What is your favorite triple threat match?


American made.
I've been pondering this for awhile now. There have been some great triple threat matches. Triple h vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit at WrestleMania 20 For the World Heavyweight Championship. Which was a great match between all three men. There were some great spots through out the match. I won't forget Shawn about to tap and Hunter grabbed his hand to stop him from tapping. With the match ending with Benoit making Triple H tap out for the victory. You had a great moment at the end of the match with Eddie and Chris in the ring to end the show.

You had the triple threat match from WrestleMania 22 with Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio for the World Heavyweight Championship. This match was one of the shortest triple threat matches that I've seen, but was amazing. This match latest a little over nine minutes. Even with that short of time you had a great match that had something happening every second of the match. Which end with Rey having the feel good moment of Mania when he won the title. (Which if I'm not mistaken was suppose to be Eddie against Batista originally.)

My favorite triple threat match though is from Vengence 2002 for the WWE Undisputed Championship. Between The Rock, Kurt Angle, and The Undertaker. This in my opinion one of the best triple threat matches. Each man worked their asses off in this match. Were you saw each man give the other his finisher. This though was more of brawl at time when the match moved outside the ring. The match had a great finish right as it look like Angle was in control Rock hit the Rock Bottom for the 1-2-3.

Here it is if you've never seen it.




What are some of you guy's favorite Triple Threat matches? And what match do you consider to be the best?
i agree with the rock vs kurt angle vs taker match...another triple threat match i liked was the TLC match from Summerslam 2000 between Edge & Christian, the Dudley Boys and the Hardy Boys. I get goosebumps every time i watch that match and see Bubba Ray go through the 4 tables
I wish that the match between Stone Cold, The Rock, and Triple H would have taken place, but that match was ruined with Stone Cold getting hurt, huge disappointment and they never did the match after he came back. It would of been the match of the century if it did happen. dont forget the triple threat match between HHH, The Rock, and Brock Lesnar, That was a good match
Raven vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Chris Benoit for the United States Championship @ Uncensored 1998.

Man... this entire feud was great. Every match/promo/segment delivered, and basically... it involved three of my favorite wrestlers of all time. All three are just talented beyond belief, but in such different ways. I mean, all the styles between the three couldn't have been any more opposite, and the fact that they were all able to mesh so well together just blows my mind.

But anyway, the match at Uncensored was the climax of the feud between the three (though Raven/DDP would continue after), and man did they put on a fucking show. The match was wild as all hell. The finish was awesome too, even though the table didn't break when DDP tried to Diamond Cut Raven from the top rope through it, lol. Awesome spot nonetheless. And there was just crazy awesomeness like that all throughout the match. If any of you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you check it out. Fun ass match, which is the point of matches like Triple Threats, if you ask me.
Sabu vs. Terry Funk vs. Shane Douglas. This match took place in ECW at The Night the Line was Crossed. It ended in a 1 hour time limit draw. Something about time limit draws just sucks me in (assuming the match was put together well and this one was). These 3 men all wrestled different styles which complimented each other so well. This match was very instrumental in putting ECW on everyone's radar in the wrestling world. It was full of intensity and passion. The participants worked their asses off and it makes me after having watched it. Great match.
Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles at Unbreakable 2005. I'm not a huge TNA fan, and I think Samoa Joe is quite shit actually, but this match is probably the best example I can think of where it is actually a three way match as opposed to two people going at it. I watched it years after the event, but I still had no idea who was going to win and the whole thing was just action throughout. It is a shame that Samoa Joe and Daniels went pretty stale after this, because if they were still capable of this, they'd be a worthy aternative to the MEM. As it is, Scott Steiner is more useful to them.
That an easy one . I will say Joe vs AJ vs Daniels best matches and story lines I have ever seen , This is what the x-division needs to be , But hey politics is a bitch they want the x title to look secondary just so the World title seem more important . But that is another story which I will have a post in the near future about it .
My personal favourite was Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 2000 for the intercontinental and european titles with the first fall for the IC title and the second fall for the european title. I like the way the match was booked even though the build up and feud weren't the best.

It was simple. Kurt Angle; the brash, arrogant double champion pitted against two of the best talents in the mid card with both his titles on the line by his mentor, Bob Backland. I remember when Angle was told about the match and he put Backland in his own move, the cross face chicken wing, and i was booing like mad!

The match itself was great. Fast paced, multiple pin attempts, high spots... all the things we grew to expect from these three. The most important bit was that Angle was never pinned and lost both his titles, with Jericho and Benoit exchanging pinfalls with each other.

I think this triple threat was a lot better than the fatal four way in the main event and i think it went a long way to pushing these men in the main event. Kurt Angle went on to win the WWF title roughly 6 months after this match.
I personally really enjoyed the triple threat at Summerslam '99, featuring Austin v Foley v HHH with Ventura as the guest ref.

It featured a wild and hungry HHH, yearning for his first title reign, after finally vanquishing the Rock for the #1 contenders spot, and having lost that spot to Chyna of all people, who then went and lost it to a returning Foley, as well as havin the TExas Rattlesnake who just wanted a good hard fight.

Jesse played the ref role extremely well, refusing to count the fall after HHH used a steel chair, and then blasting Shane-O for getting in the ring and in his face.

Overall it was an enjoyable match with no dull moments. HHH's chair shots, HHH and Foley working together at one point to take out the Rattlesnake. Hell, Foley even pulled off a cannonball dive off the ring apron!

The finish came after HHH hit Austin with the Pedigree, and as he was going for the pin, Foley blasted him from behind, hit Austin with a Double Arm DDt and got the pin for his 3rd World title. Afterwards, HHH let out his frustration on Austin by viciously attacking Austin's leg (which he'd already attacked once during the match) with a steel chair, and the following night on Raw, Shane and HHH screwed Foely out of the title and the Game was born.

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