What is your Wrestling DVD/Tape Collection like???


Dark Match Winner
I know this is kind of a weird topics maybe but just wanted to know what everyones wrestling dvd/tape collection was like??? Now of course you dont have to listed everyone if you have a ton but just an idea. I myself have quite a bit/ I have virtually every WWF/WWE PPV same goes for WCW and ECW. I also have many Current WWE DVDs and old WWF Coliseum Videos. I'd say i have hundreds.I've been collecting a long time.

If you want to start collecting old vhs or dvds now it can be quite expensive through ebay or amazon. The reason is everything before 2002 is OOP (out of print) because of the WWF reference. Everything released now from 2002 and before in north america is bleeped for the F in WWF and for the WWF Scratch logo used from 1998-2002 it has to be blurred. But most are tapes and dvds are quite affordable. Some of the most expensive ones are the wwf scratch logo era dvds. If you have some of those you can make good money selling them. Also some rare ones are exclusives that were released only through the WWF catalog. They can fetch good money even for tapes today in 2011.

Also just to let anyone know if you have and want to sell and list some of these below on ebay..you could make some good money..

WCW Bash at the Beach 2000 - Extremely rare to come by with it's original box. This was one of the last WCW pay per views to ever have an official home video release from Turner / WB, and it's rumored that small quantities had only a very limited shelf life because of the Hogan / Russo incident on this show (resulting in a lawsuit from Hogan). All WCW VHS videos from 2000 are tough to come by (with New Blood Rising 2000, Fall Brawl 2000 and Great American Bash 2000 also being a little harder to come by than average), but Bash at the Beach 2000 is a true challenge to come into. And if you can find a WCW video from 2000 that is factory sealed, then you have come into a true rare gem.

WWF Factory Sealed Coliseum Videos - Be sure to look for a watermark on the sealed shrinkwrap reading "Coliseum Video" as this is proof positive that a video is in fact FACTORY SEALED. While it's true that there is the odd video out there that is a legit factory sealed VHS that will not have this, my advise is don't allow yourself to be fooled ever and trust only videos that show this Coliseum Video watermark in their auctions. That watermark is what gives the video its value anyways -- it's your "certificate of authenticity" of sorts! Some videos are more rare than others factory sealed, with many being common place on eBay for a long time. Try hunting down the one's that are not so common and you'll see that they command the big bucks. WCW and NWA factory sealed videos will also have a watermark on their shrinkwrap (either reading Turner Home Entertainment, WB or Warner Bros), and are even harder to come by! On 80's WWF original clamshell videos that were factory sealed will have a silver "A&H video" sticker sealing their clams in addition to shrinkwrap surrounding the clam itself (though the un-cut A&H silver foil sticker would the proof of it being brand new).

WWF In Your House Mind Games - This was only available to order in 1996 through WWF Magazine catalogue orders. A real tough one to find (note that the Coliseum Video version is the tough find I speak of, which comes in a yellow box -- there is a blue boxed Silvervision version (NTSC convert) floating around eBay which is very common).

WWF Mega Matches 1996 (Good Friends Better Enemies) - Another rare 1996 Coliseum video to find, produced in very small quantities.

WWF In Your House (Terminators or Lumberjacks) - These are both the same video released by Coliseum Video. It's believed that it was released in Canada only under the name "Terminators" and in the USA only under the name "Lumberjacks" making both versions scarce (Terminators seems to be the harder of the two to find though).

WWF In Your House A Cold Day in Hell - the Coliseum Video version of this tape is a super rare find! There were some WWF videos that were released in North America via Silvervision (WWF's UK manufacturer). The tape itself should read just like any other common WWF video - with text (always either yellow, white or gold) printed directly onto the tape itself (not onto any sticker / label). Finding IYH A Cold Day in Hell is challenging. Other Silvervision-produced Coliseum Videos (NTSC versions only) include IYH It's Time, Shawn Michaels (1995), Best of Raw Volume 1, Best of Raw Volume 2, and 1996 Year in Review, among others. Note that for all of these videos, they come in what appears to be a hard-cased rental clamshell, however these were the original boxes that they were released in (they did not come in standard Coliseum Video sleeves).

Other challenging videos to come by include:

WWF Best of Volume 13, 16 and Volume 20

WWF British Bulldogs

WWF Countdown to Summerslam '94

WWF Demolition

WWF Grudge Matches 1993

WWF Hart Foundation

WWF History of the Heavyweight Title

WWF Hulkamania 2 and 3

WWF Judgement Day 2002 - (same with it's original DVD -- also a tough find)

WWF Macho Man & Elizabeth

WWF Mega Matches 1995

WWF No Way Out 2000

WWF Rampage 1997 (Coliseum version of IYH Badd Blood '97)

WWF Rowdy Roddy Piper

WWF Strong Men

WWF Survivor Series 1989, 1990 and 1997

WWF Terminators 1996

WWF Tough Guys

WWF Ultimate Warrior (yellow-boxed version)

WWF Vengeance 2002

WWF Women of the WWF (1988)

WWF Wrestlefest 1988, 1993 and 1995

WWF Wrestling Classic (Wrestlevision)

WCW Battlebowl 1993

WCW Beach Blast 1992 and 1993

WCW Best of 1990's (2000 release purchased exclusively through WCW Magazine)

WCW Chi-Town Rumble 1989

WCW (NWA) Clash of the Champions (1 - 5)

WCW Fall Brawl 1994 and 1996

WCW Great American Bash 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1997

WCW Great American Bash 1990 alternative Sting cover

WCW Halloween Havoc 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1996

WCW Rumble in the Rising Sun 1991 (Japan Super Show)

WCW Slamboree 1997

WCW Spring Stampede 1997

WCW Starrcade 1985 (NWA The Gathering), 1991 (Battlebowl), 1992, 1996 and 1997

WCW Superbrawl 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1996

WCW Uncensored 1996 and 1997

WCW War Games 1991 and 1992

WCW World War 3 1996, 1997 and 1998

Heres a link to what some of the old tapes are worth if your interested.


Anyways the question is what is your wwe or any wrestling dvd or tape collections like? Whats your favorite dvd/vhs and whats the worst one you've picked up.

Mine are

Favorite - Ricky the Dragon Steamboat (1985 VHS) (Very old but Great collection of matches and segements)

Worst - WWF Brawl in the Family - 1995 VHS (Just terrible matches and Stan Lane on Commentary just made it worse)

Favorite PPV Wrestlemania 18 2 Disc set (great PPV)

Worst PPV ECW Decemeber to Dismember 2006 (Not worth picking up. Nothing noteable on the PPV) (Also showed by attendance 4,600 also had worst WWE PPV Buyrate ever 90,000 worldwide)
I have every single WCW, ECW, and WWF/E PPV. I have burned them all to dvd, however I do have a lot of old WWF stuff in the coliseum video boxes. I dont have a lot of the collection tapes or dvds. I have the original Terminators/Lumberjacks IYH Coliseum video tape. I would love to sell it, I have seen it on ebay for over $150.00. I even have the never released for obvious reasons Over The Edge 1999, and the raw the night after.
Man I dont have anything. but after reading your thread i might start one up. Thanks for the post. I will start with the making of mania. That one seems pretty good.
Very long list there...good one though

Mine isn't very long..not complete yet though either. I've just been recently purchasing PPVs that I remember I enjoyed a helluva lot when I was really into it, or one's that I can't believe I missed out on. So alot of these I technically don't physically have yet..but they're in the mail :)

WrestleMania X-Seven
Summerslam 2001
Unforgiven 2001
No Mercy 2001
Survivor Series 2001
Summerslam 2002 (Pretty much only for HHH vs HBK, and Rock vs Lesnar)
Survivor Series 2002 (For the Chamber match and the Three Way elimination tag match that will for some reason always stick in my mind, but overall still a great PPV)

Plus, some other collection DVDs
The Rise and Fall of WCW
Monday Night Wars
History of the WWE/World Heavyweight/Intercontinental Titles
Top 50 Superstars of the WWE
SmackDown! 10th Anniversary
Raw 15th Anniversary
Hell In A Cell
I got the deal TNA had a couple years ago...all 12 DVDs from 2006 & 2007 for something like 40 bucks for each year, it was a pretty cool deal. Also have the Best of X Division Vol. 1 & 2, Best of AJ, Samoa Joe & Daniels, 50 Greatest Moments and the most extreme matches, something like that. They were all from some pretty good deals.

I also have the ECW retrospective, along with the first One Night Stand dvd.

I have a handful of ROH dvd's...Ring of Homicide, Round Robin I & II, and a few other shows. I got them off of eBay from ROH...one of the DVDs was signed by Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley, neither of whom appeared in that particular show!

I have only one WWE dvd, a PPV from England in the mid-90's...Rebellion or something like that, it was a bargain bin purchase. I haven't found a lot of good deals on WWE dvds. I have WM2 & WM3 on video tape somewhere, and I had the WM with Hogan vs Rock on an old DVR, along with a few TNA shows from their Memphis days, never got the chance to transfer them to DVD.

Oh, and of course I have 5 Dollar Wrestling from Mr. Colt Cabana.
I mostly have DVDs with documentaries. I sold most of my collection a while ago. I rarely go back and watch matches unless I can really remember the storyline that goes along with the match. Plus when ever I really want to see something I just get it from Netflix.

-The Monday Night Wars
-Newest Chris Jericho DVD
-The Bobby Heenan DVD
-Hart & Soul
-The Bret Hart DVD
-50 Greatest Superstars of All Time
-Greatest Star of the 90s
-The Vince McMahon DVD
-Tough Enough Season 1
-Youshot: Dixie Carter
-50 Greatest Moments in TNA
-TNA Year One
-ROH DBD VII Night 1
-Shimmer Vol 1&2
-All of the TNA weekly Wednesday PPVs
-All the WCW Nitros and PPVs starting on May 27 to the end of 1996

I also have Coliseum Video release of WM 9 signed by Bret Hart and Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake. Greg Valentine also signed it, he was next to Beefcake and thought I wanted both of them to sign it. I wanted to have Shawn sign it when he as in town but I forgot about his signing and missed my chance. I think if I would have got it I would have thrown it on eBay while all this HOF hype is going on. I'm gonna be going off for the Air Force soon and really will have no place to put it for awhile.
I have every single WCW, ECW, and WWF/E PPV. I have burned them all to dvd, however I do have a lot of old WWF stuff in the coliseum video boxes. I dont have a lot of the collection tapes or dvds. I have the original Terminators/Lumberjacks IYH Coliseum video tape. I would love to sell it, I have seen it on ebay for over $150.00. I even have the never released for obvious reasons Over The Edge 1999, and the raw the night after.

Yeah man you can make some good money selling that tape.

Not sure if you saw the link from wwedvdnews.com but its on the rare tape list.

Um, I have 3. I actually collect sci-fi/horror films (over 1,000), but when it comes to wrestling, I don't feel the need to start a real collection. Here is what I have...

Top 50 Superstars of All Time
Raw "The Beginning": Best of Seasons 1 & 2 (LOVE this set!)
Road Warriors: The Life and Death of the Most Dominant Tag Team in Wrestling History (excellent documentary)

I'd love to own a few of the old VHS tapes, but if I spot one on eBay that I'm interested in, it's usually out of my price range. If anyone is willing to sell/trade the Demolition home video (I can't recall the title), send me a PM.
I got the deal TNA had a couple years ago...all 12 DVDs from 2006 & 2007 for something like 40 bucks for each year, it was a pretty cool deal. Also have the Best of X Division Vol. 1 & 2, Best of AJ, Samoa Joe & Daniels, 50 Greatest Moments and the most extreme matches, something like that. They were all from some pretty good deals.

I also have the ECW retrospective, along with the first One Night Stand dvd.

I have a handful of ROH dvd's...Ring of Homicide, Round Robin I & II, and a few other shows. I got them off of eBay from ROH...one of the DVDs was signed by Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley, neither of whom appeared in that particular show!

I have only one WWE dvd, a PPV from England in the mid-90's...Rebellion or something like that, it was a bargain bin purchase. I haven't found a lot of good deals on WWE dvds. I have WM2 & WM3 on video tape somewhere, and I had the WM with Hogan vs Rock on an old DVR, along with a few TNA shows from their Memphis days, never got the chance to transfer them to DVD.

Oh, and of course I have 5 Dollar Wrestling from Mr. Colt Cabana.

Yeah thats a good way to get PPVs when they sell them as a bundle at the end of the year. I know WWE did that a few years ago as well with there tagged classics but they weren't that cheap they went for about 13 bucks for 2 of them together.
My collection isn't that big.. but i'll list them anyway..

Not sure what all VHS i have, it's not many.. but since they're boxed up, i can't look at them right now..

VHS Tapes
WCW - nWo
WCW - Kevin Nash
WWF - Triple & Chyna


WWE - Bret Hart: Best There is, Was and Ever Will Be
WWE - Hart & Soul: The Hart Family Anthology
WWE - The New and Improved DX
WWE - Born to Controversy: The Roddy Piper Story
WWE - Jake The Snake Roberts: Pick Your Poison
WWE - McMahon
WWE - Hulk Hogan: The Ultimate Anthology
WWE - nWo: Back In Black
WWE - The Rise and Fall of ECW
WWE - Road Warriors: the Life and Death of the Team
WWE - The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment
WWE - The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWE - Trish Stratus: 100% Stratusfaction Guaranteed
TNA - Knocked Out
WEW - Volumes 1-4.. 5-8.. 9-12.. 13-16.. 17-20.. 21-24.. 25-28

and if this counts...

Chyna's Playboy DVD :)
I have every raw and smackdown from 2008, to bad i forgot to label them..Lets see

Triple H King of kings
Bret Hart
Ric Flair
Yeah I checked it out, but I don't think there is any place for me to sell it on there. I'd love to sell this plus I have some other stuff I wouldn't mind moving either.

Ok, Yeah no you'll have to list it on ebay.com or amazon.com .... Set it at buy it now price at whatever price you want to get fro it or start the auction at a certain price and see how high it can go.
My collection of DVDS are as followed
1.The Spectacular Legacy Of The AWA

2 The Rise And Fall Of WCW

3. The Triumph And Tragedy Of WCCW

4. Ric Flair And The Four Horsemen

5. Nature Boy Ric Flair The Definitive Collection

6. Starrcade The Essential Collection

7. The Greatest Wrestling Stars Of The 80's

8. The American Dream The Dusty Rhodes Story

9. Macho Madness The Randy Savage Ultimate Collection

10. Bret Hitman Hart

11. Hulk Hogan The Ultimate Anthology ( with a bonus 4th disc )

12. The History Of The WWE Championship

13. Summer Slam Anthology 1 and 2

14. The Anthology of The Survivor Series Vol 1

15. The New And Improved DX

16. Heart Break and Triumph The Shawn Michaels' Story

17. McMahon

18. Blood Bath Wrestling's Most Incredible Steel Cage Matches

19. ECW December To Dismember

20. ECW Extreme Rules

21.ECW Blood Sport The Most Violent Matches

22.ECW One Night Stand ( the 1st one )

23. Viva La Raza The Legacy Of Eddie Guerrero

24. Ladder Match

25. Hell In A Cell Three Disc Set

26. The Undertaker's Deadliest Matches

27. Undertaker 15-0

28. The Life And Times Of Mr. Perfect

29. WrestleMania XXIII

30 WrestleMania III
WrestleMania 19
WrestleMania 21
WrestleMania 22
WrestleMania 25
10th Anniversary of SmackDown
Both DX DVDs so far
ECW One Night Stand 2006
Both Eddie Guerrero DVDs
Breaking the Code: Behind the Walls of Chris Jericho
Decade of Decadence: Edge's DVD
Ladder Match DVD
Summerslam 2005
Summerslam 2006
Vengeance 2004
Vengeance 2005
Vengeance 2006
Vengeance 2007
History of the WWE Championship
Hardy Boyz DVD
TNA Best of X Division

Some others, but those are just off the top of my head.
Mines not overly large by any means.

Satans Prison-History of the Elimination Chamber
Hell In The Cell-Greatest hell in the cell matches of all time
Ladder Match
Chris Jericho's breaking the code, behind the walls
The legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock-Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
Hard Knocks- The Chris Benoit story
Tombstone-The History of the Undertaker
Edge-A Decade of Decadence
Mick Foleys Greatest hits and misses
John Morrison Rock Star
Blood Bath-Wrestlings most incredible Steel Cage matches
The History of the WWE,World and Intercontinental Championships
Wrestlemania 26
Wrestlemania 25
Wrestlemania 23
Wrestlemania 20
The complete Wrestlemania anthology
The Complete Royal Rumble Anthology
The Greatest superstars of Wrestlemania
Raw 15th anniversary
Smackdown 10th anniversary

That about covers it.
My WWE CD Collection consists of :
1. World Wrestling Entertainment Presents : Anthology
2. WWE : Originals

My WWE DVD Collection consists of:
1. McMahon
2. The History of the WWE Championship
3. The History of the World Heavyweight Championship
4. The Greatest Wrestling Stars of the ‘80s
5. WWE Greatest Stars of the 90s
6. The World’s Greatest Wrestling Managers
7. WrestleMania : The Anthology (WrestleMania to WrestleMania 21 version)
8. The Rise and Fall of WCW
9. Starrcade : The Essential Collection
10. Hollywood Hulk Hogan : Hulk Still Rules
11. Hulk Hogan : The Ultimate Anthology
12. The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection
13. The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin
14. The Rock : The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment
15. The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior
16. The Monday Night War
17. nWo : Back in Black
18. D-Generation X
19. The Rise and Fall of ECW
20. Blood Sport : ECW The Most Violent Matches
21. Blood Bath : Wrestling’s Most Incredible Steel Cage Matches
22. Invasion
23. SummerSlam 2001
24. Unforgiven 2001
25. No Mercy 2001
26. Rebellion 2001
27. Survivor Series 2001
28. Vengeance 2001
29. Royal Rumble 2002
30. No Way Out 2002
31. WrestleMania X8
32. WrestleMania XIX
33. WrestleMania XX
34. ECW : One Night Stand 2005
35. ECW : One Night Stand 2006
36. Vengeance : Night Of Champions 2007
37. Night Of Champions 2008
38. In Your House : D-Generation X 1997 : Stone Cold vs. The Rock

My TNA DVD Collection consists of:
1. Ultimate Matches
2. The Best of the X Division
3. Best of the X Division Vol. 2
4. Best of the Tag Teams Vol. 1
5. Second 2 None : World’s Toughest Tag Teams
6. Best of the Bloodiest Brawls Vol. 1
7. Best of the Bloodiest Brawls : Scars and Stitches
8. Kurt Angle : Champion
9. Victory Road 2007
10. Hard Justice 2007
11. No Surrender 2007

My Miscellaneous DVD Collection consists of:
1. Beyond the Mat

My Daughter’s DVD Collection consists of:
1. TNA : The Best of Jeff Hardy : Enigma
2. Royal Rumble 2008
3. Royal Rumble 2009

Question. Why haven’t the WWE released The Survivor Series Anthology, Vol. 3 (1997 – 2001) and Vol. 4 (2002 – 2006) yet?? Why haven’t they released a 20 disc Survivor Series Box Set yet?? Are they waiting till this year to come out with a 25 disc Box Set??

WWF Wresltmania 1-15 VHS Legacy Box Set
Best Of Wrestlemania
WWF Hardcore
The Rock Know Your Role
The Rock The People's Champ
The Rock Just Bring It
WWF Best Of Raw vol. 2
WWF Most Memorable Matches Of 2000
WWF Judgment Day 2000
WWF Royal Rumble 2002
WWF Best Of Raw vol. 3
WWE Bad Blood 2003
Beyond The Mat
Austin vs. McMahon
Jesse "the body" Ventura "the mouth, the myth, the legend"
Chris Jericho Break Down The Walls
Kurt Angle It's True It's True
Andre The Giant Larger Than Life
WWF Best of Survivor Series 1987-1997
WWF Superstars The Music Video
WWF Invasion 2001

WWE Royal Rumble 1988-2007 Anthology BoxSet
WWE WrestleMania 1-21 Leather BoxSet signed by Vince McMahon
No Way Out 2008
Royal Rumble 2008
Survivor Series 2007
Armageddon 2007
Backlash 2008
One Night Stand-Extreme Rules 2008
Royal Rumble 2009
No Way Out 2009
Wrestlemania 25th Anniversary 3 disc set
Holiday Tribute to the troops 2003/2004
Triple H King of kings/there is only one
viva la raza- the legacy of eddie guerrero
d generation x
the spectacular legacy of the awa
viva las divas of the wwe
$250,000 raw diva search
WWE the videos ramped up vol. 1
kane- journey to hell
best of wrestlemania 1-14
history of wrestlemania 1-9
the legacy of stone cold steve austin
bloodbath- wrestling's most incredible steel cage matches
the best of wwe confidential vol. 1
WWE the greatest hell in a cell matches of all time
divas- south of the border
brian pillman- loose cannon
the rise and fall of ECW
raw- tenth anniversary
20 years too soon- the superstar billy graham story
Jake the snake roberts- pick your poison
the ultimate ric flair collection
the best of raw- 15th anniversary
the best of smackdown- 10th anniversary
the history of the world heavyweight championship
the history of the wwe championship
the history of the wwe intercontinental championship
bret the hitman hart- the best there is,the best there was,the best there ever will be
hulk hogan- the ultimate anthology
hollywood hulk hogan-hulk still rules
tombstone- the history of the undertaker
undertaker- this is my yard
the greatest superstars of wrestlemania
heartbreak and triumph- the shawn michaels story
the new and improved DX
the world's greatest wrestling managers
road to glory
hardcore edition- mick foley's greatest hits and misses
ric flair and the 4 horsemen
hard knocks- the chris benoit story
born to controversy- the roddy piper story
john cena- word life
blood sport ecw- the most violent matches
wwf hardcore
trish stratus- 100 percent stratusfaction guaranteed
divas do new york
cheating death, stealing life- the eddie guerrero story
the best of the intercontinental championship
mick foley- hard knocks n cheap pops
undertaker- he buries them alive
andre the giant
shawn michaels- boyhood dream
rey mysterio- 619
grand masters of wrestling vol.1
grand masters of wrestling vol. 2
brock lesnar- here comes the pain
road warriors- the life and death of the most dominant tag team in wrestling history
triple h- the game
before they were wwe superstars 2
the american dream- the dusty rhodes story
the greatest wrestling stars of the 80's
rob van dam- one of a kind
the monday night war
the self destruction of the ultimate warrior
from the vault- shawn michaels
the loast episodes of the XWF
new years revolution 2005
royal rumble 2005
no way out 2005
wrestlemania 21
backlash 2005
judgment day 2005
ecw one night stand 2005
vengeance 2005
the great american bash 2005
summerslam 2005
unforgiven 2005
no mercy 2005
taboo tuesday 2005
survivor series 2005
armageddon 2005
royal rumble 2004
no way out 2004
hall of fame 2004 induction ceremony
wrestlemania 20
backlash 2004
judgment day 2004
bad blood 2004
great american bash 2004
summerslam 2004
vengeance 2004
unforgiven 2004
no mercy 2004
surivior series 2004
armageddon 2004
unforgiven 2006
judgment day 2006
no way out 2006
new years revolution 2006
hardcore homecoming- an extreme reunion
new years revolution 2005
backlash 2006
wrestlemania 22
vengeance 2006
cyber sunday 2007
royal rumble 2006
ecw one night stand 2006
the great american bash 2006
summerslam 2006
no mercy 2006
survivor series 2006
ecw december to dismember 2006
new years revolution 2007
royal rumble 2007
no way out 2007
wrestlemania 3- championship edition
taboo tuesday 2004
unforgiven 2007
wrestlemania 23
backlash 2007
summerslam 2007
no way out 2002
wrestlemania 16
king of the ring 2000
royal rumble 2001
wwf wrestlemania 17
unforgiven 2001
wrestlemania 18
backlash 2002
king of the ring 2002
global warning tour melbourne 2002
summerslam 2002
no mercy 2002
unforgiven 2002
rebellion 2002
survivor series 2002
armageddon 2002
royal rumble 2003
no way out 2003
wrestlemania 19
backlash 2003
judgment day 2003
bad blood 2003
vengeance 2003
summerslam 2003
unforgiven 2003
no mercy 2003
survivor series 2003
armageddon 2003
insurrextion 2003
wwe raw homecoming 2005
japw- jersey all pro wrestling
wwf raw owen hart tribute episode(cd-r)


wrestlemania 28
wrestlemania 27
wrestlemania 26
the true story of wrestlemania
elimination chamber 2011
royal rumble 2011
wrestlemania 24

What do you think this is all worth?
I thought I had a pretty large DVD collection until I saw the vast collections you guys have.

Beyond The Mat
Bret Hart- Wrestling With Shadows
The Hardy Boyz: From the backyard to the big time.
The Rise and Fall of WCW
The Rise and Fall of ECW
Brock Lesnar- Here Comes The Pain
Shawn Michaels: Heartbreak and Triumph
Bret Hart- The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be
The Rock: The Most Electrifying Man In Sports Entertainment
The Legacy Of Stone Cold Steve Austin
The History Of The World Heavyweight Title
Chris Jericho- Breaking The Code, Behind The Walls
Mick Foley- Greatest Hits and Misses- Hardcore Edition
Rob Van Dam- One Of A Kind
Eddie Guerrero- Cheating Death, Stealing Life
Nevermore- The Best of Raven
WWE RAW- The Best Of: 15 Year Anniversary
The Monday Night War
WWE Smackdown- The Best Of: 10 Year Anniversary
The Ladder Match
WWE Wrestlemania XX1V (Steelbook Edition)
Forever Hardcore: The Documentary
WWE Tagged Classics: King Of The Ring/Invasion 2001
WWE Tagged Classics: Judgement Day/Fully Loaded 2000
Christian Cage: The Instant Classic
TNA Genesis 2006
The History Of TNA: Year 1
ECW Hard Hits: Guilty As Charged Series
ECW Hard Hits: Heatwave Series
ECW Hard Hits: November To Remember Series
Wrestling Society X Season 1 Part 1

I have had quite a few others but traded them in, including the Road Warriors and Kurt Angle: Champion DVDs, The History Of The AWA, a few other ECW DVDs and others I can't remember

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