What is your favorite monster movie?

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
basically any movie that features a monster and a body count.

Can range from giant monsters (like gozilla godzilla or Rodan) to average sized legends (wolfman, dracula....etc).

I know the obvious answer is king kong (1933) but I will pick a more obscure film:


Its so bad it's good. You cant make anything that absurd looking by mistake:lmao:. An anti-matter bird that comes from space to nest, thats hilariuos. I love it because as much as i am CRAZY for godzilla and king kong this tops it un terms of size and power.

as hamler would say THAT SHIT CRAZY!

Which monster film is your favorite? Why?
I am a huge fan of horror movies especially ones which include "monsters". I have never heard of the movie you mentioned but will now check it out.

My favourite monster movies are Evil Dead 1 and 2 (love three but for totally different reasons).

Night of the living dead, Dawn and Day of the dead. The Return of the Living Dead series..if you count Zombies/undead as monsters.

Hellraiser 1,2 and 3.

As for my favourite movies with a big monsters in (wont include Jurrasic Park because Dinosaurs are not really monsters).. I really love the classics such as Clash of The Titans, Sinbad and just about any movie with a Ray Harryhausen monster in.
I got bored so i decided to post my second favorite monster movie of all time. As I stated earlier I am a huge godzilla fan so this is my favorite entry in this long running series.


Yeah I can't understand anything they say other than GOJIRA and DESETROYAH. regardless this movie managed to keep me interested immedaitley after the borefest that was Godzilla vs Spacegodzilla (1994). The meltdown in the end is what I beleive to be the best moment in all of the Godzilla series.
Michael Myers, Freddy, Jason, Chucky, Pumpkinhead, and the other major villainous type. Don't like the giant monsters or the too generic vampires and werewolves. No real unique character most of the time.
I believe for me the monster that has stuck with me the most is quite simple. It's a monster the quite simply could of taken over most of the world. When I say most, it's because of his Achilles heel.

My favorite monster ever would have to be the Blob.

It's simple, it has one goal. That is to keep growing. It's major downfall is that of the cold, it's a monster none the less. But in thinking of monsters, what are their main goals? One of them would have to be to end humanity. That's what it seems like this ones would be. But unless the polar regions or colder regions of the world were heated up to say 50 degrees or more, he would almost always fail.

Say the blob were to actually destroy an entire country, what does he do after that? He has nothing more to do. He starts in the Us, lets say that. Takes over all of north and south America. Sure he doesn’t need air to breathe. But that's where his fault comes into play, the deeper water you get into the colder it is. I'm not sure how deep sea pressure would affect him. Maybe he could survive that type of cold.

But I just rambled for no reason.
I believe for me the monster that has stuck with me the most is quite simple. It's a monster the quite simply could of taken over most of the world. When I say most, it's because of his Achilles heel.

My favorite monster ever would have to be the Blob.

It's simple, it has one goal. That is to keep growing. It's major downfall is that of the cold, it's a monster none the less. But in thinking of monsters, what are their main goals? One of them would have to be to end humanity. That's what it seems like this ones would be. But unless the polar regions or colder regions of the world were heated up to say 50 degrees or more, he would almost always fail.

Say the blob were to actually destroy an entire country, what does he do after that? He has nothing more to do. He starts in the Us, lets say that. Takes o
ver all of north and south America. Sure he doesn’t need air to breathe. But that's where his fault comes into play, the deeper water you get into the colder it is. I'm not sure how deep sea pressure would affect him. Maybe he could survive that type of cold.

But I just rambled for no reason.

How could I forget the blob.

I saw this guy to the blob-fest and it was awesome. They actually show you real blob and really enact the theater scene from the original movie.

If I had to choose a non-giant monster I would pick Frankenstein's monster! It is a common misconception that the monster is named Frankenstein when he has never been given a name. I once saw this version by some.non universal company that showed an actually creepy rather than goofy looking Frankenstein. I have never seen it again since I don't know the name of the title. Every other movie I have seen of the monster usually is goood. I need to refresh my memory and remember some more obscure monsters.
This is the easiest choice on anything in my life, my favorite monster movie of all time goes to Stephen King's IT. This movie scared the living shit out of me when I first saw it as a little dude back in the day, the fact that the monster primarily takes the form of a clown(which I hate) and can also take form of your worst fears had stuck with nightmares for weeks. Now that I'm older my view of it has changed drastically, from being scared shitless to it becoming one of my favorite 90's horror movies that I can just laugh at now. Without a doubt one of the best monster movies ever and if you haven't seen it then I require you to do so, you will like it.


no but really, I my favorite has to be the original Evil Dead. those zombies are fucking freaky looking and the pencil part (anyone who saw the movie knows the part) is absolutely brutal. That is one of my favorite movies ever. Unfortunately I can't say the same about the sequels... not that I completely hated them but the beginning of the second one completely mindfucked me (if someone will explain to me why the fuck bruce campbell is going back to that cabin, like nothing ever happened there, that would be great) and just kind of ruined the series for me from that point on.
This is the easiest choice on anything in my life, my favorite monster movie of all time goes to Stephen King's IT. This movie scared the living shit out of me when I first saw it as a little dude back in the day, the fact that the monster primarily takes the form of a clown(which I hate) and can also take form of your worst fears had stuck with nightmares for weeks. Now that I'm older my view of it has changed drastically, from being scared shitless to it becoming one of my favorite 90's horror movies that I can just laugh at now. Without a doubt one of the best monster movies ever and if you haven't seen it then I require you to do so, you will like it.


I first saw this movie when I was very little. I was flipping channels and I come across the scene were (one of the kids can't remember his name) is taking a shower and the showers start stretching out then Pennywise( the name of the clown) pops his head through the drain and scares the shit out of the kid. For weeks after that I would stay away from the cover of the DVD whenever my parents took me to blockbuster. However I re watched it and like everything except the ending which i find to be disappointing considering I wanted to see the clown get his ass kicked in clown form .

Last year I was begging my uncle to let me watch the Dracula movie that he showed us when me and my brother where little kids. I had always thought it was the 1970 Version but it tuned out to be a hammer film. The satanic rites of Dracula! One of the best films I had ever seen featuring a monster like Count Dracula.


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