friends into botchamania which is pretty cool. They don't watch the shows but just through that they are able to see the light hearted side of it which is always nice.
Well Once someone said Wrestling fans are stupid so I unzipped my coat and I was wearing a T Shirt of John Cena and I was like Stupid are we? And he said he was joking and ran away with his mommy. Anyway, that pretty much proves I'm a proud wrestling fan!

People often ask me why I watch it if it isn't real and I say... for the Entertainment. I'm proud to like sport entertainment.
I don't go walking around town with a sandwich board with "I'm A Wrestling Fan!" painted on it but I'm not ashamed of being a fan either. Quite a few of my friends are fans too although we mostly talk about other stuff than wrestling. As for non fans I mostly ignore them. If they insist on pressing the "it's fake you know" issue I ask them if they watch movies and TV show and then tell them they're fake too.
I've become more of a "closet" wrestling fan as an adult. In my younger years I'd love to initiate discussions about the WWE to my fellow classmates and students but nowadays I'd rarely even talk about wrestling in general outside of my closest relatives and peers.

As the years go by I've also grown to be more of the casual WWE fan. I used to watch all of WWE's programming many years ago. Everything. Anything I could find whether it be on the internet or on television. I would force myself to sit through extremely tedious and at times, torturing, segments of "SD!". I was a die-hard WWE fan in every sense of the definition. My expectations used to be sky high. I loved to follow WWE ratings weekly and I always had a false idea of hope that the WWE would improve & eventually go through another era of great success as far as ratings go. It made sense at the time too. Social media was booming and the WWE (seemingly at the time) had lots of young talent and upside

Over time, the quality of the shows declined and I lost interest. The 2008 was the last year of the WWE where I can say I've actually watched a consecutive number of episodes of friday night smackdown and WWE programming live, every week. Today John Cena has completely solidified himself as the top dog in the WWE and the current level of competition compared to that of even 3 years ago in 2009, is horrendous. You just don't see that level of talent/credible competition to challenge Cena's dominance these days as you saw early in his career at the top. He's just too good right now to the point where I'm not sure if he can successfully sell a PPV with just his tag name alone. The youth movement of 2010 also had an impact on my interest.

Cutting it short, all of these factors turned me into a casual WWE fan from a die-hard fan. The last time I had an actual long, meaningful discussion about wrestling was with my high school friends. If the situation dictated itself, I'll come out of the closet and say I'm definitely a fan -- I wouldn't avoid it, that's for sure. Doubt it, though. Americans find pro wrestling to be a joke. The majority of people who enjoy WWE probably enjoyed it initially as a child. I would find it extremely surprising if anyone justified being entertained by WWE programming if they knew it was "scripted and pre-determined" beforehand
I also wanted to add that I proudly display my wrestle stuff in a room in my house. I have quite an extensive DVD collection. i have some autographed pics on the walls, books, and in the center of it all I have a World tag team championship belt. My sister in law has the Smackdown Version, and she also bought my daughter the Divas belt and it hangs in her room. My buddy helped me move and he was like damn you like wrestling don't you. I said ya and he said cool. I equate it all to not liking a band. If I don't like a band it doesn't mean they suck. it just means I don't personally like them. My buddy is an example of an open minded person. Anyone that says something is stupid or sucks because they don't like it shouldn't have an opinion that matters anyway. My wife watches Real Housewives, and Jersey Shore among other shows that I would never watch, but I don't make fun of her for it. I just wanted to make sure I was clear that I am a proud wrestling fan, and while I don't wear a banner I won't deny it either. I would defend it, and if you walk into my house it is very clear that I am one.
I am a proud wwe fan and have been for years I am still in high school and it is not at all popular but I do have 1 friend my best friend who is a big fan like me so we always talk about it at class. We also make YouTube videos. I have some gear a few shirts and also have tons of action figures. Of course everyone just says its fake but I tend to ignore them they seem to think it takes no talent at all.
I am a proud wwe fan and have been for years I am still in high school and it is not at all popular but I do have 1 friend my best friend who is a big fan like me so we always talk about it at class. We also make YouTube videos. I have some gear a few shirts and also have tons of action figures. Of course everyone just says its fake but I tend to ignore them they seem to think it takes no talent at all.

Interesting to hear from a fan in HS because like I said when I was in highschool we were practically giving stunners to each other in the halls along with crotch chopping left and right. Some people criticize the attitude era, but damn it was a fun time to be a fan.
Interesting to hear from a fan in HS because like I said when I was in highschool we were practically giving stunners to each other in the halls along with crotch chopping left and right. Some people criticize the attitude era, but damn it was a fun time to be a fan.

Yeah and I am very jealous of your generation it must have been great when the wwe was "cool" but as I said no one at HS talks about it hardly.
i am less of a fan that i was back during the attitude era. i still have shirts that i sometimes wear (anyone else think they size them weirdly?) but i don't make an effort to watch the shows nearly as much as i did back then. truth be told, i am more interested in TNA right now than WWE.
Meh, I'm me and if you know me any length of time, you'll work out my loves in life whether they are regarded with general derision or not - most aren't in vogue in my little part of the world. I'm giving y'all prior notice - do NOT open the spoilers if you are off a nervous disposition!

I still enjoy my comics and eagerly lift my Marvel fix at the local newsagents every Thursday (I get all Marvel UK Collectors Editions). It's also a regular sight to see me in my Spidey or Punisher faux baseball shirts.

Another of my obsessions are sports like baseball and gridiron - very poorly followed this side of the pond and, again, I wear my Twins and Chargers regalia with pride. On that very topic, I do hate Yankee's baseball caps because they have transcended their purpose - they are nothing more than a fashion statement outside of the States.

Country music in Northern Ireland makes people think of (shudder) Daniel O'Donnell saying your a country fan leads to derision too. I still wear my boots and belt buckles with pride and it is far from unknown for me to throw on my George Strait brand cowboy hat given the smallest opportunity (it's a bastard trying to stop it getting knicked though).

I love music and films, so I'll regularly be seen with 'Empire' or 'Total Film' in my hand and/or one of my many concert t-shirts on... if not my 'Princess Bride'...

Wrestling? My 'Icon' Sting, 'Immortal' Hogan and 'Lie, Cheat & Steal (but at least I'm honest)' Eddie Guerrero shirts get regular outings and I still buy 'FSM' and 'Powerslam' and then sit and read them at the local greasy spoon while I'm waiting on my Ulster fry.
Sorry, I don't appear to be missing a pic of me in one of my heroes tops - I'll have to rectify. Here's one of me clowning around at Oxegen instead.

I can't work out what people see in some things (ex British and Aussie soap operas) but to each their own - I'll not criticise them. If they want to poke holes in my interests, more power to their wee wheel, to me that's just an indication of insecurities on their part.
the only people i can talk to about wrestling off the bat is seems are special kids.. i meet a few people who know a few things about it, i know alot of fat chicks who just know about john cena but i dont see many real fans. I've gone from hiding it, to proclaiming it, to hiding it, to being annoyed by it, to just being indifferent. It seems kinda cool to wear a Cena shirt these days and Punk's shirt can represent a belief system. I wouldnt care to start wearing an NWO shirt or a WCW shirt these days, i just dont care anymore, and with Lesnar taking over the UFC briefly I hope alot of bullshit was put to rest.
I started watching wrestling on a consistent basis back in late 1994/ early 1995. So, I would've been about 11 or 12 when I really got into WWF & WCW. Ever since that time, I have been an avid and outspoken fan of the sport. I know alot of friends or different people that also love it, but, are ashamed of being fans. I'm the exact opposite. I used to sport my nWo shirts[both white & red] to high school and also the Stone Cold t-shirts. People knew I was a wrestling fan and I always got asked "hey, did you see what happened on the PPV or did you see what happened on RAW/Nitro?". Of course, I had, so that opened the conversations up for just about anything pro wrestling related.

And as I've gotten older[I'm 28 now], I've only grown to be more of a diehard fan of the WWE and TNA. Although I do my fair share of complaining about either product, it's only because I've seen how great wrestling has been before and hope it'll reach that level again. I've been to multiple RAW events[house shows and two live RAWs] and I've even been to 3 TNA Slammiversary PPVs and two house shows. There is nothing like experiencing wrestling/entertainment up close and personal. The energy in these live shows are just uncompareable to anything else and I enjoyed them[although there are parts of the shows that do drag on].

Overall, I guess I see myself as a guy that will always love wrestling[no matter what WWE wants to rename it]. I will continue to watch no matter how horrific it may be at various times. I'm still the same captivated fan of wrestling I was when I first started watching and probably will be until the day I die.
I was never a consistent fan. It was always one Raw a month and maybe a PPV a year. Even in the attitude era I would get into Raw for a couple of weeks and then punch out.

I'm also the type of fan of is fascinated with business side. I've watched Beyond the mat and Wrestling with shadows at least 10 times.
When I was in High School, everyone was a wrestling fan, giving each other Stunners in the halls, Rock Bottoms on the school field and flipping the bird and doing the "Just Bring It" hand action etc, but then most people just stopped watching.

It became really uncool to be a wrestling fan, and as I had kept on watching I usually denied being a fan or changing the subject when it was brought up. But now I am older, mid 20s, for the last few years I really don't care who knows. I have my DVD collection on show, I have a few good friends who love wrestling too and we talk about it, people at work know I like it and noone says anything.

Some people like their shows like The Only Way Is Essex or Geordie Shore, so how can they crticise wrestling??

I was even texting a girl I like last week, and when she asked what I was doing I said I was lay in bed watching Kurt Angle v Undertaker from No Way Out 06....she didn't say a single bad word. I fucked her the night after so being a wrestling fan doesn't affect my success with women. If they ever tease me I just tease them back about things they like and its all just banter.

I am proud to be a fan, a few of the lads call me "Naitch" or "Nature" as they know I am a big wrestling fan.
Honestly in the attitude era people I knew, well, adults with decent jobs I knew, were afraid to admit to be a wrestling fan. I don't think that's changed. I used to work at a mall. Kids and white trash adults with shitty jobs wore wrestling shirts all the time. You'd be hard pressed to find a doctor or lawyer at any point in time be a proud wrestling fan.

I am a proud wrestling fan because I can intelligently defend it. "It's fake" isn't really something I hear anymore. My favorite is "that's trash TV, they hit women and cuss on that show" then I say "well actually, they haven't been like that in over 5 years so...."

I hear a lot more "it's stupid trash TV" than "it's fake". It's fake is an easy argument to kill. Usually whoever says that ends up looking like the ******.
I don't know what I'd class myself as in all honesty I've been watching WWF/E since I was 5/6 (I'm 18 now) growing up in Primary school everyone loved it and we'd all be on field pretending we're Stone Cold, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, HHH, John Cena, Batista etc.

Then I went to secondary school and all over a sudden everyone had stopped being wrestling fans and it seemed like I was the only one who still watched it.

Whenever the subject of wrestling is fake was brought up I'd keep quiet and laugh to myself, seeing as yes it's scripted but it takes a lot of skill and timing to properly execute moves, but because of this I was influenced by those people and didn't watch RAW/SD! or any form of wrestling regular for a good while.

Anyway last summer my friend sent me a link to the "shoot-promo" and I totally digged it and I was looking forward to MITB, funny thing is that night I'd been out with a few friends and one was and still is a huge wrestling fan and a few of the guys had been making fun of him, I wasn't sure if I was going to stay up to watch it, and I got a text from the wrestling friend asking if I was watching MITB after a bit of persuasion I ended up watching it with him staying up into the early hours of the morning.

I enjoyed the whole PPV, and when the main event promo aired I could see my friend couldn't wait to see the outcome, then during the CM Punk chants just before his music hit I got caught up in the whole thing it just felt big time, this is why I hold that PPV and especially the Punk/Cena match in such high regard I see it as the night the wrestling fan inside me was re-born

Ever since then I've watched RAW every week (sometimes live, sometimes recorded and watched it later the next day, depending on college/work) I sometimes watch SD! but I tend to go out a lot on Friday nights, but I always watching iMpact on Sunday nights over here. And now I don't exactly grab everybody who walks past and tell them I'm a wrestling fan, but if I'm asked I have no shame in admitting I am, nor if wrestling is brought up am I afraid in getting involved in the conversation.

I've also watched and researched a lot of stuff I'd missed during the spell of 2008-2011 to catch-up on stuff I'd missed and the history behind certain wrestlers.

Sorry for boring you guys with the life story.
I'm 32 years old and past the phase in my life where I care what people think. I know my neighbors must think I'm crazy when I leave my building wearing two championship belts and my daughter has her Diva's belt when we go to shows at MSG. In high school, and even before that, no body I knew liked wrestling. I remember we had a substitute teacher in english class (10th grade 1996) and he didn't care what we did, so I popped in a VHS of In Your House: Beware Of Dog (that I just happened to have in my bag!) into the VCR. The class HATED what they were seeing! They kept making hateful comments about wrestling, I felt embarrassed. Nowadays I wear tee shirts in public, I don't care. I always get a reaction from young kids when I wear a CM Punk Tee shirt. Owen 3:16 is my favorite shirt. I had that one custom made... I talk about wrestling at work. Everyone who knows me, knows I'm a fan...I'm pretty out and about, about it.
I started watching wresling back in 5th grade I believe(which was in 06). My classmates would always tell me what happened at the PPV if I couldn't order it or try to spoil me on what would happen at SmackDown!. After a few years, people just seemed to grow out of it, while I stayed faithful to it. No harm, no foul. I'm a fan. They're not.

My main thing at my High School is that if you know me in any way, you know that I like wrestling. My daily wear consists of wrestling t-shirts, some of which my teachers like talking to me about and others that my friends like because of their witty/cool designs. Of course I get the occasional "You know it's fake, right?" or "Wow, You're gay for liking that." My usual response is simply "You don't get it." Friends I have that used to watch it still ask me "What show are you going to next?", or "What happened on Raw Monday Night?", or hell, they'll ask me ask me if I saw it after saying they watched it for the first time in awhile. I even got "YES!" chants from two students while in a Daniel Bryan shirt to the point where I did his side-skip down the hall, which left them in tears. THAT'S the kind of reaction I look for in people.

My room is full of wrestling memorabilia, whether it's my steel chairs I've gotten from sitting ringside at shows, or my closet overflowed with t-shirts and hats, or my posters all over my walls. It certainly suprises some people, but when they know me for awhile, it's not THAT suprising.

So, yeah. I proudly display my love of wrestling everywhere I go. If you like it, cool. If you don't, cool. I honestly couldn't care less.
Wrestling is my life. Wrestling was still pretty hot when I started watching around 9 years old, so it was acceptable. As I got older people would give me shit for it, that and my dreams of becoming a wrestler. I think it's one of the few things that followed me throughs school. I'm the wrestling kid. Sure there were plenty of fans in my school, but none were as open and attached to it like I was. Now at the age of 20, a few years removed from school, all the people who gave me shit think it's so cool I'm following my dreams. Probably because most of them have no idea what they're doing haha. Obviously training to be a wrestler and being heavily involved with the company that trained has me just SURROUNDED by wrestling people. At this point, if you DON'T watch wrestling.. you're the outcast over in my world :D
I've never been embarrassed to admit I like pro wrestling, but I do get really annoyed at the ignorance of some people and their immediately negative view of it. I think most of you will agree that the most commonly used statement by those who just don't get it is: how can you like something so fake?

This is the stupidest fucking statement, and I hear it on a weekly basis. My response used to be something along the lines of "well, it's not really 'fake' so much as it is scripted. They still have to take some bumps and..." etc etc. I tried to justify it for the longest time. Then I realized there was a better response: "Oh, you don't like it because it's fake? Please tell me more about how realistic Dexter and Lost are."

I've gone through varying levels of being a wrestling fan. When the industry is "on" I mark out like a little girl at Build-a-Bear workshop. When I get bored I tend to get frustrated; because it's a big part of my job I don't have the option of not watching it, or turning off the TV. I'm somewhere in the middle of still loving the exciting moments, and having seen too many terrible ones to still be a die-hard about everything.

My biggest passion is the film and television industries. The reason WWE is still so interesting to me has nothing to do with their in-ring product (most of the time). What the morons who say "this is stupid because it's fake" fail to realize is the amount of work that goes into it. "Well other TV shows manage to make good stories - why can't WWE?" Other shows have 9 months of off-season to write, film and edit their product. WWE comes up with anywhere between 7-10 hours of original content every single week of the year, with no off-season. I'm sure that if Vince McMahon took 3/4 of the year off, their product would be balls-to-the-walls amazing when it was on.

So I guess I'd say that I'm more of a fan of the behind-the-scenes stuff now. That's what fascinates me these days. WWE, and to an extent the wrestling industry, is hands down the most interesting blend of genres television has ever seen. It's like a traveling circus, if that circus was telling episodic stories and never took a break. It's just incredibly impressive... That's what keeps me going a lot of times when I get down on a bad story or they make a seemingly terrible creative decision. I can't even imagine how difficult it is for them to try planning things in the future, when they have 6 days to plan out the next week's show! And that's WHEN Vince McMahon lets the writers in on big angels more than a few weeks in advance. It's just a constant go-go-go industry that never sleeps, and that's why I'm a still a fan. I guess you could say I'm a fan of the technical side of the industry.
I'd never really thought about it before. But i'm a pretty open fan. Though at the same time i'm probly not as die-hard as some of the others here.

My interest in wrestling is pretty well known, and ill talk to most people about it if they want. I have a gang of guys in college and we get together, drink some beers and watch wrestling together so theres automatically a group I can shoot the shit with.

Then often theres people who when they hear about wrestling say that they used to watch it and they ask if its still any good, and i fill them in a little on whatevers going on. I talk about wrestling to my gf too, god bless her for pretending to be interested. Sometime she watches, she's a total mark, she hates the heels with a passion! She threw a shoe at the tv when d-bry was talking!

I guess we'v all come across the idea that some people think we dont know that professional wrestling isnt a legitimate competative sport. Duh. And othen i think the defence method is as important to the kind of fan you than anything else. PLaying it cool and agreeing, defending stoicaly etc. I like to break it down and explain whats good about it. To start, nothing else is real on tv either. Nothing of this calibre atleast.

Completely improvised physical theatre, good vs evil storytelling, performed LIVE each week. Some amalgam of those points would be my way to back up the reason i watch it. It is a niche between both theatre and sport, real action, real acting.

Alot of my freinds are into acting and etc, and i think ive built that towards them. It works to the extent that they get me, but they wont join in!

So yeah, not a closet fan by any means! Still have no t-shirts though!
First few years at my secondary school wrestling was all the rage. Subsequently we got to the age where if you openly admit to liking wrestling then you get accused of being gay. Then in college everyone liked wrestling again, ironically. I pretty much followed this flow, since peer pressure is a bitch, though I'd always keep up date with what was going on. Certainly now, more than ever, I'll choose to stay up until the small hours to catch a PPV when it's on Sky Sports.

Thing is, while virtually none of my friends have an interest in wrestling, both my parents and I are huge fans and we have been since I was a tot. At least once or twice a month we'll get together (usually after the pub) and sit down to watch Raw or Smackdown together. Neither of them read spoilers so it's fun to see their genuine surprise reactions to things. So they are the only people I feel I can properly chat wrestling with. I guess you could also measure my level of engagement by the fact that I joined an internet forum dedicated to wrestling this year.

That said, if it comes up in regular conversation, I won't shy away from it, and I will defend it if challenged. A frequent question I get from people is: "why do you watch it if you know it's fake?" To which I respond by tilting my head slightly to the side, giving them a condescending smile, and explaining how films, literature, theatre, television, video games and every other form of entertainment is similarly "fake".

I don't have any t-shirts though.
I will proudly admit I'm a wrestling fan, but I'm not running around spouting off catchphrases or filling my closet with wrestling shirts. I've been enjoying wrestling for 27 years. I watch it, I talk with friends who watch it, and I seek out forums like this to discuss it with other fans I wouldn't get to normally I talk with.

Good thread topic.

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