What is YOUR greatest ppv of all time.


Dark Match Winner
Basically what is your favourite ppv of all time, i will tell you mine(and you can have an opinion on that if you want), and then i wanna hear yours.

wcw spring stampede 99: this was just a awesome ppv, flat out awesome, this was an almost perfect ppv for me i will tell you why............

there was literally no segment/interviews, or even backstage skit, it was just match, a 30 second promo. then a match, perfect,.

juventud vs blitzkreig: one of the best matches i have seen

benoit/ malenko vs saturn and raven: as fine as tag match as i have seen

rey jr vs kidman crusierweight title: another great match overshadowed by juvi blitzkreig earlier, this was when rey was just awesome

goldberg vs kevin nash rematch: short but sweet match with goldberg gaining revenge his defeat at starcade

4 way match for wcw title sting vs ddp vs hogan vs flair macho man special referee: very entertaining main event with all 4 men in there prime, sting had just returned as did savage, this was one of the last appearences of the ''nwo hollywood'' hogan gimmick until 2002 in wwe, and ddp won his first world title.

with the exception of scotty riggs vs mikey whipwreck, all the other matches not mentioned were solid also.

wrestlemania 17: self explanitory, benoit vs angle, tlc 2, taker vs triple h, and austin vs rock, were all matches of the year candidates, austin, heel turn, father vs son in shane vs vince the street fight, legends battle royal, entertaining hardcore 3 way between kane, big show, and raven.

this was just a flat out awesome ppv.

tna turning point 2008: this is a more recent one, but still awesome.

abyss vs kurt angle hardcore match was just phenomenal
mcmg vs beer money for the tag straps was another awesome tag match samoa joe vs nash was just a awesome brawl
the x division invitational at the start of the ppv was fun
booker t vs christian for the legends/global title was a solid encounter, which also marked christian's final match in tna.
sting vs aj styles for the tna title was a very good main event.

another tremendous ppv, well you can comment on my picks, but i really wanna hear about your ones.
I can tell you right now that you're probably going to be flooded with WrestleMania X7 answers. It's a great choice and very close to being my choice, but I think I'm going with WrestleMania XIX. This was an underrated ppv. Safeco Field looked awesome for mania. HBK made his first mania appearance in five years and put on a clinic with Chris Jericho. Match of the decade in my opinion. There was the drama of Hogan vs. Vince made better by a surprise appearance by Roddy Piper. We had Austin vs. the Rock in Austin's last match. He didn't even announce it was his last. He is one of the few wrestlers to actually retire. He hasn't wrestled since. Plus he was rushed to the hospital the night before and almost didn't make the match. Then there was the classic main event between Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. Angle risked his career by competing in this match because of his neck injury. I was very nervous for him while watching it. He somehow put on a great match despite the injury. Ironically it was Lesnar who ended up injuring his own neck at the end. The great action, cool venue, and the drama both storyline and behind the scenes makes WM19 my favorite.
Wrestlemania XX. It was the first PPV I ever watched and essentially what fully got me into wrestling. I originally ordered the PPV solely to see Lesnar vs Goldberg and a returning Taker vs Kane (These four were the only wrestlers I knew at the time). Cena impressed me straight up by FU'ing the Big Show (something which is nothing now but back then). Then Christian and Jericho wrestled a great match. Evolution vs Rock n Sock connection was great (in which was The Rock's last match). Goldberg vs Lesnar sucked and it showed, I learnt about the New York crowd that night. We got another great match out of Eddie and Angle. Takers return as the deadman and finally the Triple Threat and the show closing with Eddie and Benoit in the ring together. Even to this day I rewatch WM20 occasionly as it will always be my favourite PPV of all time.
Your topic question shouldn't be What is YOUR greatest ppv of all time. I doubt anyone here has a wrestling business and has had it aired on ppv, but hey it could happen.

As for my favorite ppv of all time goes, however, I gotta admit Wrestlemania XX was by far the greatest card I ever witnessed. Hell the Main Events were what urged me to buy the thing on television:

Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Championship

Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H for the World Championship

I was a really big Guerrero mark back in the day, and I honestly thought the match itself was underrated especially in today's wrestling. And as for longtime friends Benoit and Guerrero hugging, both titles in their hands, it was definitely a mark out moment.

Not to mention other spotlight-stealers like:

Christian vs. Chris Jericho
Evolution vs. Rock N' Sock Connection
Return of Taker

Bar none the best show I have ever seen, even with the ehhh match that was meant to be golden- Goldberg vs. Lesnar w/ Special Guest Referee Stone Cold

Madison Square Garden features the best in WWE talent, that's a bonus.
This is a tough question. I remember Wrestlemania 10 where Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart started the match, and had Razor vs. HBK in the ladder match. Then to have Bret come back to win the world title against Yokuzana. That was a fun pay-per-view when I was a kid.

Wrestlemania X7 of course is going to hit the list. This was just awesome. Every match on the card was great. The segments were quick and easy, and moved very well. The main event was amazing, it had one of the greatest finishes and swerves in my view point.

Of course I go back to another wrestlemania, Wrestlemania 21, Cena and Batistia's first title reign. The surprise return of Hulk Hogan. The first Money in the bank. Just a lot of fun.

Summerslam 92. Warrior vs. Macho Man, Taker putting that goofy gimmick in a casket. Bret vs. The British Bulldog. That was a very awesome main event.
Great match.

King of the Ring 98. Mick Foley getting thrown off the hell in a cell. One of the best matches in the attitude era. Austin getting cut open, Shamrock making the Rock tap out for the King of the Ring tourney. Really groundbreaking.

Jeez, why such a hard question?
I don't know what you mean by my greatest, but I do know what my favorite is. This event I almost watched every single day when I was a kid. The event is Survivor Series 1990. Outside of the Gooker and Slaughter's three hour long interview, the entire thing kept my attention glued to the monitor.
The first King of the Ring. Great promos by the competitors, both before and during the PPV. Although I did find it odd that Mr. Perfect had such a problem beating Doink the Clown to qualify...regardless, it felt like a real tournament. Each match had its own flow. Bret wrestling three solid matches in one night with Razor, Mr. Perfect and Bam Bam...Well done. And Jerry the King attacking Bret after made me mad. Made me want to see more. I think I started watching WWF/WWE regularly after that PPV.

And yes, WM20 has to be on there too. Each match was unique and kept me interested. Eddie and Benoit at the end in Madison Square Garden with the confetti was a special moment. It was constructed as such, but it really felt like it. They earned those wins, and they earned that moment. Great ending scene.
WrestleMania 15! Firstly because it was the first WWF PPV I watched properly. Secondly because every match interested me. Austin vs The Rock was at the absolute peak of the feud, other matches concerning DX, The Corporation and The Ministry of Darkness were all perfectly interlinked. Even X-Pac vs Shane McMahon kept my attention! Hell, Sable vs Tori kept me watching!

Highlights of the PPV:

1) Triple H turning heal on X-Pac and beginning the "Game" gimmick.
2) Undertaker hanging Bossman from the cell. The match was not particularly great, however that ending just typified what the Undertaker and the Ministry was all about at the time. Also the build up for the match was so good, remember the burning teddy bear?....
3) Bart Gunn getting absolutely smoked by Butterbean, what a punch!!
4) Goldust and The Blue Meanie lol!

I purchased this on DVD from shopzone, worth every penny.

Royal Rumble 2000 comes a close second, Triple H and Cactus Jack tore the house down!
best pay per view i ever saw was Survivor Series 98 Deadly games for a few reasons...when shane mcmahon gave austin the finger before counting 3 and the look on stone colds face was priceless...plus the whole rock turning heel thing...no one saw that coming...
I have a couple of pay-per-views. Here is my list of favorites:

1. WrestleMania 21
- Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio
Amazing match, but I knew that this match was going to be good from the beginning and thats why I liked how it was the opener to make people stay in their seats from start to finish.

Key Moments:
1. Mysterio doing a corkscrew over the ropes onto the outside onto Guerrero.

2. Guerrero Delivering a nasty powerbomb after reversing the West Coast Pop.

- First Ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match
It's the first ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match and we didn't know what to expect when you have guys like Shelton Benjamin, Edge, Christian, Chris Jericho, etc. This is the match that changed Edge's career and ever since then it has made the winners into main eventers.

Key Moments:
1. Shelton Benjamin runs up ladder and clotheslines Chris Jericho off the top of the ladder.

2. Shelton Benjamin t-bone suplexing Edge off the top of the ladder.

3. Chris Benoit German suplexing Chris Jericho with the ladder in Jericho's hands.

- Legend vs Legend Killer Match - Undertaker vs Randy Orton
What can I say about this match. Awesome. Great. Fantastic. Any good word can be put into this match because Randy Orton needed to face someone of high caliber like the Undertaker to launch his career.

Key Moments:
1. Orton reversing the chokeslam into an RKO.

2. Bob Orton coming in and hitting Undertaker with his cast.

- Women's Championship Match - Trish Stratus (c) vs Christy Hemme
This match was good for one reason and if you look at the end of this match when Trish is pinning Christy's you can see something that I will mention in the Key Moments.

Key Moments:
1. You see Christy's pussy at the end for 10 seconds and I know that because I counted. lol.

- Inter-Promotional Match - Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels
Match of the Year for 2005 and I can watch this match over and over again and not get tired of it because this match is one of the best WrestleMania matches ever next to Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. Kurt Angle is in my books the best wrestler ever to lace up a pair of boots along with Shawn Michaels.

Key Moments:
1. Michaels getting his back hit into the ring post outside by Angle.

2. Michaels moonsaulting Angle who was laying on the Raw Announce Table.

3. Angle missing his moonsault.

4. Angles yelling at Michaels to just tap out and then Michaels hitting Angle out of no where with Sweet Chin Music.

- Sumo Match - Big Show vs Akebono
I thought this match was funny because Big Show is a really funny guy to me and thats why I like Big Show.

Key Moments:
1. Big Show getting thrown outside of the circle.

- WWE Championship Match - John "Bradshaw" Layfield (c) vs John Cena
This match I really liked because Layfield and Cena I liked the feud and I thought they should of kept going with this for another month after there "I Quit match", but we didn't get anything until 2009.

Key Moments:
1. Cena ducking the Clothesline from Hell and delivering a F-U, I mean an Attitude Adjustment to win the title.

- World Heavyweight Championship Match - Triple H (c) vs Batista
Now, I am not a fan of Batista or Triple H, but this match wasn't bad. Not really any key moments from this match either.

2. WrestleMania 22
- Tag Team Championship Match - Kane and Big Show (c) vs Carlito and Chris Masters
Great opener, I was really hoping Carlito and Chris Masters would win this one because I think Chris Masters was actually good.

- Second Ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match
It's the second one ever and we knew what to expect, but this time you had older guys like Ric Flair and Fit Finlay. But you also had Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, and Rob Van Dam.

- United States Championship Match - Chris Benoit (c) vs John "Bradshaw"

Very technical match and I think JBL deserved to win it and I also think Benoit should have been pushed to the main event level, but no nothing happened.

- Hardcore Match - Edge vs Mick Foley
Oh man, match of the night here and Edge is clearly a talented wrestler and this match proved to me that Edge can wrestle with the big dogs like Mick Foley and John Cena and Randy Orton and The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels.

- Handicap Match - Booker T and Sharmell vs Boogeyman
This was the only disappointing match, but you have Boogeyman in the match, I think Boogeyman is the only man who can have a bad match with the Undertaker or Shawn Michaels and I said something down below about how the Undertaker could have a good match with anyone. But the segment before this match was gold.

- Women's Championship Match - Trish Stratus (c) vs Mickie James
A couple of botches in the match, but I liked when Mickie James grabbed Trish Stratus crotch. lol. Good match though

- Casket Match - Undertaker vs Mark Henry
Undertaker's specialty match, a casket match. Very good, I was amazed when Undertaker gave Mark Henry a powerbomb.

- No Holds Barred Match - Shawn Michaels vs Mr. McMahon
The start of the return of DX and some good moments in this match. The ending was funny with Vince giving the finger. But the Sweet Chin Music at the end was sick.

- Triple Threat World Heavyweight Championship Match - Kurt Angle (c)vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio
Funny match, I mean Mysterio kind of acted like a heel at one point and it was funny. Angle and Orton wrestling was good. Glad Mysterio won, but it was good.

- Playboy Pillow Fight Match - Torrie Wilson vs Candice Michelle
Really, wasn't expecting anything from this match except 2 women running around in their underwear and stockings and I was not disappointed. I actually watch this match 5 times a days. lol.

- WWE Championship Match - John Cena (c) vs Triple H
Was really good, first time you saw CM Punk and the first time these 2 squared off as well against each other. I liked it, but I wouldn't have gone with the ending though.

3. No Mercy 2001
- WCW Tag Team Championship Match - Hardy Boyz (c) vs Hurricane Helms and Lance Storm
This match had 4 amazing wrestlers with Matt and Jeff Hardy, Hurricane Helms, and Lance Storm. Match had alot of high flying and great action and I was not disappointed.

- Kane vs Test
Kane is actually a good wrestler and so is Test, but I wasn't expecting a technical or high flying match in this one, but a brawl more and I was right.

- 1st Ever Lingerie Match - Stacy Keibler vs Torrie Wilson
This match to me wasn't about if they could wrestle or not, but to just see them run around in their lingerie was the highlight of the match. lol.

- Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match - Christian (c) vs Edge
If they can have good matches as a team, they could have a better match as opponents and in the match they made famous with the Hardy Boyz as well.

- WWF Tag Team Championship Match - Dudley Boyz (c) vs Big Show and Tajiri
I am not a fan of the Dudleyz, but a fan of Tajiri's and I like any match he is in no matter if the other wrestler I think is stupid.

- Undertaker vs Booker T
Undertaker is the one superstar that can't have a bad match, but he isn't the only one. But his match with Booker T was good. Loved it because I think Booker T is very talented.

- WCW Championship Match - The Rock (c) vs Chris Jericho
The Rock and Chris Jericho are two of the best athletes ever to step in the ring and they both have the best mic skills ever.

- Triple Threat WWF Championship Match - Stone Cold (c) vs Rob Van Dam vs Kurt Angle
I loved how Rob Van Dam was in the main event of the match with Kurt Angle and Stone Cold. A week or 2 prior before this match, Angle had a match with RVD and it was one of RVDS best matches ever.
Barely Legal

ECW put on PPV's which contained better matches, but Barely Legal will always be the greatest. Barely Legal was ECW's first PPV which Paul Heyman had to grovel to anyone who would listen just to get it on the air. At the time, ECW was creating a huge buzz across the country but it was still a regional promotion. Barely Legal gave them a national platform which made them the #3 promotion in the wrestling business.

This particular PPV saw the climax of 2 very heated fueds: Shane Douglas v. Pitbull #2 and Taz v. Sabu. And of course, Barely Legal saw a 50+ Terry Funk capture the ECW champion from Raven. The card was solid from start to finish and the energy from the crowd came through the TV.
SummerSlam 2002

This was a great PPV. Overall, it was great. The only match that I didn't think was average was Test vs. Undertaker and that was still better than expected. Angle vs. Mysterio was a great way to open the show and was a very entertaining start. Ric Flair vs. Chris Jericho was a smart, enjoyable and very fun match. The finish was well executed. Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero was the start of that great series of matches they had. This wasn't their best but was close to it. They pulled out all the stops and put on one hell of a contest. The tag Title Match was solid (if not forgettable). RVD vs. Chris Benoit is a cracker. These two worked well together and they really tore the house down with that match. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H. You would never have known this was Shawn's first match back after 4 Years. It's an instant classic and really a phenomenal fight. And lastly, The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar. The build up was brilliant and the match was very good. The right person went over and the crowd loved it. That's why SummerSlam 2002 is my favourite PPV of all time.

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